24 research outputs found

    Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Número 9 - 1959 enero 13 (13/01/1959)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2011-201

    Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Número 9 - 1959 enero 13 (13/01/1959)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2011-201

    Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Número 9 - 1959 enero 13 (13/01/1959)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2011-201

    Information Switching Processor (ISP) contention analysis and control

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    Future satellite communications, as a viable means of communications and an alternative to terrestrial networks, demand flexibility and low end-user cost. On-board switching/processing satellites potentially provide these features, allowing flexible interconnection among multiple spot beams, direct to the user communications services using very small aperture terminals (VSAT's), independent uplink and downlink access/transmission system designs optimized to user's traffic requirements, efficient TDM downlink transmission, and better link performance. A flexible switching system on the satellite in conjunction with low-cost user terminals will likely benefit future satellite network users

    Chimpanzees’ Socially Maintained Food Preferences Indicate both Conservatism and Conformity

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    Chimpanzees remain fixed on a single strategy, even if a novel, more efficient, strategy is introduced. Previous studies reporting such findings have incorporated paradigms in which chimpanzees learn one behavioural method and then are shown a new one that the chimpanzees invariably do not adopt. This study provides the first evidence that chimpanzees show such conservatism even when the new method employs the identical required behaviour as the first, but for a different reward. Groups of chimpanzees could choose to exchange one of two inedible tokens; one was rewarded with a highly preferred food (grape) and the other with a less preferred food (carrot). Individuals first observed a model chimpanzee from their social group trained to choose one of the two types of tokens. In one group, this token earned a carrot, while in the other, control, group the token earned a grape. In both groups, chimpanzees conformed to the trained model’s choice. This was especially striking for those gaining the pieces of carrot; the less favoured reward. This resulted in a population-level trend of food choices, even when counter to their original, individual, preferences. Moreover, the chimpanzees’ food preferences did not change over time, demonstrating that these results were not due to a simple shift in preferences. We discuss social factors apparent in the interactions and suggest that, despite seeming to be inefficient, in chimpanzees, conformity may benefit them, possibly by assisting with the maintenance of group relations

    The Right Side of the Gang in Years 1 to 2 of Ramesses IV

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    Educação Popular em Saúde para o gerenciamento de resíduos da insulinoterapia em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família do interior da Bahia: relato de experiência: Popular Health Education for the management of insulin therapy residues in a Family Health Unit in the interior of Bahia: experience report

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    Experience report whose objective is to describe the experience of a Popular Health Education (EPS) activity carried out by residents in Family Health on the Management of Health Service Residues for people using insulin, enrolled in a Health Unit of the Family from the interior of Bahia. The activities took place in four meetings, with different groups, in July 2021. In each meeting, a conversation circle was held, with listening and sharing of knowledge among the participants about the experiences with Diabetes Mellitus, how they performed the disposal waste, self-care practices and reflection on the impact of improper disposal. The EPS work enabled the interaction between the participants, the collaboration for the answers and the care for each other. After carrying out the action, the residues generated during the treatment with insulin in the resistant bottles were returned by some participants, as instructed, to the USF, indicating the positive result of the activity. It is essential that health professionals get closer to people using insulin, collaborating to promote health, advising on healthy self-care practices and the proper disposal of waste.Informe de experiencia cuyo objetivo es describir la experiencia de una actividad de Educación Popular en Salud (EPS), realizada por residentes en Salud de la Familia, sobre la Gestión de los Residuos de los Servicios de Salud de personas usuarias de insulina, adscritos a una Unidad de Salud de la Familia del interior de Bahía. Las actividades se desarrollaron en cuatro encuentros, con diferentes grupos, en julio de 2021. En cada encuentro se realizó una rueda de conversación, con escucha y puesta en común de conocimientos entre los participantes sobre experiencias con Diabetes Mellitus, cómo realizaban el desecho de residuos, prácticas de autocuidado y reflexión sobre el impacto de la disposición inadecuada. El trabajo de la EPS permitió la interacción entre los participantes, la colaboración para las respuestas y el cuidado mutuo. Después de realizada la acción, hubo devolución de los residuos generados durante el tratamiento con insulina, en frascos resistentes, por parte de algunos participantes, por indicación de la USF, indicando el resultado positivo de la actividad. Es fundamental que los profesionales de la salud se acerquen a las personas usuarias de insulina, colaborando en la promoción de la salud, brindando orientación sobre prácticas saludables de autocuidado y la disposición adecuada de los desechos.Relato de experiência cujo objetivo é descrever a experiência de uma atividade de Educação Popular em Saúde (EPS), realizada por residentes em Saúde da Família, sobre o Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviço de Saúde para pessoas em uso de insulina, adstritas à uma Unidade de Saúde da Família do interior da Bahia. As atividades aconteceram em quatro encontros, com grupos diferentes, no mês de julho de 2021. Em cada encontro, foi realizada uma roda de conversa, com a escuta e compartilhamento de saberes entre os participantes sobre as vivências com a Diabetes Mellitus, como realizavam o descarte dos resíduos, práticas de autocuidado e a reflexão do impacto do descarte inadequado. O trabalho de EPS possibilitou a interação entre os participantes, a colaboração para as respostas e o cuidado uns com os outros. Após a realização da ação, houve a devolução dos resíduos gerados durante o tratamento com insulina, nas garrafas resistentes, por alguns participantes, conforme orientação para a USF, indicando o resultado positivo da atividade. É fundamental que os profissionais de saúde se aproximem das pessoas em uso de insulina, colaborando para a promoção da saúde, orientando sobre práticas saudáveis de autocuidado e a destinação adequada dos resíduos

    Church Directory and List of Preachers of Churches of Christ

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    Ägyptologische "Binsen"-Weisheiten I – II : neue Forschungen und Methoden der Hieratistik ; Akten zweier Tagungen in Mainz im April 2011 und März 2013

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    Das Hieratische, die kursive Form der Hieroglyphen, diente als Handschrift der Alten Ägypter und wurde über 3000 Jahre lang tagtäglich für vielfältige Zwecke verwendet. Nicht nur Verwaltungsangelegenheiten, sondern auch Texte der Literatur, Religion und Wissensgebiete wurden mit ihr notiert. Hieratisch schrieb man mit Tusche und Binsenstengeln (in römischer Zeit mit Rohrfedern) auf unterschiedlichste Textträger wie Papyri, Leinen, Leder, Holz oder Ostraka, aber auch auf Steinobjekten und Monumenten in der Form von Dipinti, Graffiti oder Inschriften. Die Auswertung der zahlreichen hieratischen Quellen stellt einen integralen Bestandteil der ägyptologischen Forschung dar. Die systematische Analyse der altägyptischen Kursivschriften, ihrer Schreibpraxis und paläographischen Details ist aber in weiten Teilen ein Desiderat des Faches. Zwei Tagungen in Mainz (2011 und 2013) hatten sich zum Ziel gesetzt, der Erforschung von Phänomenen und Problemen des Hieratischen als Schriftart neue Impulse zu geben. Der nun vorliegende Sammelband beinhaltet 17 Beiträge internationaler Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten zu Stand, Methoden und Perspektiven der Hieratistik als einem integralen Bestandteil der Ägyptologie. Die Autoren hinterfragen die entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Parallelen und Unterschiede zwischen den Schriftarten Monumentalhieroglyphen, Kursivhieroglyphen und Hieratisch, drei Aufsätze widmen sich auch dem spätzeitlichen Abnorm- oder Kursivhieratischen und römerzeitlichen Besonderheiten. Außerdem werden anhand von Quellen verschiedener Epochen regionale, gattungsbezogene und persönliche Spezifika sowie die hieratische Epigraphik und Papyrologie beleuchtet. Inhalt Vorwort I Einführung VERHOEVEN, URSULA: Stand und Aufgaben der Erforschung des Hieratischen und der Kursivhieroglyphen II Hieratisch im Verhältnis zu anderen Schriftarten HARING, BEN J. J.: Hieratic Drafts for Hieroglyphic Texts? LÜSCHER, BARBARA: Kursivhieroglyphische Ostraka als Textvorlagen: Der (Glücks-)Fall TT 87 GRAEFE, ERHART: Über den parallelen Gebrauch von hieroglyphischen, kursivhieroglyphischen und hieratischen Schriftzeichen in Totentexten WIMMER, STEFAN: Hieratisch mit Migrationshintergrund. Neue Quellen zu den hieratischen Elementen in der hebräischen Alphabetschrift III Erforschung heterogener Quellengruppen ALI, MOHAMED SHERIF: Das hieratische Schriftmaterial aus den Grabungen der Kairo Universität in Sakkara – Vorbericht DORN, ANDREAS: Diachrone Veränderungen der Handschrift des Nekropolenschreibers Amunnacht, Sohn des Ipui GASSE, ANNIE: Ostraca littéraires de Deir el-Medina conservés à l’IFAO. Du calame à l‘ordinateur IV Hieratische Epigraphik vom Mittleren Reich bis zur Napatanischen Epoche GASSE, ANNIE: L’hiératique dans les inscriptions du Moyen Empire au ouâdi Hammâmât: quelques remarques sur le règne de Sésostris II NAVRÁTILOVÁ, HANA: Records of Hieratic Graffiti in Dahshur and the Use of Graffiti in the Study of New Kingdom Hieratic LENZO, GIUSEPPINA: L’écriture hiératique en épigraphie à l’époque napatéenne V Hieratische Papyrologie verschiedener Epochen REGULSKI, ILONA: Papyrus Fragments from Asyut: A Paleographic Comparison DEMARÉE, ROBERT J.: A Late New Kingdom Administrative Miscellany on the verso of a Magical Papyrus in the British Museum – Preliminary notes VUILLEUMIER, SANDRINE: Un même propriétaire pour deux manuscrits? Paléographie du Papyrus Barcelone Palau-Rib. inv. 80 VI Spätformen des Hieratischen DONKER VAN HEEL, KOENRAAD: Abnorm hieratic isn’t dead; it just smells funny VITTMANN, GÜNTER: Der Stand der Erforschung des Kursivhieratischen (und neue Texte) QUACK, JOACHIM FRIEDRICH: Rohrfedertorheiten? Bemerkungen zum römerzeitlichen Hieratisch Quellenindex (von MONIKA ZÖLLER-ENGELHARDT