27 research outputs found

    Experimental study on the evading behaviour of single pedestrians encountering an obstacle

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    Present simulation and experimental research still have deficiency in depicting the evading behaviour of single pedestrians confronting with an obstacle, which is the basis for the study of crowd dynamics affected by obstacles in real life. Therefore, this study will conduct experiments with a bar-shaped obstacle in the middle of a corridor and explore the corresponding general and particular features of single pedestrians. Particularly, the variation of pedestrian velocity and trajectory under different-sized obstacles will be illustrated. By taking the average velocity and trajectories of the 32 participants, it could be concluded that pedestrians would walk at a velocity of about 1.5 m/s without being affected by the size of obstacle. Besides, pedestrians tend to pass a location about 0.4 meters away from the obstacle edge that is perpendicular to walking direction. Furthermore, pedestrians tend to begin and finish evading the obstacle at locations respectively about 4.40 meters and 4.85 meters away from the obstacle. We also found a heterogeneity in the evading behaviour and pedestrians could be classified into four types accordingly. Results of this study are expected to provide reliable evidence for agent-based modelling in the future

    Testing Autonomous Robot Control Software Using Procedural Content Generation

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    We present a novel approach for reducing manual effort when testing autonomous robot control algorithms. We use procedural content generation, as developed for the film and video game industries, to create a diverse range of test situations. We execute these in the Player/Stage robot simulator and automatically rate them for their safety significance using an event-based scoring system. Situations exhibiting dangerous behaviour will score highly, and are thus flagged for the attention of a safety engineer. This process removes the time-consuming tasks of hand-crafting and monitoring situations while testing an autonomous robot control algorithm. We present a case study of the proposed approach – we generated 500 randomised situations, and our prototype tool simulated and rated them. We have analysed the three highest rated situations in depth, and this analysis revealed weaknesses in the smoothed nearness-diagram control algorithm

    Combining Occupancy Grids with a Polygonal Obstacle World Model for Autonomous Flights

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    This chapter presents a mapping process that can be applied to autonomous systems for obstacle avoidance and trajectory planning. It is an improvement over commonly applied obstacle mapping techniques, such as occupancy grids. Problems encountered in large outdoor scenarios are tackled and a compressed map that can be sent on low-bandwidth networks is produced. The approach is real-time capable and works in full 3-D environments. The efficiency of the proposed approach is demonstrated under real operational conditions on an unmanned aerial vehicle using stereo vision for distance measurement

    Crowd evacuation navigation for evasive maneuver of brownian based dynamic obstacles using reciprocal velocity obstacles

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    This paper presents an approach for evasive maneuver against dynamic obstacles in multi-agent navigation in a crowd evacuation scenario. Our proposed approach is based on reciprocal velocity obstacles (RVO) with a different manner to treat the obstacles. We treat all possible hindrances in velocity space reciprocally thus all collision cones generated by other agents and obstacles are treated in the same RVO manner with the key difference in the effort of avoidance. Our approach assumes that dynamic obstacles bear no awareness of navigation space unlike agents thus the avoidance effort lies on behalf of the mobile agents, creating unmutual effort in an evasive maneuver. We display our approach in an evacuation scenario where a crowd of agents must navigate through an evacuation area trespassing zone filled with dynamic obstacles. These dynamic obstacles consist of random motion built based on Brownian motion thus posses an immense challenge for the mobile agent in order to overcome this hindrance and safely navigate to their evacuation area. Our experimentation shows that 51.1% fewer collisions occurred which is denote safer navigation for agents in approaching their evacuation point

    Navigating multiple simple-airplanes in 3D workspace

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    Robotic motion planning in dynamic, cluttered, uncertain environments

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    This paper presents a strategy for planning robot motions in dynamic, cluttered, and uncertain environments. Successful and efficient operation in such environments requires reasoning about the future system evolution and the uncertainty associated with obstacles and moving agents in the environment. This paper presents a novel procedure to account for future information gathering (and the quality of that information) in the planning process. After first presenting a formal Dynamic Programming (DP) formulation, we present a Partially Closed-loop Receding Horizon Control algorithm whose approximation to the DP solution integrates prediction, estimation, and planning while also accounting for chance constraints that arise from the uncertain location of the robot and other moving agents. Simulation results in simple static and dynamic scenarios illustrate the benefit of the algorithm over classical approaches