69 research outputs found

    Learning visual docking for non-holonomic autonomous vehicles

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    This paper presents a new method of learning visual docking skills for non-holonomic vehicles by direct interaction with the environment. The method is based on a reinforcement algorithm, which speeds up Q-learning by applying memorybased sweeping and enforcing the ā€œadjoining propertyā€, a filtering mechanism to only allow transitions between states that satisfy a fixed distance. The method overcomes some limitations of reinforcement learning techniques when they are employed in applications with continuous non-linear systems, such as car-like vehicles. In particular, a good approximation to the optimal behaviour is obtained by a small look-up table. The algorithm is tested within an image-based visual servoing framework on a docking task. The training time was less than 1 hour on the real vehicle. In experiments, we show the satisfactory performance of the algorithm

    Quantum Robot: Structure, Algorithms and Applications

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    A kind of brand-new robot, quantum robot, is proposed through fusing quantum theory with robot technology. Quantum robot is essentially a complex quantum system and it is generally composed of three fundamental parts: MQCU (multi quantum computing units), quantum controller/actuator, and information acquisition units. Corresponding to the system structure, several learning control algorithms including quantum searching algorithm and quantum reinforcement learning are presented for quantum robot. The theoretic results show that quantum robot can reduce the complexity of O(N^2) in traditional robot to O(N^(3/2)) using quantum searching algorithm, and the simulation results demonstrate that quantum robot is also superior to traditional robot in efficient learning by novel quantum reinforcement learning algorithm. Considering the advantages of quantum robot, its some potential important applications are also analyzed and prospected.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    A Graph-Based Reinforcement Learning Method with Converged State Exploration and Exploitation

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    In any classical value-based reinforcement learning method, an agent, despite of its continuous interactions with the environment, is yet unable to quickly generate a complete and independent description of the entire environment, leaving the learning method to struggle with a difficult dilemma of choosing between the two tasks, namely exploration and exploitation. This problem becomes more pronounced when the agent has to deal with a dynamic environment, of which the configuration and/or parameters are constantly changing. In this paper, this problem is approached by first mapping a reinforcement learning scheme to a directed graph, and the set that contains all the states already explored shall continue to be exploited in the context of such a graph. We have proved that the two tasks of exploration and exploitation eventually converge in the decision-making process, and thus, there is no need to face the exploration vs. exploitation tradeoff as all the existing reinforcement learning methods do. Rather this observation indicates that a reinforcement learning scheme is essentially the same as searching for the shortest path in a dynamic environment, which is readily tackled by a modified Floyd-Warshall algorithm as proposed in the paper. The experimental results have confirmed that the proposed graph-based reinforcement learning algorithm has significantly higher performance than both standard Q-learning algorithm and improved Q-learning algorithm in solving mazes, rendering it an algorithm of choice in applications involving dynamic environments

    PoseAgent: Budget-Constrained 6D Object Pose Estimation via Reinforcement Learning

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    State-of-the-art computer vision algorithms often achieve efficiency by making discrete choices about which hypotheses to explore next. This allows allocation of computational resources to promising candidates, however, such decisions are non-differentiable. As a result, these algorithms are hard to train in an end-to-end fashion. In this work we propose to learn an efficient algorithm for the task of 6D object pose estimation. Our system optimizes the parameters of an existing state-of-the art pose estimation system using reinforcement learning, where the pose estimation system now becomes the stochastic policy, parametrized by a CNN. Additionally, we present an efficient training algorithm that dramatically reduces computation time. We show empirically that our learned pose estimation procedure makes better use of limited resources and improves upon the state-of-the-art on a challenging dataset. Our approach enables differentiable end-to-end training of complex algorithmic pipelines and learns to make optimal use of a given computational budget

    Exploration of genetic network programming with two-stage reinforcement learning for mobile robot

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    This paper observes the exploration of Genetic Network Programming Two-Stage Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation. The proposed method aims to observe its exploration when inexperienced environments used in the implementation. In order to deal with this situation, individuals are trained firstly in the training phase, that is, they learn the environment with Ļµ-greedy policy and learning rate Ī± parameters. Here, two cases are studied, i.e., case A for low exploration and case B for high exploration. In the implementation, the individuals implemented to get experience and learn a new environment on-line. Then, the performance of learning processes are observed due to the environmental changes
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