169 research outputs found

    AndroShield:automated Android applications vulnerability detection, a hybrid static and dynamic analysis approach

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    The security of mobile applications has become a major research field which is associated with a lot of challenges. The high rate of developing mobile applications has resulted in less secure applications. This is due to what is called the “rush to release” as defined by Ponemon Institute. Security testing—which is considered one of the main phases of the development life cycle—is either not performed or given minimal time; hence, there is a need for security testing automation. One of the techniques used is Automated Vulnerability Detection. Vulnerability detection is one of the security tests that aims at pinpointing potential security leaks. Fixing those leaks results in protecting smart-phones and tablet mobile device users against attacks. This paper focuses on building a hybrid approach of static and dynamic analysis for detecting the vulnerabilities of Android applications. This approach is capsuled in a usable platform (web application) to make it easy to use for both public users and professional developers. Static analysis, on one hand, performs code analysis. It does not require running the application to detect vulnerabilities. Dynamic analysis, on the other hand, detects the vulnerabilities that are dependent on the run-time behaviour of the application and cannot be detected using static analysis. The model is evaluated against different applications with different security vulnerabilities. Compared with other detection platforms, our model detects information leaks as well as insecure network requests alongside other commonly detected flaws that harm users’ privacy. The code is available through a GitHub repository for public contribution

    Program Analysis Based Approaches to Ensure Security and Safety of Emerging Software Platforms

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    Our smartphones, homes, hospitals, and automobiles are being enhanced with software that provide an unprecedentedly rich set of functionalities, which has created an enormous market for the development of software that run on almost every personal computing devices in a person's daily life, including security- and safety-critical ones. However, the software development support provided by the emerging platforms also raises security risks by allowing untrusted third-party code, which can potentially be buggy, vulnerable or even malicious to control user's device. Moreover, as the Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology is gaining vast adoptions by a wide range of industries, and is penetrating every aspects of people's life, safety risks brought by the open software development support of the emerging IoT platform (e.g., smart home) could bring more severe threat to the well-being of customers than what security vulnerabilities in mobile apps have done to a cell phone user. To address this challenge posed on the software security in emerging domains, my dissertation focuses on the flaws, vulnerabilities and malice in the software developed for platforms in these domains. Specifically, we demonstrate that systematic program analyses of software (1) Lead to an understanding of design and implementation flaws across different platforms that can be leveraged in miscellaneous attacks or causing safety problems; (2) Lead to the development of security mechanisms that limit the potential for these threats.We contribute static and dynamic program analysis techniques for three modern platforms in emerging domains -- smartphone, smart home, and autonomous vehicle. Our app analysis reveals various different vulnerabilities and design flaws on these platforms, and we propose (1) static analysis tool OPAnalyzer to automates the discovery of problems by searching for vulnerable code patterns; (2) dynamic testing tool AutoFuzzer to efficiently produce and capture domain specific issues that are previously undefined; and (3) propose new access control mechanism ContexIoT to strengthen the platform's immunity to the vulnerability and malice in third-party software. Concretely, we first study a vulnerability family caused by the open ports on mobile devices, which allows remote exploitation due to insufficient protection. We devise a tool called OPAnalyzer to perform the first systematic study of open port usage and their security implications on mobile platform, which effectively identify and characterize vulnerable open port usage at scale in popular Android apps. We further identify the lack of context-based access control as a main enabler for such attacks, and begin to seek for defense solution to strengthen the system security. We study the popular smart home platform, and find the existing access control mechanisms to be coarse-grand, insufficient, and undemanding. Taking lessons from previous permission systems, we propose the ContexIoT approach, a context-based permission system for IoT platform that supports third-party app development, which protects the user from vulnerability and malice in these apps through fine-grained identification of context. Finally, we design dynamic fuzzing tool, AutoFuzzer for the testing of self-driving functionalities, which demand very high code quality using improved testing practice combining the state-of-the-art fuzzing techniques with vehicular domain knowledge, and discover problems that lead to crashes in safety-critical software on emerging autonomous vehicle platform.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145845/1/jackjia_1.pd

    The Construction of a Static Source Code Scanner Focused on SQL Injection Vulnerabilties in Java

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    SQL injection attacks are a significant threat to web application security, allowing attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands and gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. Static source code analysis is a widely used technique to identify security vulnerabilities in software, including SQL injection attacks. However, existing static source code scanners often produce false positives and require a high level of expertise to use effectively. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a static source code scanner for SQL injection vulnerabilities in Java queries. The scanner uses a combination of pattern matching and data flow analysis to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities in code. The scanner identifies vulnerable code by analyzing method calls, expressions, and variable declarations to detect potential vulnerabilities. To evaluate the scanner, malicious SQL code is manually injected in queries to test the scanner\u27s ability to detect vulnerabilities. The results showed that the scanner could identify a high percentage of SQL injection vulnerabilities. The limitations of the scanner include the inability to detect runtime user input validation and the reliance on predefined patterns and heuristics to identify vulnerabilities. Despite these limitations, the scanner provides a useful tool for junior developers to identify and address SQL injection vulnerabilities in their code. This thesis presents a static source code scanner that can effectively detect SQL injection vulnerabilities in Java web applications. The scanner\u27s design and implementation provide a useful contribution to the field of software security, and future work could focus on improving the scanner\u27s precision and addressing its limitations

    Realistic vulnerability injections in PHP web applications

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurança Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011A injecção de vulnerabilidades é uma área que recebeu relativamente pouca atenção da comunidade científica, provavelmente por o seu objectivo ser aparentemente contrário ao propósito de fazer as aplicações mais seguras. Esta pode no entanto ser usada em variadas áreas que a fazem merecedora de ser investigada, tais como a criação automática de exemplos educacionais de código vulnerável, testar mecanismos de segurança em profundidade, e a avaliação de detectores de vulnerabilidades e de equipas de segurança. Esta tese propõe uma arquitectura para uma ferramenta de injecção de vulnerabilidades genérica que permite a inserção de vulnerabilidades num programa, e aproveita a vasta investigação existente sobre detecção de vulnerabilidades. A arquitectura é também extensível, suportando a adição de novas vulnerabilidades para serem injectadas. Foi também implementado e avaliado um protótipo baseado nesta arquitectura por forma a perceber se a arquitectura era implementável. O protótipo consegue injectar a maior parte das vulnerabilidades da class taint-style, desde que em aplicações web desenvolvidas em PHP. Esta tese contém também um estudo sobre as vulnerabilidades presentes nas últimas versões de algumas aplicações PHP bem conhecidas, que permite perceber quais os tipos de vulnerabilidade mais comuns. Este estudo conclui que as vulnerabilidades que o protótipo permite já incluem a maioria das vulnerabilidades que aparecem habitualmente em aplicações PHP. Finalmente, várias aplicações PHP foram usadas na avaliação. O protótipo foi usado para injectar diversas vulnerabilidades sobre estas aplicações, e após isso as injecções foram analisadas à mão para verificar se uma vulnerabilidade tinha sido criada ou não. Os resultados mostram que o protótipo consegue não só injectar uma grande quantidade de vulnerabilidades mas também que estas são atacáveis e realistas.Vulnerability injection is a field that has received relatively little attention by the research community, probably because its objective is apparently contrary to the purpose of making applications more secure. It can however be used in a variety of areas that make it worthy of research, such as the automatic creation of educational examples of vulnerable code, testing defense in depth mechanisms, and the evaluation of both vulnerability scanners and security teams. This thesis proposes an architecture for a generic vulnerability injection tool that allows the insertion of vulnerabilities in a program, and leverages from the vast work available on vulnerability detection. The architecture is also extensible, supporting the addition of new vulnerabilities to inject. A prototype implementing the architecture was developed and evaluated to analyze the feasibility of the architecture. The prototype targets PHP web applications, and is able to inject most taintstyle type vulnerabilities. The thesis also contains a study on the vulnerabilities present in the latest versions of some well known PHP applications, providing a better understanding of which are the most common types of vulnerabilities. This study shows that the vulnerabilities that the prototype is able to inject already includes the majority of the vulnerabilities that appear in PHP web applications. Finally, several PHP applications were used in the evaluation. These were subject to injections using the prototype, after which they were analyzed by hand to see whether a vulnerability was created or not. The results show that the prototype can not only inject a great amount of vulnerabilities but that they are actually attackable

    Studying a Virtual Testbed for Unverified Data

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    It is difficult to fully know the effects a piece of software will have on your computer, particularly when the software is distributed by an unknown source. The research in this paper focuses on malware detection, virtualization, and sandbox/honeypot techniques with the goal of improving the security of installing useful, but unverifiable, software. With a combination of these techniques, it should be possible to install software in an environment where it cannot harm a machine, but can be tested to determine its safety. Testing for malware, performance, network connectivity, memory usage, and interoperability can be accomplished without allowing the program to access the base operating system of a machine. After the full effects of the software are understood and it is determined to be safe, it could then be run from, and given access to, the base operating system. This thesis investigates the feasibility of creating a system to verify the security of unknown software while ensuring it will have no negative impact on the host machine

    An Exploratory Analysis of Mobile Security Tools

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    The growing market of the mobile application is overtaking the web application. Mobile application development environment is open source, which attracts new inexperienced developers to gain hands on experience with applicationn development. However, the security of data and vulnerable coding practice is an issue. Among all mobile Operating systems such as, iOS (by Apple), Android (by Google) and Blackberry (RIM), Android dominates the market. The majority of malicious mobile attacks take advantage of vulnerabilities in mobile applications, such as sensitive data leakage via the inadvertent or side channel, unsecured sensitive data storage, data transition and many others. Most of these vulnerabilities can be detected during mobile application analysis phase. In this paper, we explore vulnerability detection for static and dynamic analysis tools. We also suggest limitations of the tools and future directions such as the development of new plugins

    SQLSCAN: A Framework to Check Web Application Vulnerability

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    Security vulnerabilities in web applications that are being found today are much higher than in any operating systems. So it clearly means that threats intended at web applications are utilizing vulnerabilities at the application. Simultaneously, amount and impact of security vulnerabilities on web applications has increases as well. Almost in all online transactions user access is authorized before providing access to database of application. But organized injection could provide entry to unauthorized users and it almost achieved via SQL injection and Cross-site scripting (XSS). In this article we provide a web vulnerability scanning and analyzing tool of various kinds of SQL injection and Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks named as SQLSCAN. Our proposed method will work with web application developed on any technology like PHP, JAVA, ASP .NET. We evaluate our proposed scanner by experiments to calculate its performance. We also evaluate the performance of SQLSCAN with performance of parallel tools in the literature. Keywords: Web Application security, Attack, Injection, SQL, XSS, Vulnerability, Scanner.
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