5 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of wormhole switched interconnection networks with virtual channels and finite buffers

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    An efficient interconnection network that provides high bandwidth and low latency interprocessor communication is critical to harness fully the computational power of large scale multicomputer. K-ary n-cube networks have been widely adopted in contemporary multicomputers due to their desirable properties. As such, the present study focuses on a performance analysis of K-ary n-cubes employing wormhole switching, virtual channels, and adaptive routing. The objective of this dissertation is twofold: to examine the performance of these networks, and to compare the performance merits of various topologies under different working conditions, by means of analytical modelling. Most existing analytical models reported in the literature have used a method originally proposed by Dally to capture the effects of virtual channels on network performance. This method is based on a Markov chain and it has been shown that its prediction accuracy degrades as traffic increases. Moreover, these studies have also constrained the buffer capacity to a single flit per channel, a simplifying assumption that has often been invoked to ease the derivation of the analytical models. Motivated by these observations, the first part of this research proposes a new method for modelling virtual channels, based on an M/G/1 queue. Owing to the generality of this method. Daily's method is shown to be a special case when the message service time is exponentially distributed. The second part of this research uses theoretical results of queuing systems to relax the single-flit buffer assumption. New analytical models are then proposed to capture the effects of deploying arbitrary size buffers on the performance of deterministic and adaptive routing algorithms. Simulation experiments reveal that results from the proposed analytical models are in close agreement with those obtained through simulation. Building on these new analytical models, the third part of this research compares the relative performance merits of K-ary n-cubes under different operating conditions, in the presence of finite size buffers and multiple virtual channels. Namely, the analysis first revisits the relative performance merits of the well-known 2D torus, 3D torus and hypercube under different implementation constraints. The analysis has then been extended to investigate the performance impact of arranging the total buffer space, allocated to a physical channel, into multiple virtual channels. Finally, the performance of adaptive routing has been compared to that of deterministic routing. While previous similar studies have only taken account of channel and router costs, the present analysis incorporates different intra-router delays, as well, and thus generates more realistic results. In fact, the results of this research differ notably from those reported in previous studies, illustrating the sensitivity of such studies to the level of detail, degree of accuracy and the realism of the assumptions adopted

    Small-world interconnection networks for large parallel computer systems

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    The use of small-world graphs as interconnection networks of multicomputers is proposed and analysed in this work. Small-world interconnection networks are constructed by adding (or modifying) edges to an underlying local graph. Graphs with a rich local structure but with a large diameter are shown to be the most suitable candidates for the underlying graph. Generation models based on random and deterministic wiring processes are proposed and analysed. For the random case basic properties such as degree, diameter, average length and bisection width are analysed, and the results show that a fast transition from a large diameter to a small diameter is experienced when the number of new edges introduced is increased. Random traffic analysis on these networks is undertaken, and it is shown that although the average latency experiences a similar reduction, networks with a small number of shortcuts have a tendency to saturate as most of the traffic flows through a small number of links. An analysis of the congestion of the networks corroborates this result and provides away of estimating the minimum number of shortcuts required to avoid saturation. To overcome these problems deterministic wiring is proposed and analysed. A Linear Feedback Shift Register is used to introduce shortcuts in the LFSR graphs. A simple routing algorithm has been constructed for the LFSR and extended with a greedy local optimisation technique. It has been shown that a small search depth gives good results and is less costly to implement than a full shortest path algorithm. The Hilbert graph on the other hand provides some additional characteristics, such as support for incremental expansion, efficient layout in two dimensional space (using two layers), and a small fixed degree of four. Small-world hypergraphs have also been studied. In particular incomplete hypermeshes have been introduced and analysed and it has been shown that they outperform the complete traditional implementations under a constant pinout argument. Since it has been shown that complete hypermeshes outperform the mesh, the torus, low dimensional m-ary d-cubes (with and without bypass channels), and multi-stage interconnection networks (when realistic decision times are accounted for and with a constant pinout), it follows that incomplete hypermeshes outperform them as well

    Performance analysis of wormhole routing in multicomputer interconnection networks

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    Perhaps the most critical component in determining the ultimate performance potential of a multicomputer is its interconnection network, the hardware fabric supporting communication among individual processors. The message latency and throughput of such a network are affected by many factors of which topology, switching method, routing algorithm and traffic load are the most significant. In this context, the present study focuses on a performance analysis of k-ary n-cube networks employing wormhole switching, virtual channels and adaptive routing, a scenario of especial interest to current research. This project aims to build upon earlier work in two main ways: constructing new analytical models for k-ary n-cubes, and comparing the performance merits of cubes of different dimensionality. To this end, some important topological properties of k-ary n-cubes are explored initially; in particular, expressions are derived to calculate the number of nodes at/within a given distance from a chosen centre. These results are important in their own right but their primary significance here is to assist in the construction of new and more realistic analytical models of wormhole-routed k-ary n-cubes. An accurate analytical model for wormhole-routed k-ary n-cubes with adaptive routing and uniform traffic is then developed, incorporating the use of virtual channels and the effect of locality in the traffic pattern. New models are constructed for wormhole k-ary n-cubes, with the ability to simulate behaviour under adaptive routing and non-uniform communication workloads, such as hotspot traffic, matrix-transpose and digit-reversal permutation patterns. The models are equally applicable to unidirectional and bidirectional k-ary n-cubes and are significantly more realistic than any in use up to now. With this level of accuracy, the effect of each important network parameter on the overall network performance can be investigated in a more comprehensive manner than before. Finally, k-ary n-cubes of different dimensionality are compared using the new models. The comparison takes account of various traffic patterns and implementation costs, using both pin-out and bisection bandwidth as metrics. Networks with both normal and pipelined channels are considered. While previous similar studies have only taken account of network channel costs, our model incorporates router costs as well thus generating more realistic results. In fact the results of this work differ markedly from those yielded by earlier studies which assumed deterministic routing and uniform traffic, illustrating the importance of using accurate models to conduct such analyses

    Contribution à l'amélioration des méthodes d'optimisation de la gestion de la mémoire dans le cadre du Calcul Haute Performance

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    Current supercomputer architectures are subject to memory related issues. For instance we can observe slowdowns induced by memory management mecanisms and their implementation. In this context, we focus on the management of large memory segments for multi-core and NUMA supercomputers similar to Tera 100 and Curie. We discuss our work in three parts.We first study several paging policies (page coloring, huge pages...) from multiple operating systems. We demonstrate an interference between those policies and layout decisions taken by userspace allocators. Such interactions can significantly reduce cache efficiency depending on the application, particularly on multi-core architectures. This study extends existing works by studying interactions between the operating system, the allocator and caches.Then, we discuss performance issues when large memory segments are allocated. To do so, we consider the interaction between the OS and userspace allocators. We show that we can significantly improve some application performances (up to 50%) by controling the memory exchange rate with the OS and by taking care of memory topologies.We finally study page fault extensibility in current Linux kernel implementation. We obsere a large impact due to page zeroing which is a security requirement. We propose an improvement on memory allocation semantic aimed at avoiding page zeroing. It shows a new interest for hugepages to improve paging scalability without changing too much kernel algorithms.L’évolution des architectures des calculateurs actuels est telle que la mémoire devient un problème majeur pour les performances. L’étude décrite dans ce document montre qu’il est déjà possible d’observer des pertes importantes imputables aux mécanismes de gestion de cette dernière. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes intéressés aux problèmes de gestion des gros segments mémoire sur les supercalculateurs multicoeurs NUMA de type Tera 100 et Curie. Notre travail est détaillé ici en suivant trois axes principaux. Nous analysons dans un premier temps les politiques de pagination de différents systèmes d’exploitation (coloration de pages, grosses pages...). Nous mettons ainsi en évidence l’existence d’interférences néfastes entre ces politiques et les décisions de placement de l’allocateur en espace utilisateur. Nous complétons donc les études cache/allocateur et cache/pagination par une analyse de l’interaction cumulée de ces composants. Nous abordons ensuite la problématique des performances d’allocation des grands segments mémoire en considérant les échanges entre le système et l’allocateur. Nous montrons ici qu’il est possible d’obtenir des gains significatifs (de l’ordre de 50% sur une grosse application) enlimitant ces échanges et en structurant l’allocateur pour un support explicite des architectures NUMA. La description de nos travaux s’achève sur une étude des problèmes d’extensibilité observés au niveau des fautes de pages du noyau Linux. Nous avons ainsi proposé une extension de la sémantique d’allocation afin d’éliminer la nécessité d’effectuer les coûteux effacements mémoire des pages au niveau système