992,474 research outputs found

    Application of Integrated Quality Management Transformational Studies in Higher Education

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    With the implementation of integrated education quality management, the quality of national education education standards will be achieved. A quality management system that is implemented with a consistent commitment will provide benefits and success for all stakeholders in higher education institutions. So to achieve this benefit and success, it must be based on several established quality management principles. Starting the entry of foreign universities to enliven the "competition" that already exists in this country. Universities should not be seen as centers of science, research, and community service, but also as “knowledge-generating” enterprises that need to “compete” to ensure survival. Competition, as experienced by firms for profit, including competition in the areas of quality, price and service. Universities as non-profit entities also face the same thing. For the management of all that, knowledge and management skills are needed, namely the management of higher education

    Institutional Quality Management Based on Strengthening Accreditation of Study Programs at Islamic State University of North Sumatera

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    In general, Islamic Religious Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia obtain Accreditation status of Higher Education Institutions which are still B and the accumulation of all Study Program Accreditation statuses that have achieved A is still less than 50%. The Accreditation Rating for Study Programs and Institution Accreditation is a result that cannot be changed directly, meaning that these changes can only be achieved through the processes and stages in the Quality Management System. The level of customer satisfaction with the quality of service provided by educational institutions to customers, namely on the other hand, if the process goes well, it will not be enough to produce good service, because a good service also depends on good input. That input then becomes a requirement whether a good process can be carried out to produce a good service. Based on this assumption, a quality management system was born, institutions need to clearly define the provision and service standards they will provide. Improving the quality of education is carried out through implementing a Quality Management System for; (1) carrying out an accountable higher education system through efforts to achieve its vision, (2) carrying out best practices in carrying out daily work, and (3) efforts to always carry out sustainable development so that it is always in accordance with the demands of the times and evolving needs and expectations in society

    Meeting the challenges of urban park management: A Study of Two Sites: a thesis completed and submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Resource and Environmental Planning, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    There are key environmental and management issues relevant to protected areas and national parks apparent world-wide such as: management of environmental quality, biodiversity conservation, management of visitor use and impacts, allocation of access, law enforcement and monitoring, facility design, park financial viability, and community development. Today, the trend has changed towards more specific and strategic management plans. Greater emphasis is put towards meeting targets and objectives and park managers are encouraged to have a direct hand in the preparation of management plans. Visitor impact is also creating problems in park management that was unforeseen in the past. The management of visitors may be viewed as an integral part of the operational network of service tasks, service standards, and service delivery systems of recreation sites. Comprehensive planning and on-going monitoring underpin much of the success in visitor management. Whether park management decides to use tools such as hardening, hedging, or flexing, controlling numbers and type of visitor, interpretation/information education, or even a combination of these, the vital ingredient is to have a framework for visitor management. Collaborative management is not a new approach and is the most recommended technique to achieve most management objectives within protected areas today. Collaborative management stands on the concept of "common good." Because it is a process, collaborative management requires on-going review and improvement. Its most important result is not a management plan but a management partnership that is capable of effectively responding to various needs and addressing boundless problems. In the Philippines where there is more uncertainty about protected areas management, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources has the primary responsibility for the establishment and management of protected areas. The Quezon Memorial National Park, classified as a strictly protected area and whose management objectives are categorized as a national park, is one example. Two urban parks that originally formed part of QMNP are the subjects of this study. This research compares and evaluates the management schemes of these parks based on: (a) park management, (b) visitor management, and (c) biodiversity conservation against the criteria set by international and local guidelines. It also makes recommendations on how to effect changes in the management of these urban parks to achieve environmental conservation goals

    Bottlenecks in the decentralisation of education funding in Poland

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    Ten years after delegating the responsibility for school management and operation maintenance to local governments, the education funding system in Poland still faces open challenges of fundamental importance. Although the decentralisation of education is commonly considered a success, the particular mechanisms of funding and legal solutions are hotly debated and certainly far from perfect. The financial responsibilities of the central government and the local authorities are imprecisely defined, which provokes conflicts and tensions between the main stakeholders. Moreover, the Polish education system lacks even the basic standards describing an efficient way of service provision. The formula used to allocate the so-called education subvention to individual local governments is subject to endless political bargains and trades and hardly reflects any reasonable policy. Recently, several ideas have been raised in the public debate in Poland on how to reform the funding of education. However, it seems that these heavily ideologised projects go far beyond the necessary changes and do not take into account either the complex context of decentralised education system or the experiences of other countries.edcation finance; decentralisation; Poland

    Quality strategies: what are French universities looking for?

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    Using steps transposed from corporate quality strategies, French universities have entered a new stage of their modernization, illustrative of the current of New Public Management. These strategies, destined to combine missions of excellence and the transformation of thousands of young people into graduates, will be studied here with regard to different horizons which they suggest for French higher education. In change for the last 40 years, called into question over its costs, its production, and its management, university is at the crossroads of autonomy, clientelism and professionalisation. Our system of higher education must now combine savings, realignment, local governorship, partnerships and a geographical distribution of training opportunities, within the new European arena of degrees. However, it suffers from several handicaps (at once fiscal, legislative, administrative and social) aggravated by a specifically French fracture: how then can the quality strategies put in place, bring about the efficiency coveted by higher education ? This higher education system demonstrates several innovations and have begun to make surveys of the employability levels of its graduates. Thus, benchmarking is available on the condition that the criteria and indicators of the performance comparison are reached by consensus, and that's not the case: is it political arbitration (that rules over university as a public service) or market arbitration which determines the value of degrees? calibration and measurement could not be the same: who decides? which path opens to university to come out this dilemma?efficiency, French higher education, Lisbon strategy, NMP, quality, standards.

    Standard zarządzania jakoƛcią dla dostawców usƂug szkoleniowych : krytyczna analiza

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    The paper discusses the usefulness of two dedicated quality management systems for learning service providers. The systems have been described in the international standard ISO 29990 and Polish national standards MSUES (MaƂopolska Standards for Education and Training Services). The results are based on a survey of managers who have implemented one of those systems in their training companies. It was found that the implementation of the discussed systems could contribute to success on the training market. The quality of training services is viewed as an important factor in personnel improvement. Most of the studies on that subject omit the key cause of high quality training, which is quality management in the training company. This paper attempts to bridge that gap

    Identity management and e-learning standards for promoting the sharing of contents and services in higher education

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    In this paper, we present the status of identity management systems and e-learning standards across Europe, in order to promote the mobility and the sharing of contents and services in higher education institutions. With new requirements for authentication, authorization and identity management for Web applications, most higher education institutions implement several solutions to address these issues. At the first level, the adoption of directory Servers like LDAP, Active Directory and others, solve some problems of having multiple logins and passwords for authentication. The growing of Web applications like Learning management Systems, portals, Blogs, Wikis, and others, need a more effective way of identity management, providing security and accessibility. Web Single Sign-On (SSO) resolves some of these issues of identity management, because the authentication is managed centrally and the user can navigate through different Web applications using the same session. One example of a Web SSO system is the Central Authentication Systems (CAS). SSO systems provide an effective way to manage authentication and authorization inside institutions, but are restricted to the administrative domain of each institution. With the implementation of Bologna Process more students, lecturers and staff will be on mobility programs within European higher education institutions. The creation of identity management federations is mandatory to provide the mobility of users and to permit the exchange of contents and services between institutions. The creation of identities federations across Europe is been in discussion by TERENA (Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association) to provide a service federation like the EDUROAM WI-FI network that permits the mobility across Europe. This paper reports on some of the issues highlighted in the light of recent developments. To share contents and services within Europe, the adoption of standards is mandatory. IEEE LTSC (Learning Technology Standards Committee), IMS (IMS Global Learning, Inc) and ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning) are standards organizations that publish a set of standards to promote the interoperability, reusability and integration of e-learning contents and services. The most important standards that promote the sharing of contents and services across Europe are Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), IMS Digital Repositories Interoperability and IMS Learning Design. This paper presents the main features of e-learning standards and how it can be used in conjunction with identity management systems to create collaborative learning objects repositories to promote a more effective learning experience and a more competitive European space for higher education, with respect to the requirements of knowledge based societies

    Object-Oriented Approach: Applying ISO 21001 at Vietnamese Higher Education Institutions

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    To evaluate whether an educational institution has quality or not, requires standards that reflect all the requirements of the complex relationships operating within the educational institution. At the same time, this standard must be recognized by all nations for it to apply widely. It is in this context that the ISO 21001:2018 series of standards was published. This standard mentioned three areas of activities that an educational organization must pay attention to: training, scientific research, and community service. They are also the main activities that the educational accreditation standards refer to. To meet the requirement of quality guarantee and enhancement, a higher education institution has to apply quality assurance norms in general and quality criteria on management systems. Putting the ISO 21001 quality standard into practice is the choice of Vietnamese educational institutions to ensure they meet the requirements for improving management system quality. There are a set of quality system standards for educational organizations to satisfy their specific needs. Not following the traditional approach as they apply other ISO standard systems, Vietnamese educational institutions have chosen an object-base approach, where the beneficiaries are related to the management system of the university. They then approach the PDCA cycle to build and implement an ISO 21001 quality management system. We found that, according to this orientation, the implementation processes might be ensured given that the quality thresholds set by the university are met in order to satisfy the demands of the learners and related stakeholders. The paper aims to analyze the approach of Vietnamese educational institutions in implementing ISO 21001 standards, and at the same time identify advantages and disadvantages in developing policies in the quality management system at educational institutions. The paper also gives recommendations that can be adjusted by management at other higher education institutions to improve quality assurance activities towards sustainable development. Keywords: ISO 21001:2018, quality assurance, quality management system, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), sustainable developmen

    Analisis Kesesuaian Standar Pelayanan Tempat Penitipan Anak (Tpa) Yayasan Buah Hati Sidoarjo Dengan Standar Nasional

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    This study is aimed to investigate service standard at daycare Yayasan Buah Hati (TPA YBH) and analyze the appropriateness of it to national service standard. This study applied case study to investigate the unit of analysis, that is service standard at TPA YBH by using four dimension of national service standard of daycare, they are: standard of child growth achievement, standard of infrastructure, management, and financing, standard of education personnels, standard of content, process, and evaluation. The data was collected by conducting in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. Then, all data was analyzed by implementing descriptive qualitative analysis. The result of this study shows that service standard at TPA YBH has included all dimension of national service standard of daycare in Indonesia. Yet, practically, TPA YBH implemented service standards of daycare in which have not fulfilling the national standard. For instance, in determining the maximum age of children, TPA YBH determined 9 years as maximum age that can be registered at TPA YBH; while national standard said that maximum age is 6 years old. In financing sector, TPA YBH has not used government subsidy, while in nation standard, a daycare can use government subsidy as the financial sources. Overall, TPA YBH has been fulfilled the national standard for the dimension standard of infrastructure and management, standard of education personals, standard of content, process, and evaluation
