20 research outputs found


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    Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmenganalisisadanya pengaruh dari kesiapan inti, struktural, sosial, penggunaan, capaian kinerja, upaya yang diharapkan terhadap adopsi e-health.Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuisioner kepada 80 orang karyawan yang menggunakan sistem informasi pada rumah sakit umum daerah di Kota Padang. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian data dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif, uji validitas, reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik serta uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan program SPSS 16.0 (Statistic Program for Social Science). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menurut tujuannya yaitu hipotesis testing, berdasarkan tipe investigasinya yaitu, corelational study, berdasarkan unit analisisnya yaitu, pegawai rumah sakit yang menggunakan sistem informasi berbasis digital, dan berdasarkan horizon waktu yaitu crosectional study. Teknik pemilihan sampel yang digunakan yaitu teknik sampling jenuh (sensus).Dalam studi ini didapatkan hasil adanya pengaruh signifikan antara semua variabel indenpenden dan terhadap variabel dependen. Dari semua variabel yang diteliti, ditemukan rata – rata keseluruhan yang tertinggi didapatkan pada variabel capaian kinerja, artinya rumah sakit umum daerah yang ada di kota Padang yang bisa mengimplementasikan e-health yaitu karyawan yang memiliki kinerja yang tinggi dan selalu mengutamakan kualitas layanan kepada pasien, kepuasan dalam menggunakan teknologi, perhatian/kepeduliaan terhadap penggunaan sistem informasi rumah sakit, dan manfaat yang didapatkan dari penerapan sistem informasi. Kata Kunci :E-Health,Readiness, Public Health, Technology Readines

    Use of electronic patient records and encrypted email patient communication among Swiss chiropractors: a population-based cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND The implementation of electronic health information technologies is a key target for healthcare quality improvement. Among Swiss chiropractors, reliable data on the use of electronic heath information technologies and distribution of the health workforce was lacking. OBJECTIVES To estimate the prevalence of electronic patient record (EPR) and encrypted email communication use among Swiss chiropractors and describe the geographic distribution of chiropractors in Switzerland. METHODS Population-based cross-sectional study of all active practising members of the Swiss Chiropractic Association (ChiroSuisse) between 3 December 2019 and 31 January 2020. We asked about clinician and practice characteristics, EPR use for clinical record keeping, use of encrypted email for patient communication, and information on EPR and encrypted email communication products used. Multivariable logistic regression analyses assessed the associations between clinician and practice characteristics and (1) EPR use, and (2) encrypted email use. RESULTS Among 286 eligible Swiss chiropractors (193 [68%] men; mean age, 51.4 [SD, 11.2] years), 217 (76%) completed the survey (140 [65%] men; mean age 50.7 [11.2] years). Among respondents, 47% (95% confidence interval [CI], 40-54%) reported using an EPR in their practice, while 60% (95% CI, 54-67%) endorsed using encrypted email technology. Chiropractors aged ≥ 60 (versus those ≤ 39) years were 74% less likely to use an EPR system (OR 0.26, 95% CI 0.08 to 0.77), while clinicians from practices with 4 or more chiropractors (versus those from solo practices) were over 5 times more likely to report EPR use (OR 5.6, 2.1 to 16.5). Findings for factors associated with encrypted email use were similar. The density of chiropractors in Switzerland was 3.3 per 100,000 inhabitants. CONCLUSIONS As of January 2020, 286 duly licensed chiropractors were available to provide musculoskeletal healthcare in Switzerland - just under 50% of responding Swiss chiropractors used an EPR system in clinical practice, while 60% used encrypted email technology. Better implementation of EPR and electronic health information technologies in Swiss chiropractic practice is possible and encouraged for the purpose of musculoskeletal healthcare quality improvement

    E-health Concept Development and Maturity in Literature

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    Background: Electronic technologies, which used in electronic health, electronic commerce, electronic learning, and electronic banking, have wildly invaded our life. E-health is a rapidly evolving concept in many disciplines such as nursing and medicine. Objective: To identify the maturity of e-health as a concept to attain better clarity on its meaning and application. Method: Data search included CINAHL, PubMed Central, Google Scholar, Sage Publications, Scopus, Taylor and Francis, Emerald, and Wiley's databases. The concepts of search were: electronic health, e-health, and e-health concept analysis. 36 cited definitions were found in the literature related to e-health. Morse criteria were utilized by assessing four principles to evaluate the level of maturity of e-health concept: (1) the epistemological (2) logical (3) pragmatical, and (4) linguistical principles. Conclusion: e-health concept is still not mature in all disciplines related to health. Keywords: e-health; concept maturit

    Evaluation Criteria for Frameworks in eHealth Domain

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    Framework articles are commonly used to synthesise research literature on a topic area, and provide a thorough description and evaluation of the work done, setting directions for future research. There is a need for criteria that can both guide authors to develop comprehensive frameworks, and for reviewers to evaluate these articles, especially in complex areas such as E-Health. By assessing a representative sample of journals and databases most likely to publish E-Health framework articles, we present a set of criteria for the evaluation of framework articles and identify the most salient features for this type of publications. Our findings suggest that a “good” framework article should aid researchers in understanding the research area, have clearly defined boundary, consist of a parsimonious set of elements and have clear guidelines on what to expect for a problem within that framework. We also found that framework articles in the E-Health domain can be characterised according to their objective, comprehensiveness, relationship with the boundary of the research stream, temporal nature, elements examined and substantive output. This paper describes how we arrive at the criteria for evaluating EHealth frameworks, and illustrates how we can apply them on a specific framework

    E-health status in the information society and its future prospects

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    E-health one of the important applications of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of public health services and treatment that projects its launch, within the framework of a comprehensive e-government program and runs the Information Society. Thus, e-health, including health services and health information via the Internet. Therefore, the availability of and prospects for the future information society in preparation for implementation of e-health, information society is essential. The aim of this study was to investigate the introduction of e-health in the information society and its associated aspects as well as the development of e-health and future prospects. Continue to assess the impact of each of these aspects will be addressed in the development of the health sector, aspiration and vision development. Paper Type: letter to editor

    Assessing Readiness for e-Health in Egypt : A Case study of Cairo University Hospitals

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    Implementing E-Health can improve quality of care by increasing accessibility to patient health records, improving governance and administration, and integrating health information into an organized system. However, before implementation occurs, E-Readiness Assessment is an important tool used to evaluate an organization\u27s likelihood of successful adoption. Cairo University Hospitals are still in early stages of implementation, and measures to improve E-Readiness would contribute to the transition from an almost complete lack of health information accessibility to successful adoption of an electronic system. This paper discusses how Cairo University Hospitals would be able to raise the quality of service delivery through E-Readiness and successful implementation of E-Health. Through information gathered from health officials and a case study of Cairo University Hospitals, the benefits of E-Health are reviewed and recommendations for adoption of E-Health are made

    Digital health for the end TB strategy : developing priority products and making them work

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    In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the End TB Strategy in response to a World Health Assembly Resolution requesting Member States to end the worldwide epidemic of tuberculosis (TB) by 2035. For the strategy's objectives to be realised, the next 20 years will need novel solutions to address the challenges posed by TB to health professionals, and to affected people and communities. Information and communication technology presents opportunities for innovative approaches to support TB efforts in patient care, surveillance, programme management and electronic learning. The effective application of digital health products at a large scale and their continued development need the engagement of TB patients and their caregivers, innovators, funders, policy-makers, advocacy groups, and affected communities. In April 2015, WHO established its Global Task Force on Digital Health for TB to advocate and support the development of digital health innovations in global efforts to improve TB care and prevention. We outline the group's approach to stewarding this process in alignment with the three pillars of the End TB Strategy. The supplementary material of this article includes target product profiles, as developed by early 2016, defining nine priority digital health concepts and products that are strategically positioned to enhance TB action at the country level

    The development and implementation of e-health services for the Libyan NHS: case studies of hospitals and clinics in both urban and rural areas

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    This thesis provides an assessment of the readiness levels within both urban and rural hospitals and clinics in Libya for the implementation of E-health systems. This then enabled the construction of a framework for E-health implementation in the Libyan National Health Service (LNHS). The E-health readiness study assessed how medications were prescribed, how patients were referred, how information communication technology (ICT) was utilised in recording patient records, how healthcare staff were trained to use ICT, and how the ways in which consultations were carried out by healthcare staff. The research was done in five rural clinics and five urban medical centres and focused on the E-health readiness levels of the technology, social attitudes, engagement levels and any other needs that were apparent. Collection of the data was carried out using a mixed methods approach with qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaires. The study indicated that any IT equipment present was not being utilised for clinical purposes and there was no evidence of any E-health technologies being employed. This implies that the maturity level of the healthcare institutions studied was at level zero in the E-health maturity model used in this thesis. In order for the LNHS to raise its maturity levels for the implementation of E-health systems, it needs to persuade LNHS staff and patients to adopt E-health systems. This can be carried out at a local level throughout the LNHS, though this will need to be coordinated at a national level through training, education and programmes to encourage compliance and providing incentives. In order to move E-health technology usage in the participating Libyan healthcare institutions from Level 0 to Level 2 in the E-health Maturity Model levels, an E-health framework was created that is based on the findings of this research study. The primary aim of the LNHS E-Health Framework is the integration of E-health services for improving the delivery of healthcare within the LNHS. To construct the framework and ensure that it was creditable and applicable, work on it was informed directly by the findings from document analysis, literature review, and expert feedback, in conjunction with the primary research findings presented in Chapter Five. When the LNHS E-Health Framework was compiled there were several things taken into consideration, such as: the abilities of healthcare staff, the needs of healthcare institutions and the existing ICT infrastructure that had been recorded in the E-readiness assessment which was carried out in the healthcare institutions (Chapter 5). The framework also provides proposals for E-health systems based on the infrastructure network that will be developed. The processes addressed are electronic health records, E-consultations, E-prescriptions, E-referrals and E-training. The researcher has received very positive, even enthusiastic, feedback from the LNHS and other officals, and that expect the framework to be further developed and implemented by the LNHS in the near future