67,834 research outputs found


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    Kebutuhan akan informasi yang cepat dan tepat sangat dibutuhkan oleh lembaga pendidikan. Di era digitalisasi yang berorientasi pada teknologi, masih banyak Sekolah Dasar dengan proses belajar mengajar yang masih bersifat konvensional dan dirasa kurang efektif menjalankan sistem hybrid learning karena kurangnya fasilitas yang mendukung. Menurut survei oleh UNICEF pada 2020, 38% siswa mengatakan kurang bimbingan dari guru menjadi sebuah kendala umum dalam proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan secara online. Pembelajaran hybrid learning yang dilakukan oleh Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cijagra 2 hanya sebatas menggunakan platform Whatsapp. Dalam pelaksanaannya, platform ini dirasa masih kurang optimal dalam proses belajar mengajar, karena kurangnya interaksi langsung murid dengan guru, serta keterbatasan dalam menyediakan materi yang kompleks. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini didapatkan sebuah solusi akan masalah yang ada berupa sebuah perancangan User Interface e-learning yang dapat membantu mempermudah pemahaman siswa dan memfasilitasi penyediaan materi oleh guru di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cijagra 2. Dalam membuat sebuah platform E-Learning diperlukan sebuah perancangan yang tepat agar sesuai dengan fungsinya. Salah satu faktor penting yang bisa mempengaruhi perancangan E-Learning adalah User Interface. Penelitian dan perancangan media “LearnGo”, UI/UX e-learning Learning Management System, menggunakan metode Design Thinking yang terdiri dari emphaty, define, ideate, prototype, dan testing. Berdasarkan sistem pengujian yang dilakukan dengan usability testing dan teknik System Usability Scale, perancangan media “LearnGo” yang dilakukan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cijagra 2 memiliki hasil yang baik dan layak diguanakan. ----- The need for fast and precise information is needed by educational institutions. In the era of technology-oriented digitalization, there are still many elementary schools with teaching and learning processes that are still conventional and are felt to be less effective in running the hybrid learning system due to a lack of supporting facilities. According to a survey by UNICEF in 2020, 38% of students said a lack of guidance from teachers was a common obstacle in the online learning process. Hybrid learning conducted by SD Negeri 2 Cijagra is only limited to using the Whatsapp platform. In practice, this platform is still not optimal in the teaching and learning process, due to the lack of direct interaction between students and teachers, as well as limitations in providing complex material. Therefore, this research found a solution to the existing problem in the form of an e-learning User Interface design that can help facilitate students' understanding and facilitate the provision of material by teachers at SD Negeri 2 Cijagra. In making an E-Learning platform, an appropriate design is needed to suit its function. One important factor that can influence the design of E-Learning is the User Interface. Research and design of the "LearnGo" media, UI/UX e-learning Learning Management System, uses the Design Thinking method which consists of empathy, define, ideate, prototype, and testing. Based on the testing system that was carried out using usability testing and the System Usability Scale technique, the design of the "LearnGo" media carried out at Cijagra 2 Public Elementary School had good results and was feasible to use


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    Pembelajaran e-learning merupakan salah satu transformasi paling signifikan yang dilakukan oleh hampir seluruh lembaga pendidikan. E-learning dalam pendapat Khan, merupakan inovasi dari suatu pendekatan yang memusatkan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran interaktif, distribusi desain yang baik, serta memberikan sarana dan prasarana bagi lingkungan pembelajaran. Teraskill merupakan aplikasi e-learning yang dikembangkan PT.Media Kreasi Abadi berbasis web dan mobile. Teraskill dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan pelanggan yang didapatkan melalui proses identifikasi masalah dengan hasil platform online course yang menarwarkan berbagai macam materi yang tidak spesifik, kualitas konten pembelajaran yang tidak menarik dan pembelajaran dengan tidak adanya sertifikat verifikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu Mengimplementasikan Design Thinking pada perancangan UI/UX aplikasi Teraskill dan menguji aplikasi dengan menggunakan skrenario tugas dan System Usability Scale (SUS). Dalam perancangannya menggunakan metode design thinking. Dimana Design thinking adalah kerangka pemecahan masalah yang dapat menghasilkan inovasi menekankan pemahaman terhadap kebutuhan pengguna dan menciptakan solusi yang berorientasi pada pengguna Pendekatan berpusat pada pengguna ini memungkinkan pengembangan solusi yang lebih inovatif dan kreatif. fokus pada masalah yang kompleks, dan penekanan pada kreativitas dan fleksibilitas dalam design thinking menjadikannya alat yang sangat kuat untuk mempromosikan inovasi dibandingkan dengan pendekatan lain seperti lean startup atau Six Sigma. Hasil dari penelitian ini merupakan sebuah rancangan prototype yang telah diuji dengan menggunakan scenario tugas dan System usability scale (SUS). Dengan hasil scenario tugas mendapatkan nilai report sebesar 81 dengan testers sebanyak 10 orang dengan hasil testing Maze 90% Sukses, 10% tidak selesai, 32,7% miscklik, dan rata-rata durasi test 41,9s dan SUS skors rata-rata SUS dari semua responden adalah 73,86. Menurut skala mutu rata-rata skor SUS berada pada grade “C” dan “Acceptable”

    A Usability Study of E-book Platforms

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    While e-books offer great potential for academic libraries, research has shown that usability issues can prevent readers from reading e-books or from using certain ebook functions. This study presents the results of usability testing on the platforms of three of the largest aggregators of academic e-books: ebrary, MyiLibrary, and Ebook Library. In addition to learning about the usability of these specific platforms, this research provides greater insight into the usability issues that students encounter while reading e-books and a deeper understanding of how e-books can meet the academic needs of students. Five undergraduate and five graduate students participated in testing, completing a series of tasks in each platform. Testing revealed several usability issues. Students want flexible navigational options, including the ability to scroll. Additionally, students enjoy certain e-book features, such as annotation and highlighting tools, but they were not sure that they would use these tools

    Web Service Testing and Usability for Mobile Learning

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    Based on the summary of recent renowned publications, Mobile Learning (ML) has become an emerging technology, as well as a new technique that can enhance the quality of learning. Due to the increasing importance of ML, the investigation of such impacts on the e-Science community is amongst the hot topics, which also relate to part of these research areas: Grid Infrastructure, Wireless Communication, Virtual Research Organization and Semantic Web. The above examples contribute to the demonstrations of how Mobile Learning can be applied into e-Science applications, including usability. However, there are few papers addressing testing and quality engineering issues – the core component for software engineering. Therefore, the major purpose of this paper is to present how Web Service Testing for Mobile Learning can be carried out, in addition to re-investigating the influences of the usability issue with both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Out of many mobile technologies available, the Pocket PC and Tablet PC have been chosen as the equipment; and the OMII Web Service, the 64-bit .NET e-portal and the GPS-PDA are the software tools to be used for Web Service testing

    A web-based platform for people with memory problems and their caregivers (CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD): Mixed-methods evaluation of usability

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    Background: The increasing number of people with dementia (PwD) drives research exploring Web-based support interventions to provide effective care for larger populations. In this concept, a Web-based platform (CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD, 620911) was designed to (1) improve the quality of life for PwD, (2) reduce caregiver burden, (3) reduce the financial costs for care, and (4) reduce administration time for health and social care professionals. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the usability and usefulness of CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD platform for PwD or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), informal caregivers, and health and social care professionals with respect to a wider strategy followed by the project to enhance the user-centered approach. A secondary aim of the study was to collect recommendations to improve the platform before the future pilot study. Methods: A mixed methods design was employed for recruiting PwD or MCI (N=24), informal caregivers (N=24), and professionals (N=10). Participants were asked to rate their satisfaction, the perceived usefulness, and ease of use of each function of the platform. Qualitative questions about the improvement of the platform were asked when participants provided low scores for a function. Testing occurred at baseline and 1 week after participants used the platform. The dropout rate from baseline to the follow-up was approximately 10% (6/58). Results: After 1 week of platform use, the system was useful for 90% (20.75/23) of the caregivers and for 89% (5.36/6) of the professionals. When users responded to more than 1 question per platform function, the mean of satisfied users per function was calculated. These user groups also provided positive evaluations for the ease of use (caregivers: 82%, 18.75/23; professionals: 97%, 5.82/6) and their satisfaction with the platform (caregivers: 79%, 18.08/23; professionals: 73%, 4.36/6). Ratings from PwD were lower than the other groups for usefulness (57%, 13/23), ease of use (41%, 9.4/23), and overall satisfaction (47%, 11/23) with the platform (

    Towards Developing an Online Social Media-based Mobile Learning System

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    The advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the Internet revolution gave rise to the several learning technologies on the web and mobile platform. During the last decade, the social media network became available for users to socialise and collaborate among peer group. Hence, The integration of e-learning and social media using mobile device as access point is to allow for learning and collaboration anytime, anywhere. This study seeks to provide learning on the social network platform for users to view the application on a mobile device and also foster collaboration among scholars. The system was developed using an open source Content Management System (CMS) Wordpress and Buddypress running on a WAMP or XAMPP server. MySQL was used as database. The usability of the System on the different mobile devices used was evaluated by identifying the usability attributes; designing a questionnaire based on those attributes and then analyzing the results with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The results showed that the learning system had a good usability score on mobile device

    BlogForever D5.2: Implementation of Case Studies

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    This document presents the internal and external testing results for the BlogForever case studies. The evaluation of the BlogForever implementation process is tabulated under the most relevant themes and aspects obtained within the testing processes. The case studies provide relevant feedback for the sustainability of the platform in terms of potential users’ needs and relevant information on the possible long term impact

    The ABCD of usability testing

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    We introduce a methodology for tracking and auditing feedback, errors and suggestions for software packages. This short paper describes how we innovate on the evaluation mechanism, introducing an (Antecedent, Barrier, Consequence and Development) ABCD form, embedded within an eParticipation platform to enable end users to easily report on any usability issues. This methodology will be utilised to improve the STEP cloud eParticipation platform (part of the current STEP Horizon2020 project http://step4youth.eu. The platform is currently being piloted in real life contexts, with the participation of public authorities that are integrating the eParticipation platform into their regular decision-making practices. The project is involving young people, through engagement and motivation strategies and giving them a voice in Environmental decision making at the local level. The pilot evaluation aims to demonstrate how open engagement needs to be embedded within public sector processes and the usability methodology reported here will help to identify the key barriers for wide scale deployment of the platform
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