19 research outputs found

    Two-Stage Dynamic Pricing and Advertising Strategies for Online Video Services

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    The Effectiveness of Internet Advertising on Consumer Behaviour

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    Advertising is a communication medium where companies made to know the consumers about the product or it is a medium where companies tries to increase the sales and branding the product and many other definitions proposed by various researches, as days past on advertising medium was classified into 2 modes 1. Online advertising and 2. Offline advertising. In this paper, internet advertising mode was explained. The objective populace becomes the publicizing companies and their customers. The research applied a defined testing strategy to pick 60 exam respondents every day.  Content research turned into utilized to dissect subjective facts simultaneously as the quantitative facts changed into broke down utilizing clean measurements utilizing SPSS. Relapse and Correlation examination changed into applied to reveal the connections among the elements. The statistics were brought via rates, implies, fashionable deviations and frequencies. The research found that web promoting turned into a hit on attain and making of mindfulness because of diverse use, and set up that its dependability as a publicizing media was low contrasted with TV. Web publicizing has huge courting with the consumers' purchase desire and along those lines is a critical determinant in impacting purchaser behaviour

    A fuzzy asymmetric TOPSIS model for optimizing investment in online advertising campaigns

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    The high penetration of the Internet and e-commerce in Spain during recent years has increased companies' interest in this medium for advertising planning. In this context Google offers a great advertising inventory and perfectly segmented content pages. This work is concerned with the optimization of online advertising investments based on pay-per-click campaigns. Our main goal is to rank and select different alternative keyword sets aimed at maximizing the awareness of and traffic to a company's website. The keyword selection problem with online advertising purposes is clearly a multiple-criteria decision-making problem additionally characterized by the imprecise, ambiguous and uncertain nature of the available data. To address this problem, we propose a technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS)-based approach, which allows us to rank the alternative keyword sets, taking into account the fuzzy nature of the available data. The TOPSIS is based on the concept that the chosen alternative should have the shortest distance from the positive ideal solution and the longest distance from the negative ideal solution. In this work, due to the characteristics of the studied problem, we propose the use of an asymmetric distance, allowing us to work with ideal solutions that differ from the maximum or the minimum. The suitability of the proposed model is illustrated with an empirical case of a stock exchange broker's advertising investment problem aimed at generating awareness about the brand and increasing the traffic to the corporative website

    Licensing and Revenue Sharing for Digital Content Co-Production

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    Social media platforms foster creativity by helping creators monetize their content and resolving their disputes with copyright holders. These disputes often occur when content creators use prior work (e.g., musical works, movie or show clips, and video game plays) as baseline materials. We develop a content co-production mechanism for copyright owners to set a revenue-sharing split with content creators. Content creators, aiming for higher ad revenue, can dispute the copyright claim within a specific timeframe. We suggest how the proposed mechanism can help the two sides settle and avoid a trial in court with a sensible revenue-sharing ratio and dispute timeframe. We also show how the share of ad revenue can be made proportional to the contribution of the baseline materials

    Mobile App Monetization – Expectations and Attitudes Formed by Users in Response to Advertising and Pay To Download Monetization Models

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    Professional project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Journalism from the School of Journalism, University of Missouri--Columbia.This research attempts to discover the attitudes and expectations formed by different methods of mobile app monetization in users who have paid to download apps or encountered any method of monetization in their use of apps. The goal is to help lead app developers and marketers to proper conclusions about how to monetize mobile apps in ways that are unobtrusive to users. The research is completed via focus group and online survey. Upon examination, it is clear users prefer a single method of monetization -- pay to download OR advertising based, for example -- rather than a hybrid approach commonly seen in traditional media. Men may be more likely to download apps on a more frequent basis, also paying for upgrades more frequently. Users seek out brands they recognize and rely on friends and other users to provide them information about apps they should download.Includes bibliographic references

    La publicidad interactiva en España: inversión y análisis del entorno publicitario

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    In little more than a decade the Internet has become the largest advertising medium in the relevant markets. The article discusses some of the most relevant facts in the study of the economics of interactive advertising, primarily from the perspective of advertising management. In this regard, two facts are very significant: the steady increase of new advertising spots and the imbalance between investment in advertising and audience medium. Finally, from the standpoint of planning, new strategies in advertising management are suggested. En poco más de una década Internet se ha convertido en el primer medio publicitario en los mercados de referencia. El artículo aborda algunos de los hechos más relevantes para el estudio de la economía de la publicidad interactiva, esencialmente desde la perspectiva de la gestión publicitaria. Al respecto, dos son los hechos más significativos: el incremento sostenido de nuevos espacios publicitarios y el desequilibrio entre inversión publicitaria y audiencia del medio. Por último, desde el punto de vista de la planificación, se sugieren nuevas estrategias en la gestión publicitaria.

    La publicidad interactiva en España : inversión y análisis del entorno publicitario

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    En poco más de una década Internet se ha convertido en el primer medio publicitario en los mercados de referencia. El artículo aborda algunos de los hechos más relevantes para el estudio de la economía de la publicidad interactiva, esencialmente desde la perspectiva de la gestión publicitaria. Al respecto, dos son los hechos más significativos: el incremento sostenido de nuevos espacios publicitarios y el desequilibrio entre inversión publicitaria y audiencia del medio. Por último, desde el punto de vista de la planificación, se sugieren nuevas estrategias en la gestión publicitaria.In little more than a decade the Internet has become the largest advertising medium in the relevant markets. The article discusses some of the most relevant facts in the study of the economics of interactive advertising, primarily from the perspective of advertising management. In this regard, two facts are very significant: the steady increase of new advertising spots and the imbalance between investment in advertising and audience medium. Finally, from the standpoint of planning, new strategies in advertising management are suggested

    Freemium iş modelinin başarısı: endüstri liderlerinin çoklu vaka çalışması

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    Freemium, ücretsiz ve premium sürümlerin bir arada sunulduğu “free” ve “premium” terimlerinin birleşimi ile ortaya çıkmış bir kavramdır. Freemium iş modeli, son zamanlarda çevrimiçi pazarlarda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Günümüzde birçok dijital işletme ücretli ve ücretsiz sürümlerin bir arada sunulduğu freemium iş modelini uygulamaktadır. Ancak freemium iş modelinin başarısı hakkında kısıtlı bir bakış açısı bulunmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı, dijital dünyada freemium iş modeli ile başarılı olmanın kilit noktalarını vurgulamaktır. Çalışmada, dijital bir işletmenin başarılı bir freemium iş modeli uygulamasını sağlayan temel stratejileri kanvas iş modeli ve 4V iş modeli çerçevesi ile açıklanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, sürdürülebilir bir freemium modeli geliştirmeyi başaran çevrimiçi sektörde faaliyet gösteren dijital şirketler (LinkedIn, Youtube, Spotify ve Google Drive) üzerinden çoklu vaka çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Literatürde freemium iş modelini inceleyen çalışmaların kısıtlı olduğu görülmektedir. Mevcut çalışma, freemium iş modelinin sınırlı anlayışını genişletmeyi, çevrimiçi şirketlerin freemium iş modelinin kendileri için uygun olup olmadığını değerlendirmelerine ve başarılı bir freemium iş modeli geliştirmek ve sürdürmek için stratejiler geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmayı hedeflemektedir. Araştırma bulguları, farklılaştırılmış ürün teklifleri ve büyüme stratejisinin freemium iş modelinin temel taşı olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Kullanıcı tabanını genişletmek, ücretsiz ve ücretli sürümler arasındaki dengenin korunması, inovasyona yatırım, stratejik iş ortaklıkları, sosyal ağlar ile etkileşim, kullanıcılardan iç görü elde etme ve uluslararasılaşma, freemium iş modelinin sürdürülebilir olabilmesi için kritik önem taşımaktadır. Son olarak, müşteri sadakatinin artırılması için değer tekliflerinin müşteri tarafından iyi algılanması gerekmektedir.Freemium is a concept that emerged with the combination of the terms "free" and "premium", where free and premium versions are offered together. The freemium business model has been widely used in online markets recently. Today, many digital businesses implement the freemium business model, in which paid and free versions are offered together. However, there is a limited perspective on the success of the freemium business model. The purpose of this article is to highlight the key points of being successful in the digital world with the freemium business model. In the study, the main strategies that enable an online organization to run a successful freemium business model are explained with the canvas business model and the 4V business model framework. In this regard, multiple case studies were conducted on online digital companies (LinkedIn, Youtube, Spotify, and Google Drive) that managed to develop a sustainable freemium model. Studies examining the freemium business model are limited in the literature. The current study aims to expand the current understanding of the freemium business model, help online companies evaluate whether the freemium business model is suitable for them, and develop strategies to develop and maintain a successful freemium business model. Research findings reveal that differentiated product offerings and growth strategies are the cornerstones of the freemium business model. Expanding the user base, maintaining the balance between free and paid versions, investing in innovation, strategic partnerships, interaction with social networks, gaining insight from users, and internationalization are critical for the sustainability of the freemium business model. Finally, value propositions must be perceived well by the customer to increase customer loyalty.Publisher's Versio

    Vertical Differentiation and a Comparison of Online Advertising Models

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    Designing business models that take into consideration the role of advertising support is critical to the success of online services. In this paper, we address the challenges of these business model strategies and compare different ad revenue models. We use game theory to model vertical differentiation in both monopoly and duopoly settings, in which online service providers may offer an ad-free service, an ad-supported service, or a combination of these services. Offering both ad-free and ad-supported services is the optimal strategy for a monopolist because ad revenues compensate for the cannibalistic effect of vertical differentiation. In a duopoly equilibrium, exactly one firm offers both services when the ad revenue rate is sufficiently high. Furthermore, we find that a higher ad revenue rate may lead to lower service prices. Consistently across both monopoly and duopoly settings, such price reductions are more severe in the cost-per-thousand-impressions model than in the cost-per-click model. Our findings emphasize the role of advertising revenues in vertical differentiation and offer strategic guidance for monetizing online services. © 2012 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved.link_to_subscribed_fulltex