3 research outputs found

    Eccentricity-dependent temporal contrast tuning in human visual cortex measured with fMRI.

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    Cells in the peripheral retina tend to have higher contrast sensitivity and respond at higher flicker frequencies than those closer to the fovea. Although this predicts increased behavioural temporal contrast sensitivity in the peripheral visual field, this effect is rarely observed in psychophysical experiments. It is unknown how temporal contrast sensitivity is represented across eccentricity within cortical visual field maps and whether such sensitivities reflect the response properties of retinal cells or psychophysical sensitivities. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure contrast sensitivity profiles at four temporal frequencies in five retinotopically-defined visual areas. We also measured population receptive field (pRF) parameters (polar angle, eccentricity, and size) in the same areas. Overall contrast sensitivity, independent of pRF parameters, peaked at 10Hz in all visual areas. In V1, V2, V3, and V3a, peripherally-tuned voxels had higher contrast sensitivity at a high temporal frequency (20Hz), while hV4 more closely reflected behavioural sensitivity profiles. We conclude that our data reflect a cortical representation of the increased peripheral temporal contrast sensitivity that is already present in the retina and that this bias must be compensated later in the cortical visual pathway

    Low-level visual processing and its relation to neurological disease

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    Retinal neurons extract changes in image intensity across space, time, and wavelength. Retinal signal is transmitted to the early visual cortex, where the processing of low-level visual information occurs. The fundamental nature of these early visual pathways means that they are often compromised by neurological disease. This thesis had two aims. First, it aimed to investigate changes in visual processing in response to Parkinson’s disease (PD) by using electrophysiological recordings from animal models. Second, it aimed to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate how low-level visual processes are represented in healthy human visual cortex, focusing on two pathways often compromised in disease; the magnocellular pathway and chromatic S-cone pathway. First, we identified a pathological mechanism of excitotoxicity in the visual system of Drosophila PD models. Next, we found that we could apply machine learning classifiers to multivariate visual response profiles recorded from the eye and brain of Drosophila and rodent PD models to accurately classify these animals into their correct class. Using fMRI and psychophysics, found that measurements of temporal contrast sensitivity differ as a function of visual space, with peripherally tuned voxels in early visual areas showing increased contrast sensitivity at a high temporal frequency. Finally, we used 7T fMRI to investigate systematic differences in achromatic and S-cone population receptive field (pRF) size estimates in the visual cortex of healthy humans. Unfortunately, we could not replicate the fundamental effect of pRF size increasing with eccentricity, indicating complications with our data and stimulus

    Neuroimaging of binocular vision in human amblyopia

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    Amblyopia is a visual developmental condition that usually occurs when one eye receives abnormal input. For many years amblyopia was thought to be untreatable beyond 8 years old, after which the visual system would become functionally monocular. Recent research has shown that binocular mechanisms do remain intact in amblyopia and therefore investigating the nature of the deficit is crucial for understanding where neural problems arise and how they can be treated. Chapter 3 used population receptive field (pRF) modelling to further understand the cortical problems caused by amblyopia. Findings suggest that neurons responding to the amblyopic eye have reduced spatial resolution within striate and extrastriate areas. Chapters 4 and 5 aimed to test the predictions of different computational models of amblyopia using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG), within the same group of participants. This is the first study to use a model driven approach to directly compare both neuroimaging methods within the same participants. The pattern of fMRI responses from the amblyopic eye showed evidence of a response gain effect and unbalanced interocular suppression, whereas EEG responses showed evidence of a contrast gain shift. Finally, Chapter 6 used EEG to objectively measure visual improvements, following treatment for amblyopia in children and adults. Measurable steady-state EEG responses were found for both groups; however, there was no convincing evidence of improvements in amblyopic eye responses throughout treatment. The studies undertaken in this thesis contribute to the wider understanding of the neural basis of amblyopia. Two different neuroimaging methods are compared, which has enabled insight into how current computational models of amblyopia could be improved. It is hoped that this research will further the development of treatments for amblyopia, by providing more insight into how binocular visual processes break down between the eyes