7 research outputs found

    Dynamic Neural Field with Local Inhibition

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    A lateral-inhibition type neural field model with restricted connections is presented here and represents an experimental extension of the Continuum Neural Field Theory (CNFT) by suppression of the global inhibition. A modified CNFT equation is introduced and allows for a locally defined inhibition to spatially expand within the network and results in a global competition extending far beyond the range of local connections by virtue of diffusion of inhibition. The resulting model is able to attend to a moving stimulus in the presence of a very high level of noise, several distractors or a mixture of both

    On asynchronous dynamic neural field computation

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    The hallmark of most artificial neural networks is their supposed intrinsic parallelism where each unit is evaluated concurrently to other units in a distributed way. However, if one gives a closer look under the hood, one can soon realize that such a parallelism is an illusion since most implementations use what is referred to as synchronous evaluation. The present article propose to consider different evaluation methods (namely asynchronous evaluation methods) and to study their properties in some restricted but illustrative cases

    Using event-based metric for event-based neural network weight adjustment

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    International audienceThe problem of adjusting the parameters of an event-based network model is addressed here at the programmatic level. Considering temporal processing, the goal is to adjust the network units weights so that the outcoming events correspond to what is desired. The present work proposes, in the deterministic and discrete case, a way to adapt usual alignment metrics in order to derive suitable adjustment rules. At the numerical level, the stability and unbiasness of the method is verified.Le problème de l'ajustement des paramètres d'un modèle de réseau basée sur des événements est abordé ici au niveau de la programmation. Compte tenu de traitement temporel, l'objectif est d'ajuster les unités de réseau pondérations afin que les événements sortantes correspondent à ce qui est souhaité. Le présent travail propose, dans le cas déterministe et discret, un moyen d'adapter mesures habituelles d'alignement afin d'en tirer des règles d'ajustement appropriées. Au niveau numérique, la stabilité et unbiasness de la méthode est vérifiée

    Understanding visual attention with RAGNAROC: A Reflexive Attention Gradient through Neural AttRactOr Competition

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    A quintessential challenge for any perceptual system is the need to focus on task-relevant information without being blindsided by unexpected, yet important information. The human visual system incorporates several solutions to this challenge, one of which is a reflexive covert attention system that is rapidly responsive to both the physical salience and the task-relevance of new information. This paper presents a model that simulates behavioral and neural correlates of reflexive attention as the product of brief neural attractor states that are formed across the visual hierarchy when attention is engaged. Such attractors emerge from an attentional gradient distributed over a population of topographically organized neurons and serve to focus processing at one or more locations in the visual field, while inhibiting the processing of lower priority information. The model moves towards a resolution of key debates about the nature of reflexive attention, such as whether it is parallel or serial, and whether suppression effects are distributed in a spatial surround, or selectively at the location of distractors. Most importantly, the model develops a framework for understanding the neural mechanisms of visual attention as a spatiotopic decision process within a hierarchy and links them to observable correlates such as accuracy, reaction time, and the N2pc and PD components of the EEG. This last contribution is the most crucial for repairing the disconnect that exists between our understanding of behavioral and neural correlates of attention

    Sensor fusion in distributed cortical circuits

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    The substantial motion of the nature is to balance, to survive, and to reach perfection. The evolution in biological systems is a key signature of this quintessence. Survival cannot be achieved without understanding the surrounding world. How can a fruit fly live without searching for food, and thereby with no form of perception that guides the behavior? The nervous system of fruit fly with hundred thousand of neurons can perform very complicated tasks that are beyond the power of an advanced supercomputer. Recently developed computing machines are made by billions of transistors and they are remarkably fast in precise calculations. But these machines are unable to perform a single task that an insect is able to do by means of thousands of neurons. The complexity of information processing and data compression in a single biological neuron and neural circuits are not comparable with that of developed today in transistors and integrated circuits. On the other hand, the style of information processing in neural systems is also very different from that of employed by microprocessors which is mostly centralized. Almost all cognitive functions are generated by a combined effort of multiple brain areas. In mammals, Cortical regions are organized hierarchically, and they are reciprocally interconnected, exchanging the information from multiple senses. This hierarchy in circuit level, also preserves the sensory world within different levels of complexity and within the scope of multiple modalities. The main behavioral advantage of that is to understand the real-world through multiple sensory systems, and thereby to provide a robust and coherent form of perception. When the quality of a sensory signal drops, the brain can alternatively employ other information pathways to handle cognitive tasks, or even to calibrate the error-prone sensory node. Mammalian brain also takes a good advantage of multimodal processing in learning and development; where one sensory system helps another sensory modality to develop. Multisensory integration is considered as one of the main factors that generates consciousness in human. Although, we still do not know where exactly the information is consolidated into a single percept, and what is the underpinning neural mechanism of this process? One straightforward hypothesis suggests that the uni-sensory signals are pooled in a ploy-sensory convergence zone, which creates a unified form of perception. But it is hard to believe that there is just one single dedicated region that realizes this functionality. Using a set of realistic neuro-computational principles, I have explored theoretically how multisensory integration can be performed within a distributed hierarchical circuit. I argued that the interaction of cortical populations can be interpreted as a specific form of relation satisfaction in which the information preserved in one neural ensemble must agree with incoming signals from connected populations according to a relation function. This relation function can be seen as a coherency function which is implicitly learnt through synaptic strength. Apart from the fact that the real world is composed of multisensory attributes, the sensory signals are subject to uncertainty. This requires a cortical mechanism to incorporate the statistical parameters of the sensory world in neural circuits and to deal with the issue of inaccuracy in perception. I argued in this thesis how the intrinsic stochasticity of neural activity enables a systematic mechanism to encode probabilistic quantities within neural circuits, e.g. reliability, prior probability. The systematic benefit of neural stochasticity is well paraphrased by the problem of Duns Scotus paradox: imagine a donkey with a deterministic brain that is exposed to two identical food rewards. This may make the animal suffer and die starving because of indecision. In this thesis, I have introduced an optimal encoding framework that can describe the probability function of a Gaussian-like random variable in a pool of Poisson neurons. Thereafter a distributed neural model is proposed that can optimally combine conditional probabilities over sensory signals, in order to compute Bayesian Multisensory Causal Inference. This process is known as a complex multisensory function in the cortex. Recently it is found that this process is performed within a distributed hierarchy in sensory cortex. Our work is amongst the first successful attempts that put a mechanistic spotlight on understanding the underlying neural mechanism of Multisensory Causal Perception in the brain, and in general the theory of decentralized multisensory integration in sensory cortex. Engineering information processing concepts in the brain and developing new computing technologies have been recently growing. Neuromorphic Engineering is a new branch that undertakes this mission. In a dedicated part of this thesis, I have proposed a Neuromorphic algorithm for event-based stereoscopic fusion. This algorithm is anchored in the idea of cooperative computing that dictates the defined epipolar and temporal constraints of the stereoscopic setup, to the neural dynamics. The performance of this algorithm is tested using a pair of silicon retinas

    Sensor fusion in distributed cortical circuits

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    The substantial motion of the nature is to balance, to survive, and to reach perfection. The evolution in biological systems is a key signature of this quintessence. Survival cannot be achieved without understanding the surrounding world. How can a fruit fly live without searching for food, and thereby with no form of perception that guides the behavior? The nervous system of fruit fly with hundred thousand of neurons can perform very complicated tasks that are beyond the power of an advanced supercomputer. Recently developed computing machines are made by billions of transistors and they are remarkably fast in precise calculations. But these machines are unable to perform a single task that an insect is able to do by means of thousands of neurons. The complexity of information processing and data compression in a single biological neuron and neural circuits are not comparable with that of developed today in transistors and integrated circuits. On the other hand, the style of information processing in neural systems is also very different from that of employed by microprocessors which is mostly centralized. Almost all cognitive functions are generated by a combined effort of multiple brain areas. In mammals, Cortical regions are organized hierarchically, and they are reciprocally interconnected, exchanging the information from multiple senses. This hierarchy in circuit level, also preserves the sensory world within different levels of complexity and within the scope of multiple modalities. The main behavioral advantage of that is to understand the real-world through multiple sensory systems, and thereby to provide a robust and coherent form of perception. When the quality of a sensory signal drops, the brain can alternatively employ other information pathways to handle cognitive tasks, or even to calibrate the error-prone sensory node. Mammalian brain also takes a good advantage of multimodal processing in learning and development; where one sensory system helps another sensory modality to develop. Multisensory integration is considered as one of the main factors that generates consciousness in human. Although, we still do not know where exactly the information is consolidated into a single percept, and what is the underpinning neural mechanism of this process? One straightforward hypothesis suggests that the uni-sensory signals are pooled in a ploy-sensory convergence zone, which creates a unified form of perception. But it is hard to believe that there is just one single dedicated region that realizes this functionality. Using a set of realistic neuro-computational principles, I have explored theoretically how multisensory integration can be performed within a distributed hierarchical circuit. I argued that the interaction of cortical populations can be interpreted as a specific form of relation satisfaction in which the information preserved in one neural ensemble must agree with incoming signals from connected populations according to a relation function. This relation function can be seen as a coherency function which is implicitly learnt through synaptic strength. Apart from the fact that the real world is composed of multisensory attributes, the sensory signals are subject to uncertainty. This requires a cortical mechanism to incorporate the statistical parameters of the sensory world in neural circuits and to deal with the issue of inaccuracy in perception. I argued in this thesis how the intrinsic stochasticity of neural activity enables a systematic mechanism to encode probabilistic quantities within neural circuits, e.g. reliability, prior probability. The systematic benefit of neural stochasticity is well paraphrased by the problem of Duns Scotus paradox: imagine a donkey with a deterministic brain that is exposed to two identical food rewards. This may make the animal suffer and die starving because of indecision. In this thesis, I have introduced an optimal encoding framework that can describe the probability function of a Gaussian-like random variable in a pool of Poisson neurons. Thereafter a distributed neural model is proposed that can optimally combine conditional probabilities over sensory signals, in order to compute Bayesian Multisensory Causal Inference. This process is known as a complex multisensory function in the cortex. Recently it is found that this process is performed within a distributed hierarchy in sensory cortex. Our work is amongst the first successful attempts that put a mechanistic spotlight on understanding the underlying neural mechanism of Multisensory Causal Perception in the brain, and in general the theory of decentralized multisensory integration in sensory cortex. Engineering information processing concepts in the brain and developing new computing technologies have been recently growing. Neuromorphic Engineering is a new branch that undertakes this mission. In a dedicated part of this thesis, I have proposed a Neuromorphic algorithm for event-based stereoscopic fusion. This algorithm is anchored in the idea of cooperative computing that dictates the defined epipolar and temporal constraints of the stereoscopic setup, to the neural dynamics. The performance of this algorithm is tested using a pair of silicon retinas