52,280 research outputs found

    Guardian Knight or Hands Off: The European Response to Network Neutrality. Legal considerations on the electronic communications reform

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    Network neutrality refers to a policy principle regarding access for online content and service providers to broadband infrastructures. It implies a general and ex ante obligation of non-discrimination for network operators when granting access to providers of online services, with the aim of excluding practices such as blocking access to non-affiliated content, degrading the quality of transmission, imposing unreasonable restrictions or prioritising affiliated content. Whether such obligation should be "cast in the Stone Tables" of the law was first fiercely debated in the United States, and the issue is now gaining increased attention in other parts of the world, including the European Union, where the regulatory framework for electronic communications is currently under review. This article examines whether existing rules already provide the relevant authorities with the necessary tools to take action against broadband providers illegitimately discriminating or blocking content of those who are not prepared to pay a "toll" for the use of higher speed networks or better quality services. It focuses in particular on the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, including the reform proposals published by the European Commission on November 13th (type should be like 24th below) 2007 and the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 24th September 2008.network neutrality, regulation, electronic communications, reform proposals.

    Managing global expansion of media products and brands: A case study of FHM

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    By focusing on the case study of For Him Magazine (FHM)—a magazine that currently sells in 30 editions across 5 continents—this article explores the economics and main managerial challenges associated with global expansion of media products. The success of FHM demonstrates that, to calculate the full returns available from the brand image created by a magazine title, publishers will take into account not only opportunities for domestic and international exploitation of the magazine, but also the potential to extend the brand across additional media platforms and additional complementary product markets. This study focuses on how global expansion of FHM has been managed

    Owning the Law: Intellectual Property Rights in Primary Law

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    Revisiting network neutrality

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    The paper discusses the topical subject of network neutrality, from a US and European legal perspective. The article will begin by first defining network neutrality before addressing the underpinning technology and will then compare the legal approaches adopted by Europe and the US. In Europe, there is an existing electronic communications regulatory framework which can be used to address the network neutrality problem rendering any further legislation unnecessary and perhaps, detrimental to the current framework. In the US, however, the main concern arising is a potential for a 'fragmented' internet, which leads to our conclusion that network neutrality legislation is necessary on multiple levels. The article will conclude that the US' stance on network neutrality legislation will cause a seismic shift in the way we view technology and the way that networks are accessed and utilised

    ISOFAR-Newsletter No. 2, May 2004

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    The second newsletter of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Researhch ISOFAR contains the following information: Announcement of 1st call for papers International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture ISOFAR’s worldwide activities How to become an ISOFAR member ISOFAR’s structure: Sections and working groups News from the Working Groups Organic Research News from around the World Events Positions Books and Resources Contact address International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR) c/o Institute for Organic Agriculture IOL Prof. Dr. Ulrich Köpke (President) Ms. Anke Dunsche (Secretary) Katzenburgweg 3 D-53115 Bonn Tel. +49 228 735616 Fax +49 228 735617 E-Mail [email protected] Homepage http://www.isofar.or

    Thinking Informatically

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    On being promoted to a personal chair in 1993 I chose the title of Professor of Informatics, specifically acknowledging Donna Haraway’s definition of the term as the “technologies of information [and communication] as well as the biological, social, linguistic and cultural changes that initiate, accompany and complicate their development” [1]. This neatly encapsulated the plethora of issues emanating from these new technologies, inviting contributions and analyses from a wide variety of disciplines and practices. (In my later work Thinking Informatically [2] I added the phrase “and communication”.) In the intervening time the word informatics itself has been appropriated by those more focused on computer science, although why an alternative term is needed for a well-understood area is not entirely clear. Indeed the term is used both as an alternative term and as an additional one—i.e. “computer science and informatics”

    Scheduling science on television: A comparative analysis of the representations of science in 11 European countries

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    While science-in-the-media is a useful vehicle for understanding the media, few scholars have used it that way: instead, they look at science-in-the-media as a way of understanding science-in-the-media and often end up attributing characteristics to science-in-the-media that are simply characteristics of the media, rather than of the science they see there. This point of view was argued by Jane Gregory and Steve Miller in 1998 in Science in Public. Science, they concluded, is not a special case in the mass media, understanding science-in-the-media is mostly about understanding the media (Gregory and Miller, 1998: 105). More than a decade later, research that looks for patterns or even determinants of science-in-the-media, be it in press or electronic media, is still very rare. There is interest in explaining the media’s selection of science content from a media perspective. Instead, the search for, and analysis of, several kinds of distortions in media representations of science have been leading topics of science-in-the-media research since its beginning in the USA at the end of the 1960s and remain influential today (see Lewenstein, 1994; Weigold, 2001; Kohring, 2005 for summaries). Only a relatively small amount of research has been conducted seeking to identify factors relevant to understanding how science is treated by the mass media in general and by television in particular. The current study addresses the lack of research in this area. Our research seeks to explore which constraints national media systems place on the volume and structure of science programming in television. In simpler terms, the main question this study is trying to address is why science-in-TV in Europe appears as it does. We seek to link research focussing on the detailed analysis of science representations on television (Silverstone, 1984; Collins, 1987; Hornig, 1990; Leon, 2008), and media research focussing on the historical genesis and current political regulation of national media systems (see for instance Hallin and Mancini, 2004; Napoli, 2004; Open Society Institute, 2005, 2008). The former studies provide deeper insights into the selection and reconstruction of scientific subject matters, which reflect and – at the same time – reinforce popular images of science. But their studies do not give much attention to production constraints or other relevant factors which could provide an insight into why media treat science as they do. The latter scholars inter alia shed light on distinct media policies in Europe which significantly influence national channel patterns. However, they do not refer to clearly defined content categories but to fairly rough distinctions such as information versus entertainment or fictional versus factual. Accordingly, we know more about historical roots and current practices of media regulation across Europe than we do about the effects of these different regimes on the provision of specific content in European societies

    Media Pluralism: European Regulatory Policies and the Case of Central Europe

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    In recent years, media pluralism has become the key theme of media policy debates both at the EU and national levels. This article examines normative grounds of media pluralism and considers different approaches to the issue. It also maps out regulatory concepts and responses at the level of EU institutions and outlines the main difficulties of regulatory implications stemming from the lack of a coherent approach. Finally, this contribution briefly studies to what extent the main problems affecting media pluralism in three Central European Member States (Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia) are addressed by national regulatory regimes and whether these provide sufficient framework, subsidiary and complementary to EU rules. It is argued, that media pluralism has to be evaluated in the light of strong requirements of pluralistic democracy, and not simply by reference to some fragmented criteria such as effective competition in media markets.media; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; regulatory politics
