1,298 research outputs found

    Neural Network Methods for Radiation Detectors and Imaging

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    Recent advances in image data processing through machine learning and especially deep neural networks (DNNs) allow for new optimization and performance-enhancement schemes for radiation detectors and imaging hardware through data-endowed artificial intelligence. We give an overview of data generation at photon sources, deep learning-based methods for image processing tasks, and hardware solutions for deep learning acceleration. Most existing deep learning approaches are trained offline, typically using large amounts of computational resources. However, once trained, DNNs can achieve fast inference speeds and can be deployed to edge devices. A new trend is edge computing with less energy consumption (hundreds of watts or less) and real-time analysis potential. While popularly used for edge computing, electronic-based hardware accelerators ranging from general purpose processors such as central processing units (CPUs) to application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are constantly reaching performance limits in latency, energy consumption, and other physical constraints. These limits give rise to next-generation analog neuromorhpic hardware platforms, such as optical neural networks (ONNs), for high parallel, low latency, and low energy computing to boost deep learning acceleration

    Instrumentation of CdZnTe detectors for measuring prompt gamma-rays emitted during particle therapy

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    Background: The irradiation of cancer patients with charged particles, mainly protons and carbon ions, has become an established method for the treatment of specific types of tumors. In comparison with the use of X-rays or gamma-rays, particle therapy has the advantage that the dose distribution in the patient can be precisely controlled. Tissue or organs lying near the tumor will be spared. A verification of the treatment plan with the actual dose deposition by means of a measurement can be done through range assessment of the particle beam. For this purpose, prompt gamma-rays are detected, which are emitted by the affected target volume during irradiation. Motivation: The detection of prompt gamma-rays is a task related to radiation detection and measurement. Nuclear applications in medicine can be found in particular for in vivo diagnosis. In that respect the spatially resolved measurement of gamma-rays is an essential technique for nuclear imaging, however, technical requirements of radiation measurement during particle therapy are much more challenging than those of classical applications. For this purpose, appropriate instruments beyond the state-of-the-art need to be developed and tested for detecting prompt gamma-rays. Hence the success of a method for range assessment of particle beams is largely determined by the implementation of electronics. In practice, this means that a suitable detector material with adapted readout electronics, signal and information processing, and data interface must be utilized to solve the challenges. Thus, the parameters of the system (e.g. segmentation, time or energy resolution) can be optimized depending on the method (e.g. slit camera, time-of-flight measurement or Compton camera). Regardless of the method, the detector system must have a high count rate capability and a large measuring range (>7 MeV). For a subsequent evaluation of a suitable method for imaging, the mentioned parameters may not be restricted by the electronics. Digital signal processing is predestined for multipurpose tasks, and, in terms of the demands made, the performance of such an implementation has to be determined. Materials and methods: In this study, the instrumentation of a detector system for prompt gamma-rays emitted during particle therapy is limited to the use of a cadmium zinc telluride (CdZnTe, CZT) semiconductor detector. The detector crystal is divided into an 8x8 pixel array by segmented electrodes. Analog and digital signal processing are exemplarily tested with this type of detector and aims for application of a Compton camera to range assessment. The electronics are implemented with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components. If applicable, functional units of the detector system were digitalized and implemented in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). An efficient implementation of the algorithms in terms of timing and logic utilization is fundamental to the design of digital circuits. The measurement system is characterized with radioactive sources to determine the measurement dynamic range and resolution. Finally, the performance is examined in terms of the requirements of particle therapy with experiments at particle accelerators. Results: A detector system based on a CZT pixel detector has been developed and tested. Although the use of an application-specific integrated circuit is convenient, this approach was rejected because there was no circuit available which met the requirements. Instead, a multichannel, compact, and low-noise analog amplifier circuit with COTS components has been implemented. Finally, the 65 information channels of a detector are digitized, processed and visualized. An advanced digital signal processing transforms the traditional approaches of nuclear electronics in algorithms and digital filter structures for an FPGA. With regard to the characteristic signals (e.g. varying rise times, depth-dependent energy measurement) of a CZT pixel detector, it could be shown that digital pulse processing results in a very good energy resolution (~2% FWHM at 511 keV), as well as permits a time measurement in the range of some tens of nanoseconds. Furthermore, the experimental results have shown that the dynamic range of the detector system could be significantly improved compared to the existing prototype of the Compton camera (~10 keV..7 MeV). Even count rates of ~100 kcps in a high-energy beam could be ultimately processed with the CZT pixel detector. But this is merely a limit of the detector due to its volume, and not related to electronics. In addition, the versatility of digital signal processing has been demonstrated with other detector materials (e.g. CeBr3). With foresight on high data throughput in a distributed data acquisition from multiple detectors, a Gigabit Ethernet link has been implemented as data interface. Conclusions: To fully exploit the capabilities of a CZT pixel detector, a digital signal processing is absolutely necessary. A decisive advantage of the digital approach is the ease of use in a multichannel system. Thus with digitalization, a necessary step has been done to master the complexity of a Compton camera. Furthermore, the benchmark of technology shows that a CZT pixel detector withstands the requirements of measuring prompt gamma-rays during particle therapy. The previously used orthogonal strip detector must be replaced by the pixel detector in favor of increased efficiency and improved energy resolution. With the integration of the developed digital detector system into a Compton camera, it must be ultimately proven whether this method is applicable for range assessment in particle therapy. Even if another method is more convenient in a clinical environment due to practical considerations, the detector system of that method may benefit from the shown instrumentation of a digital signal processing system for nuclear applications.:1. Introduction 1.1. Aim of this work 2. Analog front-end electronics 2.1. State-of-the-art 2.2. Basic design considerations 2.2.1. CZT detector assembly 2.2.2. Electrical characteristics of a CZT pixel detector 2.2.3. High voltage biasing and grounding 2.2.4. Signal formation in CZT detectors 2.2.5. Readout concepts 2.2.6. Operational amplifier 2.3. Circuit design of a charge-sensitive amplifier 2.3.1. Circuit analysis 2.3.2. Charge-to-voltage transfer function 2.3.3. Input coupling of the CSA 2.3.4. Noise 2.4. Implementation and Test 2.5. Results 2.5.1. Test pulse input 2.5.2. Pixel detector 2.6. Conclusion 3. Digital signal processing 3.1. Unfolding-synthesis technique 3.2. Digital deconvolution 3.2.1. Prior work 3.2.2. Discrete-time inverse amplifier transfer function 3.2.3. Application to measured signals 3.2.4. Implementation of a higher order IIR filter 3.2.5. Conclusion 3.3. Digital pulse synthesis 3.3.1. Prior work 3.3.2. FIR filter structures for FPGAs 3.3.3. Optimized fixed-point arithmetic 3.3.4. Conclusion 4. Data interface 4.1. State-of-the-art 4.2. Embedded Gigabit Ethernet protocol stack 4.3. Implementation 4.3.1. System overview 4.3.2. Media Access Control 4.3.3. Embedded protocol stack 4.3.4. Clock synchronization 4.4. Measurements and results 4.4.1. Throughput performance 4.4.2. Synchronization 4.4.3. Resource utilization 4.5. Conclusion 5. Experimental results 5.1. Digital pulse shapers 5.1.1. Spectroscopy application 5.1.2. Timing applications 5.2. Gamma-ray spectroscopy 5.2.1. Energy resolution of scintillation detectors 5.2.2. Energy resolution of a CZT pixel detector 5.3. Gamma-ray timing 5.3.1. Timing performance of scintillation detectors 5.3.2. Timing performance of CZT pixel detectors 5.4. Measurements with a particle beam 5.4.1. Bremsstrahlung Facility at ELBE 6. Discussion 7. Summary 8. ZusammenfassungHintergrund: Die Bestrahlung von Krebspatienten mit geladenen Teilchen, vor allem Protonen oder Kohlenstoffionen, ist mittlerweile eine etablierte Methode zur Behandlung von speziellen Tumorarten. Im Vergleich mit der Anwendung von Röntgen- oder Gammastrahlen hat die Teilchentherapie den Vorteil, dass die Dosisverteilung im Patienten präziser gesteuert werden kann. Dadurch werden um den Tumor liegendes Gewebe oder Organe geschont. Die messtechnische Verifikation des Bestrahlungsplans mit der tatsächlichen Dosisdeposition kann über eine Reichweitenkontrolle des Teilchenstrahls erfolgen. Für diesen Zweck werden prompte Gammastrahlen detektiert, die während der Bestrahlung vom getroffenen Zielvolumen emittiert werden. Fragestellung: Die Detektion von prompten Gammastrahlen ist eine Aufgabenstellung der Strahlenmesstechnik. Strahlenanwendungen in der Medizintechnik finden sich insbesondere in der in-vivo Diagnostik. Dabei ist die räumlich aufgelöste Messung von Gammastrahlen bereits zentraler Bestandteil der nuklearmedizinischen Bildgebung, jedoch sind die technischen Anforderungen der Strahlendetektion während der Teilchentherapie im Vergleich mit klassischen Anwendungen weitaus anspruchsvoller. Über den Stand der Technik hinaus müssen für diesen Zweck geeignete Instrumente zur Erfassung der prompten Gammastrahlen entwickelt und erprobt werden. Die elektrotechnische Realisierung bestimmt maßgeblich den Erfolg eines Verfahrens zur Reichweitenkontrolle von Teilchenstrahlen. Konkret bedeutet dies, dass ein geeignetes Detektormaterial mit angepasster Ausleseelektronik, Signal- und Informationsverarbeitung sowie Datenschnittstelle zur Problemlösung eingesetzt werden muss. Damit können die Parameter des Systems (z. B. Segmentierung, Zeit- oder Energieauflösung) in Abhängigkeit der Methode (z.B. Schlitzkamera, Flugzeitmessung oder Compton-Kamera) optimiert werden. Unabhängig vom Verfahren muss das Detektorsystem eine hohe Ratenfestigkeit und einen großen Messbereich (>7 MeV) besitzen. Für die anschließende Evaluierung eines geeigneten Verfahrens zur Bildgebung dürfen die genannten Parameter durch die Elektronik nicht eingeschränkt werden. Eine digitale Signalverarbeitung ist für universelle Aufgaben prädestiniert und die Leistungsfähigkeit einer solchen Implementierung soll hinsichtlich der gestellten Anforderungen bestimmt werden. Material und Methode: Die Instrumentierung eines Detektorsystems für prompte Gammastrahlen beschränkt sich in dieser Arbeit auf die Anwendung eines Cadmiumzinktellurid (CdZnTe, CZT) Halbleiterdetektors. Der Detektorkristall ist durch segmentierte Elektroden in ein 8x8 Pixelarray geteilt. Die analoge und digitale Signalverarbeitung wird beispielhaft mit diesem Detektortyp erprobt und zielt auf die Anwendung zur Reichweitenkontrolle mit einer Compton-Kamera. Die Elektronik wird mit seriengefertigten integrierten Schaltkreisen umgesetzt. Soweit möglich, werden die Funktionseinheiten des Detektorsystems digitalisiert und in einem field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementiert. Eine effiziente Umsetzung der Algorithmen in Bezug auf Zeitverhalten und Logikverbrauch ist grundlegend für den Entwurf der digitalen Schaltungen. Das Messsystem wird mit radioaktiven Prüfstrahlern hinsichtlich Messbereichsdynamik und Auflösung charakterisiert. Schließlich wird die Leistungsfähigkeit hinsichtlich der Anforderungen der Teilchentherapie mit Experimenten am Teilchenbeschleuniger untersucht. Ergebnisse: Es wurde ein Detektorsystem auf Basis von CZT Pixeldetektoren entwickelt und erprobt. Obwohl der Einsatz einer anwendungsspezifischen integrierten Schaltung zweckmäßig wäre, wurde dieser Ansatz zurückgewiesen, da kein verfügbarer Schaltkreis die Anforderungen erfüllte. Stattdessen wurde eine vielkanalige, kompakte und rauscharme analoge Verstärkerschaltung mit seriengefertigten integrierten Schaltkreisen aufgebaut. Letztendlich werden die 65 Informationskanäle eines Detektors digitalisiert, verarbeitet und visualisiert. Eine fortschrittliche digitale Signalverarbeitung überführt die traditionellen Ansätze der Nuklearelektronik in Algorithmen und digitale Filterstrukturen für einen FPGA. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die digitale Pulsverarbeitung in Bezug auf die charakteristischen Signale (u.a. variierende Anstiegszeiten, tiefenabhängige Energiemessung) eines CZT Pixeldetektors eine sehr gute Energieauflösung (~2% FWHM at 511 keV) sowie eine Zeitmessung im Bereich von einigen 10 ns ermöglicht. Weiterhin haben die experimentellen Ergebnisse gezeigt, dass der Dynamikbereich des Detektorsystems im Vergleich zum bestehenden Prototyp der Compton-Kamera deutlich verbessert werden konnte (~10 keV..7 MeV). Nach allem konnten auch Zählraten von >100 kcps in einem hochenergetischen Strahl mit dem CZT Pixeldetektor verarbeitet werden. Dies stellt aber lediglich eine Begrenzung des Detektors aufgrund seines Volumens, nicht jedoch der Elektronik, dar. Zudem wurde die Vielseitigkeit der digitalen Signalverarbeitung auch mit anderen Detektormaterialen (u.a. CeBr3) demonstriert. Mit Voraussicht auf einen hohen Datendurchsatz in einer verteilten Datenerfassung von mehreren Detektoren, wurde als Datenschnittstelle eine Gigabit Ethernet Verbindung implementiert. Schlussfolgerung: Um die Leistungsfähigkeit eines CZT Pixeldetektors vollständig auszunutzen, ist eine digitale Signalverarbeitung zwingend notwendig. Ein entscheidender Vorteil des digitalen Ansatzes ist die einfache Handhabbarkeit in einem vielkanaligen System. Mit der Digitalisierung wurde ein notwendiger Schritt getan, um die Komplexität einer Compton-Kamera beherrschbar zu machen. Weiterhin zeigt die Technologiebewertung, dass ein CZT Pixeldetektor den Anforderungen der Teilchentherapie für die Messung prompter Gammastrahlen stand hält. Der bisher eingesetzte Streifendetektor muss zugunsten einer gesteigerten Effizienz und verbesserter Energieauflösung durch den Pixeldetektor ersetzt werden. Mit der Integration des entwickelten digitalen Detektorsystems in eine Compton-Kamera muss abschließend geprüft werden, ob dieses Verfahren für die Reichweitenkontrolle in der Teilchentherapie anwendbar ist. Auch wenn sich herausstellt, dass ein anderes Verfahren unter klinischen Bedingungen praktikabler ist, so kann auch dieses Detektorsystem von der gezeigten Instrumentierung eines digitalen Signalverarbeitungssystems profitieren.:1. Introduction 1.1. Aim of this work 2. Analog front-end electronics 2.1. State-of-the-art 2.2. Basic design considerations 2.2.1. CZT detector assembly 2.2.2. Electrical characteristics of a CZT pixel detector 2.2.3. High voltage biasing and grounding 2.2.4. Signal formation in CZT detectors 2.2.5. Readout concepts 2.2.6. Operational amplifier 2.3. Circuit design of a charge-sensitive amplifier 2.3.1. Circuit analysis 2.3.2. Charge-to-voltage transfer function 2.3.3. Input coupling of the CSA 2.3.4. Noise 2.4. Implementation and Test 2.5. Results 2.5.1. Test pulse input 2.5.2. Pixel detector 2.6. Conclusion 3. Digital signal processing 3.1. Unfolding-synthesis technique 3.2. Digital deconvolution 3.2.1. Prior work 3.2.2. Discrete-time inverse amplifier transfer function 3.2.3. Application to measured signals 3.2.4. Implementation of a higher order IIR filter 3.2.5. Conclusion 3.3. Digital pulse synthesis 3.3.1. Prior work 3.3.2. FIR filter structures for FPGAs 3.3.3. Optimized fixed-point arithmetic 3.3.4. Conclusion 4. Data interface 4.1. State-of-the-art 4.2. Embedded Gigabit Ethernet protocol stack 4.3. Implementation 4.3.1. System overview 4.3.2. Media Access Control 4.3.3. Embedded protocol stack 4.3.4. Clock synchronization 4.4. Measurements and results 4.4.1. Throughput performance 4.4.2. Synchronization 4.4.3. Resource utilization 4.5. Conclusion 5. Experimental results 5.1. Digital pulse shapers 5.1.1. Spectroscopy application 5.1.2. Timing applications 5.2. Gamma-ray spectroscopy 5.2.1. Energy resolution of scintillation detectors 5.2.2. Energy resolution of a CZT pixel detector 5.3. Gamma-ray timing 5.3.1. Timing performance of scintillation detectors 5.3.2. Timing performance of CZT pixel detectors 5.4. Measurements with a particle beam 5.4.1. Bremsstrahlung Facility at ELBE 6. Discussion 7. Summary 8. Zusammenfassun

    A High-Performance Data Acquisition System for Smart Cameras in Science

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    This dissertation proposes a novel smart camera platform serving as a flexible data acquisition system for scientific applications. Current technological progress offers increasing performance in the areas we consider, namely high data-throughput, data processing, and detector performance. Prevalent data acquisition solutions typically focus on one of these aspects. However, driven by science, experiments experience increasing demands in terms of data throughput, speed and flexibility. In this dissertation, we introduce a system which, in addition to being able to provide high-speed data transfer, is also capable of interpreting the incoming information at an early stage. In order to demonstrate the full potential of the smart camera platform, we focus on X-ray imaging with synchrotron light sources. X-ray imaging applications can investigate the traits of technological and biological processes over microseconds for radiography, and milliseconds for tomography applications. These applications may require different sensors, and include complex experiment operations. The new smart camera platform is part of a larger project, UFO, which introduces a new concept for X-ray imaging. On-line data assessment is used to provide a data-driven feedback and active management of both the process and data acquisition procedure. This is accomplished using a GPU platform for fast reconstruction, embedded on-camera data processing, and integrating smart camera in a high-throughput data acquisition system. The final design of the smart camera platform consists of a custom high-performance FPGA board, providing continuous data transfer, embedded image processing, and a flexible input stage. In the IMAGE beamline of ANKA, camera is integrated in the new control system, and used in real-life applications. A maximum data-throughput of up to 8 GB/s is achieved. A custom image-based algorithm is implemented in the FPGA, with stringent real-time requirements, able to increase native sensor speed up to five times while reducing the amount of transfered data. Several image sensors are used, with resolutions of up to 20 megapixels and frame rates of up to 5 kfps. The smart camera platform was also used in non-imaging applications, stemming from the flexible input stage. The proposed camera architecture enables the user to modify the current system for any kind of high data-throughput applications, and to modify and implement custom processing algorithms

    Open electronics for medical devices: State-of-art and unique advantages

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    A wide range of medical devices have significant electronic components. Compared to open-source medical software, open (and open-source) electronic hardware has been less published in peer-reviewed literature. In this review, we explore the developments, significance, and advantages of using open platform electronic hardware for medical devices. Open hardware electronics platforms offer not just shorter development times, reduced costs, and customization; they also offer a key potential advantage which current commercial medical devices lack—seamless data sharing for machine learning and artificial intelligence. We explore how various electronic platforms such as microcontrollers, single board computers, field programmable gate arrays, development boards, and integrated circuits have been used by researchers to design medical devices. Researchers interested in designing low cost, customizable, and innovative medical devices can find references to various easily available electronic components as well as design methodologies to integrate those components for a successful design

    Belle II Technical Design Report

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    The Belle detector at the KEKB electron-positron collider has collected almost 1 billion Y(4S) events in its decade of operation. Super-KEKB, an upgrade of KEKB is under construction, to increase the luminosity by two orders of magnitude during a three-year shutdown, with an ultimate goal of 8E35 /cm^2 /s luminosity. To exploit the increased luminosity, an upgrade of the Belle detector has been proposed. A new international collaboration Belle-II, is being formed. The Technical Design Report presents physics motivation, basic methods of the accelerator upgrade, as well as key improvements of the detector.Comment: Edited by: Z. Dole\v{z}al and S. Un

    Optical simulation study for high resolution monolithic detector design for TB-PET

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    Background The main limitations in positron emission tomography (PET) are the limited sensitivity and relatively poor spatial resolution. The administered radioactive dose and scan time could be reduced by increasing system sensitivity with a total-body (TB) PET design. The second limitation, spatial resolution, mainly originates from the specific design of the detectors that are implemented. In state-of-the-art scanners, the detectors consist of pixelated crystal arrays, where each individual crystal is isolated from its neighbors with reflector material. To obtain higher spatial resolution the crystals can be made narrower which inevitably leads to more inter-crystal scatter and larger dead space between the crystals. A monolithic detector design shows superior characteristics in (i) light collection efficiency (no gaps), (ii) timing, as it significantly reduces the number of reflections and therefore the path length of each scintillation photon and (iii) spatial resolution (including better depth-of-interaction (DOI)). The aim of this work is to develop a precise simulation model based on measured crystal data and use this powerful tool to find the limits in spatial resolution for a monolithic detector for the use in TB-PET. Materials and methods A detector (Fig. 1) based on a monolithic 50x50x16 mm3 lutetium-(yttrium) oxyorthosilicate (L(Y)SO) scintillation crystal coupled to an 8x8 array of 6x6mm2 silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) is simulated with GATE. A recently implemented reflection model for scintillation light allows simulations based on measured surface data (1). The modeled surfaces include black painted rough finishing on the crystal sides (16x50mm2) and a specular reflector attached to a polished crystal top (50x50mm2). Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE) is used for positioning the events. Therefore, calibration data is obtained by generating 3.000 photo-electric events at given calibration positions (Fig. 1). Compton scatter is not (yet) included. In a next step, the calibration data is organized in three layers based on the exact depth coordinate in the crystal (i.e. DOI assumed to be known). For evaluating the resolution, the full width at half maximum (FWHM) is estimated at the irradiated positions of Fig. 2 as a mean of all profiles in vertical and horizontal direction. Next, uniformity is evaluated by simulating 200k events from a flood source, placed in the calibrated area. Results For the irradiation pattern in Fig. 2 the resolution in terms of FWHM when applying MLE is: 0.86±0.13mm (Fig. 3a). Nevertheless, there are major artifacts also at non-irradiated positions. By positioning the events based on three DOI-based layers it can be seen that the events closest to the photodetector introduce the largest artifacts (Fig. 3b-d). The FWHM improves for Layer 1 and 2, to 0.69±0.04mm and 0.59±0.02mm, respectively. Layer 3 introduces major artifacts to the flood map, as events are positioned at completely different locations as the initial irradiation. A FWHM estimation is thus not useful. The uniformity (Fig. 4) degrades with proximity to the photodetector. The map in Fig. 4c shows that the positioning accuracy depends not only on DOI but also the position in the plane parallel to the photodetector array. Conclusions A simulation model for a monolithic PET detector with good characteristics for TB-PET systems was developed with GATE. A first estimate of the spatial resolution and uniformity was given, pointing out the importance of depth-dependent effects. Future studies will include several steps towards more realistic simulations e.g. surface measurements of our specific crystals for the optical surface model and inclusion of the Compton effect

    The DAMPE silicon–tungsten tracker

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    The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a spaceborne astroparticle physics experiment, launched on 17 December 2015. DAMPE will identify possible dark matter signatures by detecting electrons and photons in the 5 GeV–10 TeV energy range. It will also measure the flux of nuclei up to 100 TeV, for the study of the high energy cosmic ray origin and propagation mechanisms. DAMPE is composed of four sub-detectors: a plastic strip scintillator, a silicon–tungsten tracker–converter (STK), a BGO imaging calorimeter and a neutron detector. The STK is composed of six tracking planes of 2 orthogonal layers of single-sided micro-strip detectors, for a total detector surface of ca. 7 m2. The STK has been extensively tested for space qualification. Also, numerous beam tests at CERN have been done to study particle detection at silicon module level, and at full detector level. After description of the DAMPE payload and its scientific mission, we will describe the STK characteristics and assembly. We will then focus on some results of single ladder performance tests done with particle beams at CERN
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