Journal of Educational Research in Developing Areas
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    111 research outputs found

    Perception on child development among carers in pre-schools in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Introduction: Studies have shown that the early years of a child is an important period of development that will have a long-term impact on his/her psychological well-being. Key roles of carers is to provide a caring, safe, stimulating, inclusive environment for infants and toddlers. Purpose: The study sought to examine the perception on child development among carers in pre-schools. Methodology: A qualitative research design was adopted for the study. A total of 12 key informant’s pre-school teachers (Carers) were purposively selected from six schools. Two (2) instruments were used: the first instrument was titled; Socio-demographic Questionnaire: obtained information of research participants such as, gender, year of experience, relationship status; and the second one was titled: key Informants’ interview guide which consisted of a minimum of 12 items (open-ended questions) developed by the researcher to obtain information from the respondents. The interview guide was subjected to face validity. Results: The interviewees were all female pre-school teachers/carer. This study revealed that majority of the carers perceived child development as a process that starts from conception to adolescence. Practices that were generally believed as a way to foster child development included, discipline, conducive learning environment, encouraging the child (both as parents and teachers), good nutrition. Conclusion and recommendation: Carers play a prominent role in the development of a child; it calls for attention both at the societal and individual levels. It was recommended that quality investment should be done by allocating resources for training change agents be they parents, teachers or health workers among other

    Effect of grades one and two language of instruction on performance in Mathematics among grade three pupils in Rulindo district, Rwanda

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    Introduction: Prior research has indicated that poor performance in Mathematics may be attributed to the inability of candidates to express ideas in English. There has been little focus on the effect of language use on the learners’ performance in Rwanda schools, where the Language Policy for Education has changed drastically since the country’s independence in 1962. Purpose: This paper sought to find out how the language used for instruction at Grade One and Grade Two could be used to envisage subsequent performance in Mathematics at Grade Three. Methodology: A causal comparative research design of Ex-post facto nature was adopted. The study involved 188 pupils and 6 Mathematics teachers randomly selected. A Mathematics Achievement Test and teachers’ interview guide were used to collect data. Data was analysed using a One-way ANOVA and thematic analysis. Results: The study revealed that pupils whose Language of Instruction was English from Grade One and Grade Two performed significantly better in Mathematics at Grade Three than their counterparts whose Language of Instruction was Kinyarwanda at Grade One and Two. Conclusion and Recommendations: The Language of Instruction at Grades One and Two was the origin for the gap existing among Grade Three pupils who went through the same learning experiences.  The findings of this study could help teachers, The Ministry of Education as well as the schools’ management to focus on suitable Language of Instruction to improve the quality of learning. The results of this study could also serve as a springboard for further study in the same area

    Level of awareness among parents and guardians about usher syndrome and deaf-blindness in Lagos state, Nigeria

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    Introduction: Researches have shown that usher syndrome is the leading genetic etiology of congenital deafness combined with progressive vision loss (Deaf-blindness), most parents and guardians of learners with this condition in Nigeria are not of aware that this.  Purpose: This study investigates parents’ level of aware of usher syndrome and Deaf-blindness in Lagos State, Nigeria. Methodology: The study adopted a survey research design of the ex-post facto type. A total of  twenty (28) parents/guidance of leaners with deaf-blindness in the 20 Local Government Areas of the State participated in the survey. A self-structured research instrument titled Parents Awareness About Usher Syndrome Scale (PAUSS) was used for data collection. Two (2) research questions were raised to guide the study. Data were analysed using frequency count/percentage and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. Results: Parents and guardians of leaners with Deaf-blindness are not aware of Usher Syndrome as a cause of deaf-blindness 23(82.1%). Also, parents and guardians of learners with Deaf-blindness have low awareness of genetic testing/counseling 21(75.0%). Conclusion: This study has been able to establish that parents and guardians of learners with deaf-blindness in Lagos state are not aware of the term usher syndrome let alone aware that usher syndrome is the leading cause of Deaf-blindness.    Recommendation: It was recommended among other that parents and guardians of persons with Deaf-blindness should be educated on the causes and prevention of Usher Syndrome and other causes of Deaf-blindness with a view to reducing the incidence of the dual disability in Lagos state and the nation as a whole and that there should be intensive training workshops to equip parents/guidance, other stakeholders and the general public with the knowledge of genetic counseling for the prevention of usher syndrome and Deaf-blindness

    Parental socio-economic status on academic achievement of learners with hearing impairment in Biology in selected schools in Lagos state, Nigeria

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    INTRODUCTION: This research work was carried out to investigate parental socioeconomic status as a determinant of academic achievement of learners with hearing impairment in biology of some selected schools in Lagos state. PURPOSE: The study identified the effects of the educational background, occupation, and income of parents on the academic achievement of learners with hearing impairment in biology. DESIGN: Quantitative research method using descriptive design was used to determine the effect of parental socio-economic status on the academic achievement of learners with hearing impairment in Biology. The population for the study constitute all learners in selected special schools in Lagos state. The total population of the study is 200 learners with hearing impairment. A simple random sample which employed the hat and draw technique was used to select ten (10) males and ten (10) female learners with hearing impairment from each selected school which amount to total number of sixty (60) learners with hearing impairment. A self-designed questionnaire titled “Parental  Socio-Economic Status as determinants of Academic Achievement” (PSAA) was used with mean and standard deviation to analyze data.  RESULTS: Findings from the study revealed that learners’ academic achievement              in Biology is influenced by parental level of education, income and occupation. It was also concluded that there is a direct relationship between parental financial and human capital on the successful learning experience of learners and their academic success in biology. RECOMMENDATIONS: The results notwithstanding, authors recommended among others that Government, multinational companies and public spirited individuals should be able to identify and support intelligent Learners with hearing impairment from low-income parents with a view to boosting their academic achievement

    Parental income and educational background on speech and language development of children with Down syndrome in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria

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    Introduction: Children with Down syndrome often experience delayed milestones, which can impact their academic, social, speech, and language development. However, research suggests that impaired expressive language skills are more common than receptive language skills in this population. Purpose: This study purposely examined parental income and educational background on speech and language development of children with Down syndrome in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria. Methodology: Descriptive research design was adopted, and a survey method was used. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 30 parents of children with Down syndrome in Ibadan North Local Government. A self-structure questionnaire named Speech-Language with Income and Educational background Assessment Scale (S-LIEAS) was used.  Data collected were analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis at the 0.05 level of significance. Results: The results revealed that there is a significant relationship between parental educational background and language development of children with Down syndrome (r=0.47, p<0.05), but no significant relationship between parental income and language development (r=0.02, p>0.05). Conclusion: This study highlighted the importance of parental educational background and income in promoting speech and language development of children with Down syndrome. Recommendation: The study suggested that to promote speech and language development of children with Down syndrome, it may be necessary to provide parents with information about available management strategies and financial support to improve their income. Also, regular sensitization programmes was recommended for expectant mothers to educate them about Down syndrome and strategies for promoting speech and language development of children with Down syndrome

    Impact of parenting practices on national security in Benue state, Nigeria

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    Introduction: Insecurity in Nigeria has become something of grave concern to all well-meaning citizens most of who continue to wonder how this dastardly situation came about; and worse still rather than abate, the problem is escalating and now seems to be totally out of control. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate impact of parenting practices on national security. Methodology:  The study adopted descriptive survey design. The population consisted of 363,547 married males and females in Benue State. A sample of 170 spouses was selected. Multi-stage sampling method was adopted which comprised proportionate and purposive sampling method. ‘Parenting Practices and National Security Questionnaire PPNSQ’ was validated and used to elicit information from the respondents. Cronbach alpha method yielded a reliability coefficient of .89. Mean scores and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Any mean score of 2.50 and above were accepted as having desired impact while anything contrary is rejected. Results: The result revealed that adoption of good ethical values, proper child upbringing, proper parental monitoring are among parental practices that enhance national security while use of autocratic parenting style, poor parental guidance, lack of parental love and use of drugs and alcohol by family members escalate national insecurity. The study also found that parenting practices have both positive and negative impact on national security. Recommendations: The study recommended that parents should endeavour to adopt parenting practices that enhance national security rather than those that escalate national insecurity

    Parent related factors on lower primary performance in basic science of pupils in Ibadan north local government area, Oyo state, Nigeria

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    Introduction: This study investigated some parent related factors, which are interest in science, parental involvement and parents' job specialization as determinants of lower primary pupils' performance in Basic Science in Ibadan. Purpose: The study sought to examine some of the parental related factors that could affect lower primary pupils in Basic Science. Methodology: An ex-post facto Comparative research design was adopted for the study. Random Sampling Technique was used to select five (5) the primary schools and pupils in Ibadan. A total of ninety six (96) pupils were randomly selected to give their parents the questionnaire to fill and the same pupils’ academic records in Basic Science were collected from the schools. Also, two (2) instruments were used: the first instrument titled; Parents' interest in science Questionnaire (PISQ) and the second one titled; Parental Involvement Questionnaire (PIQ). The validity and reliability indexes for PISQ and PIQ are 0.70 and 0.76 respectively. Result: Findings showed that parents are interested in science to some extent and there was no significant composite contribution of the independent variables (interest in science, parental involvement and job specialization) on lower primary pupils’ performance in Basic Science.  Also, none of the parental factors considered in the study, had a significant relative contribution to the academic performance of lower primary pupils in Basic science. Conclusion and Recommendations: Recommendations made are: provision of educational enlightenment programmes to increase parental interest in science in order to enhance children learning science.

    Impact of Montessori teaching methods on developmental domains in early childhood education in Lagos state, Nigeria

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    Introduction: Early Childhood Education and development is a start to life and a reliable foundation to continuing education. One of the reasons that early childhood is regarded up to the age of eight is to enable children acquire a smooth understanding of the entire education from the level of play group to pre-primary and from pre-primary to the level of primary. Purpose of the Study: The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Montessori teaching methods on the developmental domain of young children in early childhood schools in Lagos state. Methodology: Descriptive survey research design was adopted. Sample size of two (12) schools of 10 pupils each in the selected schools was employed using convenience sampling technique. Validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics which involves measures of central tendency descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage). Results: Findings indicate that there is higher impact of Montessori teaching methods on the literacy skills in early childhood education. Pupils from both Montessori and Non-Montessori schools perform equally better in Numeracy Skills. The impact of conventional method of teaching on reasoning skill is better than that of Montessori Method of teaching. Conclusion: In conclusion, many aspects of Montessori teaching methods positively consider children's developmental needs and should be an integral part of teachers’ working modalities in so-called “non-Montessori teaching methods (conventional public schools)” (such as the possibility for each child to be in multi-age classes; to have an absence of explicit, formal grades, rewards, or punishments; and a low teacher-student ratio). Recommendations: Based on the results of this study, it is therefore recommended that Montessori system of education may be used to improve language skills of children and to understand art of language at early childhood level

    Comparison of environmental attitudes of science and non-science undergraduate students of Sokoto State University, Nigeria

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    Introduction: The relationship between man and his surrounding is as old as his origin. All his basic needs of living are from his environment. Recently, the science and technological advancement of Man is resulting to several damages to environment which in turn affect the quality of air, water and climatic factors of the environment. Therefore, there is the need for more individuals with positive environmental attitudes.  Purpose: This study aimed to compare the environmental attitudes of science and non-science undergraduate students in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Three research questions and two hypotheses were answered and tested, respectively. Methodology: Descriptive survey design was employed involving 322 science and non-science students. The instrument used for data collection is Environmental Attitude Inventory. Items of the instrument were adopted from Uzun, Gilbertson, Keles & Ratinen, (2019) and Milfont and Dukit (2010). The modified items were validated by experts and a reliability index of 0.66 was obtained after the pilot study. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) and the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: The findings of the study show that the majority of undergraduate students in Sokoto State University have a moderate environmental attitude and undergraduate science students demonstrated a higher environmental attitude than non-science students. Recommendations: The study recommended that more training and workshops be organised for undergraduate students to improve their environmental attitude

    Gender and spatial inclusion techniques during classroom interaction and primary pupils’ achievement in literacy and numeracy

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    Introduction: Teachers prepare the curriculum, prepare contents to be taught, teach the pupils with various teaching aids and methodology, assess the pupils, and sometimes make updates in tune with the current realities and the needs of the society. Classroom interaction is a practice that enhances the development of the two very important language skills which are speaking and listening among the learners Purpose: This study examined the effect of the application of gender and spatial inclusion techniques during classroom interaction on primary pupils’ achievement. Methodology: Quasi-experimental design using the pre and post-test experimental approach was adopted. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 100 teachers divided into two groups (experimental and control), 386 students. Three (3) instruments: an Observation Schedule and two Achievement Tests with high reliability values were used for the study. Data gathered were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Independent T-test. Results: The result among others showed that there was significant difference in the classroom interaction pattern of teachers exposed to the treatment from teachers that were not exposed to the treatment in terms of gender inclusion, teaching aids, and teachers’ preparation. However, there was no significant difference in terms of spatial inclusion. Conclusion and Recommendation: It is thus recommended that more efforts should be geared towards the improvement in the classroom interaction pattern of primary school teachers


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