21,618 research outputs found

    Ecological problems

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    Since ancient times Nature has served Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to increase. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2864

    Ecological problems of engineering

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    Application of remote sensing to solution of ecological problems

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    The application of remote sensing techniques to solving ecological problems is discussed. The three phases of environmental ecological management are examined. The differences between discovery and exploitation of natural resources and their ecological management are described. The specific application of remote sensing to water management is developed

    Ecological problems of air transport

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o dopadech letecké dopravy na životní prostředí. Spalováním pohonných hmot je tvořeno velké množství škodlivých látek, které jsou vypouštěny do vrchní atmosféry, kde ovlivňují atmosférické reakce. Kromě spalování, podmínky nezbytné pro realizaci letecké dopravy nebo situace z ní plynoucí, jako údržba letadel, hluk způsobený letadly, nouzové situace, apod., mají rovněž negativní dopad nejenom na prostředí, ale také na zdraví a komfort jak lidí, tak fauny a flory vystavené těmto podmínkám. Mimo výše zmíněných dopadů letecké dopravy na okolí se tato práce zmiňuje o možnostech omezení těchto negativních vlivů.This bachelor’s thesis discusses the impact of air traffic on environment. The combustion of fuels causes creation of huge amount of harmful substances that are released to the upper atmosphere, where they influence the atmospheric reactions. Apart from fuels combustion, the conditions necessary for realization of air traffic, or the situations resulting from it, such as aircraft maintenance, noise, emergencies, etc., have negative impact on not only environment, but also health and comfort of people as well as flora and fauna, exposed to these conditions. Besides air traffic impacts on environment mentioned here above, this paper also describes the possibilities of their reduction and companies dealing with them.

    How innovation systems emerge to solve ecological problems: Biofuels in the United States and Brazil

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    This paper discusses the re-emergence of biofuel innovation systems in the United States and Brazil. We argue that innovation systems emerge and evolve to solve a problem, and that the way the problem is framed and articulated has a significant impact on the direction and momentum of this evolution. Additionally, innovation sequences occur with a recurrent pattern of changing problems and innovative solutions. We consider the role of the State as a core actor in the mobilisation of innovation systems and discuss how specific institutional arrangements, political contexts and technological competencies influence how problems are framed. We find that role of the State varies across time as well as across different geographical regions. Finally, we suggest that as ecological problems intensify we might expect to see an increase in State intervention in innovation systems

    Ecological problems of water resources in Ukraine

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    Applications of stability theory to ecological problems

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    The goal of ecology is to investigate the interactions among organisms and their environment. However, ecological systems often exhibit complex dynamics. The application of mathematics to ecological problems has made tremendous progress over the years and many mathematical methods and tools have been developed for the exploration, whether analytical or numerical, of these dynamics. Mathematicians often study ecological systems by modelling them with partial differential equations (PDEs). Calculating the stability of solutions to these PDE systems is a classical question. This thesis first explores the concept of stability in the context of predator-prey invasions. Many ecological systems exhibit multi-year cycles. In such systems, invasions have a complicated spatiotemporal structure. In particular, it is common for unstable steady states to exist as long-term transients behind the invasion front, a phenomenon known as dynamical stabilisation. We combine absolute stability theory and computation to predict how the width of the stabilised region depends on parameter values. We develop our calculations in the context of a model for a cyclic predator-prey system, in which the invasion front and spatiotemporal oscillations of predators and prey are separated by a region in which the coexistence steady state is dynamically stabilised. Vegetation pattern formation in water-limited environments is another topic where stability theory plays a key role; indeed in mathematical models, these patterns are often the results of the dynamics that arise from perturbations to an unstable homogeneous steady state. Vegetation patterns are widespread in semi-deserts and aerial photographs of arid and semi-arid ecosystems have shown several kilometers square of these patterns. On hillsides in particular, vegetation is organised into banded spatial patterns. We first choose a domain in parameter space and calculate the boundary of the region in parameter space where pattern solutions exist. Finally we conclude with investigating how changes in the mean annual rainfall affect the properties of pattern solutions. Our work also highlights the importance of research on the calculation of the absolute spectrum for non-constant solutions