5 research outputs found


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    Skripsi merupakan salah satu dokumen wajib yang dihasilkan oleh mahasiswa jenjang S1. Tingkat kelulusan mahasiswa yang semakin meningkat membuat jumlah dokumen skripsi semakin banyak tanpa terorganisir dengan baik sehingga menyebabkan petugas maupun mahasiswa yang ingin membaca kesulitan untuk memilah berkas skripsi. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu aplikasi yang mampu mengektraksi informasi yang didapat dari abstrak dokumen skripsi. Salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan JavaFX untuk pembuatan aplikasi. JavaFX merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut dari bahasa pemrograman Java yang lebih cenderung untuk membangun aplikasi berbasis GUI. Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan aplikasi ekstraksi ini menghasilkan keakuratan dalam mengektraksi informasi sebesar 98.89%

    Computational studies of graphene and silicene for DNA base detection

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    Graphene's success for nanopore DNA sequencing has shown that it is possible to explore other potential single- and few-atom thick layers of elemental 2D materials beyond graphene (e.g. phosphorene and silicene), and also that these materials can exhibit fascinating and technologically useful properties for DNA base detection that are superior to those of graphene. The buckled honeycomb structure, tunable bandgap, and high thermal stability of silicene makes it an ideal material that can be used for designing the active components of nanodevices for biosensing applications such rapid sequencing of DNA. Additionally, the tunable bandgap of silicene provides versatile electronic and thermal properties allowing silicene to be tuned into both a semi-metallic material and a semiconducting material. Due to the remarkable properties of silicene, it is therefore extremely important to perform exploratory studies to determine silicene's ability to detect individual DNA bases as this material is being sought after by many experimental groups as a promising alternative to graphene for designing nano-bioelectronic devices for high-speed DNA sequencing. In this thesis, using density functional theory (DFT), we studied the interaction of DNA bases with finite-size nanomaterials from silicene and graphene. To determine the potential of monolayer silicene as a DNA sensing material, we performed first-principal calculations based on two device concepts, namely, nanoribbon and nanopore devices. Due to the differences in structural and electronic properties of DNA bases, each base is expected to have a unique interaction with the silicene, or graphene monolayer material and this interaction was modeled and quantified using density functional theory. In this research, we found that silicene devices have lower binding energies compared to graphene devices, reflecting the minimal sticking of DNAivbases to silicene's surface in the optimized structures. We noticed a significant change in bandgap for DNA bases using silicene nanopore device compared to graphene devices. Furthermore, the silicene devices with DNA bases show a greater change in density of state signal compared to graphene. We also observed that the silicene nanopore device performs better than the graphene nanopore device. These findings support the idea of silicene being a potential candidate material for advanced DNA base detection using the transverse tunneling current modality. We hope that the findings of this research will provide useful insights that can serve as a guidance to experimentalists and material scientists working in the field. Ideas for future research include examining this system using a periodic calculation; simulate a real device and calculate the current spectrum; and expanding the research to include other single-layer materials such as transition-metal dichalcogenides, and Van der Waals heterostructures

    Defining the Competencies, Programming Languages, and Assessments for an Introductory Computer Science Course

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    The purpose of this study was to define the competencies, programming languages, and assessments for an introductory computer science course at a small private liberal arts university. Three research questions were addressed that involved identifying the competencies, programming languages, and assessments that academic and industry experts in California’s Central Valley felt most important and appropriate for an introduction to computer science course. The Delphi methodology was used to collect data from the two groups of experts with various backgrounds related to computing. The goal was to find consensus among the individual groups to best define aspects that would best comprise an introductory CS0 course for majors and non-majors. The output would be valuable information to be considered by curriculum designers who are developing a new program in software engineering at the institution. The process outlined would also be useful to curriculum designers in other fields and geographic regions who attempt to address their local education needs. Four rounds of surveys were conducted. The groups of experts were combined in the first round to rate the items in the straw models determined from the literature and add additional components when necessary. The academic and industry groupings were separated for the remainder of the study so that a curriculum designer could determine not only the items deemed most important, but also their relative importance among the two distinct groups. The experts selected items in each of the three categories in the second round to reduce the possibilities for subsequent rounds. The groups were then asked to rank the items in each of the three categories for the third round. A fourth round was held as consensus was not reached by either of the groups for any of the categories as determined by Kendall’s W. The academic experts reached consensus on a list of ranked competencies in the final round and showed a high degree of agreement on lists of ranked programming languages and assessments. Kendall’s W, values, however, were just short of the required 0.7 threshold for consensus on these final two items. The industry experts did not reach consensus and showed low agreement on their recommendations for competencies, programming languages, and assessments

    ENgAGED: um processo de desenvolvimento de jogos para ensino em computação

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2016.A utilização de jogos educacionais para o ensino de Computação vem se mostrando uma eficiente estratégia instrucional que leva os alunos a uma aprendizagem ativa e adquirir novos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes. Assim, nos últimos anos diversos jogos (digitais e não-digitais) para ensinar várias áreas de Computação (p. ex. Engenharia de Software, programação, redes de computadores e segurança) foram desenvolvidos. Tipicamente estes jogos são desenvolvidos pelos próprios professores das disciplinas de modo ad-hoc e não são avaliados de forma rigorosa. Portanto, é necessária uma base melhor de design instrucional e de design de jogos para assegurar que os jogos desenvolvidos atingem os seus objetivos de aprendizagem. Neste contexto, a Tese apresenta o processo ENgAGED - um processo de desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais, que integra processo de design instrucional e processo de design de jogos. O processo foi desenvolvido com base em uma revisão sistemática da literatura, comparando os processos existentes e de forma sistemática integrando elementos do design instrucional e o design de jogos. O processo foi avaliado do ponto de vista da qualidade do processo e da qualidade do produto. A avaliação da qualidade do processo foi realizada por um painel de 10 especialistas que consideraram o processo é não-ambíguo, útil, consistente, completo, compreensível e correto. O processo também foi avaliado positivamente em relação a flexibilidade e usabilidade para o desenvolvimento de vários tipos de jogos. A qualidade do produto foi avaliado por meio de uma serie de estudo de casos, desenvolvendo 4 jogos educacionais (SCRUM-Scape, SCRUM?ed, PM-Quiz e Fuga de Gambix) com o processo ENGAGED. Espera-se que os resultados dessa Tese facilitem o desenvolvimento de novos jogos educacionais para área da Computação, contribuindo para a sua qualidade tanto em termos educacionais quanto de jogos e assim em geral contribuir positivamente ao ensino de Computação.Abstract : The use of educational games for teaching computing has been shown to be an effective instructional strategy that leads students to active learning and acquiring new knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Recently various games (digital and non-digital) have been developed to teach diverse computing areas (e.g. software engineering, programming, computer networks, and security). Typically, these games are developed by the teachers themselves in an ad-hoc manner and many are not rigorously evaluated. Therefore, a better basis for instructional design and game design is required to ensure that the developed games achieve their learning goals. In this context, this thesis presents the process ENgAGED - a process for developing educational games, which integrates parts of the instructional design and game design process. The process was developed based on a systematic literature review, comparing existing processes and systematically integrating elements of instructional design and game design. The process was evaluated from the point of view process quality and quality of the product. The process quality was evaluated by a panel of 10 experts, who considered the process is non-ambiguous, useful, consistent, complete, understandable and correct. The process was also evaluated positively in relation to flexibility and usability for the development of several types of games. The product quality has been evaluated through a series of case studies developing 4 educational games (SCRUM-Scape, SCRUM?ed, PM-Quiz e Fuga de Gambix) following the process ENGAGED. We expect that the. Results of this thesis facilitate the development of new educational games for teaching computing contributing to their quality and, thus, contribute positively to computer education

    Assessment of Molecular Modeling & Simulation

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