5,416 research outputs found

    EFA for Structure Detection in Image Data : Empirical Results on Two Datasets of Different Perspective

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    Structure detection discovery from image data is scarce. Hence, we attempt to explore and uncover the underlying structure from two datasets of different perspective through statistical procedures commonly used in psychology, social science, health and business. Firstly, distinction between principal component analysis and exploratory factor analysis are briefly described; along with a simple test on the growth of publications on both techniques and datasets tested in this paper. Exploratory factor analyses results with and without data screening are summarized. 3-factor structures are derived from both datasets where texture features seem to be dominant than others. Some critical issues concerning the appropriateness of methods are also discussed. The systematic procedures described in this paper are applicable to any other object type with similar characteristics as the ones tested

    Perturbation Detection Through Modeling of Gene Expression on a Latent Biological Pathway Network: A Bayesian hierarchical approach

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    Cellular response to a perturbation is the result of a dynamic system of biological variables linked in a complex network. A major challenge in drug and disease studies is identifying the key factors of a biological network that are essential in determining the cell's fate. Here our goal is the identification of perturbed pathways from high-throughput gene expression data. We develop a three-level hierarchical model, where (i) the first level captures the relationship between gene expression and biological pathways using confirmatory factor analysis, (ii) the second level models the behavior within an underlying network of pathways induced by an unknown perturbation using a conditional autoregressive model, and (iii) the third level is a spike-and-slab prior on the perturbations. We then identify perturbations through posterior-based variable selection. We illustrate our approach using gene transcription drug perturbation profiles from the DREAM7 drug sensitivity predication challenge data set. Our proposed method identified regulatory pathways that are known to play a causative role and that were not readily resolved using gene set enrichment analysis or exploratory factor models. Simulation results are presented assessing the performance of this model relative to a network-free variant and its robustness to inaccuracies in biological databases

    Status and performance of the Gemini Planet Imager adaptive optics system

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    The Gemini Planet Imager is a high-contrast near-infrared instrument specifically designed to image exoplanets and circumstellar disks over a narrow field of view. We use science data and AO telemetry taken during the first 1.5 yr of the GPI Exoplanet Survey to quantify the performance of the AO system. In a typical 60 sec H-band exposure, GPI achieves a 5σ\sigma raw contrast of 10−4^{-4} at 0.4"; typical final 5σ\sigma contrasts for full 1 hr sequences are more than 10 times better than raw contrasts. We find that contrast is limited by bandwidth wavefront error over much of the PSF. Preliminary exploratory factor analysis can explain 60-70% of the variance in raw contrasts with combinations of seeing and wavefront error metrics. We also examine the effect of higher loop gains on contrast by comparing wavefront error maps reconstructed from AO telemetry to concurrent IFS images. These results point to several ways that GPI performance could be improved in software or hardware.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    XRIndex:a brief screening tool for individual differences in security threat detection in x-ray images

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    X-ray imaging is a cost-effective technique at security checkpoints that typically require the presence of human operators. We have previously shown that self-reported attention to detail can predict threat detection performance with small-vehicle x-ray images (Rusconi et al., 2012). Here, we provide evidence for the generality of such a link by having a large sample of naïve participants screen more typical dual-energy x-ray images of hand luggage. The results show that the Attention to Detail score from the autism-spectrum quotient (AQ) questionnaire (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) is a linear predictor of threat detection accuracy. We then develop and fine-tune a novel self-report scale for security screening: the XRIndex, which improves on the Attention to Detail scale for predictive power and opacity to interpretation. The XRIndex is not redundant with any of the Big Five personality traits. We validate the XRIndex against security x-ray images with an independent sample of untrained participants and suggest that the XRIndex may be a useful aid for the identification of suitable candidates for professional security training with a focus on x-ray threat detection. Further studies are needed to determine whether this can also apply to trained professionals

    Echelle long-slit optical spectroscopy of evolved stars

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    We present echelle long-slit optical spectra of a sample of objects evolving off the AGB, most of them in the pre-planetary nebula (pPN) phase, obtained with the ESI and MIKE spectrographs at Keck-II and Magellan-I, respectively. The total wavelength range covered with ESI (MIKE) is ~3900 to 10900 A (~3600 to 7200A). In this paper, we focus our analysis mainly on the Halpha profiles. Prominent Halpha emission is detected in half of the objects, most of which show broad Halpha wings (up to ~4000 km/s). In the majority of the Halpha-emission sources, fast, post-AGB winds are revealed by P-Cygni profiles. In ~37% of the objects Halpha is observed in absorption. In almost all cases, the absorption profile is partially filled with emission, leading to complex, structured profiles that are interpreted as an indication of incipient post-AGB mass-loss. All sources in which Halpha is seen mainly in absorption have F-G type central stars, whereas sources with intense Halpha emission span a larger range of spectral types from O to G. Shocks may be an important excitation agent of the close stellar surroundings for objects with late type central stars. Sources with pure emission or P Cygni Halpha profiles have larger J-K color excess than objects with Halpha mainly in absorption, which suggests the presence of warm dust near the star in the former. The two classes of profile sources also segregate in the IRAS color-color diagram in a way that intense Halpha-emitters have dust grains with a larger range of temperatures. (abridged)Comment: 68 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS (abstract abridged

    Identifying hybridizing taxa within the Daphnia longispina species complex: a comparison of genetic methods and phenotypic approaches

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    Daphnia galeata Sars, D. longispina O. F. Muller and D. cucullata Sars (Crustacea: Cladocera) are closely related species which often produce interspecific hybrids in natural populations. Several marker systems are available for taxon determination in this hybridizing complex, but their performance and reliability has not been systematically assessed. We compared results from identifications by three molecular methods. More than 1,200 individuals from 10 localities in the Czech Republic were identified as parental species or hybrids by allozyme electrophoresis and the analysis of the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-RFLP); over 440 of them were additionally analyzed and identified by 12 microsatellite loci. Identification by microsatellite markers corresponded well with allozyme analyses. However, consistent discrepancies between ITS-RFLP and other markers were observed in two out of 10 studied localities. Although some marker discrepancies may have been caused by occasional recent introgression, consistent deviations between ITS-RFLP and other markers suggest a long-term maintenance of introgressed alleles. These results warn against its use as a sole identification method in field studies. Additionally, we quantitatively evaluated the discriminatory power of geometric morphometric (elliptic Fourier) analysis of body shapes based on photos of over 1,300 individuals pre-classified by allozyme markers. Furthermore, a randomly selected subset of 240 individuals was independently determined from photos by several experts. Despite a tendency for morphological divergence among parental Daphnia species, some taxa (especially D. galeata, D. longispina, and their hybrids) substantially overlapped in their body shapes. This was reflected in different determination success for particular species and hybrids in discriminant analysis based on shape data as well as from photograph

    Examination of the psychometric properties of the children’s loneliness scale for students with and without special needs in inclusive classrooms*

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    Early detection of loneliness in children, especially children with special needs who are at greater risk for loneliness, is crucial for planning appropriate interventions. A review of studies regarding the assessment of loneliness in children reveals the Children’s Loneliness Scale (CLS) is commonly used in other cultures whereas information about the use of CLS in Turkish culture, especially on children with special needs, is very limited. This study investigates the psychometric properties of CLS on a group of 4th and 5th graders with and without special needs in inclusive classrooms. The study group consists of 554 typically developing students and 151 students with special needs, a total of 705 students whose ages range from 9 to 13. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted to examine the construct validity of the CLS and revealed that the scale has a unidimensional structure. The validity of this unidimensional construct was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Discriminant validity of the CLS was examined using the criterion group method and a significant difference was found between the loneliness scores of students with special needs and those without special needs. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability analyses were conducted in order to determine the reliability of the CLS. Results showed that the CLS has high internal reliability and provides stability in measurements. In general, the findings of this study indicated that the CLS is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing the loneliness levels of students with and without special needs attending 4th and 5th grade inclusive classrooms. © 2015 EDAM

    Edge-aware Feature Aggregation Network for Polyp Segmentation

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    Precise polyp segmentation is vital for the early diagnosis and prevention of colorectal cancer (CRC) in clinical practice. However, due to scale variation and blurry polyp boundaries, it is still a challenging task to achieve satisfactory segmentation performance with different scales and shapes. In this study, we present a novel Edge-aware Feature Aggregation Network (EFA-Net) for polyp segmentation, which can fully make use of cross-level and multi-scale features to enhance the performance of polyp segmentation. Specifically, we first present an Edge-aware Guidance Module (EGM) to combine the low-level features with the high-level features to learn an edge-enhanced feature, which is incorporated into each decoder unit using a layer-by-layer strategy. Besides, a Scale-aware Convolution Module (SCM) is proposed to learn scale-aware features by using dilated convolutions with different ratios, in order to effectively deal with scale variation. Further, a Cross-level Fusion Module (CFM) is proposed to effectively integrate the cross-level features, which can exploit the local and global contextual information. Finally, the outputs of CFMs are adaptively weighted by using the learned edge-aware feature, which are then used to produce multiple side-out segmentation maps. Experimental results on five widely adopted colonoscopy datasets show that our EFA-Net outperforms state-of-the-art polyp segmentation methods in terms of generalization and effectiveness.Comment: 20 pages 8 figure
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