12 research outputs found

    The curriculum reform of CAD graphic design for combining theory and practice

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    As a tool course, CAD graphic design in engineering is assisting other professional courses to achieve professional training goals. According to the characteristics and existing problems of CAD graphic design, this paper puts forward some constructive measures to connect the course with practice application and improve the students’ learning enthusiasm. The proposed measures include: teaching method combining theory with practice, teaching mode containing "teaching" and "learning" content, the matched evaluation mechanism guiding correctly students to learn

    Systematic review: Factors influencing creativity in the design discipline and assessment criteria

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    Using psychological instrument to measure creativity is getting popular in design research. However, unlike quantifying general creativity using divergent thinking, the complexity and interdisciplinarity of the design discipline have made it difficult to explore research on design creativity. Therefore, to better quantify and measure design creativity, 31 relevant studies were retrieved by Google Scholar and the University of London Common Research in this article. This study summarizes the factors that influence design creativity in different design disciplines, the rules for setting the internal dimensions, and the valid instruments for measuring design creativity. The factors affecting design creativity can be divided into internal factors (aesthetic, spatial ability, and ambiguity tolerance) and external factors (environment and visual stimulation). Among these factors, different instruments and evaluation criteria considerably impact the result, while the measurement of design creativity is still not mature enough. A single scale evaluation or creative task evaluation cannot comprehensively evaluate the design creativity, which consists of aesthetic, functional, and technical aspects. In addition, the reference value of ordinary creativity remains to be further discussed in design. Under some professional design fields, the effect of widely recognized factors closely related to creativity, such as divergent thinking, imagination, and personality, is insignificant

    Current state of 3D modeling and creativity in primary schools in the Czech republic and in the world

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    Článek si klade za cíl zmapovat aktuální situaci vztahu 3D modelování a tvořivosti a zaměřuje se na možnost rozvoje tvořivosti pomocí onoho 3D modelování. Shrnuje poznatky v tomto směr, jak v rámci České republiky, tak zbytku světa. 3D modelování pomalu, ale jistě proniká do osnov základních škol a jeví se jako poměrně dobrý a moderní prostředek výuky technických předmětů, který může rozvíjet tvořivost žáků. Jsou zde konfrontovány jednotlivá zjištění ohledně 3D modelování a tvořivosti, která jsou zatím odbornou veřejností vnímána. Samotné téma tvořivosti není v odborné literatuře jednoznačně vymezeno, pravděpodobně proto, že tvořivost se prolíná napříč všemi obory, nicméně tvořivost jako taková je probádána poměrně důkladně.The article aims to map the current situation of the relationship between 3D modeling and creativity and focuses on the possibility of developing creativity using that 3D modeling. It summarizes the knowledge in this direction, both within the Czech Republic and the rest of the world. 3D modeling is slowly but surely penetrating the curriculum of primary schools and appears to be a relatively good and modern means of teaching technical subjects that can develop the creativity of pupils. Individual findings regarding 3D modeling and creativity, which are still perceived by the professional public, are confronted here. The topic of creativity itself is not clearly defined in the professional literature, probably because creativity intertwines across all disciplines, but creativity as such is explored relatively thoroughly

    Computational-based Generative Design Exploration, Multi-Agent System as an Approach

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    Architecture design problems are known for their sequential steps that address a series of several interweaving, competing and/or aligning requirements. Describing them as open-ended, uncertain, solution searching processes makes them complex and ill-structured design problems. One of the methods to deal with nonlinear complex systems is that their components’ properties and features must not be pre-determined and studied linearly in isolation. Instead, it is essential to consider the system as a whole, even if it means considering it generally and roughly, and then allow possible simplifications to occur from the dynamic interactions between components. Computational design methods that encounter distributed computation and artificial intelligence, such as Multi Agent System (MAS), showed promising abilities in addressing complexity and uncertainty faced with architecture design problems, as well as they proved positive effect on expanding architecture design exploration (ADE). This study has an interest in MAS capabilities in creating aesthetically innovative and performable architecture solutions. Therefore, this research intends to investigate the use of MAS in Architecture in the years between 2010 to 2020. It contributes with a detailed examination of research papers to orient future research in the field of MAS. Hence, the applied literature review raises the question of what the proved capacities of MAS are and how future research can challenge it further to widen and develop the use of MAS in ADE and their possible capabilities when addressing building performances such as structural, functional, and environmental. The databases used for selecting these papers are Scopus, Web of Science, SAGE, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Connected Papers, CUMINCAD, IEEXplore, and ACM Digital Library. These studies are organized, analyzed, and compared to pinpoint key innovations in MAS’s variable usage, study its applied methods, interesting results, important sources of data, implementation strategies, and shed the light on the gaps and shortcomings to draw a perspective of MAS in architecture. The examined studies are arranged chronographically. Then, each paper is analyzed and classified according to the aim of the methodology, domain, level, scale of application (experimentation level), model generation and optimization methods. Afterwards, a critical review is proposed

    Influence of a hybrid digital toolset on the creative behaviors of designers in early-stage design

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate how diversification of the repertoire of digital design techniques affects the creative behaviors of designers in the early design phases. The principal results of practice-based pilot experiments on the subject indicate three key properties of the hybrid digital tooling strategy. The strategy features intelligent human-machine integration, facilitating three different types of synergies between the designer and the digital media: human-dominated, machine-dominated, and a balanced human-machine collaboration. This strategy also boosts the cognitive behaviors of the designer by triggering divergent, transformative and convergent design activities and allowing for work on various abstraction levels. In addition, the strategy stimulates the explorative behaviors of the designer by encouraging the production of and interaction with a wide range of design representations, including physical and digital, dynamic and static objects. Thus, working with a broader range of digital modeling techniques can positively influence the creativity of designers in the early conception stages

    Evaluating Digital Creativity Support for Children: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Creativity, the process of creating something new and valuable, benefits children by improving their skills and development, encouraging interaction and engagement, and enabling the generation and expression of novel ideas. In recent years, interactive digital tools have emerged to support the user’s creativity in the open-ended creation of new artifacts. However, the question of evaluating the creativity happening in the interplay between children, digital tools, and products is still open. This systematic literature review investigated the evaluations of digital creativity support tools for children and identified 81 peer-reviewed relevant articles from the last 10 years. This research contributes to practitioners and researchers by providing an overview of the evaluations in a framework based on 10 factors (value, novelty, fluency, enjoyment, user feeling, collaboration, expressiveness, immersion, flexibility, and interaction), nine product areas, three approaches, and five methods. The review demonstrated that the evaluations differ widely, and the area lacks a standard evaluation framework. We propose the dimensions of our analysis as an initial framework for situating the evaluation of digital creativity support tools for children that the child–computer interaction community can further refine

    Potencial creativo, habilidades espaciales, logro de aprendizaje y estilo cognitivo: relaciones y diferencias a partir de la Interacción con un ambiente de aprendizaje basado en el videojuego.

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    Tesis de grado. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las relaciones entre el estilo cognitivo -dependencia, intermedio e independencia de campo-, el logro de aprendizaje, el potencial creativo y las habilidades espaciales de visualización espacial y rotación mental en los estudiantes con formación en competencias de dibujo técnico pertenecientes a la Institución focalizadas, por medio de la interacción con un ambiente de aprendizaje con dos versiones de visualización: 1° y 3°persona. Se asume la creatividad como un constructo que es innata en la especie, multidimensional e indeterminada, susceptible a ser abordada desde el potencial creativo el cual se asume como variable dependiente al igual que las habilidades espaciales y el logro de aprendizaje; como variable independiente el ambiente de aprendizaje (ROBOT IN TROUBLES); el estilo cognitivo independiente – intermedio - dependiente de campo se considera como variable asociada, aunque de naturaleza independiente. Enmarcado en el paradigma experimental, esta investigación utiliza un diseño factorial inter – sujetos 3x2. Los instrumentos seleccionados para la recolección de la información son el test de pensamiento creativo de Torrance (TTCT) (Torrance, 1972), la prueba de figuras enmascaradas (EFT) (Witkin y Goodenough, 1981) el test de rotación mental (MRT) (Vandenberg & Kuse, 1978), la prueba de visualización espacial de Purdue (PSVT) (R. Guay, 1977); la recolección de datos sobre la interacción de los usuarios en el ambiente de aprendizaje por medio de inserción en base de datos. Los estadísticos utilizados son: el coeficiente de correlación de pearson, índice de confiabilidad de Cronbach, ANOVA y pruebas de contraste de medias post hoc. Se propone como ambiente de aprendizaje ROBOT IN TROUBLES consistente en un videojuego diseñado y programado por los investigadores, en el que se consideran las habilidades espaciales y la resolución de problemas como ejes centrales de las dinámicas de interacción. El ambiente favorece la flexibilidad de pensamiento en un ambiente inmersivo en el que el usuario a través de la experimentación y exploración del entorno entrena las habilidades espaciales.Magister en Tecnologías de la Información aplicadas a la EducaciónMaestrí

    Understanding the Roles of sketching in product design

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    Sketching is an essential part of the tradition and practice of design. However, despite the extensive literature on the subject, the roles of sketching in the design are still not fully understood. Therefore, this PhD study was carried out to understand the roles of sketching in the product design field and to develop the means to support the design sketching process. Hypotheses emerged from the review of the literature and led to three descriptive studies: a pilot study to identify the roles of sketching in design; a survey of design students; a survey of design professionals. Data collected from these studies were used to test and verify the hypotheses. It was found that the major roles of sketching in design were related to design ideation and design communication. The comparison between design students and professionals showed that they tend to perceive the major roles of sketching differently, but shared similar opinions on the major roles of talking sketches, sketching expertise and as a practical supporting tool. In addition, an Ideation Segment Model was proposed, which describes the process that sketching ideas evolve into final design outcomes and locates the potential supporting tools in the sketching process. Consequently, a practical supporting tool was developed to enhance understanding of design sketching, to provide external stimuli, and to improve sketching expertise. The supporting tool, entitled the PD-Sketching Primer and PD-Sketching Toolkit, was tested with education and positive feedback was received. This research has contributed towards understanding the roles of sketching in design, e.g. it is the first empirical study of ‘non-working sketches’ in the design field. It has generated new knowledge and tools to support the design sketching process. This supporting tool is one of only a few resources designed to support sketching activity and creative performance in the product design field.Open Acces

    Des outils numériques supportant l’esquisse et l’action d’esquisser pour soutenir la pensée divergente dans la pensée créatrice en design d’intérieur au collégial

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    Cette recherche porte sur la créativité, plus particulièrement, sur la pensée divergente dans la pensée créatrice en design d’intérieur au collégial, pour la génération d’idées multiples et différentes effectuée au début du processus créatif. Elle utilise comme prémisse l’idée que l’esquisse est un média de premier choix pour la réflexion créative en interaction avec l’objet de création. La recherche a pour objectif de proposer des outils numériques supportant l’esquisse et l’action d’esquisser qui sont appropriés pour soutenir la pensée divergente dans la pensée créatrice en design d’intérieur au Cégep Marie-Victorin (CMV). Ceci, afin de répondre au problème de recherche provenant de la difficulté à soutenir cette dernière en raison de l’utilisation d’outils inadéquats par les étudiantes et les étudiants pour la production d’idées à l’aide de l’esquisse. Un type de recherche évaluative, s’inscrivant dans le paradigme épistémologique compréhensif et interprétatif, fut réalisé, en accord avec Paillé (2007). Le devis méthodologique analyse de matériel pédagogique de Paillé (2007) fut utilisé pour opérationnaliser la démarche de recherche. Celle-ci a consisté à décomposer des objets en leurs éléments, identifier des relations entre ces derniers et examiner les caractéristiques émergentes en lien avec les critères de convivialité, de fonctionnalité et de design d’intérieur, déduits du cadre de référence, et qui, avec leurs composantes, constituent les dimensions de l’objet d’étude. Ceci, dans le but de formuler des jugements en regard de ce cadre de référence. Les cueillettes et analyses de données furent effectuées en trois temps à l’aide de l’élaboration d’autant d’instruments. Les deux premières ont concerné le choix des outils numériques et la troisième fut réalisée à l’aide de la mise à l’essai de la combinaison de deux outils numériques choisis. Le corpus d’analyse fut composé à partir de la consultation de 71 matériels numériques, dont 33 pour les logiciels et applications et 38 pour les interfaces physiques. Six logiciels et applications et cinq interfaces physiques furent retenus aux fins d’analyse. La méthode d’analyse qualitative retenue fut l’analyse de contenu. Le traitement des données a résulté de leur description et de leur interprétation. Les résultats de recherche ont d’abord permis de choisir une combinaison de deux outils numériques, soit un logiciel professionnel de dessin et de peinture conçu pour les designers et architectes et un ordinateur portable à écran et stylet conçu pour le dessin. Outre la compatibilité de deux fonctionnalités qui n’a pu être vérifiée faute de support technique adéquat et sur laquelle nous ne pouvons conclure, les résultats de recherche provenant de la mise à l’essai de la combinaison des outils numériques permettent de statuer sur son adéquation pour le soutien de la pensée divergente dans la pensée créatrice en design d’intérieur. En fait, cette combinaison d’outils numériques serait supérieure aux outils analogiques (papier, crayon) pour soutenir les habiletés de visualisation et de représentation spatiales et pour supporter les habiletés de fluidité et de flexibilité de la pensée divergente dans la pensée créatrice en design d’intérieur. Les résultats de recherche sont cependant voués à l’obsolescence, étant tributaires des technologies en perpétuelle évolution. Ils sont rattachés au contexte dans lequel ils ont été produits. Les analyses critiques de l’évaluation et de la démarche de recherche permettent toutefois, de supposer que cette dernière peut être transférable à d’autres contextes analogues pour guider l’intégration d’outils numériques s’adressant à la didactique de composantes disciplinaires. Les constituantes de la démarche de recherche et son analyse sont ainsi pertinentes pour l’avancement des connaissances