1,372 research outputs found

    SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive Race Detection

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    Widely used data race detectors, including the state-of-the-art FastTrack algorithm, incur performance costs that are acceptable for regular in-house testing, but miss races detectable from the analyzed execution. Predictive analyses detect more data races in an analyzed execution than FastTrack detects, but at significantly higher performance cost. This paper presents SmartTrack, an algorithm that optimizes predictive race detection analyses, including two analyses from prior work and a new analysis introduced in this paper. SmartTrack's algorithm incorporates two main optimizations: (1) epoch and ownership optimizations from prior work, applied to predictive analysis for the first time; and (2) novel conflicting critical section optimizations introduced by this paper. Our evaluation shows that SmartTrack achieves performance competitive with FastTrack-a qualitative improvement in the state of the art for data race detection.Comment: Extended arXiv version of PLDI 2020 paper (adds Appendices A-E) #228 SmartTrack: Efficient Predictive Race Detectio

    Rigorous concurrency analysis of multithreaded programs

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    technical reportThis paper explores the practicality of conducting program analysis for multithreaded software using constraint solv- ing. By precisely defining the underlying memory consis- tency rules in addition to the intra-thread program seman- tics, our approach orders a unique advantage for program ver- ification | it provides an accurate and exhaustive coverage of all thread interleavings for any given memory model. We demonstrate how this can be achieved by formalizing sequen- tial consistency for a source language that supports control branches and a monitor-style mutual exclusion mechanism. We then discuss how to formulate programmer expectations as constraints and propose three concrete applications of this approach: execution validation, race detection, and atom- icity analysis. Finally, we describe the implementation of a formal analysis tool using constraint logic programming, with promising initial results for reasoning about small but non-trivial concurrent programs

    Understanding Android Obfuscation Techniques: A Large-Scale Investigation in the Wild

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    In this paper, we seek to better understand Android obfuscation and depict a holistic view of the usage of obfuscation through a large-scale investigation in the wild. In particular, we focus on four popular obfuscation approaches: identifier renaming, string encryption, Java reflection, and packing. To obtain the meaningful statistical results, we designed efficient and lightweight detection models for each obfuscation technique and applied them to our massive APK datasets (collected from Google Play, multiple third-party markets, and malware databases). We have learned several interesting facts from the result. For example, malware authors use string encryption more frequently, and more apps on third-party markets than Google Play are packed. We are also interested in the explanation of each finding. Therefore we carry out in-depth code analysis on some Android apps after sampling. We believe our study will help developers select the most suitable obfuscation approach, and in the meantime help researchers improve code analysis systems in the right direction

    Efficient Precise Dynamic Data Race Detection For Cpu And Gpu

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    Data races are notorious bugs. They introduce non-determinism in programs behavior, complicate programs semantics, making it challenging to debug parallel programs. To make parallel programming easier, efficient data race detection has been a research topic in the last decades. However, existing data race detectors either sacrifice precision or incur high overhead, limiting their application to real-world applications and scenarios. This dissertation proposes approaches to improve the performance of dynamic data race detection without undermining precision, by identifying and removing metadata redundancy dynamically. This dissertation also explores ways to make it practical to detect data races dynamically for GPU programs, which has a disparate programming and execution model from CPU workloads. Further, this dissertation shows how the structured synchronization model in GPU programs can simplify the algorithm design of data race detection for GPU, and how the unique patterns in GPU workloads enable an efficient implementation of the algorithm, yielding a high-performance dynamic data race detector for GPU programs

    PARSNIP: Performant Architecture for Race Safety with No Impact on Precision

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    Data race detection is a useful dynamic analysis for multithreaded programs that is a key building block in record-and-replay, enforcing strong consistency models, and detecting concurrency bugs. Existing software race detectors are precise but slow, and hardware support for precise data race detection relies on assumptions like type safety that many programs violate in practice. We propose PARSNIP, a fully precise hardware-supported data race detector. PARSNIP exploits new insights into the redundancy of race detection metadata to reduce storage overheads. PARSNIP also adopts new race detection metadata encodings that accelerate the common case while preserving soundness and completeness. When bounded hardware resources are exhausted, PARSNIP falls back to a software race detector to preserve correctness. PARSNIP does not assume that target programs are type safe, and is thus suitable for race detection on arbitrary code. Our evaluation of PARSNIP on several PARSEC benchmarks shows that performance overheads range from negligible to 2.6x, with an average overhead of just 1.5x. Moreover, Parsnip outperforms the state-of-the-art Radish hardware race detector by 4.6x

    A true positives theorem for a static race detector

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    RacerD is a static race detector that has been proven to be effective in engineering practice: it has seen thousands of data races fixed by developers before reaching production, and has supported the migration of Facebook's Android app rendering infrastructure from a single-threaded to a multi-threaded architecture. We prove a True Positives Theorem stating that, under certain assumptions, an idealized theoretical version of the analysis never reports a false positive. We also provide an empirical evaluation of an implementation of this analysis, versus the original RacerD. The theorem was motivated in the first case by the desire to understand the observation from production that RacerD was providing remarkably accurate signal to developers, and then the theorem guided further analyzer design decisions. Technically, our result can be seen as saying that the analysis computes an under-approximation of an over-approximation, which is the reverse of the more usual (over of under) situation in static analysis. Until now, static analyzers that are effective in practice but unsound have often been regarded as ad hoc; in contrast, we suggest that, in the future, theorems of this variety might be generally useful in understanding, justifying and designing effective static analyses for bug catching

    OSCAR. A Noise Injection Framework for Testing Concurrent Software

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    “Moore’s Law” is a well-known observable phenomenon in computer science that describes a visible yearly pattern in processor’s die increase. Even though it has held true for the last 57 years, thermal limitations on how much a processor’s core frequencies can be increased, have led to physical limitations to their performance scaling. The industry has since then shifted towards multicore architectures, which offer much better and scalable performance, while in turn forcing programmers to adopt the concurrent programming paradigm when designing new software, if they wish to make use of this added performance. The use of this paradigm comes with the unfortunate downside of the sudden appearance of a plethora of additional errors in their programs, stemming directly from their (poor) use of concurrency techniques. Furthermore, these concurrent programs themselves are notoriously hard to design and to verify their correctness, with researchers continuously developing new, more effective and effi- cient methods of doing so. Noise injection, the theme of this dissertation, is one such method. It relies on the “probe effect” — the observable shift in the behaviour of concurrent programs upon the introduction of noise into their routines. The abandonment of ConTest, a popular proprietary and closed-source noise injection framework, for testing concurrent software written using the Java programming language, has left a void in the availability of noise injection frameworks for this programming language. To mitigate this void, this dissertation proposes OSCAR — a novel open-source noise injection framework for the Java programming language, relying on static bytecode instrumentation for injecting noise. OSCAR will provide a free and well-documented noise injection tool for research, pedagogical and industry usage. Additionally, we propose a novel taxonomy for categorizing new and existing noise injection heuristics, together with a new method for generating and analysing concurrent software traces, based on string comparison metrics. After noising programs from the IBM Concurrent Benchmark with different heuristics, we observed that OSCAR is highly effective in increasing the coverage of the interleaving space, and that the different heuristics provide diverse trade-offs on the cost and benefit (time/coverage) of the noise injection process.Resumo A “Lei de Moore” é um fenómeno, bem conhecido na área das ciências da computação, que descreve um padrão evidente no aumento anual da densidade de transístores num processador. Mesmo mantendo-se válido nos últimos 57 anos, o aumento do desempenho dos processadores continua garrotado pelas limitações térmicas inerentes `a subida da sua frequência de funciona- mento. Desde então, a industria transitou para arquiteturas multi núcleo, com significativamente melhor e mais escalável desempenho, mas obrigando os programadores a adotar o paradigma de programação concorrente ao desenhar os seus novos programas, para poderem aproveitar o desempenho adicional que advém do seu uso. O uso deste paradigma, no entanto, traz consigo, por consequência, a introdução de uma panóplia de novos erros nos programas, decorrentes diretamente da utilização (inadequada) de técnicas de programação concorrente. Adicionalmente, estes programas concorrentes são conhecidos por serem consideravelmente mais difíceis de desenhar e de validar, quanto ao seu correto funcionamento, incentivando investi- gadores ao desenvolvimento de novos métodos mais eficientes e eficazes de o fazerem. A injeção de ruído, o tema principal desta dissertação, é um destes métodos. Esta baseia-se no “efeito sonda” (do inglês “probe effect”) — caracterizado por uma mudança de comportamento observável em programas concorrentes, ao terem ruído introduzido nas suas rotinas. Com o abandono do Con- Test, uma framework popular, proprietária e de código fechado, de análise dinâmica de programas concorrentes através de injecção de ruído, escritos com recurso `a linguagem de programação Java, viu-se surgir um vazio na oferta de framework de injeção de ruído, para esta mesma linguagem. Para mitigar este vazio, esta dissertação propõe o OSCAR — uma nova framework de injeção de ruído, de código-aberto, para a linguagem de programação Java, que utiliza manipulação estática de bytecode para realizar a introdução de ruído. O OSCAR pretende oferecer uma ferramenta livre e bem documentada de injeção de ruído para fins de investigação, pedagógicos ou até para a indústria. Adicionalmente, a dissertação propõe uma nova taxonomia para categorizar os dife- rentes tipos de heurísticas de injecção de ruídos novos e existentes, juntamente com um método para gerar e analisar traces de programas concorrentes, com base em métricas de comparação de strings. Após inserir ruído em programas do IBM Concurrent Benchmark, com diversas heurísticas, ob- servámos que o OSCAR consegue aumentar significativamente a dimensão da cobertura do espaço de estados de programas concorrentes. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que diferentes heurísticas produzem um leque variado de prós e contras, especialmente em termos de eficácia versus eficiência

    High Performance Dynamic Threading Analysis for Hybrid Applications

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    Verifying the correctness of multithreaded programs is a challenging task due to errors that occur sporadically. Testing, the most important verification method for decades, has proven to be ineffective in this context. On the other hand, data race detectors are very successful in finding concurrency bugs that occur due to missing synchronization. However, those tools introduce a huge runtime overhead and therefore are not applicable to the analysis of real-time applications. Additionally, hybrid binaries consisting of Dotnet and native components are beyond the scope of many data race detectors. In this thesis, we present a novel approach for a dynamic low-overhead data race detector. We contribute a set of fine-grained tuning techniques based on sampling and scoping. These are evaluated on real-world applications, demonstrating that the runtime overhead is reduced while still maintaining a good detection accuracy. Further, we present a proof of concept for hybrid applications and show that data races in managed Dotnet code are detectable by analyzing the application on the binary layer. The approaches presented in this thesis are implemented in the open-source tool DRace