168 research outputs found

    Nursing Interventions to Prevent Necrotizing Eterocolitis: A State of the Science Literature Review

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    The purpose of this review of literature is to understand the current state of the science and to make recommendations for practice and research in regards to the gastrointestinal condition affecting premature infants, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Emphasis is placed on reviewing the literature to identify prevention strategies nurses can use to reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality of NEC. The introduction will focus on discussing the problem of NEC including its risk factors, pathophysiology, and disease presentation. The findings sections will focus on the most promising and researched areas of intervention. The discussion section will focus on how this knowledge can be translated into practice and what nurses can do about it. The research will be conducted through nursing databases with conceptual primary sources that will further expand upon the selected studies on this topic

    A non-invasive method for measuring blood flow rate in superficial veins from a single thermal image.

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    Computer vision is a field that includes methods for processing, analyzing, acquiring and understanding images to produce numerical or symbolic information to develop methodologies and solutions for many problems in many fields. Here the concept of computer vision is being used for understanding certain human physiology and behaviors using thermal imaging alone or in conjunction with other imaging modalities. The applications of this work span a wide range of studies in human-machine interfacing vis-à-vis feedback controls that can be used to remotely determine whether a patient is in need of medical assistance or to help integrate young children with learning challenges into a public classroom setting that can require monitoring vital signs and physiological cues without the need for contact-based sensors such as electrocardiogram (ECG) or electroencephalogram (EEG), which limit a subject’s physical capabilities during operational scenarios. In this thesis, a general framework is proposed to find an easy way to measure the blood flow using thermal camera to help detecting cots and vascular diseases (Venous disease, Arterial disease). In this thesis, a general framework is proposed to use a thermal image based measurement technique for the volumetric flow rate of a liquid inside a thin tube. This technique makes use of the convection heat transfer dependency between the flow rate and the temperature of the flowing liquid along the tube. The proposed method can be applied to diagnose superficial venous disease non-invasively by measuring the volumetric blood flow rate from a FLIR LWIR single thermal image (Mahmoud et al., 13)

    Continuous sensing and quantification of body motion in infants:A systematic review

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    Abnormal body motion in infants may be associated with neurodevelopmental delay or critical illness. In contrast to continuous patient monitoring of the basic vitals, the body motion of infants is only determined by discrete periodic clinical observations of caregivers, leaving the infants unattended for observation for a longer time. One step to fill this gap is to introduce and compare different sensing technologies that are suitable for continuous infant body motion quantification. Therefore, we conducted this systematic review for infant body motion quantification based on the PRISMA method (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). In this systematic review, we introduce and compare several sensing technologies with motion quantification in different clinical applications. We discuss the pros and cons of each sensing technology for motion quantification. Additionally, we highlight the clinical value and prospects of infant motion monitoring. Finally, we provide suggestions with specific needs in clinical practice, which can be referred by clinical users for their implementation. Our findings suggest that motion quantification can improve the performance of vital sign monitoring, and can provide clinical value to the diagnosis of complications in infants.</p

    Assessment of Pain and Inflammation in Domestic Animals Using Infrared Thermography: A Narrative Review

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    Publication history: Accepted - 20 June 22023; Published - 22 June 2023.Pain assessment in domestic animals has gained importance in recent years due to the recognition of the physiological, behavioral, and endocrine consequences of acute pain on animal production, welfare, and animal model validity. Current approaches to identifying acute pain mainly rely on behavioral-based scales, quantifying pain-related biomarkers, and the use of devices monitoring sympathetic activity. Infrared thermography is an alternative that could be used to correlate the changes in the superficial temperature with other tools and thus be an additional or alternate acute pain assessment marker. Moreover, its non-invasiveness and the objective nature of its readout make it potentially very valuable. However, at the current time, it is not in widespread use as an assessment strategy. The present review discusses scientific evidence for infrared thermography as a tool to evaluate pain, limiting its use to monitor acute pain in pathological processes and invasive procedures, as well as its use for perioperative monitoring in domestic animals.This research received no external fundin

    Assessment of Pain and Inflammation in Domestic Animals Using Infrared Thermography: A Narrative Review

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    Pain assessment in domestic animals has gained importance in recent years due to the recognition of the physiological, behavioral, and endocrine consequences of acute pain on animal production, welfare, and animal model validity. Current approaches to identifying acute pain mainly rely on behavioral-based scales, quantifying pain-related biomarkers, and the use of devices monitoring sympathetic activity. Infrared thermography is an alternative that could be used to correlate the changes in the superficial temperature with other tools and thus be an additional or alternate acute pain assessment marker. Moreover, its non-invasiveness and the objective nature of its readout make it potentially very valuable. However, at the current time, it is not in widespread use as an assessment strategy. The present review discusses scientific evidence for infrared thermography as a tool to evaluate pain, limiting its use to monitor acute pain in pathological processes and invasive procedures, as well as its use for perioperative monitoring in domestic animals.Alexandra L. Whittaker, Ramon Muns, Dehua Wang, Julio Martínez-Burnes, Ismael Hernández-Ávalos, Alejandro Casas-Alvarado, Adriana Domínguez-Oliva, and Daniel Mota-Roja

    Infrared Thermography for the Assessment of Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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    [ES] El síndrome de dolor regional complejo (SDRC) es un trastorno de dolor crónico debilitante que suele afectar a una extremidad, y se caracteriza por su compleja e incomprendida fisiopatología subyacente, lo que supone un reto para su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Para evitar el deterioro de la calidad de vida de los pacientes, la consecución de un diagnóstico y tratamiento tempranos marca un punto de inflexión. Entre los diferentes tratamientos, los bloqueos simpáticos lumbares (BSLs) tienen como objetivo aliviar el dolor y reducir algunos signos simpáticos de la afección. Este procedimiento intervencionista se lleva a cabo inyectando anestesia local alrededor de los ganglios simpáticos y, hasta ahora, se realiza frecuentemente bajo el control de diferentes técnicas de imagen, como los ultrasonidos o la fluoroscopia. Dado que la termografía infrarroja (TIR) ha demostrado ser una herramienta eficaz para evaluar la temperatura de la piel, y teniendo en cuenta el efecto vasodilatador que presentan los anestésicos locales inyectados, se ha considerado el uso de la IRT para la evaluación de los BSLs. El objetivo de esta tesis es, estudiar la capacidad de la TIR como una técnica complementaria para la evaluación de la eficacia en la ejecución de los BSLs. Para cumplir este objetivo, se han realizado tres estudios implementando la TIR en pacientes diagnosticados de SDRC de miembros inferiores sometidos a BSLs. El primer estudio se centra en la viabilidad de la TIR como herramienta complementaria para la evaluación de la eficacia ejecución de los BSLs. Cuando se realizan los BSLs, la colocación correcta de la aguja es crítica para llevar realizar el procedimiento técnicamente correcto y, en consecuencia, para lograr los resultados clínicos deseados. Para verificar la posición de la aguja, tradicionalmente se han utilizado técnicas de imagen, sin embargo, los BSLs bajo control fluoroscópico no siempre aseguran su exacta ejecución. Por este motivo, se han aprovechado las alteraciones térmicas inducidas por los anestésicos locales y se han evaluado mediante la TIR. Así, cuando en las imágenes infrarrojas se observaron cambios térmicos en la planta del pie afectado tras la inyección de lidocaína, se consideró que el BSL era exitoso. El segundo estudio trata del análisis cuantitativo de los datos térmicos recogidos en el entorno clínico a partir de diferentes parámetros basados en las temperaturas extraídas de ambos pies. Según los resultados, para predecir adecuadamente los BSLs exitosos, se deberían analizar las temperaturas de las plantas de los pies durante los primeros cuatro minutos tras la inyección del anestésico local. Así, la aplicación de la TIR en el entorno clínico podría ser de gran ayuda para evaluar la eficacia de ejecución de los BSLs mediante la evaluación de las temperaturas de los pies en tiempo real. Por último, el tercer estudio aborda el análisis cuantitativo mediante la implementación de herramientas de machine learning (ML) para evaluar su capacidad de clasificar automáticamente los BSLs. En este estudio se han utilizado una serie de características térmicas extraídas de las imágenes infrarrojas para evaluar cuatro algoritmos de ML para tres momentos diferentes después del instante de referencia (inyección de lidocaína). Los resultados indican que los cuatro modelos evaluados presentan buenos rendimientos para clasificar automáticamente los BSLs entre exitosos y fallidos. Por lo tanto, la combinación de parámetros térmicos junto con de clasificación ML muestra ser eficaz para la clasificación automática de los procedimientos de BSLs. En conclusión, el uso de la TIR como técnica complementaria en la práctica clínica diaria para la evaluación de los BSLs ha demostrado ser totalmente eficaz. Dado que es un método objetivo y relativamente sencillo de implementar, puede permitir que los médicos especialistas en dolor identifiquen los bloqueos realizados fallidos y, en consecuencia, puedan revertir esta situación.[CA] La síndrome de dolor regional complex (SDRC) és un trastorn de dolor crònic debilitant que sol afectar una extremitat, i es caracteritza per la seua complexa i incompresa fisiopatologia subjacent, la qual cosa suposa un repte per al seu diagnòstic i tractament. Per a evitar la deterioració de la qualitat de vida dels pacients, la consecució d'un diagnòstic i tractament primerencs marca un punt d'inflexió. Entre els diferents tractaments , els bloquejos simpàtics lumbars (BSLs) tenen com a objectiu alleujar el dolor i reduir alguns signes simpàtics de l'afecció. Aquest procediment intervencionista es duu a terme injectant anestèsia local al voltant dels ganglis simpàtics i, fins ara, es realitza freqüentment sota el control de diferents tècniques d'imatge, com els ultrasons o la fluoroscopia. Atés que la termografia infraroja (TIR) ha demostrat ser una eina eficaç per a avaluar la temperatura de la pell, i tenint en compte l'efecte vasodilatador que presenten els anestèsics locals injectats, s'ha considerat l'ús de la TIR per a l'avaluació dels BSLs. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és, estudiar la capacitat de la TIR com una tècnica complementària per a l'avaluació de l'eficàcia en l'execució dels BSLs. Per a complir aquest objectiu, s'han realitzat tres estudis implementant la TIR en pacients diagnosticats de SDRC de membres inferiors sotmesos a BSLs. El primer estudi avalua la viabilitat de la TIR com a eina complementària per a l'analisi de l'eficàcia en l'execució dels BSLs. Quan es realitzen els BSLs, la col·locació correcta de l'agulla és crítica per a dur a terme el procediment tècnicament correcte i, en conseqüència, per a aconseguir els resultats clínics desitjats. Per a verificar la posició de l'agulla, tradicionalment s'han utilitzat tècniques d'imatge, no obstant això, els BSLs baix control fluoroscòpic no sempre asseguren la seua exacta execució. Per aquest motiu, s'han aprofitat les alteracions tèrmiques induïdes pels anestèsics locals i s'han avaluat mitjançant la TIR. Així, quan en les imatges infraroges es van observar canvis tèrmics en la planta del peu afectat després de la injecció de lidocaIna, es va considerar que el BSL era exitós. El segon estudi tracta de l'anàlisi quantitativa de les dades tèrmiques recollides en l'entorn clínic a partir de diferents paràmetres basats en les temperatures extretes d'ambdós peus. Segons els resultats, per a predir adequadament l'execució exitosa d'un BSL, s'haurien d'analitzar les temperatures de les plantes dels peus durant els primers quatre minuts després de la injecció de l'anestèsic local. Així, l'implementació de la TIR en l'entorn clínic podria ser de gran ajuda per a avaluar l'eficàcia d'execució dels BSLs mitjançant l'avaluació de les temperatures dels peus en temps real. El tercer estudi aborda l'anàlisi quantitativa mitjançant la implementació d'eines machine learning (ML) per a avaluar la seua capacitat de classificar automàticament els BSLs. En aquest estudi s'han utilitzat una sèrie de característiques tèrmiques extretes de les imatges infraroges per a avaluar quatre algorismes de ML per a tres moments diferents després de l'instant de referència (injecció de lidocaïna). Els resultats indiquen que els quatre models avaluats presenten bons rendiments per a classificar automàticament els BSLs en exitosos i fallits. Per tant, la combinació de paràmetres tèrmics juntament amb models de classificació ML mostra ser eficaç per a la classificació automàtica dels procediments de BSLs. En conclusió, l'ús de la TIR com a tècnica complementària en la pràctica clínica diària per a l'avaluació dels BSLs ha demostrat ser totalment eficaç. Atés que és un mètode objectiu i relativament senzill d'implementar, pot ajudar els metges especialistes en dolor a identificar els bloquejos realitzats fallits i, en conseqüència, puguen revertir aquesta situació.[EN] Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a debilitating chronic pain condition that usually affects one limb, and it is characterized by its misunderstood underlying pathophysiology, resulting in both challenging diagnosis and treatment. To avoid the patients' impairment quality of life, the achievement of both an early diagnosis and treatment marks a turning point. Among the different treatment approaches, lumbar sympathetic blocks (LSBs) are addressed to alleviate the pain and reduce some sympathetic signs of the condition. This interventional procedure is performed by injecting local anaesthetic around the sympathetic ganglia and, until now, it has been performed under different imaging techniques, including the ultrasound or the fluoroscopy approaches. Since infrared thermography (IRT) has proven to be a powerful tool to evaluate skin temperatures and taking into account the vasodilatory effects of the local anaesthetics injected in the LSB, the use of IRT has been considered for the LSBs assessment. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the capability of IRT as a complementary assessment technique for the LSBs procedures performance. To fulfil this aim, three studies have been conducted implementing the IRT in patients diagnosed with lower limbs CRPS undergoing LSBs. The first study focuses on the feasibility of IRT as a complementary assessment tool for LSBs performance, that is, for the confirmation of the proper needle position. When LSBs are performed, the correct needle placement is critical to carry out the procedure technically correct and, consequently, to achieve the desired clinical outcomes. To verify the needle placement position, imaging techniques have traditionally been used, however, LSBs under radioscopic guidance do not always ensure an exact performance. For this reason, the thermal alterations induced by the local anaesthetics, have been exploited and assessed by means of IRT. Thus, the LSB procedure was considered successfully performed when thermal changes within the affected plantar foot were observed in the infrared images after the lidocaine injection. The second study deals with the quantitative analysis of the thermal data collected in the clinical setting through the evaluation of different temperature-based parameters extracted from both feet. According to the results, the proper LSB success prediction could be achieved in the first four minutes after the block through the evaluation of the feet skin temperatures. Therefore, the implementation of IRT in the clinical setting might be of great help in assessing the LSBs performance by evaluating the plantar feet temperatures in real time. Finally, the third study addresses the quantitative analysis by implementing machine learning (ML) tools to assess their capability to automatically classify LSBs. In this study, a set of thermal features retrieved from the infrared images have been used to evaluate four ML algorithms for three different moments after the baseline time (lidocaine injection). The results indicate that all four models evaluated present good performance metrics to automatically classify LSBs into successful and failed. Therefore, combining infrared features with ML classification models shows to be effective for the LSBs procedures automatic classification. In conclusion, the use of IRT as a complementary technique in daily clinical practice for LSBs assessment has been evidenced entirely effective. Since IRT is an objective method and it is not very demanding to perform, it is of great help for pain physicians to identify failed procedures, and consequently, it allow them to reverse this situation.Cañada Soriano, M. (2022). Infrared Thermography for the Assessment of Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181699TESI

    Exploratory study to evaluate respiratory rate using a thermal imaging camera

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    Background: Respiratory rate is a vital physiological measurement used in the immediate assessment of unwell children and adults. Convenient electronic devices exist for measurement of pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and temperature. Although devices which measure respiratory rate exist, none has entered everyday clinical practice for acute assessment of children and adults. An accurate and practical device which has no physical contact with the patient is important to ensure readings are not affected by distress caused by the assessment method. Objective: To evaluate the use of a thermal imaging method to monitor respiratory rate in children and adults. Methods: Facial thermal images of adult volunteers and children undergoing elective polysomnography were included. Respiration was recorded for at least two minutes with the camera positioned one metre from the subject's face. Values obtained using the thermal imaging camera were compared with those obtained from contact methods such as nasal thermistor, respiratory inductance plethysmography, nasal airflow and End Tidal Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Results: A total of 61 subjects, including 41 adults (age range 27 to 46 years) and 20 children (age range 0.5 to 18 years) were enrolled. The correlation between respiratory rate measured using thermal imaging and the contact method was r=0.94. Sequential refinements to the thermal imaging algorithms resulted in the ability to perform real-time measurements and an improvement of the correlation to r=0.995. Conclusion: This exploratory study shows that thermal imaging derived respiratory rates in children and adults correlate closely with the best performing standard method. With further refinements, this method could be implemented in both acute and chronic care in children and adults

    Seeing Relief: Mirror Box Therapy as a Treatment for Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome

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    In collaboration with an occupational therapist who works in a physical therapy private practice as a hand therapist, the following clinical questions were identified: Is mirror box therapy (MT) effective in reducing pain for patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS); secondary to orthopedic injury or peripheral nerve damage in the upper extremity (UE)? What protocols and dosages are the most effective? A structured review of the literature identified 18 studies that focus on the use of MT for CRPS of the UE: one meta-analysis of systematic reviews, five systematic reviews (SR) and 12 individual studies of which four are not reviewed in the SRs. Research regarding the use of MT for CRPS shows positive effects on outcomes for pain reduction with CRPS Type I, both acute and chronic, and emerging evidence for increased functional use, sensation and decreased swelling. However, currently, evidence is considered of low quality due to small sample sizes and replication by the same research group. Protocols are highly variable and sometimes vague, but the most commonly researched protocol has been L. Moseley’s graded motor imagery (GMI) program. The following knowledge translation products were selected in collaboration with the clinician: an in-service for clinicians and educational pamphlet for consumers. The clinician expressed satisfaction with the pamphlet and regret that we could not schedule the in-service. Further research evaluating the effectiveness of the different protocols and dosages available is recommended, as well as describing the experiences of both the clients and clinicians utilizing MT

    Applications of aerospace technology in biology and medicine

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    Utilization of NASA technology and its application to medicine is discussed. The introduction of new or improved commercially available medical products and incorporation of aerospace technology is outlined. A biopolar donor-recipient model of medical technology transfer is presented to provide a basis for the methodology. The methodology is designed to: (1) identify medical problems and NASA technology that, in combination, constitute opportunities for successful medical products; (2) obtain the early participation of industry in the transfer process; and (3) obtain acceptance by the medical community of new medical products based on NASA technology. Two commercial transfers were completed: the ocular screening device, a system for quick detection of vision problems in preschool children, and Porta-Fib III, a hospital monitoring unit. Two institutional transfers were completed: implant materials testing, the application of NASA fracture control technology to improve reliability of metallic prostheses, and incinerator monitoring, a quadrupole mass spectrometer to monitor combustion products of municipal incinerators. Mobility aids for the blind and ultrasound diagnosis of burn depth are also studied

    Biosensors: 10th Anniversary Feature Papers

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    Biosensors are analytical devices used for the detection of a chemical substance, or analyte, which combines a biological component with a physicochemical detector. Detection and quantification are based on the measurement of the biological interactions. The biological element of a biosensor may consist of tissues, microorganisms, organelles, cell receptors, enzymes, antibodies and nucleic acids. These devices have been shown to have a wide range of applications in a vast array of fields of research, including environmental monitoring, food analysis, drug detection and health and clinical assessment, and even security and safety. The current Special Issue, “Biosensors: 10th Anniversary Feature Papers”, addresses the existing knowledge gaps and aids the advancement of biosensing applications, in the form of six peer-reviewed research and review papers, detailing the most recent and innovative developments of biosensors