75 research outputs found

    Students\u27 Attitudes Towards Textbook Types: Are Students Really Ready for E-Textbooks?

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    Textbook selection is just one of the many decisions a professor has to make when teaching a class. These selection decisions are sometimes made by the individual professor while other times it is made by committee or department. In many cases, students are not taken into consideration when making these decisions. However considering many professors complain that students do not buy or use the required textbook (Kingkade 2014, Paxhia 2011, Robinson 2011), maybe it is time to think about student’s attitudes and preferences before making textbook adoption decisions. Unfortunately there are only a few studies (e.g. Daniel and Woody 2013) that have examined students’ perceptions towards the different types of textbooks currently on the market. Because of this, the goal of this exploratory study is to examine the attitudes and opinions of students towards four possible textbook options (hardback, paperback, e-textbook, and looseleaf) in order to better assist in textbook adoption decisions

    Pengembangan E-book Fisika Model Outdoor Learning Pada Fieldwork Berbasis Local Wisdom Andong untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep dan Kemampuan Kolaborasi Peserta Didik SMA.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) menghasilkan e-book fisika model outdoor learning melalui fieldwork berbasis local wisdom yang layak untuk meningkatkan penguasan konsep dan kemampuan kolaborasi peserta didik, (2) mendeskripsikan keefektifan e-book fisika model outdoor learning melalui fieldwork berbasis local wisdom untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan kolaborasi. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan Research and Development (R&D). Pada tahap development, penelitian menggunakan mode 4D yang terdiri dari define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Subjek uji coba terbatas adalah 60 orang peserta didik kelas XI SMAN 1 Prambanan Klaten. Subjek penelitian menggunakan 2 kelas, yaitu kelas X MIA 1 yang berjumlah 35 peserta didik sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X MIA 2 yang berjumlah 36 kelas sebagai kelas kontrol di SMAN 1 Prambanan Klaten. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi lembar penilaian perangkat pembelajaran, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan model, angket respon peserta didik, lembar penilaian kemampuan kolaborasi dan hasil penguasaan konsep. Analisis data menggunakan analisis multivariat Hotelling’s T2 dengan taraf signifikansi 0.05 dan General Linier Model (GLM). Hasil penelitian ini berupa e-book fisika model outdoor learning melalui fieldwork berbasis local wisdom yang: (1) layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan dan kemampuan kolaborasi ditinjau dari perangkat pembelajaran, lembar observasi kemampuan kolaborasi, butir soal yang telah divalidasi dan memenuhi kriteria, (2) efektif untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan kolaborasi berdasarkan hasil analisis

    E-Books: Cognitive and Visual Effects

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    Sight is incredibly important to daily life. One critical use of this sense is reading, which allows people to communicate and learn new things if the reader is able to effectively comprehend what he or she has read. The proliferation of technology has resulted in much of our reading today being done through digital media. Information-presenting screens are found nearly everywhere, including within the education system. While E-books can offer some advantages, their purpose would not be served if they hindered understanding. Additionally, excessive use of technological devices can bring about symptoms of eyestrain. It was hypothesized that E-books are in fact neither helpful nor harmful in reading comprehension but may increase reading time. In the present study, 40 students at Butler University read a short story either on paper or on a laptop screen. They then took a quiz over the plot events of the short story, either in a physical or digital format. Lastly, they completed a short survey regarding their use of E-books and how their technological interactions affect their vision. It was found that the only factor that affected quiz scores was the testing medium. It is important, then, to ensure that online exams are user-friendly

    Buku Ajar Pengembangan Pembelajaran IPS SD Berbasis Praktik untuk Mahasiswa PGSD

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu produk berupa buku ajar Pengembangan Pembelajaran IPS SD berbasis praktik,. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah Research and Development dengan menggunakan desain pengembangan pembelajaran analysis, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation (ADDIE). Produk akhir penelitian ini berupa buku ajar yang telah divevaluasi oleh ahli materi, ahli desain, serta uji terbatas. Penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan (1) buku ajar berbasis praktik dikembangkan berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan (need assesment) mahasiswa dan dapat digunakan pada pembelajaran IPS di SD, (2) buku ajar yang menarik bagi mahasiswa dilihat dari respon mahasiswa yang positif, dan (3) buku ajar yang bermanfaat untuk pembelajaran dilihat dari peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa atau peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa yang tuntas KKM.This research aims to produce a product in the form of a practice-based SD Social Science Learning Development textbook. This research approach is Research and Development using analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) learning development design. The final product of this research is a textbook that has been evaluated by material experts, design experts, and limited testing. This development research resulted in (1) practice-based textbooks developed based on the results of student needs assessments and can be used in social studies learning in elementary schools, (2) interesting textbooks for students seen from positive student responses, and (3) useful textbooks for learning can be seen from the increase in student learning outcomes or the increase in the number of students who complete the KKM

    Academic Library Book Digitization and Contemplative Reading

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    Since the beginning of this century, academic libraries have been at the forefront of book digitization and access. During this same period, many individuals have made the transition from reading printed materials to reading on screens. This change in reading habits has led to profound shifts in how libraries conceive their mission, how they structure their spaces, how they organize their resources, and where they allocate funds in their budgets. These changes have been reflected in the Library and Information Science literature, which now includes a rich corpus of research on the impact of digitization on librarians and library services. This article seeks to add to these discussions by exploring the literature on how e-resources impact reading habits, and specifically how these resources orient readers to approach texts with a mindset of efficiency rather than contemplation. After exploring this research, I will offer suggestions for how academic librarians can leverage the unique qualities of the physical book to encourage contemplative reading

    Non-standard graphic realizations in modern printed texts

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    Рассмотрены нарушения норм каллитипии, регламентирующих графику печатного текста. В ходе системно-функционального анализа материалов российской прессы выявлены тотальная шрифтовая акцентуация; избыточная графическая защита; некорректное использование графических маркеров в основном корпусе текста и др. Изучение этих девиаций показывает, что соблюдение требований каллитипической нормы обеспечивает осмысленное использование шрифтовых акцентов, четкую текстовую архитектонику, функциональную навигацию – знаки высокого качества современной полиграфической продукции

    Nursing Students’ Learning Experience with E-books

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    As many nursing programs are offered online in colleges and universities, student populations are likely to be working nurses who have no time to come in, or have no physical access to the library building or its print book collections to complete their course work. This has been one of the biggest obstacles for libraries in supporting off-campus faculty and students. In addition to offering document delivery services, such as shipping print books and sending articles in digital format to eligible patrons, more and more academic libraries purchase or license e-books and e-journals to replace or augment their print collections. In recent years, electronic book and journal collections have grown rapidly in academic libraries because of their ease of access and convenience (Briddon et al., 2009; Cassidy, Martinez and Shen, 2012; Walters, 2013). The emergence of e-books creates a variety of issues involving acquisition, management, workflows, and usage statistics (ALCTS, 2013)

    A Comparison of E-book and Print Book Discovery, Preferences and Usage by Science and Engineering Faculty and Graduate Students at the University of Kansas

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    See below for the accompanying dataset and the survey instrument used to collect the data.The availability of science and technology e-books through the University of Kansas Libraries is growing rapidly through approval plans, e-book packages, and electronic demand-driven acquisitions. Based on informal conversations with faculty, questions still lingered as to the acceptance of books in the electronic format by faculty and graduate students in the STEM disciplines. To learn more about book format preferences, a survey was distributed via e-mail to 1,898 faculty and graduate students in science and technology at the University of Kansas. The survey included questions focused on print book use, e-book use, format preferences, and demographics. A majority of the 357 respondents indicated a preference for print books indicating many of the oft-repeated comments about the disadvantages of reading books on a computer. Patrons using tablets were more inclined to access e-books. The survey indicated a continuing need to purchase books in both print and electronic formats, and to market the availability of e-books to University of Kansas patrons

    Textbook costs and accessibility: Could open textbooks play a role?

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    Rising textbook costs have been highlighted as an issue for students in higher education (HE), particularly in North America. Less is known about the costs and forms in which books are available to students in higher education in Europe and specifically in Ireland. This is despite significant moves towards openly licensed books as a potential response via established open access publishing platforms. This research sought to address a gap in the scholarly understanding of textbook usage and the potential of open alternatives in Ireland. We present the results of an analysis of the accessibility, cost and licensing of textbooks in Ireland taking one higher education institution as a case study. We report here on the findings of phases one and two of this study, including the retail prices of over 500 books, the formats they are available in and those that are in the public domain. The next phase of this study involved the design of research instruments to use with staff and students as participants in research. These instruments were designed, with reference to the research literature on Open Education Resources (OER), such as Wiley’s 5 Rs of OER, to examine the current usage and perception of educational textbooks with the overarching aim of determining the relevance of digital open textbooks in the Irish context

    Iskustva učenika IV razreda osnovne škole sa digitalnim i klasičnim testovima znanja

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    Upotreba digitalnih materijala u obrazovanju i njihovo poređenje sa tradicionalnim su predmet brojnih istraživanja (Daniel & Woody, 2013; Van Horne et al., 2016; Woody et al., 2010). Ivić (2019) ističe da još nema dovoljno saznanja i praktičnih iskustava kako bismo doneli pouzdan sud o vrednosti elektronskih materijala. To posebno važi za njihovu primenu kod najmlađih učenika jer su istraživanja uglavnom ispitivala studente.XXVI Nаučnа konferencijа „Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа