6 research outputs found

    Effective shadow detection in traffic monitoring applications

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    This paper presents work we have done in detecting moving shadows in the context of an outdoor traffic scene for visual surveillance purposes. The algorithm just exploits some foreground photometric properties concerning shadows. The input of the system is constituted by the blobs previously detected and by the division image between the current frame and the background of the scene. The method proposed is essentially based on multi-gradient operations applied on the division image which aim to discover the most likely shadow regions. Further on, the subsequent “smart” binary edge matching we devised is performed on each blob’s boundary and permits to effectively discard those regions inside the blob which are either too far from the boundary or too small. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by using a gray level sequence taken from a sunny, daytime, traffic scene. Since no a priori knowledge is used in order to detect, and remove, shadows, this method represents one of the most general purpose systems to date for detecting outdoor shadows

    Cast shadow modelling and detection

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    Computer vision applications are often confronted by the need to differentiate between objects and their shadows. A number of shadow detection algorithms have been proposed in literature, based on physical, geometrical, and other heuristic techniques. While most of these existing approaches are dependent on the scene environments and object types, the ones that are not, are classified as superior to others conceptually and in terms of accuracy. Despite these efforts, the design of a generic, accurate, simple, and efficient shadow detection algorithm still remains an open problem. In this thesis, based on a physically-derived hypothesis for shadow identification, novel, multi-domain shadow detection algorithms are proposed and tested in the spatial and transform domains. A novel "Affine Shadow Test Hypothesis" has been proposed, derived, and validated across multiple environments. Based on that, several new shadow detection algorithms have been proposed and modelled for short-duration video sequences, where a background frame is available as a reliable reference, and for long duration video sequences, where the use of a dedicated background frame is unreliable. Finally, additional algorithms have been proposed to detect shadows in still images, where the use of a separate background frame is not possible. In this approach, the author shows that the proposed algorithms are capable of detecting cast, and self shadows simultaneously. All proposed algorithms have been modelled, and tested to detect shadows in the spatial (pixel) and transform (frequency) domains and are compared against state-of-art approaches, using popular test and novel videos, covering a wide range of test conditions. It is shown that the proposed algorithms outperform most existing methods and effectively detect different types of shadows under various lighting and environmental conditions

    Shadow segmentation and tracking in real-world conditions

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    Visual information, in the form of images and video, comes from the interaction of light with objects. Illumination is a fundamental element of visual information. Detecting and interpreting illumination effects is part of our everyday life visual experience. Shading for instance allows us to perceive the three-dimensional nature of objects. Shadows are particularly salient cues for inferring depth information. However, we do not make any conscious or unconscious effort to avoid them as if they were an obstacle when we walk around. Moreover, when humans are asked to describe a picture, they generally omit the presence of illumination effects, such as shadows, shading, and highlights, to give a list of objects and their relative position in the scene. Processing visual information in a way that is close to what the human visual system does, thus being aware of illumination effects, represents a challenging task for computer vision systems. Illumination phenomena interfere in fact with fundamental tasks in image analysis and interpretation applications, such as object extraction and description. On the other hand, illumination conditions are an important element to be considered when creating new and richer visual content that combines objects from different sources, both natural and synthetic. When taken into account, illumination effects can play an important role in achieving realism. Among illumination effects, shadows are often integral part of natural scenes and one of the elements contributing to naturalness of synthetic scenes. In this thesis, the problem of extracting shadows from digital images is discussed. A new analysis method for the segmentation of cast shadows in still and moving images without the need of human supervision is proposed. The problem of separating moving cast shadows from moving objects in image sequences is particularly relevant for an always wider range of applications, ranging from video analysis to video coding, and from video manipulation to interactive environments. Therefore, particular attention has been dedicated to the segmentation of shadows in video. The validity of the proposed approach is however also demonstrated through its application to the detection of cast shadows in still color images. Shadows are a difficult phenomenon to model. Their appearance changes with changes in the appearance of the surface they are cast upon. It is therefore important to exploit multiple constraints derived from the analysis of the spectral, geometric and temporal properties of shadows to develop effective techniques for their extraction. The proposed method combines an analysis of color information and of photometric invariant features to a spatio-temporal verification process. With regards to the use of color information for shadow analysis, a complete picture of the existing solutions is provided, which points out the fundamental assumptions, the adopted color models and the link with research problems such as computational color constancy and color invariance. The proposed spatial verification does not make any assumption about scene geometry nor about object shape. The temporal analysis is based on a novel shadow tracking technique. On the basis of the tracking results, a temporal reliability estimation of shadows is proposed which allows to discard shadows which do not present time coherence. The proposed approach is general and can be applied to a wide class of applications and input data. The proposed cast shadow segmentation method has been evaluated on a number of different video data representing indoor and outdoor real-world environments. The obtained results have confirmed the validity of the approach, in particular its ability to deal with different types of content and its robustness to different physically important independent variables, and have demonstrated the improvement with respect to the state of the art. Examples of application of the proposed shadow segmentation tool to the enhancement of video object segmentation, tracking and description operations, and to video composition, have demonstrated the advantages of a shadow-aware video processing

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems 2013

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    Challenges arising from an increasing traffic demand, limited resource availability and growing quality expectations of the customers can only be met successfully, if each transport mode is regarded as an intelligent transportation system itself, but also as part of one intelligent transportation system with “intelligent” intramodal and intermodal interfaces. This topic is well reflected in the Third International Conference on “Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems” which took place in Dresden 2013 (previous editions: Rome 2009, Leuven 2011). With its variety of traffic management problems that can be solved using similar methods and technologies, but with application specific models, objective functions and constraints the conference stands for an intensive exchange between theory and practice and the presentation of case studies for all transport modes and gives a discussion forum for control engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians and other researchers and practitioners. The present book comprises fifty short papers accepted for presentation at the Third Edition of the conference. All submissions have undergone intensive reviews by the organisers of the special sessions, the members of the scientific and technical advisory committees and further external experts in the field. Like the conference itself the proceedings are structured in twelve streams: the more model-oriented streams of Road-Bound Public Transport Management, Modelling and Control of Urban Traffic Flow, Railway Traffic Management in four different sessions, Air Traffic Management, Water Traffic and Traffic and Transit Assignment, as well as the technology-oriented streams of Floating Car Data, Localisation Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Image Processing in Transportation. With this broad range of topics this book will be of interest to a number of groups: ITS experts in research and industry, students of transport and control engineering, operations research and computer science. The case studies will also be of interest for transport operators and members of traffic administration

    Effective shadow detection in traffic monitoring applications

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    This paper presents work we have done in detecting moving shadows in the context of an outdoor traffic scene for visual surveillance purposes. The algorithm just exploits some foreground photometric properties concerning shadows. The input of the system is constituted by the blobs previously detected and by the division image between the current frame and the background of the scene. The method proposed is essentially based on multi-gradient operations applied on the division image which aim to discover the most likely shadow regions. Further on, the subsequent “smart” binary edge matching we devised is performed on each blob’s boundary and permits to effectively discard those regions inside the blob which are either too far from the boundary or too small. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by using a gray level sequence taken from a sunny, daytime, traffic scene. Since no a priori knowledge is used in order to detect, and remove, shadows, this method represents one of the most general purpose systems to date for detecting outdoor shadows