18 research outputs found


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    This paper reports on change as an indicator that can be provide more focused goals in studies of development. The paper offers an answer to the question: How might management gain information from a simulation model and thus influence reality through pragmatic changes. We focus on where and when to influence, manage, and control basic technical-economic proposals. These proposals are mostly formed as simulation models. Unfortunately, however, they do not always provide an explanation of formation changes. A wide variety of simulation tools have become available, e.g. Simulink, Wolfram SystemModeler, VisSim, SystemBuild, STELLA, Adams, SIMSCRIPT, COMSOL Multiphysics, etc. However, there is only limited support for the construction of simulation models of a technical-economic nature. Mathematics has developed the concept of differentiation. Economics has developed the concept of marginality. Technical-economic design has yet to develop an equivalent methodology. This paper discusses an,alternative approach that uses the phenomenon of change, and provides a way from professional knowledge, which can be seen as a purer kind of information, to a more dynamic computing model (a simulation model that interprets changes as method). The validation of changes, as a result for use in managerial decision making, and condition for managerial decision making, can thus be improved

    Joint Innovation Investment and Pricing Decisions In Retail Supply Chains With Customer Value

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    In the retail industry, customer value has become the key to maintaining competitive advantages. In the era of new retail, customer value is not only affected by the product price, but it is also closely related to innovations, such as value‐added services and unique business models. In this paper, we study the joint innovation investment and pricing decisions in a retailer–supplier supply chain based on revenue sharing contracts and customer value. We first find that, in the non-cooperative game, equilibrium only exists in the supplier Stackelberg game. However, revenue sharing contracts cannot coordinate the supply chain in the non‐cooperative game. By considering supply chain members’ bargaining power, we find that there exists a unique equilibrium for the Nash bargaining product. In addition, revenue sharing contracts can coordinate the supply chain and achieve the optimal consumer surplus. When the supply chain is coordinated, supply chain profit is allocated to the supply chain members based on their bargaining powers

    Real-time dynamic pricing in a non-stationary environment using model-free reinforcement learning.

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    This paper examines the problem of establishing a pricing policy that maximizes the revenue for selling a given inventory by a fixed deadline. This problem is faced by a variety of industries, including airlines, hotels and fashion. Reinforcement learning algorithms are used to analyze how firms can both learn and optimize their pricing strategies while interacting with their customers. We show that by using reinforcement learning we can model the problem with inter-dependent demands. This type of model can be useful in producing a more accurate pricing scheme of services or products when important events affect consumer preferences. This paper proposes a methodology to optimize revenue in a model-free environment in which demand is learned and pricing decisions are updated in real-time. We compare the performance of the learning algorithms using Monte-Carlo simulation

    Efficient inventory control for imperfect quality items

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    In this paper, we present a general EOQ model for items that are subject to inspection for imperfect quality. Each lot that is delivered to the sorting facility undertakes a 100 per cent screening and the percentage of defective items per lot reduces according to a learning curve. The generality of the model is viewed as important both from an academic and practitioner perspective. The mathematical formulation considers arbitrary functions of time that allow the decision maker to assess the consequences of a diverse range of strategies by employing a single inventory model. A rigorous methodology is utilised to show that the solution is a unique and global optimal and a general step-by-step solution procedure is presented for continuous intra-cycle periodic review applications. The value of the temperature history and flow time through the supply chain is also used to determine an efficient policy. Furthermore, coordination mechanisms that may affect the supplier and the retailer are explored to improve inventory control at both echelons. The paper provides illustrative examples that demonstrate the application of the theoretical model in different settings and lead to the generation of interesting managerial insights

    A Narrative Review of Innovative Responses During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020

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    Objectives: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. While existing studies on innovation have typically focused on technology, health providers still only have a vague understanding of the features of emergency responses during resource exhaustion in the early stage of a pandemic. Thus, a better understanding of innovative responses by healthcare systems during a crisis is urgently needed.Methods: Using content analysis, this narrative review examined articles on innovative responses during the COVID-19 pandemic that were published in 2020.Results: A total of 613 statements about innovative responses were identified from 296 articles and were grouped under the following thematic categories: medical care (n = 273), workforce education (n = 144), COVID-19 surveillance (n = 84), medical equipment (n = 59), prediction and management (n = 34), and governance (n = 19). From the four types of innovative responses extracted, technological innovation was identified as the major type of innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by process innovations, frugal innovation, and repurposing.Conclusion: Our review provides insights into the features, types, and evolution of innovative responses during the COVID-19 pandemic. This review can help health providers and society show better and quicker responses in resource-constrained conditions in future pandemics


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    Este artigo teve como objetivo principal analisar, sob a ótica da inovação, as melhorias no processo de distribuição de combustíveis nas bases (empresas distribuidoras) do Complexo Industrial Portuário de Suape, PE. A pesquisa abordou conceitos referentes aos aspectos gerais da inovação e suas tipologias, a inovação em processos e a vantagem competitiva. O estudo de caráter exploratório foi desenvolvido mediante uma pesquisa de campo qualitativa. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas considerando como sujeitos de pesquisa três coordenadores de bases das distribuidoras. No tratamento, interpretação e análise dos resultados acerca dos dados coletados foi utilizada a técnica análise de conteúdo, seguindo as etapas propostas por Bardin (2006). Os resultados evidenciaram a formação de três categorias: atendimento a clientes; carregamento de veículos e roteirização de entregas. Sobre a categoria “atendimento a clientes”, os coordenadores apontaram o uso de tecnologias que facilitam o relacionamento com estes conveniados ou não. No que se refere à categoria “carregamento de veículos” foi destacado o desenvolvimento de melhorias dessa etapa com carregamentos do tipo bottom load. Quanto à categoria “roteirização”, foi evidenciada a terceirização como uma alternativa de melhor estabelecimento das rotas e maior aproveitamento da capacidade dos veículos para a entrega de combustíveis em uma mesma região. Palavras-chave: Inovação em processos. Vantagem competitiva. Distribuição de combustíveis

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    Tourist satisfaction in the Malaysia tourism industry: Relationship between service innovation and destination image

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    Malaysia has often been recognized by both local and international tourists as a premier visiting destination. Perception of a tourist destination, thus, has an important bearing on eventual tourist satisfaction. This study examines various aspects of service innovation that influence destination image in the Malaysian tourism industry. Data collected through self-administered questionnaires from 550 tourists using a convenience sampling approach were subjected to a reliability test, followed by multiple linear regression analysis to assess the proposed research hypotheses. The findings show that four variables of service innovation (product innovation, process innovation, organisational innovation and marketing innovation) were significantly and positively associated with destination image that, in turn, reflected tourist satisfaction. Nevertheless, the nationality of the tourist had a mediating effect on the relationship between destination image and tourist satisfaction. Tourism practitioners could benefit from these findings when the principles they espouse are applied to tourism management. At the same time, academic researchers would derive a better understanding of the factors that enhance destination image and, ultimately, tourist satisfaction