9 research outputs found

    Decrypting The Java Gene Pool: Predicting Objects' Lifetimes with Micro-patterns

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    Pretenuring long-lived and immortal objects into infrequently or never collected regions reduces garbage collection costs significantly. However, extant approaches either require computationally expensive, application-specific, off-line profiling, or consider only allocation sites common to all programs, i.e. invoked by the virtual machine rather than application programs. In contrast, we show how a simple program analysis, combined with an object lifetime knowledge bank, can be exploited to match both runtime system and application program structure with object lifetimes. The complexity of the analysis is linear in the size of the program, so need not be run ahead of time. We obtain performance gains between 6-77% in GC time against a generational copying collector for several SPEC jvm98 programs

    Pretenuring for Java

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    Pretenuring is a technique for reducing copying costs in garbage collectors. When pretenuring, the allocator places long-lived objects into regions that the garbage collector will rarely, if ever, collect. We extend previous work on profiling-driven pretenuring as follows. (1) We develop a collector-neutral approach to obtaining object lifetime profile information. We show that our collection of Java programs exhibits a very high degree of homogeneity of object lifetimes at each allocation site. This result is robust with respect to different inputs, and is similar to previous work on ML, but is in contrast to C programs, which require dynamic call chain context information to extract homogeneous lifetimes. Call-site homogeneity considerably simplifies the implementation of pretenuring and makes it more efficient. (2) Our pretenuring advice is neutral with respect to the collector algorithm, and we use it to improve two quite different garbage collectors: a traditional generational collector and an older-first collector. The system is also novel because it classifies and allocates objects into 3 categories: we allocate immortal objects into a permanent region that the collector will never consider, long-lived objects into a region in which the collector placed survivors of the most recent collection, and shortlived objects into the nursery, i.e., the default region. (3) We evaluate pretenuring on Java programs. Our simulation results show that pretenuring significantly reduces collector copying for generational and older-first collectors. 1

    Performance of a hierarchical distributed garbage collection algorithm in ActorFoundry

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    Automatic garbage collection is an essential feature so that programs can reclaim resources without the need for manual input. This feature is present in many modern languages and is a common subject of research. However, in parallel and distributed environments, programmer-controlled resource reclamation is highly error-prone. As the scale of programs increase, automatic garbage collection is of paramount importance for efficient and error-free execution. Garbage collection in the context of actor systems is especially difficult because actors are active objects and may not be garbage even if there are no references to it. An additional difficulty is to perform garbage collection on active objects without halting the current computation. This thesis implements one of the proposed algorithms which can solve the problem of garbage collection in distributed actor systems. This study also explores how parameters in this algorithm along with how the topology of an actor system affect the garbage collection. This was implemented on an existing actor framework in order to highlight key factors in the algorithm's performance. The design details and insights gained from the results of these tests are then discussed

    Subheap-Augmented Garbage Collection

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    Automated memory management avoids the tedium and danger of manual techniques. However, as no programmer input is required, no widely available interface exists to permit principled control over sometimes unacceptable performance costs. This dissertation explores the idea that performance-oriented languages should give programmers greater control over where and when the garbage collector (GC) expends effort. We describe an interface and implementation to expose heap partitioning and collection decisions without compromising type safety. We show that our interface allows the programmer to encode a form of reference counting using Hayes\u27 notion of key objects. Preliminary experimental data suggests that our proposed mechanism can avoid high overheads suffered by tracing collectors in some scenarios, especially with tight heaps. However, for other applications, the costs of applying subheaps---in human effort and runtime overheads---remain daunting

    Using Class-Level Static Properties to Predict Object Lifetimes

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    Today, most modern programming languages such as C # or Java use an automatic memory management system also known as a Garbage Collector (GC). Over the course of program execution, new objects are allocated in memory, and some older objects become unreachable (die). In order for the program to keep running, it becomes necessary to free the memory of dead objects; this task is performed periodically by the GC. Research has shown that most objects die young and as a result, generational collectors have become very popular over the years. Yet, these algorithms are not good at handling long-lived objects. Typically, long-lived objects would first be allocated in the nursery space and be promoted (copied) to an older generation after surviving a garbage collection, hence wasting precious time. By allocating long-lived and immortal objects directly into infrequently or never collected regions, pretenuring can reduce garbage collection costs significantly. Current state of the art methodology to predict object lifetime involves off-line profiling combined with a simple, heuristic classification. Profiling is slow (can take days), requires gathering gigabytes of data that need to be analysed (can take hours), and needs to be repeated for every previously unseen program. This thesis explores the space of lifetime predictions and shows how object lifetimes can be predicted accurately and quickly using simple program characteristics gathered within minutes. Following an innovative methodology introduced in this thesis, object lifetime predictions are fed into a specifically modified Java virtual machine. Performance tests show gains in GC times of as much as 77% for the “SPEC jvm98” benchmarks, against a generational copying collector

    Dynamic Adaptive Pre-Tenuring

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    In a generational garbage collector, a pre-tenured object is one that is allocated directly in the old generation. Pretenuring long-lived objects reduces the number of times that they are scanned or copied during garbage collection. Previous work has investigated pre-tenuring based on o#-line analysis of execution traces. This paper builds on that work by presenting a dynamic technique in which the decision to pre-tenure a particular kind of object is taken at run-time. This allows decisions to depend on the inputs of a particular application run and also allows decisions to be changed as the application enters di#erent phases. An implementation is presented for the ResearchVM Java Virtual Machine

    Dynamic adaptive pre-tenuring

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