1,257 research outputs found

    Indoor wireless communications and applications

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    Chapter 3 addresses challenges in radio link and system design in indoor scenarios. Given the fact that most human activities take place in indoor environments, the need for supporting ubiquitous indoor data connectivity and location/tracking service becomes even more important than in the previous decades. Specific technical challenges addressed in this section are(i), modelling complex indoor radio channels for effective antenna deployment, (ii), potential of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) radios for supporting higher data rates, and (iii), feasible indoor localisation and tracking techniques, which are summarised in three dedicated sections of this chapter

    Dynamic double directional propagation channel analysis with dual circular arrays

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    Dynamic double directional propagation channel analysis with dual circular arrays. (pp. 6 p). Peer reviewed versio

    Power Azimuth Spectrum measurements in home and office environments at 62.4 GHz

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    Characterization of Single- and Multi-antenna Wireless Channels

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    The wireless propagation channel significantly influences the received signal, so that it needs to be modeled effectively. Extensive measurements and analysis are required for investigating the validity of theoretical models and postulating new models based on measurements. Such measurements, analysis, and modeling are the topic of this thesis. The focus of the included contributions are Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) propagation channels and radio channels for sensor network applications. Paper I presents results from one of the first MIMO measurements for a double-directional characterization of the outdoor-to-indoor wireless propagation channel. Such channels are of interest for both cellular and wireless LAN applications. We discuss physical aspects of building penetration, and also provide statistics of angle and delay spreads in the channel. The paper also investigates the coupling between DOD and DOA and the two spectra are found to have non-negligible dependence. We test the applicability of three analytical channel models that make different assumptions on the coupling between DODs and DOAs. Our results indicate that analytical models, that impose fewer restrictions on the DOD to DOA coupling, should be used preferrably over models such as the Kronecker model that have more restrictive assumptions. Paper II presents a cluster-based analysis of the outdoor-to-indoor MIMO measurements analyzed in Paper I. A subset of parameters of the COST 273 channel model, a generic model for MIMO propagation channels, are characterized for the outdoor-to-indoor scenario. MPC parameters are extracted at each measured location using a high-resolution algorithm and clusters of MPCs are identified with an automated clustering approach. In particular, the adopted clustering approach requires that all MPC parameters must be similar in order for the MPCs to form a cluster. A statistical analysis of the identified clusters is performed for both the intra- and inter-cluster properties. Paper III analyzes the spatial fading distribution for a range of canonical sensor deployment scenarios. The presented results are relevant to communicating within, and between, clusters of nodes. Contrary to the widely accepted assumption in published literature that the channel is AWGN at a small-enough distance, our measurements indicate that values of the Rice factor do not, in general, increase monotonically as the Tx-Rx distance is reduced. A probability mixture model is presented, with distance dependent parameters, to account for the distance dependent variations of the Rice factor. A simulation model that includes small- and large-scale fading effects is presented. According to the modeling approach, a sensor node placed anywhere within the spatial extent of a small-scale region will experience the channel statistics applicable to that region. Paper IV presents results characterizing a radio channel for outdoor short-range sensor networks. A number of antennas are placed on the ground in an open area and time-variation of the channel is induced by a person moving in the vicinity of the nodes. The channel statistics of both the LOS path and the overall narrowband signal are non-stationary. We investigate the stationarity interval length to be used for small-scale analysis. Our analysis of the various measured links shows that the Rx signal strength is significantly influenced by a moving person only when the person blocks the LOS path. We present a generic approach for modeling the LOS blockage, and also model the time-variant Doppler spectrum of the channel's scattered components

    Channel modeling for the investigation of human absorption in realistic indoor environments

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    Experimental assessment of specific absorption rate using room electromagnetics

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    A closed room environment is viewed as a lossy cavity, characterized by possibly a line-of-sight component and diffuse scattering parts from walls and internal obstacles. A theory used in acoustics and reverberation chambers is applied for the electromagnetic case, and main issues related to measurement systems, antennas characteristics, diffuse energy properties, and human exposure are investigated. The goal of this paper aims first toward validation of the assessment of the reverberation time in an environment using a virtual multiple-input-multiple-output channel system. Second, the reverberation time in an adjacent room is investigated, and hence, a measurement-based method is readily developed to assess the absorption cross section and the whole-body specific absorption rate of humans at 2.3 GHz in a realistic closed environment

    Multifrequency Wireless Channel Measurements and Characterization in Large Indoor Office Environments

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    This article performs extensive channel measurements and characteristics analysis to investigate large-scale fading (LSF) and small-scale fading (SSF) of wireless local area network (WLAN) channels in large indoor office environments. Multifrequency single-input-single-output (SISO) channel measurements are conducted at 3, 5.5, and 6.5 GHz under the same conditions to explore the frequency dependence of LSF, delay spread (DS), and KK -factor (KF). Then, SISO channel measurements with different half-power beamwidths (HPBWs) of antennas are performed at 5.5 GHz in access point (AP) to user equipment (UE) and AP-to-AP scenarios. The effects of antenna HPBW on LSF, DS, and KF are investigated, thereby inspiring the AP deployment in high-density (HD) scenarios. Finally, 32×6432 \times 64 multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channel measurements at 5.5 GHz are conducted to study the SSF of the time nonstationarity and multilink correlation. The time nonstationarity, including the parameters' drifting and cluster evolution caused by the movement of the UE, is verified by the measurement results. Multilink correlations are illustrated from the perspectives of the angular power spectral density (APSD) and correlation matrix collinearity (CMC). The results show that the distance between users and separation angle can affect the multilink correlation.</p

    60 GHz Wireless Propagation Channels: Characterization, Modeling and Evaluation

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    To be able to connect wirelessly to the internet is nowadays a part of everyday life and the number of wireless devices accessing wireless networks worldwide are increasing rapidly. However, with the increasing number of wireless devices and applications and the amount available bandwidth, spectrum shortage is an issue. A promising way to increase the amount of available spectrum is to utilize frequency bands in the mm-wave range of 30-300 GHz that previously have not been used for typical consumer applications. The 60 GHz band has been pointed out as a good candidate for short range, high data rate communications, as the amount of available bandwidth is at least 5 GHz worldwide, with most countries having 7 GHz of bandwidth available in this band. This large bandwidth is expected to allow for wireless communication with bit rates up to 7 Gbit/s, which can be compared to the typical WLAN systems of today that typically provide bit rates up to 0.6 Gbit/s. However, the performance of any wireless system is highly dependent on the properties and characteristics of the wireless propagation channel. This thesis focuses on indoor short range wireless propagation channels in the 60 GHz band and contains a collection of papers that characterizes, models and evaluates different aspects that are directly related to the propagation channel properties. Paper I investigates the directional properties of the indoor 60 GHz wireless radio channel based on a set of indoor measurements in a conference room. In the paper, the signal pathways and propagation mechanisms for the strongest paths are identified. The results show that first and second order interactions account for the major contribution of the received power. The results also show that finer structures, such as ceiling lamps, can be significant interacting objects. Paper II presents a cluster-based double-directional channel model for 60 GHz indoor multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. This paper is a direct continuation of the results in paper I. The model supports arbitrary antenna elements and array configurations and is validated against measurement data. The validation shows that the channel model is able to efficiently reproduce the statistical properties of the measured channels. The presented channel model is also compared with the 60 GHz channel models developed for the industry standards IEEE802.15.3c and IEEE802.11ad. Paper III characterizes the effect of shadowing due to humans and other objects. Measurements of the shadowing gain for human legs, metallic sheets, as well as metallic and plastic cylinders are presented. It is shown that the shadowing gain of these objects are fairly similar and that the shadowing due to the metal cylinder can be determined based on the geometrical theory of diffraction. Next, the shadowing due to a water-filled human body phantom is compared with the shadowing due to real humans. The results show that the water-filled phantom has shadowing properties similar to those of humans and is therefore suitable for use in 60 GHz human body shadowing measurements. Paper IV presents a novel way of estimating the cluster decay and fading. Previously, the cluster decay has usually been determined by performing a simple linear regression, without considering the effects of the noise floor and cluster fading. The paper presents an estimation method which takes these effects into account and jointly estimates both the cluster decay and cluster fading. It is shown that this estimation method can greatly improve the estimated parameters. Paper V evaluates the capacity improvement capability of spatial multiplexing and beamforming techniques for 60 GHz systems in an indoor environment. In this paper, beamforming refers to conventional gain focusing in the direction of the strongest propagation path. The paper uses a capacity metric that only depends on the multi-path richness of the propagation channel and the antenna aperture size. In the paper, it is shown that, when the link budget is limited due to electrically small antennas and long Tx-Rx separation distances, beamforming approximates the capacity of spatial multiplexing. However, spatial multiplexing is a worthwhile option when Rx SNR is favorable and a higher peak data rate is required. Paper VI describes different methods for the clustering of wireless multi-path components. In the literature, the clustering method that is predominantly used is the K-means algorithm, or a power-weighted version of K-means, called K-power means. In this paper, we point out that K-means is a special case of a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). The paper presents a clustering method based on a GMM. This method is able to handle arbitrary cluster spreads in the different dimensions better than the K-means algorithm. A power-weighted version of the GMM is also presented. In addition to this, a mixture model based on asymmetric Laplace distributions is also presented, with and without power-weighting. Paper VII is based on channel measurements in a small and a large room, where the Tx and Rx arrays have dual polarized elements. Using these measurements, the cross-polarization ratio (XPR) of the multi-path components are characterized. This gives valuable information on how the MPCs are affected by the propagation channel. A statistical description of the XPR is also needed for the development of a propagation channel model that supports polarization. The paper also investigates the eigenvalue spreads for single and dual polarized elements. Furthermore, the measurements include LOS and NLOS measurement, where the NLOS scenarios include water-filled human presented in paper III. The results show that the capacity can be greatly improved if dual-polarized elements are used, and that the XPR values are in general higher compared to lower frequencies