85 research outputs found

    Volume 32, Number 4, December 2012 OLAC Newsletter

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    Digitized December 2012 issue of the OLAC Newsletter

    Ebooks : challenges and effects on the book chain

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    Ebooks have the potential to change the way we read but the ebook industry is not growing as it could be because it is faced with a number of challenges. The British fiction book market struggles as it grows with no clear idea of how each of the book chain areas is challenged by the effect of them. There is the need to identify these effects and challenges faced by the book chain both in the individual areas and the book chain as whole. By identifying these effects and challenges, the British ebook community can address them and grow with the knowledge and assurance that they are working together towards a successful book future. This thesis aimed to investigate what these challenges and effects were and the differences between the ebook and pbook chains. Three specific stakeholders from the book chain were investigated: publishers, libraries and ebook users. The research methods used to obtain information included interviews with publishers both in America and Britain, a telephone questionnaire of all British public library authorities and an online questionnaire available to an international audience of ebook users. The research found that the pbook and ebook chains were different and included different stakeholders. It also found that the publishing processes between pbooks and ebooks had numerous similarities and differences. The effects and challenges for all stakeholders were discussed in relation to the five key areas that had become apparent from the original research and literature; rights, cost, formats, perceptions and knowledge. The fiction ebook market will continue its slow growth until the time that either some of these challenges can be rectified or they become so problematic that the ebook fiction market fails completely.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The busy coder's guide to Android development

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    380 p. ; il. , Indice.Libro ElectrónicoIf you are interested in programming for Android, you will need at least basic understanding of how to program in Java. Android programming is done using Java syntax, plus a class library that resembles a subset of the Java SE library (plus Android-specific extensions). If you have not programmed in Java before, you probably should quick learn how that works before attempting to dive into programming for Android. The book does not cover in any detail how to download or install the Android development tools, either the Eclipse IDE flavor or the standalone flavor. The Android Web site covers this quite nicely. The material in the book should be relevant whether you use the IDE or not. You should download, install, and test out the Android development tools from the Android Web site before trying any of the examples listed in this book.Welcome to the Warescription!xiii Prefacexv Welcome to the Book!xv Prerequisitesxv Warescriptionxvi Book Bug Bountyxvii Source Code Licensexviii Creative Commons and the Four-to-Free (42F) Guaranteexviii The Big Picture1 What Androids Are Made Of3 Activities3 Content Providers4 Intents4 Services4 Stuff At Your Disposal5 Storage5 Network5 Multimedia5 GPS5 Phone Services6 Project Structure7 Root Contents7 The Sweat Off Your Brow8 iii Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition And Now, The Rest of the Story8 What You Get Out Of It9 Inside the Manifest11 In The Beginning, There Was the Root, And It Was Good11 Permissions, Instrumentations, and Applications (Oh, My!)12 Your Application Does Something, Right?13 Creating a Skeleton Application17 Begin at the Beginning17 The Activity18 Dissecting the Activity19 Building and Running the Activity21 Using XML-Based Layouts23 What Is an XML-Based Layout?23 Why Use XML-Based Layouts?24 OK, So What Does It Look Like?25 What's With the @ Signs?26 And We Attach These to the JavaHow?26 The Rest of the Story27 Employing Basic Widgets29 Assigning Labels29 Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?30 Fleeting Images31 Fields of Green Or Other Colors31 Just Another Box to Check34 Turn the Radio Up37 It's Quite a View39 Useful Properties39 Useful Methods39 Working with Containers41 Thinking Linearly42 Concepts and Properties42 Example45 All Things Are Relative50 iv Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Concepts and Properties50 Example53 Tabula Rasa56 Concepts and Properties56 Example59 Scrollwork60 Using Selection Widgets65 Adapting to the Circumstances65 Using ArrayAdapter66 Other Key Adapters67 Lists of Naughty and Nice68 Spin Control70 Grid Your Lions (Or Something Like That)74 Fields: Now With 35% Less Typing!78 Galleries, Give Or Take The Art82 Employing Fancy Widgets and Containers83 Pick and Choose83 Time Keeps Flowing Like a River88 Making Progress89 Putting It On My Tab90 The Pieces91 The Idiosyncrasies91 Wiring It Together93 Other Containers of Note96 Applying Menus97 Flavors of Menu97 Menus of Options98 Menus in Context100 Taking a Peek102 Embedding the WebKit Browser107 A Browser, Writ Small107 Loading It Up109 Navigating the Waters111 v Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Entertaining the Client111 Settings, Preferences, and Options (Oh, My!)114 Showing Pop-Up Messages117 Raising Toasts117 Alert! Alert!118 Checking Them Out119 Dealing with Threads123 Getting Through the Handlers123 Messages124 Runnables127 Running In Place127 Utilities (And I Don't Mean Water Works)128 And Now, The Caveats128 Handling Activity Lifecycle Events131 Schroedinger's Activity131 Life, Death, and Your Activity132 onCreate() and onCompleteThaw()132 onStart(), onRestart(), and onResume()133 onPause(), onFreeze(), onStop(), and onDestroy()134 Using Preferences137 Getting What You Want137 Stating Your Preference138 A Preference For Action138 Accessing Files143 You And The Horse You Rode In On143 Readin' 'n Writin'147 Working with Resources151 The Resource Lineup151 String Theory152 Plain Strings152 String Formats153 Styled Text153 Styled Formats154 vi Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Got the Picture?158 XML: The Resource Way160 Miscellaneous Values163 Dimensions163 Colors164 Arrays165 Different Strokes for Different Folks166 Managing and Accessing Local Databases171 A Quick SQLite Primer172 Start at the Beginning173 Setting the Table174 Makin' Data174 What Goes Around, Comes Around176 Raw Queries176 Regular Queries177 Building with Builders177 Using Cursors179 Change for the Sake of Change179 Making Your Own Cursors180 Data, Data, Everywhere180 Leveraging Java Libraries183 The Outer Limits183 Ants and Jars184 Communicating via the Internet187 REST and Relaxation187 HTTP Operations via Apache Commons188 Parsing Responses190 Stuff To Consider192 Email over Java193 Creating Intent Filters199 What's Your Intent?200 Pieces of Intents200 Stock Options201 vii Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Intent Routing202 Stating Your Intent(ions)203 Narrow Receivers205 Launching Activities and Sub-Activities207 Peers and Subs208 Start 'Em Up208 Make an Intent209 Make the Call209 Finding Available Actions via Introspection215 Pick 'Em216 Adaptable Adapters220 Would You Like to See the Menu?223 Asking Around225 Using a Content Provider229 Pieces of Me229 Getting a Handle230 Makin' Queries231 Adapting to the Circumstances233 Doing It By Hand235 Position235 Getting Properties236 Setting Properties237 Give and Take238 Beware of the BLOB!239 Building a Content Provider241 First, Some Dissection241 Next, Some Typing242 Step #1: Create a Provider Class243 ContentProvider243 DatabaseContentProvider252 Step #2: Supply a Uri252 Step #3: Declare the Properties252 Step #4: Update the Manifest253 viii Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Notify-On-Change Support254 Requesting and Requiring Permissions257 Mother, May I?258 Halt! Who Goes There?259 Enforcing Permissions via the Manifest260 Enforcing Permissions Elsewhere261 May I See Your Documents?262 Creating a Service263 Getting Buzzed264 Service with Class264 When IPC Attacks!266 Write the AIDL267 Implement the Interface268 Manifest Destiny270 Where's the Remote?271 Invoking a Service273 Bound for Success274 Request for Service276 Prometheus Unbound276 Manual Transmission276 Alerting Users Via Notifications279 Types of Pestering279 Hardware Notifications280 Icons281 Letting Your Presence Be Felt281 Accessing Location-Based Services287 Location Providers: They Know Where You're Hiding288 Finding Yourself288 On the Move292 Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?292 TestingTesting296 Mapping with MapView and MapActivity299 The Bare Bones299 ix Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Exercising Your Control301 Zoom301 Center302 Reticle303 Traffic and Terrain303 Follow You, Follow Me305 Layers Upon Layers307 Overlay Classes308 Drawing the Overlay308 Handling Screen Taps310 Playing Media313 Get Your Media On314 Making Noise315 Moving Pictures321 Handling Telephone Calls325 No, No, No – Not That IPhone326 What's Our Status?326 You Make the Call!326 Searching with SearchManager333 Hunting Season333 Search Yourself335 Craft the Search Activity336 Update the Manifest340 Try It Out342 The TourIt Sample Application347 Installing TourIt347 Demo Location Provider347 SD Card Image with Sample Tour348 Running TourIt349 Main Activity350 Configuration Activity352 Cue Sheet Activity354 Map Activity355 x Subscribe to updates at http://commonswarecom Special Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 30 License Edition Tour Update Activity357 Help Activity358 TourIt's Manifest359 TourIt's Content360 Data Storage361 Content Provider361 Model Classes361 TourIt's Activities362 TourListActivity362 TourViewActivity363 TourMapActivity367 TourEditActivity367 HelpActivity367 ConfigActivity36

    November 16, 2000

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    The Breeze is the student newspaper of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

    Ekstraksi Fitur Produk dan Bug Potensial dari Data Opini Pengguna

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    Proses evolusi dan pemeliharaan ini dikenal sebagai proses yang memiliki biaya dan waktu tinggi. Maka dari itu sangat penting untuk dapat mengidentifikasi masalah yang ada pada perangkat lunak guna meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi proses. Salah satu sumber yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah data opini pengguna. Timbal balik yang diberikan oleh pengguna ini merepresentasikan keinginan pengguna dan dapat digunakan untuk membantu mengarahkan alokasi usaha pengembangan dan pemeliharaan perangkat lunak serta meningkatkan kualitas produk. Metode terbaru yang bisa dimanfaatkan adalah metode collocation finding. Akan tetapi, metode ini belum mampu menangkap fitur-fitur yang jarang disebutkan seperti pada opini pengguna yang termasuk saran fitur baru. Peningkatan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan aturan bahasa dalam mendapatkan fitur yang jarang disebutkan. Penelitian menganalisa pola linguistik yang umumnya terdapat pada data opini untuk mendapatkan aturan ekstraksi fitur. Selain itu juga ditambahkan proses pruning untuk menghilangkan hasil ekstraksi yang kurang relevan. Data yang digunakan merupakan data opini dari Application distribution platform atau app store. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode ini mampu meningkatkan nilai presisi dan recall dari metode collocation. Dengan pendekatan tersebut diharapkan rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih lengkap pada pengembang perangkat lunak. =============================================================================================== Evolution and maintenance process are known by the huge cost and slow implementation. It is important for developers to determine what features that should be improved and new features that should be built. For this purpose, developer can utilize user opinion data. Opinion provided by user represents user requirement and can be used to direct the allocation of development and maintenance effort as well as improving the quality of software. One of the most recent method that can be used is collocation finding. However, this method is not able to capture the features that are rarely mentioned as in the new feature suggestions. We built a model to improve the quality of product features extraction by utilizing the dependency rules. We analyzed common linguistic pattern of opinion data to construct the extraction rule. Beside that, we also perform pruning process to eliminate unrelevant result from the extraction process. We use data review from application distribution platform or app store. The result shows that the proposed method is better in recall and precision compared to collocation method itself. This approach is expected to provide more information for the developer

    April 2022 Faculty Senate Packet

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    Fear of Failure in High School Band Sight Reading: Effects on Student and Teacher Experiences

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    Students\u27 fear of failure among social, cultural, experiential, and internal pressures influence sight-reading abilities in the high school band classroom. Investigating the error culture in band sight-reading skills can affect the learning and teaching methods found in current practice, emphasizing the need to understand the experiences of both students and teachers. Band teachers may refine their teaching and learning methods to address student fears while enhancing sight- reading skills implied throughout the study. Although copious research exists on high school sight-reading methodology and rehearsal strategies to help music educators provide an all- encompassing musical experience, students may need help applying the concepts amidst their fear of failure. This failure may inhibit their desire to participate in the educational, social, and intellectual risks required during sight-reading. In addition, the creative musical environment of the band can produce a fear of failure among players if teachers and students need more understanding of error responses. Finally, social pressures, high-stakes testing, and pre-existing conceptions of failure may lead students to avoid situations where they appear physically, socially, or emotionally imperfect. This qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological study explored the fear of failure culture in high school bands utilizing interviews and observations. Empowering students to take advantage of all the benefits of confident sight-reading, regardless of mistakes, suggested that teachers anticipate future classroom tactics and approaches, resulting in a more successful musical experience

    Conventions of the Commons: Technical Communication and Crowdsourced Digital Publishing

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    This project traces the digital publishing history of the audiobook archive LibriVox.org, examining how its volunteers manage, control, and negotiate procedures and policies for their ongoing collaborative work. Examples of public knowledge work like LibriVox illustrate the value of professional and technical communication in accessibly digitizing knowledge and culture for use now and in the future. I investigate and theorize how groups of diverse and transient volunteers create and engage with the tools and documentation they use to manage their crowdsourced audio digitization work. The example of LibriVox can help us better recognize and value the invitational care work embedded in the professional and instructional documents we create, circulate, and consume. As both researcher and participant with LibriVox, I interrogate conventions of crowdsourced digitization and sharing in the public domain, recover some of the technological and social history upon which LibriVox was built (and is still being built), and explore how LibriVox and its volunteers are preserving crucial modes of openness and access with regards to public culture. Crowdsourcing models of production are proliferating in professional, social, and scholarly contexts. Understanding how individuals contribute to such projects can help us understand the implications such models have for the future of collaborative work and distributed workplaces. As social production and digitization efforts become more supported across sectors, these models offer and allow for many unique collaborative learning opportunities. The complex, often transient, extra-institutional communities that emerge around the activities of socially sharing knowledge are valuable for what insights they may offer into the future of information access and the future of distributed work arrangements. I aim to extend what we know about technical communication in public, open, volunteer spaces. How we organize and preserve content—whether old, new, or re-imagined—matters to how we and others access and use that content, both now and in the future. LibriVox is an example of a digitally-based volunteer-run community of practice engaged in public, crowdsourced social production. With this project, I begin to document how the LibriVox’s initially ad hoc and somewhat chaotic processes have (and have not) congealed into a more stable, yet still idiosyncratic, protocol. I find LibriVox volunteers managing their ongoing work using documentation, instruction, and interactions that are marked by a generous, patient invitational rhetoric. For digital knowledge projects like LibriVox, the invitational and instructional roles of documentation become especially important for stewarding a transient, multicultural, digital community of practice. The LibriVox project’s clarity of purpose and open, welcoming processes demonstrate possibilities for pluralism and inclusiveness in terms of work, culture, and knowledge curation. Such a project makes a useful potential model for future collaborative, online media projects. The implications of this successful, sustainable, commons-based, digital publishing model may help prompt important, democratizing shifts in the future of multimodal and open scholarly publishing. Understanding the nuances of LibriVox practices will also help us to better prepare students to intervene effectively in other similarly distributed, ad hoc organizations and to face the shifting and uncertain futures of 21st-century work. Volunteers at LibriVox are digitizing and preserving certain types of available human culture in particular ways that afford near limitless access, re-distribution, and re-use. The ways LibriVox and other archives, digital curation projects, and public collections manage themselves make a difference for how (and perhaps whether) cultural knowledge is preserved, not only into the future, but for access now, across platforms and across user groups with varying abilities. I contend that investigating the example of LibriVox and what it means for how we conceptualize and make use of human culture and knowledge can help us in formulating and answering important questions about the lasting value of LibriVox and of other open knowledge projects

    Philosophies of Empirical and Habitual Teaching: Healthy Vocal Methodologies in Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century

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    Despite research done on healthy vocal methodologies, there are continuous changes in how best to prepare collegiate music students, relating to their emotional health through empirical and habitual teachings. This study will show how healthy vocal methodologies can influence higher education vocal students of the twenty-first century. This qualitative study can build a bridge to related topics in an exploratory framework with perspectives on: Dr. William Hettler’s Emotional Well-Being and its seven dimensions, Jean Piaget\u27s Cognitive Construction Theory, Peter Salovey and John Mayer\u27s Emotional Intelligence Theory, Daniel Goleman’s Social Emotional Learning Methodology, Susan Brookhart’s “Classroometrics” Theory, Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Imagery-Based Learning Methodology, and Learning-Based Methodology. By applying these theories and methodologies to the study, one can gain a better understanding of the process of higher education music students\u27 vocal background. In addition, music educators can facilitate and address relevant concerns regarding healthy vocal techniques that one’s emotional condition may influence. This study highlights gaps in the research on constructive and adverse effects of habitual and empirical vocal technique studies through interviews and facilitated lessons with higher education participants, which is essential because a solid foundation for music students\u27 success begins with vocal health. Based on new and developing perspectives of empirical and habitual teachings, this research will seek to explore findings benefiting music educators, vocal students, and further develop music specialists’ knowledge of what may affect higher education music students\u27 vocal health by discovering constructive and adverse habits that arise from empirical and habitual musical experiences

    The Murray Ledger and Times, September 17, 2015

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