14 research outputs found

    Optimizing space constellations for mobile satellite systems

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    Designing a mobile satellite system entails many complex trade-offs between a great number of parameters including: capacity, complexity of the payload, constellation geometry, number of satellites, quality of coverage, etc. This paper aims at defining a methodology which tries to split the variables to give rapidly some first results. The major input considered is the traffic assumption which would be offered by the system. A first key step is the choice of the best Rider or Walker constellation geometries - with different numbers of satellites - to insure a good quality of coverage over a selected service area. Another aspect to be addressed is the possible altitude location of the constellation, since it is limited by many constraints. The altitude ranges that seem appropriate considering the spatial environment, the launch and orbit keeping policy and the feasibility of the antenna allowing sufficient frequency reuse are briefly analyzed. To support these first considerations, some 'reference constellations' with similar coverage quality are chosen. The in-orbit capacity needed to support the assumed traffic is computed versus altitude. Finally, the exact number of satellite is determined. It comes as an optimum between a small number of satellites offering a high (and costly) power margin in bad propagation situation and a great number of less powerful satellites granting the same quality of service

    The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2004

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    In 1999, BioFach/Oekowelt GmbH commissioned Foundation Ecology & Agriculture SOEL to compile statistical data and general information on organic agriculture world-wide. Since then this study has been revised annually, and the newest figures are regularly presented at Biofach, which takes place in Nuremberg, Germany, every year. Since the 2003 edition the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) have collaborated in this project. For the sixth edition, February 2004, the reports were newly written or revised and the statistical material was up-dated. An extensive chapter on standards and regulations was added. The main findings can be summarised as follows: • Organic agriculture is practised in almost all countries of the world, and its share of agricultural land and farms is growing. The total organically managed area is more than 24 million hectares world-wide. In addition, the area of certified “wild harvested plants” is at least a further 10.7 million hectares, according to various certification bodies. • The market for organic products is growing, not only in Europe and North America (which are the major markets) but also in many other countries. It is valued at 23 billion USD (2002). • Official interest in organic agriculture is emerging in many countries, shown by the fact that many countries have a fully implemented regulation on organic farming or are in the process of drafting regulations. Contents 1 Preface 2 Introduction Minou Yussefi and Mike Mitschke 2.1 General Overview 2.2 Methodology 2.3 Information Resources 2.4 Literature 3 Development and State of Organic Agriculture World-wide Minou Yussefi 4 Overview of the Global Market for Organic Food & Drink Amarjit Sahota 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Western Europe 4.3 North America 4.4 Asia 4.5 Latin America 4.6 Oceania 4.7 Conclusions 4.8 Reference 5 Standards and Regulations Lukas Kilcher, Beate Huber and Otto Schmid 5.1 International Standards 5.1.1 IFOAM Standards 5.1.2 The Codex Alimentarius 5.2 National and Supranational Regulations 5.2.1 The EU Regulation on Organic Production 5.2.2 Other National Regulations 5.2.3 US and EU Import Procedures 5.3 Private Standards 5.4 Relationship to Fair Trade 5.5 Literature 6 Certification and Accreditation 6.1 Certification Gerald A. Herrmann 6.2 Organic Certification Statistics: 364 Certification Bodies in 57 Countries Gunnar Rundgren 6.3 IFOAM Accreditation International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS) 6.4 IFOAM Accredited Certification Bodies International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS) 7 Organic Agriculture in the Continents 7.1 Africa Nicholas Parrott and Fred Kalibwani 7.1.1 Introduction 7.1.2 Statistics / Historical Development 7.1.3 Markets 7.1.4 State support, standards and legislation 7.1.5 Innovations in Agroecology 7.1.6 Research, Extension and Training 7.1.7 Outlook 7.1.8 Reference 7.2 Asia Ong Kung Wai 7.2.1 General 7.2.2 Production & Markets 7.2.3 Standards, Certification & Regulation 7.2.4 Development challenges 7.3 Australia/Oceania 7.3.1 Organic Farming in Australia Darren Halpin and Martin Brueckner 7.3.2 Organic Farming in New Zealand Seager Mason 7.4 Europe Helga Willer and Toralf Richter 7.4.1 Statistical Development: Continued Growth 7.4.2 Milestones in the History of Organic Agriculture in Europe 7.4.3 The IFOAM European Union Regional Group 7.4.4 The European Market for Organic Foods 7.4.5 EU Regulation on Organic farming 7.4.6 Organic Farming Research in Europe 7.4.7 State Support for Organic Agriculture 7.4.8 Enlargement and Organic Farming 7.4.9 Action Plans 7.4.10 Future 7.4.11 References 7.4.11 Appendix: Development of Organic Agriculture in the Countries of the European Union 7.5 Latin America Pipo Lernoud 7.5.1 Traditional Farming 7.5.2 The Market 7.5.3 Commodities 7.5.3 Certification 7.5.4 Governmental Support 7.5.5 Education and Extension 7.5.6 Latin America: Country reports Alberto Pipo Lernoud and Marcela Piovano Argentina Bolivia Brazil Colombia Costa Rica Chile Mexico Peru Uruguay Sources of Information 7.6 North America 7.6.1 United States Barbara Haumann 7.6.2 Canada Barbara Haumann 8 Continued Achievements and Challenges Bernward Geier 9 Contac

    Annual report of the selectmen, town clerk, treasurer, board of education, public library, auditors for the town of Hudson, N.H. for the year ending January 31, 1933.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Análise da destinação da fauna silvestre apreendida no Estado do Amapá, Brasil

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    Este trabalho analisou a destinação da fauna silvestre apreendida no Estado do Amapá. Foram identificados e quantificados os indivíduos recepcionados, determinando suas origens e destinos, índices de natalidade, mortalidade e plantel remanescente em cativeiro. Foram coletadas informações nos Termos de Doação e Soltura emitidos pelos órgãos fiscalizadores e nos registros internos das instituições recepcionadoras. Foram recepcionados 1.814 indivíduos, dos quais, 41,62% pertencem à classe Ave, 20,45% Mammalia e 37,93% Reptilia. Ocorreram 129 nascimentos, 192 óbitos, 935 solturas, 53 transferências e 634 hospedagens de espécimes da fauna nativa. O plantel remanescente em cativeiro somou 752 animais silvestres.

    El consumo de la información científico-técnica por las empresas

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    The use of information of the Spanish industrial firms located at the Autonomous Community of Madrid is analyzed through the bibliographic searches and copies of original documents requested to CINDOC. Subject distribution of requested documents is shown as well as the age-dependent decrease of the demand. Journal articles account for 95% of requests, their scattering, distribution by countries and obsolescence according to subjects is also determined. Industrial firms in the Biomedical and Chemical sectors are the biggest users of information , as contained in United States and Western European journals and the Spanish journals are also heavily used. More of 60% of requested articles has been published in the 90s, while only 5% were published before 1970. Highest degree obsolescence appears in Medicine, Pharmacy and BiologyEstudio del consumo de información de las empresas españolas a través de la demanda de consultas bibliográficas y copias de documentos recibida en el CINDOC, procedente de las empresas de la Comunidad de Madrid. Para los diferentes tipos de documentos solicitados se determina la distribución por materias y su antigüedad, y para los artículos de revistas que constituyen más del 95% de los documentos requeridos se determina también la dispersión por títulos de las revistas y la procedencia de éstas por países de edición. Los datos ponen de manifiesto que las empresas de los sectores biomédico (Medicina, Farmacia y Biología) y químico son las que más información externa utilizan, publicada sobre todo en revistas de Estados Unidos y de los países europeos occidentales, y que las revistas españolas tienen también una alta utilización. Más del 60% de la información solicitada es de la década actual y sólo un 5% de los trabajos solicitados es anterior a 1970. De las materias más demandadas, Medicina, Farmacia y Biología son las que muestran mayor obsolescenci

    Cultura de paz y medios de comunicación. Caso de estudio televisoras de la ciudad de Loja

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    The practice of the culture of peace makes a constructive contribution and generates mobilization in society, causing a positive change for itself and that of its environment. In this context, the present study seeks to identify the media´s contribution to the construction of this culture of peace, analyzing the practice and presence of its values, both in the corporate culture and in its informational spaces. Methodologically, the research has a qualitative-quantitative approach, divided into three stages: 1) non-participant observation in the media, in order to identify the existence of a corporate culture that motivates the implementation of the values of peace; 2) content analysis of 123 pieces of information, in order to identify the promotion of peace values in the content created and disseminated by the media under study; and, (3) in-depth interviews with the directors of the communication media in order to know how content is structured within the values of a culture of peace, as well as experts, who provided an external look at the business reality of the culture of peace. The results show that there is an indirect practice of peace values, but not in a constant or fixed way, since the television media are unaware of the principles embedded within the culture of peace and therefore do not appear as part of their corporate culture.La práctica de la cultura de paz marca un aporte constructivo y genera movilización en la sociedad, causando un cambio para bien propio y el de su entorno. Bajo este contexto, nace el presente estudio que busca identificar el aporte que los medios de comunicación brindan a la construcción de esta cultura de paz, analizando la práctica y presencia de sus valores, tanto en la cultura corporativa como en sus espacios informativos. Metodológicamente, la investigación cuenta con un enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, dividido en tres etapas: 1) observación no participante en los medios de comunicación, a fin de identificar la existencia de una cultura corporativa que motive la puesta en práctica de los valores de paz; 2) análisis de contenido, a 123 piezas informativas, a fin de identificar la promoción de los valores de paz en los contenidos creados y difundidos por los medios en estudio; y, (3) entrevistas en profundidad a los directivos de los medios de comunicación con el propósito de conocer la estructuración del contenido y la práctica de los valores de cultura de paz, así también a expertos, que brindaron una mirada externa sobre la realidad empresarial de la cultura de paz. Los resultados evidencian que sí existe indirectamente una práctica de valores de paz, pero no de una manera constante o fija, pues los medios de comunicación televisivos desconocen los principios inmersos dentro de la cultura de paz y, por tanto, no constan como parte de su cultura corporativa

    Imatge per ressonància magnètica : aplicació en el diagnòstic dels transtorns intern de l'A.T.M. causats per desplaçaments anormals del disc

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    Tesi de Llicenciatura per a la obtenció del Títol de Llicenciat en Odonlologia. Universitat de Barcelona. 199

    April 1939

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    New Differences between Negligence and Strict Liability and Their Implications on Medical Malpractice Reform

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    The present article seeks to explore previously undiscussed differences between the negligence and strict liability rules and thereby examine the required medical liability reform, if such reform is indeed required. Our main thesis is that negligence as a basis for liability entails a unique mechanism, which is essentially different than the strict liability mechanism, and is more efficient for several reasons, related to the legal function of resolving partial information problems which cause partial failure in the healthcare market. Among other things, the negligence mechanism (1) motivates the parties to a potential damages claim to invest in information gathering; (2) motivates doctors and medical institutions to adjust the appropriate medical procedures through time; (3) uses the market players\u27 professional reputation to resolve the market\u27s partial information problems; (4) introduces the courts as an additional oversight level; and (5) assists the law in reducing costs resulting from lack of standardization. Furthermore, the negligence rule allows the law to ensure a more efficient risk distribution. One reason for that is that it allows the law to distribute risk resulting from negligent errors separately from the risk resulting from non-negligent errors. This thesis leads to conclusions regarding various issues, such as the required medical liability reform. Inter alia, we argue that it is inappropriate to limit the negligence mechanism\u27s application, such as shrinking the limitation period or by imposing damage caps. We also argue for the advisability of creating and refining mechanisms to assist in resolving the market\u27s partial information problems. For example, general imposition of mandatory disclosure in the healthcare market, similar to that which is imposed on the securities market, including the establishment of a central authority such as the SEC and supportive mechanisms such as those applied to regulating the securities market

    On the inadequacy of environment impact assessments for projects in Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park of Goa, India : a peer review

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    The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) is a regulatory framework adopted since 1994 in India to evaluate the impact and mitigation measures of projects, however, even after 25 years of adoption, EIAs continue to be of inferior quality with respect to biodiversity documentation and assessment of impacts and their mitigation measures. This questions the credibility of the exercise, as deficient EIAs are habitually used as a basis for project clearances in ecologically sensitive and irreplaceable regions. The authors reiterate this point by analysing impact assessment documents for three projects: the doubling of the National Highway-4A, doubling of the railway-line from Castlerock to Kulem, and laying of a 400-kV transmission line through the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park in the state of Goa. Two of these projects were recently granted ‘Wildlife Clearance’ during a virtual meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Board of Wildlife (NBWL) without a thorough assessment of the project impacts. Assessment reports for the road and railway expansion were found to be deficient on multiple fronts regarding biodiversity assessment and projected impacts, whereas no impact assessment report was available in the public domain for the 400-kV transmission line project. This paper highlights the biodiversity significance of this protected area complex in the Western Ghats, and highlights the lacunae in biodiversity documentation and inadequacy of mitigation measures in assessment documents for all three diversion projects. The EIA process needs to improve substantially if India is to protect its natural resources and adhere to environmental protection policies and regulations nationally and globally