600,344 research outputs found

    How can the communication sector adapt to the metaverse

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    The metaverse is a term used to describe a new generation of the internet, where users can interact with each other and virtual objects and experiences in real-time. It is expected to significantly impact a wide range of industries, including communications, entertainment, and education. This research examines the potential impacts of the metaverse on the communications industry in the short term. It begins by defining the metaverse and discussing the key technologies enabling its development. It then goes on to identify the business areas that are most likely to be impacted by the metaverse. This research argues that the metaverse will significantly impact the communications industry in the short term. It will lead to the development of new communication technologies, platforms, and business models. It will also change the way that people communicate with each other and consume information. This investigation discusses how the communications industry can adapt to the metaverse. It argues that the industry needs to invest in new technologies and platforms and develop new business models. It also needs to focus on creating immersive and engaging user experiences.O metaverse é um termo utilizado para descrever uma nova geração da Internet, em que os utilizadores podem interagir uns com os outros e com objetos e experiências virtuais em tempo real. Prevê-se que venha a ter um impacto significativo numa vasta gama de sectores. Esta investigação examina os potenciais impactos do metaverse no sector das comunicações a curto prazo. Começa por definir o metaverse e discutir as principais tecnologias que permitem o seu desenvolvimento. Em seguida, identifica as áreas de negócio com maior probabilidade de serem afetadas pelo metaverse. Este estudo defende que o metaverse terá um impacto significativo no sector das comunicações a curto prazo e conduzirá ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de comunicação, plataformas e modelos de negócio. Também mudará a forma como as pessoas comunicam umas com as outras e consomem informação. Esta investigação analisa a forma como o sector das comunicações se pode adaptar ao metaverse. Defende que o sector precisa de investir em novas tecnologias e plataformas e desenvolver novos modelos de negócio. Deve também concentrar-se na criação de experiências de utilização envolventes e cativantes que atraiam uma maior adoção do metaverse por dos utilizadores

    Why Australian Car Retailers do not Adopt eCommerce Technologies

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    It is important for the small business sector to adopt electronic commerce (e-commerce) technologies. It improves the ability of small business to operate on an international scale and provides a cost-effective way for them to market their business, launch new products, improve communications and gather information. This study focuses on the Australian retail automobile industry, which is relatively slow in adopting e-commerce technologies, by studying the motivations of adopters and non-adopters. Analysis of case study data identifies the major facilitators (perceived benefits, customer/supplier dependency, external pressure to adopt, information intensity) and inhibitors (mistrust of the IT industry, lack of internal expertise, lack of IT experience) to adoption

    Environmental and Social Accounting As An Alternative Approach To Conflict Resolutions In A Volatile and E-Business Environment

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    Profits and improvements in world social welfare are the main reasons for industrialization. However, while governments and business owners are striving to solve one social problem or the other, these same solution processes scoop up other problems along the line which inadvertently breed conflicts and confrontations between the host communities and the owners and operators of the organizations attempting the solution. This is the position which most oil producing companies in the Nigerian Niger Delta region as well as some manufacturing concerns have found themselves. In E-Business, market domination and monopolistic trade practices have pitched major world players in the information and communications technology industry against one another, engendering yet another type of social conflict. This paper believes that a lot could be done to douse the resulting conflagration and pacify those directly affected by applying palliative and preventive remedies using the process of environmental and social accounting aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies as a tool

    Managing a crisis of confidence in Nigeria's banking and financial industry

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    An ongoing crisis of confidence in the banking and financial industry in Nigeria's emerging economy calls for using integrated marketing communications (IMC) in optimizing five potentially normative actions as a beachhead in procuring corporate benefits from three variables that predict significantly customers’ favorable impressions of business: satisfaction, trust, relationship commitment. The actions: (a) personalize the stakeholder experience, (b) integrate ethics into the workplace and into corporate communications, (c) participate in training sessions in applied ethics, (d) use brandstanding expansively and integratively, and (e) conduct rigorous outcomes assessment and disseminate its results promptly to stakeholders

    The Role of E-Commerce Systems for the Construction Industry

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    The use of e-commerce systems has increased substantially in the past five years, and now a number of companies in the construction industry have joined consortiums to develop e-commerce portals. These new systems encourage companies to review the way in which existing processes are undertaken, and often re-engineered process are introduced. It is important to understand the difference between the terms e-commerce and e-business, e-commerce refers to buying and seeling transactions which use some24The Australian Journal of Construction Economics & Building Page (iii)form of electronic media, while e-business suggests a review and redefinition of business models linked to the greater use of IT. It is argued that the greater use of the internet and e-commerce, and the move towards the integration of applications will compel construction companies to re-engineer processes and introduce e-commerce systems. A series of business drivers and business designs are discussed in later sections of this paper.There are many benefits associated with the introduction of e-commerce systems, and these include increases in GDP, real wages and employment together with reduced transaction costs. It has been forecast that there will be more than 400,000 companies in Australia using e-commerce systems by 2005 (NOIE 2000). For the construction industry, the benefits will include increased project efficiencies, communications, control, and reduced design and construction times as well as reduced costs (BuildOnline 2000). In the past year, two local consortiums have been formed to develop and offer e-commerce applications, and this heightens the need for all companies to reflect on how they might engage with these new technologies

    Improved E-Business Through Effective Knowledge Management Using The Business-To-Consumer E-Business Model

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    This paper was focused on establishing the relationship between effective Knowledge Management practices and improved e-business. The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to improve Knowledge Management has gained recognition, the main factors being the push for successful innovation, having devoted and motivated individuals, and paying attention to a wide range of management activities and attitudes such as the ability to scan, predict and respond to the dynamic business environment. In the last twenty years, the importance of Knowledge Management in the business world has been ignored. This paper, therefore, aims to establish the effect of Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Conditions, Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Relative Advantage, Complexity, Compatibility, Observability, Collaborative System, Management Software, Human Capital, and Relational Capital on effective Knowledge Management in the Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-business retail industry in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology and the innovation diffusion theory. It entailed a descriptive cross-sectional research design. A total of 138 Information Technology employees of online retailers in Kenya respondents were sampled. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The data was then analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was then used to validate the model.  The study found that all the factors have a significant and positive relationship with knowledge management in retail online stores. It was found that there was a significant effect of complexity, compatibility, effort expectancy, relational capital, human capital, management software, collaborative system, facilitating conditions, performance expectancy, social influence, relative advantage and information systems success factors with knowledge management in the retail industry. The results also show that all the factors explain 72.6% of the proportion in knowledge management in retail online stores in Kenya, as the overall R2 value was 0.726. The study concluded that there were factors that influenced e-business adoption for knowledge management in the retail industry. These factors included e-business facilitating and individual factors, organizational usage factors, organizational structure factors and information systems success factors. The study also concluded that these factors all had a significant influence on knowledge management. The study recommends an awareness and training policy for all staff in the retail industry, which will emphasize the importance of e-business factors that were found to contribute to knowledge management.  Keywords: e-business, Business-to-consumer (B2C), Knowledge Management (KM), organization, retai

    Independent producers and outsourcing in the music value chain

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    Desde o anos 1950, a indústria fonográfica vem passando por transformações sucessivas, comandadas pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico. De um setor dominado por grandes empresas verticalizadas, com pequena diversidade de produtos, ela passou a ser uma indústria na qual pequenas e médias empresas desempenham papel importante na prospecção de tendências e lançamento de produtos. Nela, as atividades de manufatura e distribuição são executadas por fornecedores especializados, e o mercado é compartilhado entre as grandes e as pequenas e médias empresas. A Cadeia de Produção Musical vem passando atualmente por uma fase de incertezas e indefinições, devido às novas possibilidades criadas pela chamada "desmaterialização da música", isto é, a distribuição de música pela internet ou pela telefonia celular. Este texto apresenta a evolução da cadeia de produção musical e destaca dois exemplos de empresas brasileiras que desenvolvem novas atividades e competências que exploram as possibilidades existentes na atual configuração da cadeia brasileira.The phonographic industry has undergone successive changes since the 1950s driven by technological innovation. It used to be dominated by a few large integrated firms, and a limited variety of products, but small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have grown in importance and are considered the drivers of change and innovation. In that new scenario, specialized service providers perform manufacturing and logistics activities, and the market is shared between large and SMEs. The Internet and mobile communications have opened new possibilities for content distribution, and the phonographic industry has been facing uncertainties since the early 2000. This study describes the evolution of the phonographic industry and analyzes two independent Brazilian firms, which developed competencies to explore new business possibilities in the current business scenario.FAPES

    Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0: Exploring the Transition

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    This work is a How-To-Guide for DigitALIZAtion of Industry 4.0 Manufacturing. It provides a novel ALIZA Canvas and ALIZA Process supported by a comprehensive ALIZA Toolset. This output is derived from observed, tangible deficiencies in contemporary functional communications in manufacturing. This study proposes an innovative approach with robust methodologies for strategic alignment of the technical and business components in manufacturing. The requirement for a supplementary educational infrastructure, to address the pronounced educational shortcomings and knowledge gaps in the transition to Industry 4.0 is outlined. An explanation is provided of how E-Cubers (our own educational organization) will design, develop, and deliver educational programmes on Topics relevant to achieving Industry 4.0 Equipment Engineering Excellence. It defines and tests the novel concept of the E-Cubers Eight Ps; encompassing prioritized problem solving, via portfolios and projects, through peer collaboration within a defined technology playground with emphasis on learning and playing with passion. The E-Cubers Eight Ps is combined with The E-Cubers Library to deliver a truly comprehensive specialist, national learning framework. This holistic approach will ultimately enable Ireland to lead the way in Industry 4.0 by doing what we do best “ag spraoi agus ag imirt” (Gaelic – playing by having fun and competing)


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    A business model is a plan for the successful operation of a business, identifying the source of revenue, the intended customers, value proposition, key resources, activities, and financing. It describes how organizations create, deliver and capture value. The recent developments in information and communications technology (ICT) disrupted most business models in different industries. The higher education industry is no exception, where it witnessed enormous integration of information and communications technologies. E-learning in higher education has made a tremendous shift in students’ life and raised the expectations of higher education service quality. The main objective of this thesis to develop a disruptive business model with a value proposition that leverages the recent development in the ICT sector and helps reduce educational costs, optimize operations of educational institutions, and provide an increased number of students with access to high-quality educational services. The research work provides a comprehensive literature review on using ICT in higher education and utilizes a well know business model canvas – designed in 2010 by business theorist Osterwalder – to develop a disruptive model of higher education. Two surveys have been conducted in the empirical part of this study. The first one investigates the current application of online technologies in higher education, targeting students, faculty, and parents. The second survey evaluates the students’ reactions to e-learning courses that they had taken. The results of the studies align with the value and technologies proposed by the business model. Hence, the two surveys’ findings prove the validity and the unique potential of the proposed business model. The study reveals that the implementation of the new model might face substantial resistance to change because many teachers, parents, and even students do not perceive online learning as a valid alternative to traditional education. Therefore, institutions of higher education will need to conduct information campaigns to convince students, parents, and employers of the validity of the new model


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    West Nusa Tenggara ’NTB’ is a region of the golden triangle stripe of tourism destination located between Komodo island and Tana Toraja. As the industry backing for small and middle scale businesses getting grow up and have got governmental supporting since economical crises hit Indonesia at the end 1997. In fact, many of those who have not yet optimize the information technology (IT) in running their business. The approach to meet the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with the proper customer or to find the proper raw material seller is through the media. Development of internet technology is so rapid, it is a necessity of SMEs using it as a business communications medium, because Internet utility for e-commerce complement has long been developed in both national and international scope. Furthermore, the research elaborates the integrated e-commerce model and SMEs as an information technology-based model of integrated marketing strategy besides, software creation and its implementation on SMEs in Mataram municipality. E-commerce and SMEs were designed to use System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) concerning the safety sistem, flowcart diagram and data base design aspects