145,936 research outputs found

    Edge distance-regular graphs

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    * distance-regularity; * local spectra; * predistance polynomials; * the spectral excess theorem; * generalized odd graphsEdge-distance-regularity is a concept recently introduced by the authors which is similar to that of distance-regularity, but now the graph is seen from each of its edges instead of from its vertices. More precisely, a graph Γ with adjacency matrix A is edge-distance-regular when it is distance-regular around each of its edges and with the same intersection numbers for any edge taken as a root. In this paper we study this concept, give some of its properties, such as the regularity of Γ, and derive some characterizations. In particular, it is shown that a graph is edge-distance-regular if and only if its k-incidence matrix is a polynomial of degree k in A multiplied by the (standard) incidence matrix. Also, the analogue of the spectral excess theorem for distance-regular graphs is proved, so giving a quasi-spectral characterization of edge-distance-regularity. Finally, it is shown that every nonbipartite graph which is both distance-regular and edge-distance-regular is a generalized odd graph.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Edge-distance-regular graphs

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    Edge-distance-regularity is a concept recently introduced by the authors which is similar to that of distance-regularity, but now the graph is seen from each of its edges instead of from its vertices. More precisely, a graph Γ with adjacency matrix A is edge-distance-regular when it is distance-regular around each of its edges and with the same intersection numbers for any edge taken as a root. In this paper we study this concept, give some of its properties, such as the regularity of Γ, and derive some characterizations. In particular, it is shown that a graph is edge-distance-regular if and only if its k-incidence matrix is a polynomial of degree k in A multiplied by the (standard) incidence matrix. Also, the analogue of the spectral excess theorem for distance-regular graphs is proved, so giving a quasi-spectral characterization of edgedistance-regularity. Finally, it is shown that every nonbipartite graph which is both distance-regular and edge-distance-regular is a generalized odd graph.Preprin

    Asymptotic Delsarte cliques in distance-regular graphs

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    We give a new bound on the parameter λ\lambda (number of common neighbors of a pair of adjacent vertices) in a distance-regular graph GG, improving and generalizing bounds for strongly regular graphs by Spielman (1996) and Pyber (2014). The new bound is one of the ingredients of recent progress on the complexity of testing isomorphism of strongly regular graphs (Babai, Chen, Sun, Teng, Wilmes 2013). The proof is based on a clique geometry found by Metsch (1991) under certain constraints on the parameters. We also give a simplified proof of the following asymptotic consequence of Metsch's result: if kμ=o(λ2)k\mu = o(\lambda^2) then each edge of GG belongs to a unique maximal clique of size asymptotically equal to λ\lambda, and all other cliques have size o(λ)o(\lambda). Here kk denotes the degree and μ\mu the number of common neighbors of a pair of vertices at distance 2. We point out that Metsch's cliques are "asymptotically Delsarte" when kμ=o(λ2)k\mu = o(\lambda^2), so families of distance-regular graphs with parameters satisfying kμ=o(λ2)k\mu = o(\lambda^2) are "asymptotically Delsarte-geometric."Comment: 10 page

    Locally Recoverable Codes From Planar Graphs

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    In this paper we apply Kadhe and Calderbank's definition of LRCs from convex polyhedra and planar graphs [4] to analyze the codes resulting from 3-connected regular and almost regular planar graphs. The resulting edge codes are locally recoverable with availability two. We prove that the minimum distance of planar graph LRCs is equal to the girth of the graph, and we also establish a new bound on the rate of planar graph edge codes. Constructions of regular and almost regular planar graphs are given, and their associated code parameters are determined. In certain cases, the code families meet the rate bound


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    The paper is devoted to the problem of classification of edge-transitive distance-regular antipodal covers of complete graphs. This extends the classification of those covers that are arc-transitive, which has been settled except for some tricky cases that remain to be considered, including the case of covers satisfying condition c2=1c_2=1 (which means that every two vertices at distance 2  have exactly one common neighbour).Here it is shown that an edge-transitive distance-regular antipodal cover of a complete graph with c2=1c_2=1 is either the second neighbourhood of a vertex in a Moore graph of valency 3 or 7, or a Mathon graph, or a half-transitive graph whose automorphism group induces an affine  22-homogeneous group on the set of its fibres. Moreover,  distance-regular  antipodal covers of complete graphs  with c2=1c_2=1 that admit  an automorphism group acting  22-homogeneously on the set of fibres (which turns out to be an approximation of the property of edge-transitivity  of such  cover), are described.   A well-known correspondence between distance-regular antipodal covers of complete graphs with c2=1c_2=1 and geodetic graphs of diameter two that can be viewed as underlying graphs of certain Moore geometries, allows us to effectively restrict admissible automorphism groups of covers under consideration by combining Kantor's classification of involutory automorphisms of these geometries together with the classification of finite 2-homogeneous permutation groups

    Two distance-regular graphs

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    We construct two families of distance-regular graphs, namely the subgraph of the dual polar graph of type B_3(q) induced on the vertices far from a fixed point, and the subgraph of the dual polar graph of type D_4(q) induced on the vertices far from a fixed edge. The latter is the extended bipartite double of the former

    A survey on the missing Moore graph

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    This is a survey on some known properties of the possible Moore graph (or graphs) ϒ with degree 57 and diameter 2. Moreover, we give some new results about it, such as the following. When we consider the distance partition of ϒ induced by a vertex subset C, the following graphs are distance-regular: The induced graph of the vertices at distance 1 from C when C is a set of 400 independent vertices; the induced graphs of the vertices at distance 2 from C when C is a vertex or an edge, and the line graph of ϒ. Besides, ϒ is an edge-distance-regular graph.This research is partially supported by the project 2017SGR1087 of the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) of the Government of Catalonia. This research has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk lodowska-Curie grant agreement No 734922