7 research outputs found

    Simulation Model of Patient Service Queue at Pasar Minggu Cirebon Hospital using ProModel

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    This research aims to minimize patient waiting time in queues by simulating the patient service system, identifying the queues within the system, and proposing recommendations for improving the service system at Pasar Minggu Cirebon Hospital. The simulation model in this study uses Promodel 2016 tools with design of experiments (ANOVA). In the developed simulation model, there are two queues: the clinic queue caused by specialist doctor shifts and the pharmacy drug queue that does not differentiate between drug queues from the ER (general) and the clinic. The queue lengths in the existing condition are 5 patients for the clinic queue, 13 people for the clinic drug queue, and 47 people for the general drug queue. After the model is verified and validated, the focus of this research shifts to the pharmacy drug queue because it contributes the longest queue in the system. Proposed improvements in the service system related to the pharmacy at Pasar Minggu Hospital include increasing three factors: pharmacy capacity, BPJS pharmacy service time, and non-BPJS pharmacy service time. The selected alternative after analyzing the improvements related to these three factors consists of increasing the pharmacy capacity to three units, shortening the BPJS pharmacy service time to an average of 12 minutes, and the non-BPJS pharmacy service time to an average of 15.9 minutes. These three changes related to the three factors will impact the average queue length for medication retrieval, reducing it to 6.94 people.&nbsp

    Dynamic Appointment Scheduling

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    This paper considers appointment scheduling in a setting in which at every client arrival the schedule of all future clients can be adapted. Starting our analysis with an explicit treatment of the case of exponentially distributed service times, we then develop a phase-type-based approach to also cover cases in which the service times' squared coefficient of variation differs from 1. The approach relies on dynamic programming, with the state information being the number of clients waiting, the elapsed service time of the client in service, and the number of clients still to be scheduled. Numerical evaluation of the dynamic programming procedure poses computational challenges; we point out how we have succeeded in overcoming these. The use of dynamic schedules is illustrated through a set of numerical experiments, showing (i) the effect of wrongly assuming exponentially distributed service times, and (ii) the gains (over static schedules, that is) achieved by rescheduling

    Determining efficient scheduling approach of doctors for operating rooms: An analysis on Al-Shahid Ghazi Al-Hariri hospital in Baghdad

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    Government hospitals in Iraq have long been suffering from overcrowded patients, and shortages of doctors and nurses. Unstable environment with occurrences of random warrelated incidents has put further burden on hospitals’ limited resources particularly the surgical department. Large number of pre-scheduled elective surgeries has occasionally been interrupted by the incoming war-related incidents patients. This in turn has put tremendous pressure on the hospital management to maximize utilization of its operating rooms’ resources including surgeons and nurses, whilst simultaneously minimizing idle time. Al-Shahid Ghazi Al-Hariri hospital in Baghdad is presently experiencing these issues. Therefore, this study has been undertaken with the aims to identify efficient scheduling approach for elective surgeries for operating rooms in Al-Shahid Ghazi Al-Hariri hospital while considering interruptions from non-elective surgery (incoming patients from warrelated incidents). Specifically, this study intends to develop a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to maximize the utilizations of operating rooms, availability of surgeons as well as to minimize potential idle time. A meta-heuristic approach in the form of a Tabu Search is then employed to generate an acceptable solution and utilizing time more efficiently. Real data was collected from the hospital in the form of interviews, observations and secondary reports. The initial MILP computational results show that the proposed model has successfully produced optimal solutions by improving the utilization of operating rooms. Notwithstanding, the difficulty to produce results in reasonable time for larger problem instances has led to the application of a more efficient meta-heuristic approach. The Tabu Search results indicated better performance of the model with good quality solutions in fewer computation times. The finding is important as it determines the feasibility of the proposed model and its potential benefit to all relevant stakeholders

    Managerial Intervention Strategies to Reduce Patient No-Show Rates

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    High patient no-show rates increase health care costs, decrease healthcare access, and reduce the clinical efficiency and productivity of health care facilities. The purpose of this exploratory qualitative single case study was to explore and analyze the managerial intervention strategies healthcare administrators use to reduce patient no-show rates. The targeted research population was active American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), Hawaii-Pacific Chapter healthcare administrative members with operational and supervisory experience addressing administrative patient no-show interventions. The conceptual framework was the theory of planned behavior. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 4 healthcare administrators, and appointment cancellation policy documents were reviewed. Interpretations of the data were subjected to member checking to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings. Based on the methodological triangulation of the data collected, 5 common themes emerged after the data analysis: reform appointment cancellation policies, use text message appointment reminders, improve patient accessibility, fill patient no-show slots immediately, and create organizational and administrative efficiencies. Sharing the findings of this study may help healthcare administrators to improve patient health care accessibility, organizational performance and the social well-being of their communities