44 research outputs found

    Peran Guru Akuntansi dalam Mewujudkan Empat Pilar Pembelajaran melalui Accounting Simulation

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    The results of scientific thinking aims to provide insight for accounting teachers in optimizing its role to achieve the four pillars of learning through accounting simulation. The four pillars of learning consists of learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together. Accounting implementation of learning has experienced fairly rapid growth as evidenced by the implementation of a wide range of innovative learning models. Learners can achieve many accomplishments in the field of accounting in both the national and International levels, but after that learners have difficulty applying their knowledge to work using accounting science, both for themselves as well as in public life That is because learning accounting for only focuses on only two pillars of learning are learning to know and learning to do it, has not reached the pillars of learning to be and learning to live together. Through accounting simulation, the accounting teacher should show their creativity to show the real condition of life of the community into the classroom. The involvement of learners in simulating these conditions are expected to form a strong understanding of accounting concepts, so that students can apply the knowledge in accounting both for himself as well as in social life


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, hasil belajar siswa, dan respons siswa setelah penerapan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E pada materi Sistem Transportasi pada manusia dengan media Lights Circulatory. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMPN 51 Surabaya pada kelas VIII-B yang kelasnya memiliki jumlah 37 siswa pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Jenis penelitian adalah pre eksperimental  menggunakan rancangan one group pretest-posttest design dengan menggunakan satu kelas tanpa adanya kelas pembanding. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, lembar hasil belajar, dan lembar angket. Analisis dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pelaksanaan model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E pada materi Sistem Transportasi pada manusia telah terlaksana dengan kriteria sangat baik dengan rata-rata skor pada kelas VIII-B sebesar 3,73. Hasil belajar siswa kompetensi sikap diketahui bahwa telah mencapai kriteria ketuntasan “Baik dan Sangat Baik”. Hasil belajar kompetensi pengetahuan memperoleh peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 0,89 dengan kategori tinggi. Hasil belajar kompetensi keterampilan memperoleh rata-rata mencapai predikat A-. Seluruh siswa memberikan respons positif terhadap model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E pada materi Sistem Transportasi pada manusia, dengan menggunakan Media “Lights Circulatory”. Kata kunci : Model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E, materi Sistem Transportasi pada manusia, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, hasil belajar siswa, respons siswa     &nbsp

    Structural Model of Simulation – Social Constructionist Perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to establish a viable structural model of simulation in learning from the social constructionist perspective. The study is based on one of my empirical studies about knowledge construction in learning community and also the researches on simulation from the interdisciplinary fields. The findings indicate that simulation is a process of designing and practicing a model generated from the representational structure of the real world and modifying the model according to the specific contexts. Simulation is useful for gaining analogous knowledge, knowledge that has similar or relevant structures between the simulatee and simulator

    Persepsi Mahasiswa PGSD UKI Toraja terkait STEAM

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    This study aims to identify the perceptions of primary school teacher education students regarding STEAM. The type of research used in research is a qualitative-descriptive type of research. A questionnaire, consisting of 4 question items with multiple-choice answers and 48 statement items using a Likert scale. The collected data was transmitted in the form of questionnaire data to 100 students in the fifth semester of the Primary School Teacher Education UKI Toraja. The researcher then analyzed the data that had been collected. The results showed that, on average, students heard the term STEAM for the first time and only knew courses in the field of STEAM separately. The perception of the students towards STEAM regarding attitudes, opinions, and the environment is good. The students' motivation and belief to take courses in the STEAM area are already visible. The students are also very interested in studying STEAM courses and do not find these courses too difficult. The students also agree that the knowledge acquired in STEAM can help in developing a future career as a teacher. From an environmental point of view, however, the student's perception is positive that the curriculum, the facilities, the parents/relatives, and the lecturers strongly support STEAM learning

    Effect of Simulation on Students’ Achievement in Senior Secondary School Chemistry in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria.

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    The study investigated the effect of simulation on students’ achievement in senior secondary school chemistry in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The design of the study was quasi-experimental with specifically the pre-test and post-test. The sample of the study consisted of 159 senior secondary school I students (80 males and 79 females) randomly selected from two schools out of the secondary schools in Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The experimental group comprised of 39 males and 39 females (78 students) while the control had 41 males and 40 females (81 student). Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The achievement test in simulation (ATIS) was used to collect data on the student achievement.  Means and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while the t-test was used to test the hypotheses a 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that simulation increased students’ achievement in chemistry more than the conventional method. There was no significant different in the achievement of male and female students on the chemistry concepts. Based on the results it was recommended that chemistry teachers should be re-trained on the use of simulation in teaching while the government and stake holders in Education should sponsor the purchase of simulators to be used in teaching chemistry in schools. Key words: simulation, education, students’ achievement, chemistry, science and technology, National Policy on Education, gender, experimental and control groups.

    Korelasi Nilai Rapor dan Nem Mata Pelajaran IPA Mulai Tahun 2011 Sampai dengan 2015

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    This research aims to find out what a great correlation is between report scores , NEM and gender influence of a science /exact subject towards the ninth grade of SMP N 1 sungai kakap from 2011 to 2015 the research method used is a documented survey of report scores and NEM of a science subject . The sample of this research is as many as 57 students each years which is taken by using calculator simple size technique and simple random sampling. Based on the analysis result product – moment with = 5% = 0.05 found that there was a significant correlation for 2011, 2013 to 2015 because p 0.05

    Advance of the design of a computer program for Macroeconomic´s Equilibria teaching

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    Los modelos macroeconómicos de equilibrio general son una herramienta básica para comprender el funcionamiento de la economía, como se relacionan las principales variables macroeconómicas y el efecto final de las políticas económicas. La enseñanza de estos modelos se realiza fundamentalmente mediante un sistema de ecuaciones matemáticas y en el uso de gráficos concatenados que representan los diversos mercados que intervienen en la economía. Sin embargo, el modo en que estos gráficos son tradicionalmente enseñados no permite al alumno comprender fácilmente el modo en que éstos se relacionan y ver los cambios que se producen en las curvas. El programa de simulación “Equilibrios Macroeconómicos” permite superar estas dificultades ya que los alumnos pueden visualizar fácilmente los cambios en las curvas cuando los parámetros del modelo varían. Ello permite asociar los cambios de dichos valores, a los efectos económicos derivados de los mismos y comprender los efectos finales de las políticas económicas.General equilibrium macroeconomic models are a basic tool for understanding the functioning of the economy, how the main macroeconomic variables are related to and the final effect of economic policies. Teaching of these models is essentially done through a system of mathematical equations and through the use of concatenated graphs which represent the markets involved in the economy. However, the way these graphs are traditionally taught does not allow the learner to easily understand how they are related and visualise changes in the curves. The simulation program "macroeconomic equilibrium" overcomes these difficulties because, through it, the students can easily visualise the changes in these curves when the model’s parameter values are modified. This allows to associate changes in these values with the economic effects and so to understand the final effects of economic policies

    Effect of Computer Simulation and Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Reproductive System in Human in Senior Secondary Schools Minna Metropolis, Niger State

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    The conventional method of teaching is most common in Nigeria and researchers have shown that this method has led to poor performance of students in Biology and in other subjects. Researchers have been able to ascertain that students will learn best when they participate in the teaching-learning process. This study examined the effects of Computer simulation and jigsaw technique on the performance of senior secondary school students in Biology in Minna metropolis, Niger state. The study also investigated gender differences in the performance of Male and Female students in Biology. The sample used consists of seventy-eight (78) Senior Secondary (SSII) Biology students. Twenty-six (26) students consisting of thirteen (13) males and thirteen (13) females were randomly selected from each school. The schools were randomly assigned to Experimental group 1, Experimental group 2 and Control group. Experimental group 1 (n=26) was treated with jigsaw technique, experimental group 2 (n=26) was treated with computer simulation, while the control group (n=26) was treated with convectional teaching method. Quasi-experimental design employing pre-test, treatment and post-test was adopted. The test instrument used for the study was a twenty (20) multiple-choice Biology Achievement Test (BAT) questions. The test had a reliability index of 0.72 determined using split- half reliability approach.  The data collected were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), t-test, mean, standard deviation and mean gains. Three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Treatments used had significant effects on students’ Post-test achievement score. Students exposed to Computer simulation and jigsaw technique performed better than their counterparts who were taught with conventional teaching method (F=8.811, df=2, 75 P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the performance of the Male and Female students taught with both Computer simulation and jigsaw technique. Based on the findings, it was recommended, among others, that biology teachers should adopt computer simulation technique and jigsaw technique in teaching Biology concepts in view of its high facilitative effect on students’ performanc

    Effects of simulation teaching technique on achievement of students in physics concepts in Buuri-east sub-county Kenya

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    Introduction: Physics is a science subject that is fundamental for developments in any country. Students’ achievement in Physics concepts in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) has been below average. Most physics concepts are abstract in nature and the techniques used to teach do not allow learners to conceptualize such concepts. This has led to poor student achievement in physics. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate effect of simulation teaching technique on secondary school students’ physics concepts achievement in Buuri East sub-county, Meru County, Kenya.  Methods: Solomon four non-equivalent control group design was used. Both purposive and stratified sampling techniques were used to select four co-educational schools that were used in the study. The sample of the study consisted of 123 form two students. Physics Achievement Test (PAT) was used to collect data on students’ achievement in Physics. The instrument was validated and pilot tested for use in data collection. KR-20 was used to estimate the reliability of PAT, a coefficient of 0.84 was found. Data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics, which included mean score, t-test, and ANOVA. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05, alpha level of significance. Findings: The results showed that the difference in physics achievement was statistically significant in favor of experimental group. There was no statistically significant difference in the achievement between male and female students in physics, based on the results. Recommendations: it was recommended that physics teachers embrace the use of simulation in teaching. The government and education stakeholders should encourage the use of simulation teaching technique in teaching physics in secondary schools