2,708 research outputs found

    Full duplex switched ethernet for next generation "1553B" -based applications

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    Over the last thirty years, the MIL-STD 1553B data bus has been used in many embedded systems, like aircrafts, ships, missiles and satellites. However, the increasing number and complexity of interconnected subsystems lead to emerging needs for more communication bandwidth. Therefore, a new interconnection system is needed to overcome the limitations of the MIL-STD 1553B data bus. Among several high speed networks, Full Duplex Switched Ethernet is put forward here as an attractive candidate to replace the MIL-STD 1553B data bus. However, the key argument against Switched Ethernet lies in its non-deterministic behavior that makes it inadequate to deliver hard timeconstrained communications. Hence, our primary objective in this paper is to achieve an accepted QoS level offered by Switched Ethernet, to support diverse "1553B"-based applications requirements. We evaluate the performance of traffic shaping techniques on Full Duplex Switched Ethernet with an adequate choice of service strategy in the switch, to guarantee the real-time constraints required by these specific 1553B-based applications. An analytic study is conducted, using the Network Calculus formalism, to evaluate the deterministic guarantees offered by our approach. Theoretical analysis are then investigated in the case of a realistic "1553B"-based application extracted from a real military aircraft network. The results herein show the ability of profiled Full Duplex Switched Ethernet to satisfy 1553B-like real-time constraints

    Renegotiation based dynamic bandwidth allocation for selfsimilar VBR traffic

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    The provision of QoS to applications traffic depends heavily on how different traffic types are categorized and classified, and how the prioritization of these applications are managed. Bandwidth is the most scarce network resource. Therefore, there is a need for a method or system that distributes an available bandwidth in a network among different applications in such a way that each class or type of traffic receives their constraint QoS requirements. In this dissertation, a new renegotiation based dynamic resource allocation method for variable bit rate (VBR) traffic is presented. First, pros and cons of available off-line methods that are used to estimate selfsimilarity level (represented by Hurst parameter) of a VBR traffic trace are empirically investigated, and criteria to select measurement parameters for online resource management are developed. It is shown that wavelet analysis based methods are the strongest tools in estimation of Hurst parameter with their low computational complexities, compared to the variance-time method and R/S pox plot. Therefore, a temporal energy distribution of a traffic data arrival counting process among different frequency sub-bands is considered as a traffic descriptor, and then a robust traffic rate predictor is developed by using the Haar wavelet analysis. The empirical results show that the new on-line dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for VBR traffic is superior to traditional dynamic bandwidth allocation methods that are based on adaptive algorithms such as Least Mean Square, Recursive Least Square, and Mean Square Error etc. in terms of high utilization and low queuing delay. Also a method is developed to minimize the number of bandwidth renegotiations to decrease signaling costs on traffic schedulers (e.g. WFQ) and networks (e.g. ATM). It is also quantified that the introduced renegotiation based bandwidth management scheme decreases heavytailedness of queue size distributions, which is an inherent impact of traffic self similarity. The new design increases the achieved utilization levels in the literature, provisions given queue size constraints and minimizes the number of renegotiations simultaneously. This renegotiation -based design is online and practically embeddable into QoS management blocks, edge routers and Digital Subscriber Lines Access Multiplexers (DSLAM) and rate adaptive DSL modems

    Some aspects of traffic control and performance evaluation of ATM networks

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    The emerging high-speed Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks are expected to integrate through statistical multiplexing large numbers of traffic sources having a broad range of statistical characteristics and different Quality of Service (QOS) requirements. To achieve high utilisation of network resources while maintaining the QOS, efficient traffic management strategies have to be developed. This thesis considers the problem of traffic control for ATM networks. The thesis studies the application of neural networks to various ATM traffic control issues such as feedback congestion control, traffic characterization, bandwidth estimation, and Call Admission Control (CAC). A novel adaptive congestion control approach based on a neural network that uses reinforcement learning is developed. It is shown that the neural controller is very effective in providing general QOS control. A Finite Impulse Response (FIR) neural network is proposed to adaptively predict the traffic arrival process by learning the relationship between the past and future traffic variations. On the basis of this prediction, a feedback flow control scheme at input access nodes of the network is presented. Simulation results demonstrate significant performance improvement over conventional control mechanisms. In addition, an accurate yet computationally efficient approach to effective bandwidth estimation for multiplexed connections is investigated. In this method, a feed forward neural network is employed to model the nonlinear relationship between the effective bandwidth and the traffic situations and a QOS measure. Applications of this approach to admission control, bandwidth allocation and dynamic routing are also discussed. A detailed investigation has indicated that CAC schemes based on effective bandwidth approximation can be very conservative and prevent optimal use of network resources. A modified effective bandwidth CAC approach is therefore proposed to overcome the drawback of conventional methods. Considering statistical multiplexing between traffic sources, we directly calculate the effective bandwidth of the aggregate traffic which is modelled by a two-state Markov modulated Poisson process via matching four important statistics. We use the theory of large deviations to provide a unified description of effective bandwidths for various traffic sources and the associated ATM multiplexer queueing performance approximations, illustrating their strengths and limitations. In addition, a more accurate estimation method for ATM QOS parameters based on the Bahadur-Rao theorem is proposed, which is a refinement of the original effective bandwidth approximation and can lead to higher link utilisation

    New dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm analysis: DDSPON for ethernet passive optical networks

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    This project aims to present the state of the art in Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) solutions, as well as the study and evaluation of one proposal of DBA algorithm: the Distributed Dynamic Scheduling for EPON (DDSPON), which is the UPC contribution to the research in scheduling algorithms for EPON

    Application of learning algorithms to traffic management in integrated services networks.

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN027131 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    On scheduling input queued cell switches

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    Output-queued switching, though is able to offer high throughput, guaranteed delay and fairness, lacks scalability owing to the speed up problem. Input-queued switching, on the other hand, is scalable, and is thus becoming an attractive alternative. This dissertation presents three approaches toward resolving the major problem encountered in input-queued switching that has prohibited the provision of quality of service guarantees. First, we proposed a maximum size matching based algorithm, referred to as min-max fair input queueing (MFIQ), which minimizes the additional delay caused by back pressure, and at the same time provides fair service among competing sessions. Like any maximum size matching algorithm, MFIQ performs well for uniform traffic, in which the destinations of the incoming cells are uniformly distributed over all the outputs, but is not stable for non-uniform traffic. Subse-quently, we proposed two maximum weight matching based algorithms, longest normalized queue first (LNQF) and earliest due date first matching (EDDFM), which are stable for both uniform and non-uniform traffic. LNQF provides fairer service than longest queue first (LQF) and better traffic shaping than oldest cell first (OCF), and EDDEM has lower probability of delay overdue than LQF, LNQF, and OCF. Our third approach, referred to as store-sort-and-forward (SSF), is a frame based scheduling algorithm. SSF is proved to be able to achieve strict sense 100% throughput, and provide bounded delay and delay jitter for input-queued switches if the traffic conforms to the (r, T) model