82 research outputs found

    The Java Management Extensions (JMX): Is Your Cluster Ready for Evolution?

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    The arrival of commodity hardware configurations with performance rivaling that offered by RISC workstations is resulting in important advances in the state of the art of building and running very large scalable clusters at "mass market" pricing levels. However, cluster middleware layers are still considered as static infrastructures which are not ready for evolution. In this paper, we claim that middleware layers based on both agent and Java technologies offer new opportunities to support clusters where services can be dynamically added, removed and reconfigured. To support this claim, we present the Java Management Extensions (JMX), a new Java agent based technology, and its application to implement two disjoint cluster management middleware services (a remote reboot service and a distributed infrastructure for collecting Log events) which share a unique agent-based infrastructure

    Adaptable Service Oriented Infrastructure Provisioning with Lightweight Containers Virtualization Technology

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    Modern computing infrastructures should enable realization of converged provisioning and governance operations on virtualized computing, storage and network resources used on behalf of users' workloads. These workloads must have ensured sufficient access to the resources to satisfy required QoS. This requires flexible platforms providing functionality for construction, activation and governance of Runtime Infrastructure which can be realized according to Service Oriented Infrastructure (SOI) paradigm. Implementation of the SOI management framework requires definition of flexible architecture and utilization of advanced software engineering and policy-based techniques. The paper presents an Adaptable SOI Provisioning Platform which supports adaptable SOI provisioning with lightweight virtualization, compliant with the structured process model suitable for construction, activation and governance of IT environments. The requirements, architecture and implementation of the platform are all discussed. Practical usage of the platform is presented on the basis of a complex case study for provisioning JEE middleware on top of the Solaris 10 lightweight virtualization platform

    Dynamic Model-based Management of Service-Oriented Infrastructure.

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    Models are an effective tool for systems and software design. They allow software architects to abstract from the non-relevant details. Those qualities are also useful for the technical management of networks, systems and software, such as those that compose service oriented architectures. Models can provide a set of well-defined abstractions over the distributed heterogeneous service infrastructure that enable its automated management. We propose to use the managed system as a source of dynamically generated runtime models, and decompose management processes into a composition of model transformations. We have created an autonomic service deployment and configuration architecture that obtains, analyzes, and transforms system models to apply the required actions, while being oblivious to the low-level details. An instrumentation layer automatically builds these models and interprets the planned management actions to the system. We illustrate these concepts with a distributed service update operation

    Extending an open source Enterprise Service Bus for horizontal scalability support

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    The Platform as a Service (PaaS) scheme within the Cloud Computing paradigm aims to provide a platform for service providers to deploy and host internet-scale applications. It provides the underlying resources and eases their management, provides integration support, data access and authentication as building blocks and orchestration for Service-Oriented Architectures as services are often composites of other services. Two main parts of cloud computing are dynamically scaling resources which adapt to changes in demand and multi-tenancy support to isolate different customers and achieve economy of scale. This thesis takes a multi-tenancy extension to an open source Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and adds support for horizontal scalability. First two scalability scenarios a examined for pros and cons and possible solutions and their challenges. Then we specify requirements and design and implement a solution with allows the ESB to scale out and add and remove instance based on performance data gathered and distribute incoming request among them

    Proactive software rejuvenation solution for web enviroments on virtualized platforms

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    The availability of the Information Technologies for everything, from everywhere, at all times is a growing requirement. We use information Technologies from common and social tasks to critical tasks like managing nuclear power plants or even the International Space Station (ISS). However, the availability of IT infrastructures is still a huge challenge nowadays. In a quick look around news, we can find reports of corporate outage, affecting millions of users and impacting on the revenue and image of the companies. It is well known that, currently, computer system outages are more often due to software faults, than hardware faults. Several studies have reported that one of the causes of unplanned software outages is the software aging phenomenon. This term refers to the accumulation of errors, usually causing resource contention, during long running application executions, like web applications, which normally cause applications/systems to hang or crash. Gradual performance degradation could also accompany software aging phenomena. The software aging phenomena are often related to memory bloating/ leaks, unterminated threads, data corruption, unreleased file-locks or overruns. We can find several examples of software aging in the industry. The work presented in this thesis aims to offer a proactive and predictive software rejuvenation solution for Internet Services against software aging caused by resource exhaustion. To this end, we first present a threshold based proactive rejuvenation to avoid the consequences of software aging. This first approach has some limitations, but the most important of them it is the need to know a priori the resource or resources involved in the crash and the critical condition values. Moreover, we need some expertise to fix the threshold value to trigger the rejuvenation action. Due to these limitations, we have evaluated the use of Machine Learning to overcome the weaknesses of our first approach to obtain a proactive and predictive solution. Finally, the current and increasing tendency to use virtualization technologies to improve the resource utilization has made traditional data centers turn into virtualized data centers or platforms. We have used a Mathematical Programming approach to virtual machine allocation and migration to optimize the resources, accepting as many services as possible on the platform while at the same time, guaranteeing the availability (via our software rejuvenation proposal) of the services deployed against the software aging phenomena. The thesis is supported by an exhaustive experimental evaluation that proves the effectiveness and feasibility of our proposals for current systems

    A P2P middleware design for digital access nodes in marginalised rural areas

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    This thesis addresses software design within the field of Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICTD). Specifically, it makes a case for the design and development of software which is custom-made for the context of marginalised rural areas (MRAs). One of the main aims of any ICTD project is sustainability and such sustainability is particularly difficult in MRAs because of the high costs of projects located there. Most literature on ICTD projects focuses on other factors, such as management, regulations, social and community issues when discussing this issue. Technical matters are often down-played or ignored entirely. This thesis argues that MRAs exhibit unique technical characteristics and that by understanding these characteristics, one can possibly design more cost-effective software. One specific characteristic is described and addressed in this thesis – a characteristic we describe here for the first time and call a network island. Further analysis of the literature generates a picture of a distributed network of access nodes (DANs) within such network islands, which are connected by high speed networks and are able to share resources and stimulate usage of technology by offering a wide range of services. This thesis attempts to design a fitting middleware platform for such a context, which would achieve the following aims: i) allow software developers to create solutions for the context more efficiently (correctly, rapidly); ii) stimulate product managers and business owners to create innovative software products more easily (cost-effectively). A given in the context of this thesis is that the software should use free/libre open source software (FLOSS) – good arguments do also exist for the use of FLOSS. A review of useful FLOSS frameworks is undertaken and several of these are examined in an applied part of the thesis, to see how useful they may be. They form the basis for a walking skeleton implementation of the proposed middleware. The Spring framework is the basis for experiments, along with Spring-Webservices, JMX and PHP 5’s web service capabilities. This thesis builds on three years of work at the Siyakhula Living Lab (SLL), an experimental testbed in a MRA in the Mbashe district of the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Several existing products are deployed at the SLL in the fields of eCommerce, eGovernment and eLearning. Requirements specifications are engineered from a variety of sources, including interviews, mailing lists, the author’s experience as a supervisor at the SLL, and a review of the existing SLL products. Future products are also investigated, as the thesis considers current trends in ICTD. Use cases are also derived and listed. Most of the use cases are concerned with management functions of DANs that can be automated, so that operators of DANs can focus on their core business and not on technology. Using the UML Components methodology, the thesis then proceeds to design a middleware component architecture that is derived from the requirements specification. The process proceeds step-by-step, so that the reader can follow how business rules, operations and interfaces are derived from the use cases. Ultimately, the business rules, interfaces and operations are related to business logic, system interfaces and operations that are situated in specific components. The components in turn are derived from the business information model, that is derived from the business concepts that were initially used to describe the context for the requirements engineering. In this way, a logical method for software design is applied to the problem domain to methodically derive a software design for a middleware solution. The thesis tests the design by considering possible weaknesses in the design. The network aspect is tested by interpolating from formal assumptions about the nature of the context. The data access layer is also identified as a possible bottleneck. We suggest the use of fast indexing methods instead of relational databases to maintain flexibility and efficiency of the data layer. Lessons learned from the exercise are discussed, within the context of the author’s experience in software development teams, as well as in ICTD projects. This synthesis of information leads to warnings about the psychology of middleware development. We note that the ICTD domain is a particularly difficult one with regards to software development as business requirements are not usually clearly formulated and developers do not have the requisite domain knowledge. In conclusion, the core arguments of the thesis are recounted in a bullet form, to lay bare the reasoning behind this work. Novel aspects of the work are also highlighted. They include the description of a network island, and aspects of the DAN middleware requirements engineering and design. Future steps for work based on this thesis are mapped out and open problems relating to this research are touched upon

    Component replication in application servers

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    Three-tier middleware architecture is commonly used for hosting large-scale distributed applications. Typically the application is decomposed into three layers: front-end, middle tier and back-end. Front-end ("Web server") is responsible for handling user interactions and acts as a client of the middle tier, while back-end provides storage facilities for applications. Middle tier (' Application server') is usually the place where all computations are performed, so this layer provides middleware services for transactions, security and so forth. The benefit of this architecture is that it allows flexible configuration such as partitioning and clustering for improved performance and scalability. On this architecture, availability measures, such as replication, can be introduced in each tier in an application specific manner. Among the three tier described above, the availability of the middle tier and the back-end tier are the most important, as these tiers provide the computation and the data for the applications. This thesis investigates how replication for availability can be incorporated within the middle and back-end tiers. The replication mechanisms must guarantee exactly once execution of user request despite failures of application and database servers. The thesis develops an approach that requires enhancements to the middle tier only for supporting replication of both the tiers. The design, implementation and performance evaluation of such a middle tier based replication scheme for multi-database transactions on a widely deployed open source application server (1Boss) are presented.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceQUE Project, Department of Informatics, ITB, Bandung, IndonesiaGBUnited Kingdo

    Automatic performance optimisation of component-based enterprise systems via redundancy

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    Component technologies, such as J2EE and .NET have been extensively adopted for building complex enterprise applications. These technologies help address complex functionality and flexibility problems and reduce development and maintenance costs. Nonetheless, current component technologies provide little support for predicting and controlling the emerging performance of software systems that are assembled from distinct components. Static component testing and tuning procedures provide insufficient performance guarantees for components deployed and run in diverse assemblies, under unpredictable workloads and on different platforms. Often, there is no single component implementation or deployment configuration that can yield optimal performance in all possible conditions under which a component may run. Manually optimising and adapting complex applications to changes in their running environment is a costly and error-prone management task. The thesis presents a solution for automatically optimising the performance of component-based enterprise systems. The proposed approach is based on the alternate usage of multiple component variants with equivalent functional characteristics, each one optimized for a different execution environment. A management framework automatically administers the available redundant variants and adapts the system to external changes. The framework uses runtime monitoring data to detect performance anomalies and significant variations in the application's execution environment. It automatically adapts the application so as to use the optimal component configuration under the current running conditions. An automatic clustering mechanism analyses monitoring data and infers information on the components' performance characteristics. System administrators use decision policies to state high-level performance goals and configure system management processes. A framework prototype has been implemented and tested for automatically managing a J2EE application. Obtained results prove the framework's capability to successfully manage a software system without human intervention. The management overhead induced during normal system execution and through management operations indicate the framework's feasibility

    Adaptive Monitoring of Complex Software Systems using Management Metrics

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    Software systems supporting networked, transaction-oriented services are large and complex; they comprise a multitude of inter-dependent layers and components, and they implement many dynamic optimization mechanisms. In addition, these systems are subject to workload that is hard to predict. These factors make monitoring these systems as well as performing problem determination challenging and costly. In this thesis we tackle these challenges with the goal of lowering the cost and improving the effectiveness of monitoring and problem determination by reducing the dependence on human operators. Specifically, this thesis presents and demonstrates the effectiveness of an efficient, automated monitoring approach which enables detection of errors and failures, and which assists in localizing faults. Software systems expose various types of monitoring data; this thesis focuses on the use of management metrics to monitor a system's health. We devise a system modeling approach which entails modeling stable, statistical correlations among management metrics; these correlations characterize a system's normal behaviour This approach allows a system model to be built automatically and efficiently using the monitoring data alone. In order to control the monitoring overhead, and yet allow a system's health to be assessed reliably, we design an adaptive monitoring approach. This adaptive capability builds on the flexible nature of our system modeling approach, which allows the set of monitored metrics to be altered at runtime. We develop methods to automatically select management metrics to collect at the minimal monitoring level, without any domain knowledge. In addition, we devise an automated fault localization approach, which leverages the ability of the monitoring system to analyze individual metrics. Using a realistic, multi-tier software system, including different applications based on Java Enterprise Edition and industrial-strength products, we evaluate our system modeling approach. We show that stable metric correlations exist in complex software systems and that many of these correlations can be modeled using simple, efficient techniques. We investigate the effect of the collection of management metrics on system performance. We show that the monitoring overhead can be high and thus needs to be controlled. We employ fault injection experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our adaptive monitoring and fault localization approach. We demonstrate that our approach is cost-effective, has high fault coverage and, in the majority of the cases studied, provides pertinent diagnosis information. The main contribution of this work is to show how to monitor complex software systems and determine problems in them automatically and efficiently. Our solution approach has wide applicability and the techniques we use are simple and yet effective. Our work suggests that the cost of monitoring software systems is not necessarily a function of their complexity, providing hope that the health of increasingly large and complex systems can be tracked with a limited amount of human resources and without sacrificing much system performance