13 research outputs found

    Operation and Design of Diabatic Distillation Processes

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    Controle multivariável aplicado a uma coluna de alta pureza com recompressão de vapor.

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    Os processos industriais são sistemas multivariáveis (MIMO) que consistem de múltiplas variáveis de entrada e múltiplas variáveis de saída, onde a interação entre essas variáveis é uma característica inerente desses processos. A identificação do modelo nesse tipo de processo é uma etapa importante na implementação do sistema de controle, principalmente quando se trata de controladores MPC, os quais incorporam um modelo explícito do processo. O procedimento de identificação realizado neste trabalho propõe uma abordagem diferente da que se tem visto na literatura. Enquanto o mais comum é estimular as variáveis manipuladas, a nova abordagem proposta visa estimular o processo a partir de perturbações nos setpoints das variáveis controladas, em malha fechada, com o intuito de se obter uma melhor avaliação dos efeitos das variáveis controladas e manipuladas. A proposta deste trabalho é comparar duas estratégias de controle: uma estratégia de controle clássico e uma estratégia de controle multivariável baseado em modelo (MPC). O estudo de caso é uma coluna de separação propeno/propano de alta pureza com recompressão de vapor. Quando comparado o controle descentralizado com o controle MPC, observa-se que o MPC apresenta melhores resultados, afirmação esta, baseada nos valores do índice de desempenho IAE (Integral Absolute Error) para as duas propostas analisadas.Industrial processes are multivariable systems (MIMO) consisting of multiple input variables and multiple output variables, where the interaction between these variables is an inherent characteristic of these processes. The model identification in this type of process is an important step in the implementation of the control system, especially when it comes to MPC controllers, which incorporate an explicit process model. The identification procedure performed in this research proposes a different approach to what has been seen in the literature. While the most common is to stimulate the manipulated variables, the proposed new approach aims to stimulate the process from disturbances in the setpoints of the controlled variables, closed loop, in order to obtain a better assessment of the effects of controlled and manipulated variables. The purpose of this study is to compare two control strategies: A classic control strategy and a multivariable control strategy based on model (MPC). The case study is a column separation of propylene / propane with high purity vapor recompression. When compared with the decentralized control the MPC control, it is observed that the MPC performs better, this statement, based on the values of IAE performance index (Integral Absolute Error) for the two proposals analyzed.Cape

    Process Modeling And Techno-Economic Analysis Of Zeolite Membrane Separation Processes

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. April 2018. Major: Chemical Engineering. Advisors: Michael Tsapatsis, Prodromos Daoutidis. 1 computer file (PDF); xiv, 140 pages.Zeolite membrane separation is considered to be a promising alternative to the traditional energy-intensive industrial separation techniques such as distillation. Currently, zeolite membranes are implemented in industry only for solvent dehydration applications. However, good separation performance is obtained at laboratory scale for various applications such as bioethanol enrichment, hydrogen recovery, natural gas purification, butane isomer separation, xylene isomer separation, etc. This progress should pave the way for the industrial implementation for other applications. Although significant progress has been made in preparation, characterization and commercialization of zeolite membranes, rigorous models, which can predict the membrane performance in industrial settings, are not available in the literature. Mathematical and process modeling plays an important role in the implementation and evaluation of any new technology or application. Thus, specific objectives of this thesis are to (i) design and develop a detailed mathematical model of a zeolite membrane separation process for accurate performance prediction under a wide variety of operating conditions, and (ii) develop and optimize a conceptual process design approach and perform a techno-economic evaluation for several significant application specific flowsheets. In this thesis, complex challenges both at the chemical engineering fundamentals and the process scale have been addressed. A detailed mathematical model of a zeolite membrane separation based on adsorption-diffusion phenomenon is formulated using Maxwell-Stefan equations. In addition to the adsorption and diffusion based transport through zeolite layer, factors such as mass transfer through the porous support, the use of a sweep gas, concentration polarization phenomenon and presence of defects are also discussed. The adsorption-diffusion model (including external resistances) is then integrated with the process-scale governing equations to assess the industrial potential of zeolite membranes. Further, conceptual process designs have been modeled and techno-economic evaluation has been performed to evaluate the scope of zeolite membrane separation for several applications in chemical and bio-based refineries, including butane isomer separation, bioethanol enrichment and propylene-propane separation. Both the stand-alone membrane systems and hybrid membrane-distillation systems have been considered. A hybrid membrane-distillation process is found to be energy efficient and economically attractive over stand-alone membrane systems. Finally, a net present value of the system is analyzed to generate a set of performance targets in term of the permeance and the membrane cost

    Conception des procédés de distillation extractive continue basée sur des critères de faisabilité thermodynamique de la distillation extractive discontinue

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    Nous étudions la faisabilité du procédé de distillation extractive continue pour séparer des mélanges azéotropiques A-B à température de bulle minimale ou maximale, avec un tiers corps E lourd ou léger. Les mélanges ternaires A-B-E appartiennent aux classes 1.0-1-a et 1.0-2 qui se subdivisent chacune en deux souscas selon la position de la courbe d'univolatilité. La colonne de distillation a trois sections, rectification, extractive, épuisement. Nous établissons les équations décrivant les profiles de composition liquide dans chaque section en fonction des paramètres opératoires: pureté et taux de récupération du distillat, taux de reflux ratio R et rapport des débits d'alimentation FE/F dans le cas d'un tiers corps lourd ; pureté et taux de récupération du produit de pied, taux de rebouillage S et rapport des débits d'alimentation FE/F dans le cas d'un tiers corps léger. Avec un tiers corps lourd alimenté comme liquide bouillant au dessus de l'étage d'alimentation du mélange A-B, nous identifions le distillat atteignable et les plages de valeurs faisables des paramètres R et FE/F à partir du critère général de faisabilité énoncé par Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2009, 48(7), 3544 3559). Pour la classe 1.0-1a, il existe des rapport FE/F et reflux ratio minimum. Le rapport FE/F est plus important pour le procédé continu que pour le procédé discontinu parce que la faisabilité du procédé continu nécessite que les profils d'épuisement et extractifs s'intersectent. Pour la classe 1.0-2, les deux constituants A et B sont des distillats potentiels, l'un sous réserve que le rapport FE/F reste inférieur à une valeur limite maximale. Le procédé continu exhibe également une valeur minimale de FE/F à un taux de reflux ratio donné, contrairement au procédé discontinu. Avec un tiers corps léger alimenté comme vapeur saturante sous l'étage d'alimentation du mélange A-B, nous identifions le produit de pied atteignable et les plages de valeurs faisables des paramètres S et FE/F à partir du critère général de faisabilité énoncé par Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2012, 51, 4643 4660). Comparé au cas des tiers corps lourds, le produit principal est obtenu en pied. Autrement, les comportements des classes 1.0-1a et 1.0-2 sont analogues entre les tiers corps léger et lourd. Avec un tiers corps léger, le procédé continu ajoute la contrainte que les profils de rectification et extractifs s'intersectent. La contrainte d'intersection des profils d'épuisement et extractif est partagée par les deux modes opératoires continu et discontinu. Ce travail valide la méthodologie proposée pour évaluer la faisabilité du procédé de distillation extractive continue et permet de comparer les tiers entre eux en termes de taux de reflux ratio minimum et de rapport de débit d'alimentation minimalWe study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, intending to assess its feasibility based on thermodynamic insights. The ternary mixtures belong to the common 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 class ternary diagrams, each with two sub-cases depending on the univolatility line location. The column has three sections, rectifying, extractive and stripping. Differential equations are derived for each section composition, depending on operating parameters: distillate product purity and recovery, reflux ratio R and entrainer feed flow rate ratio FE/F for the heavy case; bottom product purity and recovery, reboil ratio and entrainer feed flow rate ratio for the light entrainer case. For the case with a heavy entrainer fed as a boiling liquid above the main feed, the feasible product and operating parameters R and FE/F ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions by using the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2009, 48(7), 3544 3559). For the 1.0-1a class, there exists a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio to recover the product, and also a minimum reflux ratio. The minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio is higher for the continuous process than for the batch because of the additional requirement in continuous mode that the stripping profile intersects with the extractive profile. For the 1.0-2 class both A and B can be distillated. For one of them there exists a maximum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The continuous process also has a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio limit for a given feasible reflux ratio. For the case with a light entrainer fed as saturated vapor below the main feed, the feasible product and operating parameters S and FE/F ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions by using the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2012, 51, 4643 4660), Compared to the heavy entrainer case, the main product is removed from the column bottom. Similar results are obtained for the 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 class mixtures whether the entrainer is light or heavy. With a light entrainer, the batch insight about the process feasibility holds for the stripping and extractive sections. Now, an additional constraint in continuous mode comes from the necessary intersection between the rectifying and the extractive sections. This work validates the proposed methodology for assessing the feasibility of continuous extractive distillation processes and enables to compare entrainers in terms of minimum reflux ratio and minimum entrainer feed flow rate ratioTOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Efficient Nonlinear Optimization with Rigorous Models for Large Scale Industrial Chemical Processes

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    Large scale nonlinear programming (NLP) has proven to be an effective framework for obtaining profit gains through optimal process design and operations in chemical engineering. While the classical SQP and Interior Point methods have been successfully applied to solve many optimization problems, the focus of both academia and industry on larger and more complicated problems requires further development of numerical algorithms which can provide improved computational efficiency. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to develop effective problem formulations and an advanced numerical algorithms for efficient solution of these challenging problems. As problem sizes increase, there is a need for tailored algorithms that can exploit problem specific structure. Furthermore, computer chip manufacturers are no longer focusing on increased clock-speeds, but rather on hyperthreading and multi-core architectures. Therefore, to see continued performance improvement, we must focus on algorithms that can exploit emerging parallel computing architectures. In this dissertation, we develop an advanced parallel solution strategy for nonlinear programming problems with block-angular structure. The effectiveness of this and modern off-the-shelf tools are demonstrated on a wide range of problem classes. Here, we treat optimal design, optimal operation, dynamic optimization, and parameter estimation. Two case studies (air separation units and heat-integrated columns) are investigated to deal with design under uncertainty with rigorous models. For optimal operation, this dissertation takes cryogenic air separation units as a primary case study and focuses on formulations for handling uncertain product demands, contractual constraints on customer satisfaction levels, and variable power pricing. Multiperiod formulations provide operating plans that consider inventory to meet customer demands and improve profits. In the area of dynamic optimization, optimal reference trajectories are determined for load changes in an air separation process. A multiscenario programming formulation is again used, this time with large-scale discretized dynamic models. Finally, to emphasize a different decomposition approach, we address a problem with significant spatial complexity. Unknown water demands within a large scale city-wide distribution network are estimated. This problem provides a different decomposition mechanism than the multiscenario or multiperiod problems; nevertheless, our parallel approach provides effective speedup

    Extension of thermodynamic insights on batch extractive distillation to continuous operation

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    Nous étudions la faisabilité du procédé de distillation extractive continue pour séparer des mélanges azéotropiques A-B à température de bulle minimale ou maximale, avec un tiers corps E lourd ou léger. Les mélanges ternaires A-B-E appartiennent aux classes 1.0-1-a et 1.0-2 qui se subdivisent chacune en deux souscas selon la position de la courbe d'univolatilité. La colonne de distillation a trois sections, rectification, extractive, épuisement. Nous établissons les équations décrivant les profiles de composition liquide dans chaque section en fonction des paramètres opératoires: pureté et taux de récupération du distillat, taux de reflux ratio R et rapport des débits d'alimentation FE/F dans le cas d'un tiers corps lourd ; pureté et taux de récupération du produit de pied, taux de rebouillage S et rapport des débits d'alimentation FE/F dans le cas d'un tiers corps léger. Avec un tiers corps lourd alimenté comme liquide bouillant au dessus de l'étage d'alimentation du mélange A-B, nous identifions le distillat atteignable et les plages de valeurs faisables des paramètres R et FE/F à partir du critère général de faisabilité énoncé par Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2009, 48(7), 3544–3559). Pour la classe 1.0-1a, il existe des rapport FE/F et reflux ratio minimum. Le rapport FE/F est plus important pour le procédé continu que pour le procédé discontinu parce que la faisabilité du procédé continu nécessite que les profils d'épuisement et extractifs s'intersectent. Pour la classe 1.0-2, les deux constituants A et B sont des distillats potentiels, l'un sous réserve que le rapport FE/F reste inférieur à une valeur limite maximale. Le procédé continu exhibe également une valeur minimale de FE/F à un taux de reflux ratio donné, contrairement au procédé discontinu. Avec un tiers corps léger alimenté comme vapeur saturante sous l'étage d'alimentation du mélange A-B, nous identifions le produit de pied atteignable et les plages de valeurs faisables des paramètres S et FE/F à partir du critère général de faisabilité énoncé par Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2012, 51, 4643–4660). Comparé au cas des tiers corps lourds, le produit principal est obtenu en pied. Autrement, les comportements des classes 1.0-1a et 1.0-2 sont analogues entre les tiers corps léger et lourd. Avec un tiers corps léger, le procédé continu ajoute la contrainte que les profils de rectification et extractifs s'intersectent. La contrainte d'intersection des profils d'épuisement et extractif est partagée par les deux modes opératoires continu et discontinu. Ce travail valide la méthodologie proposée pour évaluer la faisabilité du procédé de distillation extractive continue et permet de comparer les tiers entre eux en termes de taux de reflux ratio minimum et de rapport de débit d'alimentation minimal. ABSTRACT : We study the continuous extractive distillation of minimum and maximum boiling azeotropic mixtures A-B with a heavy or a light entrainer E, intending to assess its feasibility based on thermodynamic insights. The ternary mixtures belong to the common 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 class ternary diagrams, each with two sub-cases depending on the univolatility line location. The column has three sections, rectifying, extractive and stripping. Differential equations are derived for each section composition, depending on operating parameters: distillate product purity and recovery, reflux ratio R and entrainer – feed flow rate ratio FE/F for the heavy case; bottom product purity and recovery, reboil ratio and entrainer – feed flow rate ratio for the light entrainer case. For the case with a heavy entrainer fed as a boiling liquid above the main feed, the feasible product and operating parameters R and FE/F ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions by using the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2009, 48(7), 3544–3559). For the 1.0-1a class, there exists a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio to recover the product, and also a minimum reflux ratio. The minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio is higher for the continuous process than for the batch because of the additional requirement in continuous mode that the stripping profile intersects with the extractive profile. For the 1.0-2 class both A and B can be distillated. For one of them there exists a maximum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio. The continuous process also has a minimum entrainer - feed flow rate ratio limit for a given feasible reflux ratio. For the case with a light entrainer fed as saturated vapor below the main feed, the feasible product and operating parameters S and FE/F ranges are assessed under infinite reflux ratio conditions by using the general feasibility criterion enounced by Rodriguez-Donis et al. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res, 2012, 51, 4643–4660), Compared to the heavy entrainer case, the main product is removed from the column bottom. Similar results are obtained for the 1.0-1a and 1.0-2 class mixtures whether the entrainer is light or heavy. With a light entrainer, the batch insight about the process feasibility holds for the stripping and extractive sections. Now, an additional constraint in continuous mode comes from the necessary intersection between the rectifying and the extractive sections. This work validates the proposed methodology for assessing the feasibility of continuous extractive distillation processes and enables to compare entrainers in terms of minimum reflux ratio and minimum entrainer feed flow rate ratio

    Desenvolvimento de um simulador para o estudo de estratégias de controle em colunas de destilação com aquecimento distribuído

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química, Florianópolis, 2013.Processos de destilação tendem a apresentar dinâmica lenta, o que gera elevados períodos de transição quando o processo é perturbado. Inúmeros estudos são realizados buscando-se implementar uma abordagem adequada à dinâmica do processo visando diminuir estes transientes. Novas estratégias de controle com ação distribuída nos pratos vem sendo proposta em diversos estudos, surgindo como alternativa aos métodos convencionais normalmente utilizados onde o controle é realizado centralizado na base e no topo. Testes já foram realizados em uma unidade experimental com a estratégia de controle distribuído, visando comprovar a minimização de transientes e fazer uma avaliação do gasto energético do processo, onde foram obtidos resultados positivos que viabilizam o método. Neste trabalho se propõe o desenvolvimento de um simulador de coluna de destilação operando com aquecimento distribuído utilizando o software comercial Hysys®. A partir das simulações é possível ter acesso a diversas informações não disponíveis experimentalmente, principalmente no que diz respeito às variáveis internas da coluna. Além disto, diferentemente da planta experimental, a simulação permite implementar uma malha de controle da composição do destilado. Sendo assim, além de comprovar a diminuição dos transientes, a simulação pretende comprovar a manutenção da qualidade dos produtos. Inicialmente foram construídas as simulações em estado estacionário, as quais foram validadas a partir de resultados obtidos experimentalmente na planta piloto. A partir do modelo estático foi desenvolvida a simulação no modo dinâmico, onde inúmeros testes foram realizados para avaliar seu desempenho e a eficiência dos controladores. Após a realização de vários ajustes, chegou-se a um modelo simulado com respostas bastante similares à planta real, a partir do qual foram realizados estudos do desempenho das estratégia de controle quando realizadas perturbações na temperatura e vazão da corrente de alimentação. A abordagem de controle com aquecimento distribuído se mostrou mais eficiente que o controle convencional na rejeição de transientes, sem prejudicar a qualidade do produto de topo. Ao serem comparadas diferentes maneiras de aquecimento distribuído, observou-se que o controle de temperatura do quarto prato é a melhor estratégia em casos de perturbações na temperatura da alimentação, enquanto o aquecimento constante de um estágio da seção retificação ou do prato de alimentação é a melhor forma de rejeitar perturbações na vazão de entrada do processo. Abstract : Distillation processes tend to have slow dynamics, which generates high transition periods when the process is perturbed. Numerous studies are done to find a suitable approach to the dynamics of the process to reduce these transients and to ensure the economic viability of the process. In previous studies our group proposed a new control strategy with action distributed in stages, unlike conventional methods normally used, where control is performed at the base and the top. An experimental unit was built to conduct tests to study the minimization of transients and make an assessment of energy expenditure, obtaining positive results that enable the process. Aiming to continue this line of research, this paper proposes the development of a distillation column simulator using commercial software Hysys in dynamic mode. From simulations it is possible to access various information not available experimentally, principally the internal variables of the column. Moreover, unlike the experimental plant, the simulation has control of the composition of the distillate. Thus, besides proving the reduction of transient, this simulations intends to investigate the maintenance of product quality. Initially were constructed steady state simulations, which were validated from experimental results in the pilot plant. From the static model was developed the simulation in dynamic mode, in which numerous tests were conducted to evaluate its performance and efficiency of the controllers. After several adjustments are made, the simulations showed results very similar to the real plant, from which studies have been conducted on the performance of the control strategy when made perturbations in temperature and flow rate of the feed stream. The distributed heating is more efficient than the conventional control for rejecting transients without interfering with the top product quality. When comparing different ways of heating distributed, it was observed that the temperature control of the fourth plate is the best strategy in case of disturbances in the feed temperature, while the constant heating of a stage of the rectification section or the feeding dish is best way to reject disturbances in the flow process input

    Méthode de faisabilité et de conception de colonnes à cloison (DWC) pour la distillation de mélanges non-idéaux et azéotropiques

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    Implantées depuis plus de dix ans dans l’industrie, l’intérêt des colonnes à cloison n’est aujourd’hui plus à démontrer. Suivant les applications envisagées, elles peuvent permettre d’important gain tant énergétique qu’économique. Cependant leur design est toujours complexe et les méthodes de conception développées ne s’adressent qu’à des applications avec des mélanges proches de l’idéalité. Le développement d’une nouvelle méthode de design d’une colonne à distillation de mélanges non-idéaux applicable aux colonnes à cloison constitue l’objet d’étude de cette thèse. Dans un premier temps, une procédure de faisabilité et de design d’une colonne classique basée sur les feuilles opératoires a été proposée. Les paramètres de design obtenus sont ensuite utilisés comme initialisation d’une simulation rigoureuse conduite au sein du logiciel Prosim Plus. Afin de tester cette procédure, des mélanges idéaux, non-idéaux et azéotropiques ont été utilisés. Il a pu être montré que les paramètres de design obtenus permettent d’accéder à un design plus fiable et plus efficient, aussi bien d’un point de vue énergétique qu’économique, que ceux obtenus par la bien connue méthode shortcut FUGK. Dans un second temps, la procédure a été adaptée aux colonnes à cloison. Les paramètres obtenus ont également servi à initialiser une simulation rigoureuse et la procédure a été testée avec les mêmes mélanges. Il a été mis en évidence que les paramètres de design obtenus permettaient d’obtenir une bonne initialisation de la colonne. Comparée avec une autre méthode développée précédemment par le laboratoire, la procédure développée s’est révélée plus fiable et a permis l’obtention de design plus économique tant du point de vue énergétique qu’en termes d’investissement. Enfin, une phase de validation expérimentale a également été réalisée sur une installation pilote. Dans un premier temps, l’instrumentation et le contrôle de la colonne ont été fortement améliorés. Dans un second temps, des résultats expérimentaux réalisés sur avec un mélange hétéro-azéotropique ont pu valider des simulations en terme de profils de composition et de température interne ainsi que les compositions et les débits de sortie de la colonne