3 research outputs found

    Effective Appearance Model and Similarity Measure for Particle Filtering and Visual Tracking

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    In this paper, we adaptively model the appearance of objects based on Mixture of Gaussians in a joint spatial-color space (the approach is called SMOG). We propose a new SMOG-based similarity measure. SMOG captures richer information than the general color histogram because it incorporates spatial layout in addition to color. This appearance model and the similarity measure are used in a framework of Bayesian probability for tracking natural objects. In the second part of the paper, we propose an Integral Gaussian Mixture (IGM) technique, as a fast way to extract the parameters of SMOG for target candidate. With IGM, the parameters of SMOG can be computed efficiently by using only simple arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, division) and thus the computation is reduced to linear complexity. Experiments show that our method can successfully track objects despite changes in foreground appearance, clutter, occlusion, etc.; and that it outperforms several color-histogram based methods.Hanzi Wang, David Suter and Konrad Schindle

    Effective appearance model and similarity measure for particle filtering and visual tracking

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    In this paper, we adaptively model the appearance of objects based on Mixture of Gaussians in a joint spatial-color space (the approach is called SMOG). We propose a new SMOG-based similarity measure. SMOG captures richer information than the general color histogram because it incorporates spatial layout in addition to color. This appearance model and the similarity measure are used in a framework of Bayesian probability for tracking natural objects. In the second part of the paper, we propose an Integral Gaussian Mixture (IGM) technique, as a fast way to extract the parameters of SMOG for target candidate. With IGM, the parameters of SMOG can be computed efficiently by using only simple arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, division) and thus the computation is reduced to linear complexity. Experiments show that our method can successfully track objects despite changes in foreground appearance, clutter, occlusion, etc.; and that it outperforms several color-histogram based methods

    Traitement automatique de vidéos en LSF. Modélisation et exploitation des contraintes phonologiques du mouvement

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    Dans le domaine du Traitement automatique des langues naturelles, l'exploitation d'Ă©noncĂ©s en langues des signes occupe une place Ă  part. En raison des spĂ©cificitĂ©s propres Ă  la Langue des Signes Française (LSF) comme la simultanĂ©itĂ© de plusieurs paramĂštres, le fort rĂŽle de l'expression du visage, le recours massif Ă  des unitĂ©s gestuelles iconiques et l'utilisation de l'espace pour structurer l'Ă©noncĂ©, de nouvelles mĂ©thodes de traitement doivent ĂȘtres adaptĂ©es Ă  cette langue. Nous exposons d'abord une mĂ©thode de suivi basĂ©e sur un filtre particulaire, permettant de dĂ©terminer Ă  tout moment la position de la tĂȘte, des coudes, du buste et des mains d'un signeur dans une vidĂ©o monovue. Cette mĂ©thode a Ă©tĂ© adaptĂ©e Ă  la LSF pour la rendre plus robuste aux occultations, aux sorties de cadre et aux inversions des mains du signeur. Ensuite, l'analyse de donnĂ©es issues de capture de mouvements nous permet d'aboutir Ă  une catĂ©gorisation de diffĂ©rents mouvements frĂ©quemment utilisĂ©s dans la production de signes. Nous en proposons un modĂšle paramĂ©trique que nous utilisons dans le cadre de la recherche de signes dans une vidĂ©o, Ă  partir d'un exemple vidĂ©o de signe. Ces modĂšles de mouvement sont enfin rĂ©utilisĂ©s dans des applications permettant d'assister un utilisateur dans la crĂ©ation d'images de signe et la segmentation d'une vidĂ©o en signes.There are a lot of differences between sign languages and vocal languages. Among them, we can underline the simultaneity of several parameters, the important role of the face expression, the recurrent use of iconic gestures and the use of signing space to structure utterances. As a consequence, new methods have to be developed and adapted to those languages. At first, we detail a method based on a particle filter to estimate at any time, the position of the signer's head, hands, elbows and shoulders in a monoview video. This method has been adapted to the French Sign Language in order to make it more robust to occlusion, inversion of the signer's hands or disappearance of hands from the video frame. Then, we propose a classification of the motion patterns that are frequently involved in the sign of production, thanks to the analysis of motion capture data. The parametric models associated to each sign pattern are used in the frame of automatic signe retrieval in a video from a filmed sign example. We finally include those models in two applications. The first one helps an user in creating sign pictures. The second one is dedicated to computer aided sign segmentation