890 research outputs found

    Effects and underlying mechanisms of refractory period pacing on repolarization dynamics in the human heart

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    Repolarization alternans is related to the initiation of life threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Experimental and computational studies suggest that the abolishment of alternans using dynamic pacing protocols may prevent abnormal heart rhythms. In a recent animal study, refractory period pacing (RPP) on every other beat has shown promising results in alternans reduction. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying this therapy and its efficiency in human patients remain unclear. In this study, in vivo unipolar electrograms acquired during RPP from 240 epicardial sites from one patient were analysed. Current clamp of 18 channels was performed in silico to elucidate the ionic mechanisms underlying action potential modulation by RPP. Its efficacy with positive and negative polarities was tested on a population of 87 calibrated human ventricular models exhibiting alternans. In vivo electrograms showed significant changes in T-wave alternans when applying RPP. In silico, results showed APD shortening for RPP with positive polarity and APD prolongation with RPP negative. Under current clamp protocols, voltage rectification of L-type Ca(2)+ (ICaL) and inward rectifier K+ (IK1) currents were identified as the key determinants for the observed changes. RPP pacing successfully reduced alternans on the in silico models using a negative polarity stimulus in the short beat

    Na/K pump regulation of cardiac repolarization: Insights from a systems biology approach

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    The sodium-potassium pump is widely recognized as the principal mechanism for active ion transport across the cellular membrane of cardiac tissue, being responsible for the creation and maintenance of the transarcolemmal sodium and potassium gradients, crucial for cardiac cell electrophysiology. Importantly, sodium-potassium pump activity is impaired in a number of major diseased conditions, including ischemia and heart failure. However, its subtle ways of action on cardiac electrophysiology, both directly through its electrogenic nature and indirectly via the regulation of cell homeostasis, make it hard to predict the electrophysiological consequences of reduced sodium-potassium pump activity in cardiac repolarization. In this review, we discuss how recent studies adopting the Systems Biology approach, through the integration of experimental and modeling methodologies, have identified the sodium-potassium pump as one of the most\ud important ionic mechanisms in regulating key properties of cardiac repolarization and its rate-dependence, from subcellular to whole organ levels. These include the role of the pump in the biphasic modulation of cellular repolarization and refractoriness, the rate control of intracellular sodium and calcium dynamics and therefore of the adaptation of repolarization to changes in heart rate, as well as its importance in regulating pro-arrhythmic substrates through modulation of dispersion of repolarization and restitution. Theoretical findings are consistent across a variety of cell types and species including human, and widely in agreement with experimental findings. The novel insights and hypotheses on the role of the pump in cardiac electrophysiology obtained through this integrative approach could eventually lead to novel therapeutic and diagnostic strategies

    Multiple mechanisms of spiral wave breakup in a model of cardiac electrical activity

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    It has become widely accepted that the most dangerous cardiac arrhythmias are due to re- entrant waves, i.e., electrical wave(s) that re-circulate repeatedly throughout the tissue at a higher frequency than the waves produced by the heart's natural pacemaker (sinoatrial node). However, the complicated structure of cardiac tissue, as well as the complex ionic currents in the cell, has made it extremely difficult to pinpoint the detailed mechanisms of these life-threatening reentrant arrhythmias. A simplified ionic model of the cardiac action potential (AP), which can be fitted to a wide variety of experimentally and numerically obtained mesoscopic characteristics of cardiac tissue such as AP shape and restitution of AP duration and conduction velocity, is used to explain many different mechanisms of spiral wave breakup which in principle can occur in cardiac tissue. Some, but not all, of these mechanisms have been observed before using other models; therefore, the purpose of this paper is to demonstrate them using just one framework model and to explain the different parameter regimes or physiological properties necessary for each mechanism (such as high or low excitability, corresponding to normal or ischemic tissue, spiral tip trajectory types, and tissue structures such as rotational anisotropy and periodic boundary conditions). Each mechanism is compared with data from other ionic models or experiments to illustrate that they are not model-specific phenomena. The fact that many different breakup mechanisms exist has important implications for antiarrhythmic drug design and for comparisons of fibrillation experiments using different species, electromechanical uncoupling drugs, and initiation protocols.Comment: 128 pages, 42 figures (29 color, 13 b&w

    Effects of early afterdepolarizations on excitation patterns in an accurate model of the human ventricles

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    Early Afterdepolarizations, EADs, are defined as the reversal of the action potential before completion of the repolarization phase, which can result in ectopic beats. However, the series of mechanisms of EADs leading to these ectopic beats and related cardiac arrhythmias are not well understood. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the influence of this single cell behavior on the whole heart level. For this study we used a modified version of the Ten Tusscher-Panfilov model of human ventricular cells (TP06) which we implemented in a 3D ventricle model including realistic fiber orientations. To increase the likelihood of EAD formation at the single cell level, we reduced the repolarization reserve (RR) by reducing the rapid delayed rectifier Potassium current and raising the L-type Calcium current. Varying these parameters defined a 2D parametric space where different excitation patterns could be classified. Depending on the initial conditions, by either exciting the ventricles with a spiral formation or burst pacing protocol, we found multiple different spatio-temporal excitation patterns. The spiral formation protocol resulted in the categorization of a stable spiral (S), a meandering spiral (MS), a spiral break-up regime (SB), spiral fibrillation type B (B), spiral fibrillation type A (A) and an oscillatory excitation type (O). The last three patterns are a 3D generalization of previously found patterns in 2D. First, the spiral fibrillation type B showed waves determined by a chaotic bi-excitable regime, i.e. mediated by both Sodium and Calcium waves at the same time and in same tissue settings. In the parameter region governed by the B pattern, single cells were able to repolarize completely and different (spiral) waves chaotically burst into each other without finishing a 360 degree rotation. Second, spiral fibrillation type A patterns consisted of multiple small rotating spirals. Single cells failed to repolarize to the resting membrane potential hence prohibiting the Sodium channel gates to recover. Accordingly, we found that Calcium waves mediated these patterns. Third, a further reduction of the RR resulted in a more exotic parameter regime whereby the individual cells behaved independently as oscillators. The patterns arose due to a phase-shift of different oscillators as disconnection of the cells resulted in continuation of the patterns. For all patterns, we computed realistic 9 lead ECGs by including a torso model. The B and A type pattern exposed the behavior of Ventricular Tachycardia (VT). We conclude that EADs at the single cell level can result in different types of cardiac fibrillation at the tissue and 3D ventricle level

    Investigation of Absolute Refractory Period Pacing to Prevent Lethal Arrhythmias in Humans

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    Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is a major health issue, being the commonest cause of natural death in the industrialised world. SCD frequently results from the development of erratic heart rhythms which are usually preceded by repolarisation alternans (RA). Previous studies suggest that the abolishment of RA may prevent the onset of arrhythmia. In a recent swine study, absolute refractory period pacing (ARPP) showed promising results in RA modulation. However, the cellular mechanisms underlying this therapy and its efficiency in human patients remains unclear. Single cell in silico modelling showed that ARPP might be used to both increase or decrease action potential duration (APD) with the degree of modulation depending mainly on stimulus duration, magnitude and coupling interval. ICaL, IKr and IK1 were the main currents involved, and conductance of Ito and ICaL strongly influenced results. APD alternans was successfully reduced in a population of alternating models. In vivo results obtained using an epicardial sock during cardiac surgery showed significant changes in repolarisation when applying ARPP. However, elevated morphological signal alterations led to question the results’ validity. The investigation of signal processing methodology led to the acknowledgement of high-pass filter interference in signal morphology due to the ARPP artefact, resulting in altered markers. Further in vivo data showed no significant effect of ARPP on local RT at the whole heart level. Small effects on RT, spectral method and Tend markers close to the pacing site were observed, suggesting a localised effect. One dimensional in silico modelling showed a rapid decline of the ARPP effect, being limited to around 10mm from the pacing site, correlating with the in vivo results. These results provide important new knowledge regarding the effects of ARPP in the human ventricle at the cellular and organ level. It also provides relevant information for further development, analysis and translation of pacing based therapies

    A comparative study of early afterdepolarization-mediated fibrillation in two mathematical models for human ventricular cells

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    Early afterdepolarizations (EADs), which are abnormal oscillations of the membrane potential at the plateau phase of an action potential, are implicated in the development of cardiac arrhythmias like Torsade de Pointes. We carry out extensive numerical simulations of the TP06 and ORd mathematical models for human ventricular cells with EADs. We investigate the different regimes in both these models, namely, the parameter regimes where they exhibit (1) a normal action potential (AP) with no EADs, (2) an AP with EADs, and (3) an AP with EADs that does not go back to the resting potential. We also study the dependence of EADs on the rate of at which we pace a cell, with the specific goal of elucidating EADs that are induced by slow or fast rate pacing. In our simulations in two-and three-dimensional domains, in the presence of EADs, we find the following wave types: (A) waves driven by the fast sodium current and the L-type calcium current (Na-Ca-mediated waves); (B) waves driven only by the L-type calcium current (Ca-mediated waves); (C) phase waves, which are pseudo-travelling waves. Furthermore, we compare the wave patterns of the various wave-types (Na-Ca-mediated, Ca-mediated, and phase waves) in both these models. We find that the two models produce qualitatively similar results in terms of exhibiting Na-Ca-mediated wave patterns that are more chaotic than those for the Ca-mediated and phase waves. However, there are quantitative differences in the wave patterns of each wave type. The Na-Ca-mediated waves in the ORd model show short-lived spirals but the TP06 model does not. The TP06 model supports more Ca-mediated spirals than those in the ORd model, and the TP06 model exhibits more phase-wave patterns than does the ORd model

    Gap junction inhibition by heptanol increases ventricular arrhythmogenicity by reducing conduction velocity without affecting repolarization properties or myocardial refractoriness in Langendorff-perfused mouse hearts.

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    This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Spandidos via https://doi.org/ 10.3892/mmr.2016.5738In the current study, arrhythmogenic effects of the gap junction inhibitor heptanol (0.05 mM) were examined in Langendorff-perfused mouse hearts. Monophasic action potential recordings were obtained from the left ventricular epicardium during right ventricular pacing. Regular activity was observed both prior and subsequent to application of heptanol in all of the 12 hearts studied during 8 Hz pacing. By contrast, induced ventricular tachycardia (VT) was observed after heptanol treatment in 6/12 hearts using a S1S2 protocol (Fisher's exact test; P0.05). Consequently, excitation wavelengths (λ; CV x ERP) were reduced from 9.1±0.6 to 6.5±0.6 mm (P0.05). Together, these observations demonstrate for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that inhibition of gap junctions alone using a low heptanol concentration (0.05 mM) was able to reduce CV, which alone was sufficient to permit the induction of VT using premature stimulation by reducing λ, which therefore appears central in the determination of arrhythmic tendency.GT was awarded a BBSRC Doctoral Training Award at the University of Cambridge

    Ionic Mechanisms of Action Potential Rate Dependence, Conduction and Block in Normal Epicardium and in Remodeled Epicardium Post-Infarction

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    In this work, detailed computational models are used to study the electrophysiology of normal epicardium and the arrhythmogenic effects of epicardial cell remodeling post-infarction. The canine epicardial myocyte model described here reproduces a wide range of experimentally observed rate dependent phenomena in cell and tissue. Model behavior depends on updated formulations for the 4-AP sensitive transient outward current: Ito1), the slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current: IKs), the L-type Ca2+ channel: ICa,L) and the sodium-potassium pump: INaK) fit to data from canine ventricular myocytes. The model shows that Ito1 plays a limited role in potentiating peak ICa,L and Ca2+ release for propagated action potentials: APs), but modulates the time course of action potential duration: APD) restitution. IKs plays an important role in APD shortening at short diastolic intervals but a limited role in AP repolarization at longer cycle lengths. In addition, simulations demonstrate that ICa,L, INaK and [Na+]i play critical roles in APD accommodation and the rate dependence of APD restitution. Starting from the ionic model of a normal epicardial cell described above, an epicardial border zone: EBZ) model was developed based on available remodeling data. Ionic models of normal zone: NZ) and EBZ myocytes were incorporated into one-dimensional models of propagation to gain mechanistic insight into how ion channel remodeling affects APD and refractoriness, vulnerability to conduction block and conduction safety post-infarction. Simulations of EBZ APD restitution show that remodeled INa and ICaL promote increased effective refractory period: ERP) and prolonged APD at short diastolic interval: DI). Heterogeneous tissue simulations show that increased post-repolarization refractoriness and altered restitution lead to a large rate dependent vulnerable window for conduction block. In simulations of conduction post-infarction, EBZ IK1 remodeling partially offsets the reduction in conduction safety due to altered INa, while Ito1 and ICaL have a negligible effect on conduction. Further simulations show that injection of skeletal muscle sodium channel SkM1-INa, a recently proposed anti-arrhythmic therapy, has several desirable effects including normalization of EBZ ERP and APD restitution, elimination of vulnerability to conduction block and normalization of conduction in uncoupled tissue