18 research outputs found

    Opening new dimensions for e-Tourism

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    In this paper we describe an e-Tourism environment that takes a community-driven approach to foster a lively society of travelers who exchange travel experiences, recommend tourism destinations or just listen to catch some interesting gossip. Moreover, business transactions such as booking a trip or getting assistance from travel advisors or community members are constituent parts of this environment. All these happen in an integrated, game-like e-Business application where each e-Tourist is impersonated as an avatar. More precisely, we apply 3D Electronic Institutions, a framework developed and employed in the area of multi-agent systems, to the tourism domain. The system interface is realized by means of a 3D game engine that provides sophisticated 3D visualization and enables humans to interact with the environment. We present "itchy feet", a prototype implementing this 3D e-Tourism environment to showcase first visual impressions. This new environment is a perfect research playground for examining heterogeneous societies comprising humans and software agents, and their relationship in e-Tourism. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2006

    Modeling human and organizational behavior using a relation-centric multi-agent system design paradigm

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    Today's modeling and simulation communities are being challenged to create rich, detailed models incorporating human decision-making and organizational behavior. Recent advances in distributed artificial intelligence and complex systems theory have demonstrated that such ill-defined problems can be effectively modeled with agent-based simulation techniques using multiple, autonomoous, adaptive entities. RELATE, a relation-centric design paradigm for multi-agent systems (MAS), is presented to assist developers incorporate MAS solutions into their simulations. RELATe focuses the designer on six key concepts of MAS simulations: relationships, environment, laws, agents, things, and effectors. A library of Java classes is presented which enables the user to rapidly prototype an agent-based simulation. This library utilizes the Java programming language to support cross-platform and web based designs. All Java classes and interfaces are fully documented using HTML Javadoc format. Two reference cases are provided that allow for easy code reuse and modification. Finally, an existing metworked DIS-Java-VRML simulation was modified to demonstrate the ability to utilize the RELATE library to add agents to existing applications. LCDR Kim Roddy focused on the development and refinement of the RELATE design paradigm, while LT Mike Dickson focused on the actual Java implementation. Joint work was conducted on all research and reference caseshttp://www.archive.org/details/modelinghumanorg00roddU.S. Navy (U.S.N.) author

    The effects of user assistance systems on user perception and behavior

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    The rapid development of information technology (IT) is changing how people approach and interact with IT systems (Maedche et al. 2016). IT systems can increasingly support people in performing ever more complex tasks (Vtyurina and Fourney 2018). However, people's cognitive abilities have not evolved as quickly as technology (Maedche et al. 2016). Thus, different external factors (e.g., complexity or uncertainty) and internal conditions (e.g., cognitive load or stress) reduce decision quality (Acciarini et al. 2021; Caputo 2013; Hilbert 2012). User-assistance systems (UASs) can help to compensate for human weaknesses and cope with new challenges. UASs aim to improve the user's cognition and capabilities, benefiting individuals, organizations, and society. To achieve this goal, UASs collect, prepare, aggregate, analyze information, and communicate results according to user preferences (Maedche et al. 2019). This support can relieve users and improve the quality of decision-making. Using UASs offers many benefits but requires successful interaction between the user and the UAS. However, this interaction introduces social and technical challenges, such as loss of control or reduced explainability, which can affect user trust and willingness to use the UAS (Maedche et al. 2019). To realize the benefits, UASs must be developed based on an understanding and incorporation of users' needs. Users and UASs are part of a socio-technical system to complete a specific task (Maedche et al. 2019). To create a benefit from the interaction, it is necessary to understand the interaction within the socio-technical system, i.e., the interaction between the user, UAS, and task, and to align the different components. For this reason, this dissertation aims to extend the existing knowledge on UAS design by better understanding the effects and mechanisms during the interaction between UASs and users in different application contexts. Therefore, theory and findings from different disciplines are combined and new theoretical knowledge is derived. In addition, data is collected and analyzed to validate the new theoretical knowledge empirically. The findings can be used to reduce adaptation barriers and realize a positive outcome. Overall this dissertation addresses the four classes of UASs presented by Maedche et al. (2016): basic UASs, interactive UASs, intelligent UASs, and anticipating UASs. First, this dissertation contributes to understanding how users interact with basic UASs. Basic UASs do not process contextual information and interact little with the user (Maedche et al. 2016). This behavior makes basic UASs suitable for application contexts, such as social media, where little interaction is desired. Social media is primarily used for entertainment and focuses on content consumption (Moravec et al. 2018). As a result, social media has become an essential source of news but also a target for fake news, with negative consequences for individuals and society (Clarke et al. 2021; Laato et al. 2020). Thus, this thesis presents two approaches to how basic UASs can be used to reduce the negative influence of fake news. Firstly, basic UASs can provide interventions by warning users of questionable content and providing verified information but the order in which the intervention elements are displayed influences the fake news perception. The intervention elements should be displayed after the fake news story to achieve an efficient intervention. Secondly, basic UASs can provide social norms to motivate users to report fake news and thereby stop the spread of fake news. However, social norms should be used carefully, as they can backfire and reduce the willingness to report fake news. Second, this dissertation contributes to understanding how users interact with interactive UASs. Interactive UASs incorporate limited information from the application context but focus on close interaction with the user to achieve a specific goal or behavior (Maedche et al. 2016). Typical goals include more physical activity, a healthier diet, and less tobacco and alcohol consumption to prevent disease and premature death (World Health Organization 2020). To increase goal achievement, previous researchers often utilize digital human representations (DHRs) such as avatars and embodied agents to form a socio-technical relationship between the user and the interactive UAS (Kim and Sundar 2012a; Pfeuffer et al. 2019). However, understanding how the design features of an interactive UAS affect the interaction with the user is crucial, as each design feature has a distinct impact on the user's perception. Based on existing knowledge, this thesis highlights the most widely used design features and analyzes their effects on behavior. The findings reveal important implications for future interactive UAS design. Third, this dissertation contributes to understanding how users interact with intelligent UASs. Intelligent UASs prioritize processing user and contextual information to adapt to the user's needs rather than focusing on an intensive interaction with the user (Maedche et al. 2016). Thus, intelligent UASs with emotional intelligence can provide people with task-oriented and emotional support, making them ideal for situations where interpersonal relationships are neglected, such as crowd working. Crowd workers frequently work independently without any significant interactions with other people (Jäger et al. 2019). In crowd work environments, traditional leader-employee relationships are usually not established, which can have a negative impact on employee motivation and performance (Cavazotte et al. 2012). Thus, this thesis examines the impact of an intelligent UAS with leadership and emotional capabilities on employee performance and enjoyment. The leadership capabilities of the intelligent UAS lead to an increase in enjoyment but a decrease in performance. The emotional capabilities of the intelligent UAS reduce the stimulating effect of leadership characteristics. Fourth, this dissertation contributes to understanding how users interact with anticipating UASs. Anticipating UASs are intelligent and interactive, providing users with task-related and emotional stimuli (Maedche et al. 2016). They also have advanced communication interfaces and can adapt to current situations and predict future events (Knote et al. 2018). Because of these advanced capabilities anticipating UASs enable collaborative work settings and often use anthropomorphic design cues to make the interaction more intuitive and comfortable (André et al. 2019). However, these anthropomorphic design cues can also raise expectations too high, leading to disappointment and rejection if they are not met (Bartneck et al. 2009; Mori 1970). To create a successful collaborative relationship between anticipating UASs and users, it is important to understand the impact of anthropomorphic design cues on the interaction and decision-making processes. This dissertation presents a theoretical model that explains the interaction between anthropomorphic anticipating UASs and users and an experimental procedure for empirical evaluation. The experiment design lays the groundwork for empirically testing the theoretical model in future research. To sum up, this dissertation contributes to information systems knowledge by improving understanding of the interaction between UASs and users in different application contexts. It develops new theoretical knowledge based on previous research and empirically evaluates user behavior to explain and predict it. In addition, this dissertation generates new knowledge by prototypically developing UASs and provides new insights for different classes of UASs. These insights can be used by researchers and practitioners to design more user-centric UASs and realize their potential benefits

    Managing complexity in marketing:from a design Weltanschauung

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    A multi-fold assessment framework for virtualized collaborative and social learning scenarios

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    Proposem un procés de virtualització de sessions col·laboratives en directe a partir de fòrums de discussió i xats web amb l'objectiu de produir recursos d'aprenentatge en línia interactius per a ser utilitzats pels alumnes i generar un efecte positiu en la participació de l'alumne. Per tal de millorar encara més la implicació de l'aprenentatge, vam dotar al nostre procés de virtualització d'un marc d'avaluació múltiple que proporciona la consciència efectiva i la retroalimentació constructiva als alumnes de la col·laboració original amb interaccions entre els membres del grup. La investigació presentada es centra en l'avaluació electrònica d'aprenentatge col·laboratiu i social i s'estén amb analítiques d'aprenentatge i tècniques d'anàlisi de xarxa social que són capaces d'analitzar i representar les interaccions cognitives i socials amb sessions de col·laboració en viu subjacents.Proponemos un proceso de virtualización de sesiones colaborativas en directo a partir de foros de discusión y chats web con el objetivo de producir recursos de aprendizaje en línea interactivos para ser utilizados por los alumnos y generar un efecto positivo en la participación del alumno. Con el fin de mejorar aún más la implicación del aprendizaje, dotamos a nuestro proceso de virtualización de un marco de evaluación múltiple que proporciona la conciencia efectiva y la retroalimentación constructiva a los alumnos de la colaboración original con interacciones entre los miembros del grupo. La investigación presentada se centra en la evaluación electrónica de aprendizaje colaborativo y social y se extiende con analíticas de aprendizaje y técnicas de análisis de red social que son capaces de analizar y representar las interacciones cognitivas y sociales con sesiones de colaboración en vivo subyacentes.We propose a virtualization process of live collaborative sessions from Web discussion forums and chats with the aim to produce interactive and attractive online learning resources to be used by learners, thus having a positive effect in learner engagement. In order to enhance further learning engagement, we endow our virtualization process with a multifold assessment framework that provides effective awareness and constructive feedback to learners from the original collaborative interactions among group members. The research presented focuses on e-assessment of collaborative and social learning and extends it with Learning Analytics and Social Network Analysis techniques that are able to analyse and represent cognitive and social interactions underlying live collaborative sessions

    The development of computer science a sociocultural perspective

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    Exploring patient empowerment : presenting an enhanced model for delivery in practice

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    Patient empowerment evolved as a strategy to address multi-faceted healthcare management issues. Studies over the past decades have provided different patient empowerment frameworks, but even with the emergent frameworks, there is no marked desired result. To date there has been no reliable patient empowerment. This thesis is driven by the ambition to enable greater patient empowerment in our global healthcare services.The methodological approach adopted was a mixed methodology approach based on taxonomical analysis, questionnaire study and focus group discussions. To better understand a patient empowered system, this work explored empowerment, patient empowerment and the role of technology. The thesis built through critical analysis on the knowledge of existing patient empowerment frameworks coupled with technology practice to develop an improved patient empowered system. Through review of existing frameworks and articulation of patients’ demands, weaknesses in current structures to support empowerment are determined.This thesis provides a platform for articulating an improved patient empowerment model, which considered systems theory ideas such as holism and iteration. Further research would propose implementing a trail of this model in practice and exploring with a wider range of stakeholders its potential for integration in the NHS or other health service organisations

    Catalog of Studies, 2007-2008

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    Tätigkeitsbericht 2011-2013

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