134 research outputs found

    A Review of Techniques Used for Induction Machine Fault Modelling

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    [EN] Over the years, induction machines (IMs) have become key components in industry applications as mechanical power sources (working as motors) as well as electrical power sources (working as generators). Unexpected breakdowns in these components can lead to unscheduled down time and consequently to large economic losses. As breakdown of IMs for failure study is not economically feasible, several IM computer models under faulty conditions have been developed to investigate the characteristics of faulty machines and have allowed reducing the number of destructive tests. This paper provides a review of the available techniques for faulty IMs modelling. These models can be categorised as models based on electrical circuits, on magnetic circuits, models based on numerical methods and the recently proposed in the technical literature hybrid models or models based on finite element method (FEM) analytical techniques. A general description of each type of model is given with its main benefits and drawbacks in terms of accuracy, running times and ability to reproduce a given faultThis work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MCIU)", the "Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI)" and the "Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)" in the framework of the "Proyectos I+D+i-Retos Investigacion 2018", project reference RTI2018-102175-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)Terrón-Santiago, C.; Martinez-Roman, J.; Puche-Panadero, R.; Sapena-Bano, A. (2021). A Review of Techniques Used for Induction Machine Fault Modelling. Sensors. 21(14):4855-4873. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21144855S48554873211

    A Review of Modeling and Diagnostic Techniques for Eccentricity Fault in Electric Machines

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    Research on the modeling and fault diagnosis of rotor eccentricities has been conducted during the past two decades. A variety of diagnostic theories and methods have been proposed based on different mechanisms, and there are reviews following either one type of electric machines or one type of eccentricity. Nonetheless, the research routes of modeling and diagnosis are common, regardless of machine or eccentricity types. This article tends to review all the possible modeling and diagnostic approaches for all common types of electric machines with eccentricities and provide suggestions on future research roadmap. The paper indicates that a reliable low-cost non-intrusive real-time online visualized diagnostic method is the trend. Observer-based diagnostic strategies are thought promising for the continued research

    Induction machine model with space harmonics for fault diagnosis based on the convolution theorem

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    [EN] Fault diagnosis of induction machines (IMs) requires a fast model of the machine, for adjusting fault thresholds in data-driven diagnostic methods, for computing the residuals in model-driven diagnostic systems, or for training autonomous expert systems. Due to the interaction between time and space harmonics under faulty conditions, this model must simulate very accurately the space harmonics of the air gap magnetomotive force (MMF) generated by the machine's windings. But the computation of the phases' inductances, taking into account the spatial harmonics of the MMF, for every angular position of the rotor, and under non-symmetrical, faulty conditions, is a time-consuming task in IMs' models. In this paper, a very fast method for obtaining the inductances of rotating electrical machines is proposed, based on a single discrete circular convolution. With the proposed approach, the mutual inductances of two phases, taking into account the spatial harmonics of the air gap MMF, are calculated for every relative angular position using a single equation, solved with the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Asymmetrical winding distributions, and the linear rise of the air gap MMF across skewed slots are easily modeled without increasing the computation time. The proposed method is introduced theoretically and validated with an experimental test-bed using commercial induction motors with forced broken bars faults.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the framework of the "Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad" (project reference DPI2014-60881-R).Sapena-Bano, A.; Martinez-Roman, J.; Puche-Panadero, R.; Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Pérez-Cruz, J.; Riera-Guasp, M. (2018). Induction machine model with space harmonics for fault diagnosis based on the convolution theorem. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 100:463-481. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2018.03.00146348110

    An Assessment on the Non-Invasive Methods for Condition Monitoring of Induction Motors

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    The ability to forecast motor mechanical faults at incipient stages is vital to reducing maintenance costs, operation downtime and safety hazards. This paper synthesized the progress in the research and development in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of induction motors. The motor condition monitoring techniques are mainly classified into two categories that are invasive and non-invasive techniques. The invasive techniques are very basic, but they have some implementation difficulties and high cost. The non-invasive methods, namely MCSA, PVA and IPA, overcome the disadvantages associated to invasive methods. This book chapter reviews the various non-invasive condition monitoring methods for diagnosis of mechanical faults in induction motor and concludes that the instantaneous power analysis (IPA) and Park vector analysis (PVA) methods are best suitable for the diagnosis of small fault signatures associated to mechanical faults. Recommendations for the future research in these areas are also presented

    Induction machine bearing faults detection based on a multi-dimensional MUSIC algorithm and maximum likelihood estimation

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    International audienceCondition monitoring of electric drives is of paramount importance since it contributes to enhance the system reliability and availability. Moreover, the knowledge about the fault mode behavior is extremely important in order to improve system protection and fault-tolerant control. Fault detection and diagnosis in squirrel cage induction machines based on motor current signature analysis (MCSA) has been widely investigated. Several high resolution spectral estimation techniques have been developed and used to detect induction machine abnormal operating conditions. This paper focuses on the application of MCSA for the detection of abnormal mechanical conditions that may lead to induction machines failure. In fact, this paper is devoted to the detection of single-point defects in bearings based on parametric spectral estimation. A multi-dimensional MUSIC (MD MUSIC) algorithm has been developed for bearing faults detection based on bearing faults characteristic frequencies. This method has been used to estimate the fundamental frequency and the fault related frequency. Then, an amplitude estimator of the fault characteristic frequencies has been proposed and fault indicator has been derived for fault severity measurement. The proposed bearing faults detection approach is assessed using simulated stator currents data, issued from a coupled electromagnetic circuits approach for air-gap eccentricity emulating bearing faults. Then, experimental data are used for validation purposes

    On-Line Fault Diagnostics Of Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Based On Motor Current Signature Analysis Method

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    Studies of rotor asymmetries in three-phase squirrel cage induction motors have traditionally focused on analyses of the effects of the broken rotor bars on the magnetic field and current spectrum. Major motor manufactures have reported cases where damage bars are randomly distributed around the rotor perimeter of large motors. The motors were being monitored under maintenance programs based on motor current signature analysis (MCSA) in some of these cases, and the degree of degradation found in the rotor was much greater than that predicted by analysis of their current spectra. A complete study was carried out for this reason, comprising a theoretical analysis, as well as simulation and test, to investigate the influence that the number and location of broken bars has on the traditional MCSA diagnosis procedure

    Motor Fault Diagnosis Using Higher Order Statistical Analysis of Motor Power Supply Parameters

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    Motor current signature analysis (MCSA) has been an effective method to monitor electrical machines for many years, predominantly because of its low instrumentation cost, remote implementation and comprehensive information contents. However, it has shortages of low accuracy and efficiency in resolving weak signals from incipient faults, such as detecting early stages of induction motor fault. In this thesis MCSA has been improved to accurately detect electrical and mechanical faults in the induction motor namely broken rotor bars, stator faults and motor bearing faults. Motor current signals corresponding to a healthy (baseline) and faulty condition on induction motor at different loads (zero, 25%, 50% and 75% of full load) were rearranged and the baseline current data were examined using conventional methods in frequency domain and referenced for comparison with new modulation signal bispectrum. Based on the fundamental modulation effect of the weak fault signatures, a new method based on modulation signal bispectrum (MSB) analysis is introduced to characterise the modulation and hence for accurate quantification of the signatures. This method is named as (MSB-SE). For broken rotor bar(BRB), the results show that MSB-SE suggested in this research outperforms conventional bispectrum CB significantly for all cases due its high performance of nonlinear modulation detection and random noise suppression, which demonstrates that MSB-SE is an outstanding technique whereas (CB) is inefficient for motor current signal analysis [1] . Moreover the new estimators produce more accurate results at zero, 25%, 50%, 75% of full load and under broken rotor bar, compared with power spectrum analysis. Especially it can easily separate the half BRB at a load as low as 25% from baseline where PS would not produce a correct separation. In case of stator faults, a MSB-SE is investigated to detect different severities of stator faults for both open and short circuit. It shows that MSB-SE has the capability to accurately estimate modulation degrees and suppress the random and non-modulation components. Test results show that MSB-SE has a better performance in differentiating spectrum amplitudes due to stator faults and hence produces better diagnosis performance, compared with that of power spectrum (PS). For motor bearing faults, tests were performed with three bearing conditions: baseline, outer race fault and inner race fault. Because the signals associated with faults produce small modulations to supply component and high noise levels, MSB-SE is used to detect and diagnose different motor bearing defects. The results show that bearing faults can induce detectable amplitude increases at its characteristic frequencies. MSB-SE peaks show a clear difference at these frequencies whereas the conventional power spectrum provides change evidences only at some of the frequencies. This shows that MSB has a better and reliable performance in detecting small changes from the faulty bearing for fault detection and diagnosis. In addition, the study also shows that current signals from motors with variable frequency drive controller have too much noise and it is unlikely to discriminate the small bearing fault component. This research also applies a mathematical model for the simulation of current signals under healthy and broken bars condition in order to further understand the characteristics of fault signature to ensure the methodologies used and accuracy achieved in the detection and diagnosis results. The results show that the frequency spectrum of current signal outputs from the model take the expected form with peaks at the sideband frequency and associated harmonics

    Condition Monitoring of Induction Motors Based on Stator Currents Demodulation

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    International audienceOver the past several decades, induction machine condition monitoring have received increasing attention from researchers and engineers. Several induction machine faults detection techniques have been proposed that are based on vibration, temperature, and currents/power monitoring, etc. Motor current signature analysis is a cost-effective method, which has been widely investigated. Specifically, it has been demonstrated that mechanical and electrical induction machine faults can be effectively diagnosed using stator currents demodulation. Therefore, this paper proposes to investigate the use of demodulation techniques for bearing faults detection and diagnosis based on stator currents analysis. If stator currents are assumed to be mono-component signals, the demodulation techniques include the synchronous demodulator, the Hilbert transform, the Teager energy operator, the Concordia transform, the maximum likelihood approach and the principal component analysis. For a multi-component signal, further preprocessing techniques are required such as the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) or the Ensemble EMD (EEMD). The studied demodulation techniques are demonstrated for bearing faults diagnosis using simulation data, issued from a coupled electromagnetic circuits approach-based simulation tool, and experiments on a 0.75kW induction machine test bed