2,390 research outputs found

    Regional Address Registries, Governance and Internet Freedom

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    Regional Internet Address Registries (RIRs) are private, nonprofit and transnational governance entities that evolved organically with the growth of the Internet to manage and coordinate Internet Protocol addresses. The RIR's management of Internet address resources is becoming more contentious and more central to global debates over Internet governance. This is happening because of two transformational problems: 1) the depletion of the IPv4 address space; and 2) the attempt to introduce more security into the Internet routing system. We call these problems "transformational" because they raise the stakes of the RIR's policy decisions, make RIR processes more formal and institutionalized, and have the potential to create new, more centralized control mechanisms over Internet service providers and users. A danger in this transition is that the higher stakes and centralized control mechanisms become magnets for political contention, just as ICANN's control of the DNS root did. In order to avoid a repeat of the problems of ICANN, we need to think carefully about the relationship between RIRs, governments, and Internet freedom. In particular, we need to shield RIRs from interference by national governments, and strengthen and institutionalize their status as neutral technical coordinators with limited influence over other areas of Internet governance

    A Multi-perspective Analysis of Carrier-Grade NAT Deployment

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    As ISPs face IPv4 address scarcity they increasingly turn to network address translation (NAT) to accommodate the address needs of their customers. Recently, ISPs have moved beyond employing NATs only directly at individual customers and instead begun deploying Carrier-Grade NATs (CGNs) to apply address translation to many independent and disparate endpoints spanning physical locations, a phenomenon that so far has received little in the way of empirical assessment. In this work we present a broad and systematic study of the deployment and behavior of these middleboxes. We develop a methodology to detect the existence of hosts behind CGNs by extracting non-routable IP addresses from peer lists we obtain by crawling the BitTorrent DHT. We complement this approach with improvements to our Netalyzr troubleshooting service, enabling us to determine a range of indicators of CGN presence as well as detailed insights into key properties of CGNs. Combining the two data sources we illustrate the scope of CGN deployment on today's Internet, and report on characteristics of commonly deployed CGNs and their effect on end users

    Beyond Counting: New Perspectives on the Active IPv4 Address Space

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    In this study, we report on techniques and analyses that enable us to capture Internet-wide activity at individual IP address-level granularity by relying on server logs of a large commercial content delivery network (CDN) that serves close to 3 trillion HTTP requests on a daily basis. Across the whole of 2015, these logs recorded client activity involving 1.2 billion unique IPv4 addresses, the highest ever measured, in agreement with recent estimates. Monthly client IPv4 address counts showed constant growth for years prior, but since 2014, the IPv4 count has stagnated while IPv6 counts have grown. Thus, it seems we have entered an era marked by increased complexity, one in which the sole enumeration of active IPv4 addresses is of little use to characterize recent growth of the Internet as a whole. With this observation in mind, we consider new points of view in the study of global IPv4 address activity. Our analysis shows significant churn in active IPv4 addresses: the set of active IPv4 addresses varies by as much as 25% over the course of a year. Second, by looking across the active addresses in a prefix, we are able to identify and attribute activity patterns to network restructurings, user behaviors, and, in particular, various address assignment practices. Third, by combining spatio-temporal measures of address utilization with measures of traffic volume, and sampling-based estimates of relative host counts, we present novel perspectives on worldwide IPv4 address activity, including empirical observation of under-utilization in some areas, and complete utilization, or exhaustion, in others.Comment: in Proceedings of ACM IMC 201

    Scarcity in IP addresses: IPv4 Address Transfer Markets and the Regional Internet Address Registries

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    We are running out of Internet addresses. This paper evaluates address transfer policies that Internet governance agencies are considering as a response to the depletion of the IPv4 address space. The paper focuses on proposals to allow organizations holding IPv4 addresses to sell address blocks to other organizations willing to buy them. This paper analyzes the economics of the proposed transfer policies, and conducts a systematic comparison of the policies proposed in the three main world Internet regions

    Case Study - IPv6 based building automation solution integration into an IPv4 Network Service Provider infrastructure

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    The case study presents a case study describing an Internet Protocol (IP) version 6 (v6) introduction to an IPv4 Internet Service Provider (ISP) network infrastructure. The case study driver is an ISP willing to introduce a new “killer” service related to Internet of Things (IoT) style building automation. The provider and cooperation of third party companies specialized in building automation will provide the service. The ISP has to deliver the network access layer and to accommodate the building automation solution traffic throughout its network infrastructure. The third party companies are system integrators and building automation solution vendors. IPv6 is suitable for such solutions due to the following reasons. The operator can’t accommodate large number of IPv4 embedded devices in its current network due to the lack of address space and the fact that many of those will need clear 2 way IP communication channel. The Authors propose a strategy for IPv6 introduction into operator infrastructure based on the current network architecture present service portfolio and several transition mechanisms. The strategy has been applied in laboratory with setup close enough to the current operator’s network. The criterion for a successful experiment is full two-way IPv6 application layer connectivity between the IPv6 server and the IPv6 Internet of Things (IoT) cloud

    IPv4 address sharing mechanism classification and tradeoff analysis

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    The growth of the Internet has made IPv4 addresses a scarce resource. Due to slow IPv6 deployment, IANA-level IPv4 address exhaustion was reached before the world could transition to an IPv6-only Internet. The continuing need for IPv4 reachability will only be supported by IPv4 address sharing. This paper reviews ISP-level address sharing mechanisms, which allow Internet service providers to connect multiple customers who share a single IPv4 address. Some mechanisms come with severe and unpredicted consequences, and all of them come with tradeoffs. We propose a novel classification, which we apply to existing mechanisms such as NAT444 and DS-Lite and proposals such as 4rd, MAP, etc. Our tradeoff analysis reveals insights into many problems including: abuse attribution, performance degradation, address and port usage efficiency, direct intercustomer communication, and availability

    Analyzing challenging aspects of IPv6 over IPv4

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    The exponential expansion of the Internet has exhausted the IPv4 addresses provided by IANA. The new IP edition, i.e. IPv6 introduced by IETF with new features such as a simplified packet header, a greater address space, a different address sort, improved encryption, powerful section routing, and stronger QoS. ISPs are slowly seeking to migrate from current IPv4 physical networks to new generation IPv6 networks. ‎The move from actual IPv4 to software-based IPv6 is very sluggish, since billions of computers across the globe use IPv4 addresses. The configuration and actions of IP4 and IPv6 protocols are distinct. Direct correspondence between IPv4 and IPv6 is also not feasible. In terms of the incompatibility problems, all protocols can co-exist throughout the transformation for a few years. Compatibility, interoperability, and stability are key concerns between IP4 and IPv6 protocols. After the conversion of the network through an IPv6, the move causes several issues for ISPs. The key challenges faced by ISPs are packet traversing, routing scalability, performance reliability, and protection. Within this study, we meticulously analyzed a detailed overview of all aforementioned issues during switching into ipv6 network

    Mobile IP: state of the art report

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    Due to roaming, a mobile device may change its network attachment each time it moves to a new link. This might cause a disruption for the Internet data packets that have to reach the mobile node. Mobile IP is a protocol, developed by the Mobile IP Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working group, that is able to inform the network about this change in network attachment such that the Internet data packets will be delivered in a seamless way to the new point of attachment. This document presents current developments and research activities in the Mobile IP area

    IP and ATM - a position paper

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    This paper gives a technical overview of different networking technologies, such as the Internet, ATM. It describes different approaches of how to run IP on top of an ATM network, and assesses their potential to be used as an integrated services network
