24,056 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Organizational Learning On Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction And Work Performance

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    The literature review reveals that there is a relationship between organizational learning organizational commitment, job satisfaction and work performance. However, it is apparent that the integrated relationships between these variables have not been found to be reported. Hence, we examine the relationship among these variables using a sample of public service managers in Malaysia. Organizational learning was found positively related to organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and work performance. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction are also positively related with work performance and these variables partially mediate the relationship between organizational learning and work performance. Implication of the study and suggestions for future research been discussed in this paper

    The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Executive Withdrawal and Performance

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    This research examines the influence of job satisfaction and three dimensions of organizational commitment (i.e., affective, continuance, and normative) on the intention to leave, job search activity, performance, and leadership effectiveness of executives. Job satisfaction and the commitment dimensions were hypothesized to negatively predict the retention-related variables. Results generally supported the hypotheses. Job satisfaction had the strongest relationship, but both affective and continuance commitment showed an incremental effect even in the presence of job satisfaction. We also hypothesized that job satisfaction and affective commitment would positively and continuance commitment would negatively associate with general performance and leadership. As predicted, job satisfaction associated positively with performance, though not with leadership. Continuance commitment negatively associated with both performance and leadership

    An empirical test of diversity climate dimensionality and relative effects on employee of color outcomes.

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    This study examined the relative effect of diversity climate dimensions captured by two measures: Mor Barak et al.’s (Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 34:82–104, 1998) diversity climate scale and Chrobot-Mason’s (Journal of Managerial Psychology 18:22–45, 2003) diversity promise fulfillment scale on professional employee of color outcomes: organizational commitment (OC) and turnover intentions. We hypothesized that the two scales would measure different aspects of diversity climate. We further hypothesized that the different climate dimensions would interactively affect the employee of color outcomes. Third, we predicted that diversity climate would mediate between diversity promise fulfillment and employee of color outcomes. Finally, we hypothesized that organizational commitment would mediate the interactive effect of diversity climate dimensions on turnover intentions. Results indicated that the diversity scales each predicted unique variance in employee outcomes and that the climate dimensions interactively influenced professional of color organizational commitment and turnover intentions. We also found that the diversity climate dimension, as measured by the Mor Barak scale, mediated between diversity promise fulfillment and the outcomes. Finally, we found complete mediated moderation between the interaction of the two climate measures and turnover intentions by organizational commitment. Implications are discussed

    The Mediating Role of Ethical Decision Making in the Relationship between Job Characteristics and Job Outcomes: An Examination of Business-to-Business Salespeople

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    The purpose of this research is to examine how the ethical decision making of a salesperson is influenced by job characteristics, and how ethical decision making then influences job outcomes. This research is important because the field of ethics draws from diverse disciplines that have minimal agreement with each other. While calls have been made for a uniform standard of ethics, a better decision may be for each discipline to look internally to determine both what ethics is and how it functions in relation to other variables on in each disciplines unique field. This study examines first how the exogenous job characteristic variables of perceived organizational support, sales force control system and ethical values of the salesperson affect ethical decision making. Perceived organizational support and the behavioral-based sales force control system are hypothesized to positively influence ethical decision making. The link between perceived organizational support and ethical decision making has been observed in the field of accounting, and sales research has found that perceived organizational support leads to organizational citizenship behavior, which contains ethical decision making under its umbrella. Behavior-based sales force control systems are predicted to lead to ethical decision making because this type of control system has been shown to both lead to increased affective organizational commitment and reduce the benefits of acting unethically. The ethical values of the salesperson are predicted to moderate the relationships between the independent variables and ethical decision making. Ethical values and the independent variables in the study are influenced by similar antecedent constructs. The study also examines how ethical decision making influences the endogenous job outcomes variables of affective organizational commitment and salesperson performance. Ethical decision making is hypothesized to positively influence both performance and commitment. Ethical climates have been found to increase commitment, and performance is considered a key outcome of ethical decision making. Azjen’s (1985) theory of planned behavior ties the hypotheses together

    The effect of value congruence on work related attitudes and behaviors

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    Research has demonstrated that value congruence has the potential to influence work-related outcomes such as turnover intention (Amos & Weathington, 2008). However, few studies have evaluated the variables that may mediate the relationship between value congruence and work outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effects of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on the relationship between work value congruence and employee behaviors. An advertisement was placed on social networking websites to invite individuals to complete the questionnaire. The results revealed that job satisfaction and normative commitment mediated the relationship between work value congruence and turnover intention. Also, affective commitment mediated the relationship between work value congruence and organizational citizenship behaviors. Future research and implications are discussed

    Do high-performance human resource practices work? The mediating role of organizational learning capability

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    This study explores the relationship between high-performance human resource practices and organizational outcomes, using organizational learning capability as a mediating variable. By analyzing a sample of 85 Spanish companies in the chemical industry, the results suggest that the application of high-performance human resource practices is positively related to the development of organizational learning capability. This, in turn, is positively related to the financial and non-financial firm’s performance. The mediating role of learning capability is useful and should be considered in studies that analyze the link between human resource practices and performance, a central topic in the literature on strategic human resource management. Additionally, this study provides indications which can help companies design suitable conditions for promoting organizational learning capability, which is directly related to the development of human resource systems


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    This study aims to: 1) To find out and analyze the effect of career development and motivation on job satisfaction, 2) To know and analyze the effect of career development and motivation on employee performance, 3) To find out and analyze the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance, 4) To find out and analyze the influence of career development and motivation on employee performance through job satisfaction PT. Jabar Jaya Perkasa. The study was conducted at PT. Jabar Jaya Perkasa with a research sample of 58 respondents. The sampling technique uses saturated samples. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis with path analysis. The results showed that: 1) there was an influence on career development and motivation on job satisfaction, 2) there was an influence on career development and motivation on employee performance, 3) there was an effect on job satisfaction on employee performance and 4) there was no influence on career development and motivation on performance employees through job satisfaction PT. Jabar Jaya Perkasa. This means that the direct effect is greater than the indirect effect, the variable job satisfaction cannot mediate between motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance at PT. Jabar Jaya Perkasa

    The mediating effect of organizational commitment and moderating role of strategic implementation in the relationship between high performance work practices and organizational performance

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    Many studies on strategy and strategic human resource management have utilized resource-based view to explain the process through which organizations can gain sustainable competitive advantage and improve their performance. This viewpoint has overlooked the important role of managers in structuring, bundling and leveraging organizational resources to create superior value for owners and customers. However, there is still limited attention to how such role can be utilized to determine the performance of banks in Nigeria. Specifically, the study investigated the mediating role of organizational commitment and the moderating role of strategic implementation on the effect of high-performance work practices on the performance of Nigerian banks. The study employed a cross-sectional design to collect data from 400 participants using mail and personally administered questionnaires. A total of 258 usable questionnaires were retrieved to test five hypotheses. The results of Partial least square structural equation modelling analysis revealed that extensive training and development, recruitment and selection, organizational commitment, and strategic implementation had a direct and significant effect on bank performance in Nigeria. The study did not show a direct effect of job security, empowerment, compensation, and performance appraisal. Furthermore, the study demonstrated an indirect effect of extensive training and development, compensation, recruitment and selection and performance appraisal through the mediating role of organizational commitment. In line with scholarly suggestion for incorporating a moderator in the organizational level relationship between organizational commitment and organizational performance, this study confirmed the moderating role of strategic implementation. The study also contributes to the literature on how resource management model contributes to resource-based view by integrating the role of managers. Finally, the study addresses a call for a reflective-formative assessment of organizational performance as a multifaceted construct, discusses the implications and limitations, and suggests areas for future research
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