18 research outputs found

    Sub-optimal boundary control of semilinear pdes using a dyadic perturbation observer

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    In this paper, we present a sub-optimal controller for semilinear partial differential equations, with partially known nonlinearities, in the dyadic perturbation observer (DPO) framework. The dyadic perturbation observer uses a two-stage perturbation observer to isolate the control input from the nonlinearities, and to predict the unknown parameters of the nonlinearities. This allows us to apply well established tools from linear optimal control theory to the controlled stage of the DPO. The small gain theorem is used to derive a condition for the robustness of the closed loop system

    Sub-Optimality of a Dyadic Adaptive Control Architecture

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    The dyadic adaptive control architecture evolved as a solution to the problem of designing control laws for nonlinear systems with unmatched nonlinearities, disturbances and uncertainties. A salient feature of this framework is its ability to work with infinite as well as finite dimensional systems, and with a wide range of control and adaptive laws. In this paper, we consider the case where a control law based on the linear quadratic regulator theory is employed for designing the control law. We benchmark the closed-loop system against standard linear quadratic control laws as well as those based on the state-dependent Riccati equation. We pose the problem of designing a part of the control law as a Nehari problem. We obtain analytical expressions for the bounds on the sub-optimality of the control law

    Robust Adaptive Boundary Control of Semilinear PDE Systems Using a Dyadic Controller

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    In this paper, we describe a dyadic adaptive control (DAC) framework for output tracking in a class of semilinear systems of partial differential equations with boundary actuation and unknown distributed nonlinearities. The DAC framework uses the linear terms in the system to split the plant into two virtual sub-systems, one of which contains the nonlinearities, while the other contains the control input. Full-plant-state feedback is used to estimate the unmeasured, individual states of the two subsystems as well as the nonlinearities. The control signal is designed to ensure that the controlled sub-system tracks a suitably modified reference signal. We prove well-posedness of the closed-loop system rigorously, and derive conditions for closed-loop stability and robustness using finite-gain L stability theory

    Robust Adaptive Boundary Control of Semilinear PDE Systems Using a Dyadic Controller

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    In this paper, we describe a dyadic adaptive control (DAC) framework for output tracking in a class of semilinear systems of partial differential equations with boundary actuation and unknown distributed nonlinearities. The DAC framework uses the linear terms in the system to split the plant into two virtual sub-systems, one of which contains the nonlinearities, while the other contains the control input. Full-plant-state feedback is used to estimate the unmeasured, individual states of the two subsystems as well as the nonlinearities. The control signal is designed to ensure that the controlled sub-system tracks a suitably modified reference signal. We prove well-posedness of the closed-loop system rigorously, and derive conditions for closed-loop stability and robustness using finite-gain L stability theory