1,984 research outputs found

    GLB: Lifeline-based Global Load Balancing library in X10

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    We present GLB, a programming model and an associated implementation that can handle a wide range of irregular paral- lel programming problems running over large-scale distributed systems. GLB is applicable both to problems that are easily load-balanced via static scheduling and to problems that are hard to statically load balance. GLB hides the intricate syn- chronizations (e.g., inter-node communication, initialization and startup, load balancing, termination and result collection) from the users. GLB internally uses a version of the lifeline graph based work-stealing algorithm proposed by Saraswat et al. Users of GLB are simply required to write several pieces of sequential code that comply with the GLB interface. GLB then schedules and orchestrates the parallel execution of the code correctly and efficiently at scale. We have applied GLB to two representative benchmarks: Betweenness Centrality (BC) and Unbalanced Tree Search (UTS). Among them, BC can be statically load-balanced whereas UTS cannot. In either case, GLB scales well-- achieving nearly linear speedup on different computer architectures (Power, Blue Gene/Q, and K) -- up to 16K cores

    A Highly Optimized Skeleton for Unbalanced and Deep Divide-And-Conquer Algorithms on Multi-Core Clusters

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG [Abstract] Efficiently implementing the divide-and-conquer pattern of parallelism in distributed memory systems is very relevant, given its ubiquity, and difficult, given its recursive nature and the need to exchange tasks and data among the processors. This task is noticeably further complicated in the presence of multi-core systems, where hybrid parallelism must be exploited to attain the best performance, and when unbalanced and deep workloads are considered, as additional measures must be taken to load balance and avoid deep recursion problems. In this manuscript a parallel skeleton that fulfills all these requirements while providing high levels of usability is presented. In fact, the evaluation shows that our proposal is on average 415.32% faster than MPI codes and 229.18% faster than MPI + OpenMP benchmarks, while offering an average improvement in the programmability metrics of 131.04% over MPI alternatives and 155.18% over MPI + OpenMP solutions.This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (PID2019-104184RB-I00 and PID2019-104834GB-I00, AEI/FEDER/EU, 10.13039/501100011033) and the predoctoral Grant of Millán Álvarez Ref. BES-2017-081320), and by the Xunta de Galicia co-founded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Consolidation Programme of Competitive Reference Groups (ED431C 2018/19 and ED431C 2021/30). We acknowledge also the support from the Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia “CITIC” and the Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxías Intelixentes “CiTIUS”, funded by Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund- Galicia 2014-2020 Program), by Grants ED431G 2019/01 and ED431G 2019/04. We also acknowledge the Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA). Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/19Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/30Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    A Massively Parallel Algorithm for the Approximate Calculation of Inverse p-th Roots of Large Sparse Matrices

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    We present the submatrix method, a highly parallelizable method for the approximate calculation of inverse p-th roots of large sparse symmetric matrices which are required in different scientific applications. We follow the idea of Approximate Computing, allowing imprecision in the final result in order to be able to utilize the sparsity of the input matrix and to allow massively parallel execution. For an n x n matrix, the proposed algorithm allows to distribute the calculations over n nodes with only little communication overhead. The approximate result matrix exhibits the same sparsity pattern as the input matrix, allowing for efficient reuse of allocated data structures. We evaluate the algorithm with respect to the error that it introduces into calculated results, as well as its performance and scalability. We demonstrate that the error is relatively limited for well-conditioned matrices and that results are still valuable for error-resilient applications like preconditioning even for ill-conditioned matrices. We discuss the execution time and scaling of the algorithm on a theoretical level and present a distributed implementation of the algorithm using MPI and OpenMP. We demonstrate the scalability of this implementation by running it on a high-performance compute cluster comprised of 1024 CPU cores, showing a speedup of 665x compared to single-threaded execution

    Overlay-Centric Load Balancing: Applications to UTS and B&B

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    International audienceTo deal with dynamic load balancing in large scale distributed systems, we propose to organize computing resources following a logical peer-to-peer overlay and to distribute the load according to the so-defined overlay. We use a tree as a logical structure connecting distributed nodes and we balance the load according to the size of induced subtrees. We conduct extensive experiments involving up to 1000 computing cores and provide a throughout analysis of different properties of our generic approach for two different applications, namely, the standard Unbalanced Tree Search and the more challenging parallel Branch-and-Bound algorithm. Substantial improvements are reported in comparison with the classical random work stealing and two finely tuned application specific strategies taken from the literature

    Coordinating Resource Use in Open Distributed Systems

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    In an open distributed system, computational resources are peer-owned, and distributed over time and space. The system is open to interactions with its environment, and the resources can dynamically join or leave the system, or can be discovered at runtime. This dynamicity leads to opportunities to carry out computations without statically owned resources, harnessing the collective compute power of the resources connected by the Internet. However, realizing this potential requires efficient and scalable resource discovery, coordination, and control, which present challenges in a dynamic, open environment. In this thesis, I present an approach to address these challenges by separating the functionality concerns of concurrent computations from those of coordinating their resource use, with the purpose of reducing programming complexity, and aiding development of correct, efficient, and resource-aware concurrent programs. As a first step towards effectively coordinating distributed resources, I developed DREAM, a Distributed Resource Estimation and Allocation Model, which enables computations to reason about future availability of resources. I then developed a fine-grained resource coordination scheme for distributed computations. The coordination scheme integrates DREAM-based resource reasoning into a distributed scheduler, for deciding and enforcing fine-grained resource-use schedules for distributed computations. To control the overhead caused by the coordination, a tuner is implemented which explicitly balances the overhead of the control mechanisms against the extent of control exercised. The effectiveness and performance of the resource coordination approach have been evaluated using a number of case studies. Experimental results show that the approach can effectively schedule computations for supporting various types of coordination objectives, such as ensuring Quality-of-Service, power-efficient execution, and dynamic load balancing. The overhead caused by the coordination mechanism is relatively modest, and adjustable through the tuner. In addition, the coordination mechanism does not add extra programming complexity to computations

    Scalable Parallel Numerical CSP Solver

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    We present a parallel solver for numerical constraint satisfaction problems (NCSPs) that can scale on a number of cores. Our proposed method runs worker solvers on the available cores and simultaneously the workers cooperate for the search space distribution and balancing. In the experiments, we attained up to 119-fold speedup using 256 cores of a parallel computer.Comment: The final publication is available at Springe

    Analysis of Various Decentralized Load Balancing Techniques with Node Duplication

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    Experience in parallel computing is an increasingly necessary skill for today’s upcoming computer scientists as processors are hitting a serial execution performance barrier and turning to parallel execution for continued gains. The uniprocessor system has now reached its maximum speed limit and, there is very less scope to improve the speed of such type of system. To solve this problem multiprocessor system is used, which have more than one processor. Multiprocessor system improves the speed of the system but it again faces some problems like data dependency, control dependency, resource dependency and improper load balancing. So this paper presents a detailed analysis of various decentralized load balancing techniques with node duplication to reduce the proper execution time

    Unbalanced tree search on a manycore system using the GPI programming model

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    The recent developments in computer architectures progress towards systems with large core count (Manycore) which expose more parallelism to applications. Some applications named irregular and unbalanced applications demand a dynamic and asynchronous load balance implementation to utilize the full performance a Manycore system. For example, the recently established Graph500 benchmark aims at such applications. The UTS benchmark characterizes the performance of such irregular and unbalanced computations with a tree-structured search space that requires continuous dynamic load balancing. GPI is a PGAS API that delivers the full performance of RDMA-enabled networks directly to the application. Its programming model focuses the use of one-sided asynchronous communication, overlapping computation and communication. In this paper we address the dynamic load balancing requirements of unbalanced applications using the GPI programming model. Using the UTS benchmark, we detail the implementation of a work stealing algorithm using GPI and present the performance results. Our performance evaluation shows significant improvements when compared with the optimized MPI version with a maximum performance of 9.5 billion nodes per second on 3072 cores

    Parallel Cellular Automata-based Simulation of Laser Dynamics using Dynamic Load Balancing

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    We present an analysis of the feasibility of executing a parallel bioinspired model of laser dynamics, based on cellular automata (CA), on the usual target platform of this kind of applications: a heterogeneous non-dedicated cluster. As this model employs a synchronous CA, using the single program, multiple data (SPMD) paradigm, it is not clear in advance if an appropriate efficiency can be obtained on this kind of platform. We have evaluated its performance including artificial load to simulate other tasks or jobs submitted by other users. A dynamic load balancing strategy with two main differences from most previous implementations of CA based models has been used. First, it is possible to migrate load to cluster nodes initially not belonging to the pool. Second, a modular approach is taken in which the model is executed on top of a dynamic load balancing tool – the Dynamite system – gaining flexibility. Very satisfactory results have been obtained, with performance increases from 60% to 80%.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2007-68083-C02Junta de Extremadura PRI06A22