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    Деятельность школ и образовательных курсов для интернированных воинов Украинской Галицкой Армии в Чехословакии как одна из форм их социализации (1919-1920 гг.)

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    This article analyzes the activity of schools and educational courses in the camp for interned Ukrainian Galician Army combatants in Německé Jablonné (Czechoslovakia) in 1919-1920. One of their main tasks was elimination of illiteracy among soldiers. Soldiers who had a sufficient educational background (complete elementary education or incomplete secondary education) attended special courses covering cooperation, milk production, agriculture, etc. Besides, interned soldiers could learn the trade of shoemakers, tailors, carpenters, locksmiths, bookbinders, and electricians; there were also veterinarian and medical studies. Petty officers had an opportunity to finish their school education and prepare to enter higher educational institutions in Czechoslovakia. Due to the above activity, interned Ukrainian soldiers could find a job connected with their professional experience within Czechoslovakia, while university graduates worked as engineers, teachers, doctors, etc. The activity of camp educational courses resulted in a significant drop in illiteracy rates among interned soldiers of the Ukrainian Galician Army. That phenomenon helped them be prepared for civil status. The educational initiative in camps provided Ukrainian soldiers with great opportunities for studying abroad according to their civil qualifications.У статті розглянуто особливості діяльності шкіл та освітніх курсів у таборі інтернованих військ Української Галицької Армії Німецьке Яблонне (Чехословаччина) у 1919-1920 рр. Актуальність теми даного дослідження полягає в тому, що дозволяє переосмислювати досвід загальноосвітньої та професійної підготовки інтернованих вояків-українців у таборах Чехословаччини в часи постімперської модернізації країни (1919-1920 рр.). Запропонована для таборян "освітня формула" значною мірою сприяла їх соціалізації та глибшому пристосуванню до умов життя серед титульних етносів (чехів і словаків). Завдяки порівняно сприятливим умовам перебування в ЧСР та готовності її уряду надавати гуманітарну допомогу слов'янам-емігрантам у рамках "руської акції", частина колишніх вояків отримала можливість набути вищу освіту в чеських вищих навчальних закладах. Табір став справжнім осередком єднання всіх галичан, перетворившись на центр інтенсивної культурно-просвітницької роботи в цій країні. З метою повної ліквідації неписьменності серед стрілецтва у таборі було засновано значну кількість курсів початкової освіти. Воякам з достатнім освітнім цензом (із закінченою початковою чи незакінченою середньою освітою) викладались спеціальні курси з кооперації, молочарства, сільського господарства та ін. Крім того, тут діяла ціла низка загальноосвітніх, кооперативних, господарських, торговельних курсів, а також школи кількох ступенів, на яких слухачі здобували знання з різних ділянок науки. Також у таборі можна було набути відповідний фах у шевській, кравецькій, столярській, слюсарській, палітурній, електротехнічній майстернях; діяли ветеринарні й лікарські курси; старшини мали можливість завершити середню освіту та підготуватись до вступу у вищі навчальні заклади Чехословаччини. Значна увага в культурно-просвітницькій роботі з інтернованими приділялась поширенню серед вояцтва історичних знань як на рівні стрілецьких університетів, так і початкових та середніх шкіл. Одночасно ця робота включала в себе й збирання матеріалів, документів, спогадів, мемуарів - що мало велике значення для наступних поколінь істориків. Діяльність таборових освітніх курсів дозволила майже повністю ліквідувати неписьменність серед інтернованого вояцтва УГА та в значній мірі підготувати його до переходу на цивільний стан. Освітня робота, започаткована у таборах, заклала міцне підґрунтя для продовження навчання українського вояцтва вже за цивільними фахами за кордоном.В статье рассмотрены особенности деятельности школ и образовательных курсов в лагере интернированных войск Украинской Галицкой Армии в Немецком Яблонном (Чехословакия), заданием которых была ликвидация неграмотности среди солдат. Воинам с достаточным образовательным цензом (с оконченным или незаконченным средним образованием) преподавались специальные курсы по кооперации, сельского хозяйства и др. Также в лагере можно было получить специальность в пошивочной, портняжной, столярской, слесарной, политурной, электротехнической мастерских; тут действовали ветеринарные и врачебные курсы; офицеры имели возможность закончить среднее образование и подготовиться до поступления в высшие учебные заведения Чехословакии

    Educational planning: a turning point in education and development in Nigeria

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    Education is the major issue in this lecture, it is followed by national development, which is its target, and Educational Planning which is the chief tool for getting to the target. Education had developed in Nigeria from 1842 to 1959 without the operators consciously directing it to national development but because of the new needs, new aspiration and new attitudes in an independent Nigeria; education was then directed towards national development. In the 60s all the efforts made to prepare the kind of education to serve the interest of National development failed because there was no effective method to do this. But in the 70s educational planning was discovered as an effective technique for preparing or planning an appropriate education for national development in terms of policies, programmes, enrolment, skill acquisition and manpower development

    Craft training in Russia: Theory and practice of development

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    The relevance of the research topic is substantiated by the social commitment to the establishment of a system of craft training focused on training personnel for craft enterprises. The purpose of the article is to provide theoretical and methodological substantiation of the necessity to provide organizational and pedagogical foundations for the development of craft training in Russia. The main method of research on this problem is the method of studying and generalizing the pedagogic experience to identify the main tendencies and contradictions of formation of a new kind of vocational education in Russia. The outcome of the research is the theoretical and methodological justification of the development of craft training as a special kind of vocational education, revealing its role and place in the social economic sphere and in the system of vocational education; the identification of the value and target base and organizational pedagogical foundations of the development of vocational education in crafts as a set of interrelated managerial and organizational, informative and technological ideas, principles and conditions taking into account the patterns and contradictions of development of this kind of education. The material of the article may be useful for practitioners and researchers in the field of vocational education, for lecturers and graduate students who are interested in the development of the system of vocational education and training. © 2016. Romantsev et al

    Information Technology and Russia's Social Modernization

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    Information technologies play a very important role in modernizing Russia's economy and society as whole. Its competitive advantage lies in the availability of highly educated labour resources. Russia accounts for approximately 9% of researchers in the world as opposed to a share of about 0.3% in the world innovation market. Our approach is based on identifying ways to set up IT innovation centres and create an organizational and economic mechanisms making possible the transfer of new technologies to production processes and the creation of tools for innovative management. In the markets of high technology Russia will concentratie on software tools for IT security, applied modelling information systems, various types of software, and cryptographic systems, some types of specialized computing systems. In the Education Project two main mechanisms of systemic change are envisaged: to identify and support leading higher educational institutions; to introduce on a grand scale new knowledge-management methods and put mechanisms into practice. Among the main intentions of the Education Project the following should be mentioned: the modernization of its material-technical base, the internetization of education, the expansion of innovation centres on the pattern of universities and scientific and research institutes, the creation of Russian "Siliceous Valley"- Skolkovo complementary clusters of small, innovative companies. In the framework of the Health Care 2020 Programme. Activities are underway to introduce a Federal Register of the most widespread diseases, to operate waiting lists of those who need high technology medical help, and to centralize access to the common database of normative and reference information. Drafts of their electronic presentation formats are developed on the basis of international ISO standards. An Internet market for various types of medical and information services is being set up; telemedicine technologies are being taken into account. The social orientation of IT development will improve educational and health care systems, accelerate progress in extending the number of qualified professionals in IT (according to experts, the demand for these in 2012 will increase by up to 550,000 persons, and even then the country's demand will only be satisfied to the degree of 15%). A model enabling Russia to enter the group of countries with a high development of intellectual potential demands more intensive introduction of IT in modernization of Russian society. --codes Information technology,human factor,modern economy,social factors,telecommunication,education,personal training,medicine,national healthcare,telemedicine,social networks,internatization

    Postwar martial arts program in Japanese higher education : case of Nippon College of Physical Education

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the following hypothesis: The purpose, content, and method of martial arts training defined by prewar legacies tend to persist within a limited scope and context despite major postwar reforms to the contrary. This study proposed to provide data from Nippon College of Physical Education as the central focus since this institution historically held national distinction in the development of physical education in Japan.;It was indicative from the historical data available that N.C.P.E. had undergone considerable institutional changes since it began in 1891. to clarify the historical evolution and environmental forces, the analytical period was divided into the five major eras: Meiji era (1868-1912), the Taisho era (1912-1926), the Showa era (1926-1945), the postwar occupation era (1945-1951), and the contemporary period (1951-1980s).;In reviewing the evolutionary process of the martial arts curricula at N.C.P.E. from the formulative years to the present, the following points were significant from the data examined in relation to the research hypothesis of this study. (1) During the Meiji era, the institution endorsed the purpose of nation building within the national framework of the Meiji ideology of nationalism and militarism. as a result, the Bushido code of conduct for the medieval military class was incorporated into the institutional mission in order to build a student character designed to fulfill national objectives. (2) During the Taisho era, over seventy percent of the Japanese physical education teachers were graduates of this institution. The martial arts curriculum and related disciplines were expanded and intensified as active duty military officers began to be involved extensively. Despite the influx of Westernized curriculum innovations, the martial arts were hardly influenced. The central ministry continued its greater centralization policy to control liberalism. (3) During the Showa era (1926-1945), the central mission of the college centered on Showa era nationalism and the martial arts program development for the fulfillment of the Kokutai (National Polity). The content and method incorporated compulsory subjects of Shushin (morals and ethics) designed by the Thought Bureau of the Ministry of Education. A highly authoritarian and vertically oriented social system, Shigoki (physical ordeals) as a method of mental discipline, and tradition and ceremony were emphasized essentially to be in accordance with the institutional mission and fulfillment of the imperial will. . . . (Author\u27s abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI

    Factors considered by medical students when formulating their specialty preferences in Japan: findings from a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Little research addresses how medical students develop their choice of specialty training in Japan. The purpose of this research was to elucidate factors considered by Japanese medical students when formulating their specialty choice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted qualitative interviews with 25 Japanese medical students regarding factors influencing specialty preference and their views on roles of primary versus specialty care. We qualitatively analyzed the data to identify factors students consider when developing specialty preferences, to understand their views about primary and subspecialty care, and to construct models depicting the pathways to specialization.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Students mention factors such as illness in self or close others, respect for family member in the profession, preclinical experiences in the curriculum such as labs and dissection, and aspects of patient care such as the clinical atmosphere, charismatic role models, and doctor-patient communication as influential on their specialty preferences. Participating students could generally distinguish between subspecialty care and primary care, but not primary care and family medicine. Our analysis yields a "Two Career" model depicting how medical graduates can first train for hospital-based specialty practice, and then switch to mixed primary/specialty care outpatient practice years later without any requirement for systematic training in principles of primary care practice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Preclinical and clinical experiences as well as role models are reported by Japanese students as influential factors when formulating their specialty preferences. Student understanding of family medicine as a discipline is low in Japan. Students with ultimate aspirations to practice outpatient primary care medicine do not need to commit to systematic primary care training after graduation. The Two Career model of specialization leaves the door open for medical graduates to enter primary care practice at anytime regardless of post-graduate residency training choice.</p

    Management Problems of the Higher Education in Kyrgyzstan

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    Session: VI-C: Eurasia in the Post-Soviet Context. Presenter: Nurbubu Asipova, Kent State University - "Management Problems of the Higher Education in Kyrgyzstan"

    Antecedents of the educational loan repayment among the POLIMAS students

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    Rising in the Malaysian cost of living, as well as the government constraint in providing sufficient aid together with the narrow performance of PTPTN repayment collection, called for the citizen to make saving for future education. Various plan and strategies proposed by the government to manage the overspending issues, however, the results found to end up with the more desperate condition. Concerns with these, this study, therefore determining the significants antecedents which encouraging the intention of educational loan repayment. Few arguments raised in accordance to problem centered within the current debated isssues. For that intenses, this study contributes 400 questionnaires to POLIMAS student, which subsequently provided by the 327 valid's and reliable responses. Resulted, all the proposed antecedents found to significantly related to the educational loan repayment. The parental socialization is found to be most influential. Overall, this study manages to fulfill the targeted objectives. Nevertheless, there were some important issues regarding the limitation in sample size, the constraint of the literature review as well as the cost and time constraints. Future study is recommended to investigate the other significant antecedents related to the goverment and managerial practice policy and strategy

    The Employment Status of Doctoral Recipients: An Exploratory Study in the Netherlands

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