331 research outputs found

    Machiavelli's Belfagor and the Dutch Mirror of Evil Women

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    Machiavelli’s Belfagor (written in the 1520’s and first published in 1549), a satirical tale about the devil who takes a bride, enjoyed a circulation of its own in the seventeenth-century, independently of the author ’s political writings. This article deals with the Dutch translation of this novella, by placing it in the context of popular and misogynist literature in the Early Modern period, as well as in the context of Dutch seventeenth-century culture and practices of translation. Belfagor combines Florentine folklore with statements about gender, politics and religion. In 1668 it appeared in the Netherlands in a printed miscellany, the Spiegel der quade vrouwen [Mirror of Evil Women]. In France and in England, in the context of the debate known as the ‘querelle des femmes’ or ‘battle of the trousers’, pamphlets and collections on the theme circulated widely. Belfagor fits perfectly within this tradition, also thriving in the Dutch Golden Age. But Machiavelli’s tale could also be valued by Dutch readers for its anti-absolutist strain and its polemic against the clergy. These issues were particularly welcome in the Protestant Dutch republic. Furthermore, the translation of Italian prose (Boccaccio and Machiavelli) helped the Dutch literary system to develop its own ‘middle style’

    Migrants and Merchants: Two Early Modern Dutch Readers and their English Contemporaries

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    Against the background of recent English studies on manuscript culture, Nelleke Moser focuses on two Dutch manuscript miscellanies. One was created by Jacob de Moor (1538/39-1599), a physician who fled from Antwerp to the northern Netherlands, the other by his son David de Moor (1598-1643), a merchant and bookkeeper from Amsterdam. Whereas English manuscript culture is often associated with aristocratic circles, universities, and the Inns of Court, Dutch manuscript culture was in the hands of upper-middle-class readers, who participated in literary institutions called chambers of rhetoric. The evidence here presented suggests that upper-middle-class readers compiling manuscript miscellanies deserve more attention in England, too. ©2010 by Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery

    The many shapes of medieval Chinese plays : How texts are transformed to meet the needs of actors, spectators, censors, and readers

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    When Voltaire's L'Orphelin de la Chine (1755) is mentioned nowadays in general histories of Western theater, it is not because of its eminent literary qualities, even though, like practically everything by Voltaire, the play is written with wit and flair. It is rather mentioned for its influence on one particular aspect of performance: costume. L'Orphelin de la Chine was in its own day an extremely popular play that was performed, in French and in translation, all over Europe by actors and actresses in "authentic costume." Until well into the eighteenth century, actors in tragedy performed all plays in a limited set of costumes, but in L'Orphelin de la Chine they tried to dress as Chinese--to the best of their knowledge. As with every change in performance practice, this daring innovation had its detractors at the time. One Dutch observer noted that the heavily perspiring performers of the Dutch version of Voltaire's tragedy in their oriental draperies looked more like "Armenian merchants" than anything Chinese (Hartnoll 1968:158-59, Worp 1908:268).Issue title: Performance Literature II

    Elisabeth's manly courage. Testimonials and songs of martyred Anabaptist women in the Low Countries.

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    History of Church Music: A General Overview

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    The development of Church liturgical music today cannot be separated from the development of Church music over time. It is commonly understood that attempting to describe the over 2000-year history of the Church's music in a single tract is impractical. As a result, the breakdown is broad, allowing us to see the progression of Church music from one epoch to the next. Church music is influenced or exists in the context of history as a whole, as well as the context of music history as a whole. This paper focuses on the systematic review and examination of published primary sources that are kept in various collections, libraries, and record centers. The bibliography digs deeper into these sources as well as archival collections. The history of liturgical music has its unique musical style in every era. There is Baroque music (17th century), Renaissance music (15-17th century), Classical music (18th century), Romantic music (19th century), Impressionist music (late 19th century) but faded after World War I, and various modern music of the 20th century, both profane (such as jazz, tango, pop, rock, and so on) and religious. Today, music is regarded as an integral aspect of the Church's liturgy.   Keywords: Church, Church Music, Liturgy, Music HistoryPerkembangan musik liturgi Gereja saat ini tidak lepas dari perkembangan musik Gereja dari waktu ke waktu. Secara umum dipahami bahwa upaya untuk menggambarkan sejarah musik Gereja selama lebih dari 2000 tahun dalam satu traktat adalah tidak praktis. Akibatnya, perinciannya luas, memungkinkan kita untuk melihat perkembangan musik Gereja dari satu zaman ke zaman berikutnya. Musik gereja dipengaruhi atau ada dalam konteks sejarah secara keseluruhan, serta konteks sejarah musik secara keseluruhan. Makalah ini berfokus pada tinjauan sistematis dan pemeriksaan sumber primer yang diterbitkan yang disimpan di berbagai koleksi, perpustakaan, dan pusat rekaman. Bibliografi menggali lebih dalam sumber-sumber ini serta koleksi arsip. Sejarah musik liturgi memiliki gaya musik yang unik di setiap zaman. Ada musik Baroque (abad ke-17), musik Renaisans (abad ke-15-17), musik Klasik (abad ke-18), musik Romantis (abad ke-19), musik Impresionis (akhir abad ke-19) namun memudar setelah Perang Dunia I, dan berbagai musik modern. abad ke-20, baik yang profan (seperti jazz, tango, pop, rock, dan sebagainya) maupun religius. Saat ini, musik dianggap sebagai aspek integral dari liturgi Gereja. Kata Kunci: Gereja, Musik Gereja, Liturgi, Sejarah Musi

    Controversial Poetry 1400–1625

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    How to deal with conflicts? Poetry played a crucial role in dealing with religious and political conflicts from 1400 until 1625. All over Europe there was a lively debate. Controversial poetry presents historical controversies in Latin, Italian, Dutch, German, Scots, and Hungarian poetry.; Readership: Researchers in the fields of Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Scots, and Comparative Literature; Musicology, History of Song, Media History; Media Theory, Philosophical and psychological Aesthetics; Early Modern Cultural and Political History; Church History, Theology. Musicians, especially of Renaissance and Baroque music. Forschende in den folgenden Feldern: Deutsche, Italienische, Lateinische, NiederlĂ€ndische, Schottische, Ungarische und Vergleichende Literatur; Musikwissenschaft, Geschichte des Lieds, Mediengeschichte; Medientheorie, Philosophische und Psychologische Ästhetik; Kultur- und politische Geschichte der frĂŒhen Neuzeit; Kirchengeschichte, Theologie. Musiker*innen, vor allem von Renaissance- und Barock-Musi

    Historical sources of ethnomusicology in contemporary debate

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    This anthology concerns traditional music and archives, and discusses their relationship as seen from historical and epistemological perspectives. Music recordings on wax cylinders, 78 records or magnetic tape, made in the first half of the 20th century, are regarded today as valuable sources for understanding musical processes in their social dimension and as unique cultural heritage. Most of these historical sound recordings are preserved in sound archives, now increasingly accessible in digital formats. Written by renowned experts, the articles here focus on archives, individual and collective memory, and heritage as today’s recreation of the past. Contributors discuss the role of historical sources of traditional music in contemporary research based on examples from music cultures in West Africa, Scandinavia, Turkey, and Portugal, among others. The book will appeal to musicologists and cultural anthropologists, as well as historians and sociologists, and will be of interest to anyone concerned with sound archives, libraries, universities and cultural institutions dedicated to traditional music

    Controversial Poetry 1400–1625

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    How to deal with conflicts? Poetry played a crucial role in dealing with religious and political conflicts from 1400 until 1625. All over Europe there was a lively debate. Controversial poetry presents historical controversies in Latin, Italian, Dutch, German, Scots, and Hungarian poetry.; Readership: Researchers in the fields of Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Scots, and Comparative Literature; Musicology, History of Song, Media History; Media Theory, Philosophical and psychological Aesthetics; Early Modern Cultural and Political History; Church History, Theology. Musicians, especially of Renaissance and Baroque music. Forschende in den folgenden Feldern: Deutsche, Italienische, Lateinische, NiederlĂ€ndische, Schottische, Ungarische und Vergleichende Literatur; Musikwissenschaft, Geschichte des Lieds, Mediengeschichte; Medientheorie, Philosophische und Psychologische Ästhetik; Kultur- und politische Geschichte der frĂŒhen Neuzeit; Kirchengeschichte, Theologie. Musiker*innen, vor allem von Renaissance- und Barock-Musi

    Bibles and Books: Bohemia and Hungary

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