93 research outputs found

    An Energy-Efficient Generic Accuracy Configurable Multiplier Based on Block-Level Voltage Overscaling

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    Voltage Overscaling (VOS) is one of the well-known techniques to increase the energy efficiency of arithmetic units. Also, it can provide significant lifetime improvements, while still meeting the accuracy requirements of inherently error-resilient applications. This paper proposes a generic accuracy-configurable multiplier that employs the VOS at a coarse-grained level (block-level) to reduce the control logic required for applying VOS and its associated overheads, thus enabling a high degree of trade-off between energy consumption and output quality. The proposed configurable Block-Level VOS-based (BL-VOS) multiplier relies on employing VOS in a multiplier composed of smaller blocks, where applying VOS in different blocks results in structures with various output accuracy levels. To evaluate the proposed concept, we implement 8-bit and 16-bit BL-VOS multipliers with various blocks width in a 15-nm FinFET technology. The results show that the proposed multiplier achieves up to 15% lower energy consumption and up to 21% higher output accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art VOS-based multipliers. Also, the effects of Process Variation (PV) and Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) induced delay on the proposed multiplier are investigated. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed multiplier is studied for two different image processing applications, in terms of quality and energy efficiency.Comment: This paper has been published in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computin

    Approximate Multiplier based on Low power and reduced latency with Modified LSB design

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    The devised approximation multiplier can adapt the precision and processing power needed formul triplication sat run-time based on the needs of the user. To decrease error distance, we also suggest a straight forward error compensation circuit. There are two types of approximate multi pliers. Dynamic voltages caling can be used for the first kind, which controls the timing route of the multiplier. If the voltage is lower, the critical path will take longer to complete. As a result, when the time path is violated, errors occurs and approximated results are produced. These cond types involves redesigning precise multiplier circuits like the Wallace Tree Multiplier and Dadda Tree Multiplier in order to change the functional behaviors of multipliers. Most of the earlier research on rebuilding multipliers suggested erroneous m-n compressors, which have m inputs and producen outputs. It dynamically reduces the area covered under the multiplier LSB which enables the MSB in accurate manner and LSB in approximate manner. This convolution al system approach is regarded to sequential cover up more than 32 bit multiplier. Since the accompanied circuit reduce then tire area by10times lesser than original multiplier, this conventional unit is regarded as abled circuit in the segment. Since the process of compressing partial products absorbed the majority of the multiplier energy and resulted in a consider able route delay, these incorrect compressors were utilized to compress the partial products within multiplication. These functionality are over come through our experimental setup

    Design automation of approximate circuits with runtime reconfigurable accuracy

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    Leveraging the inherent error tolerance of a vast number of application domains that are rapidly growing, approximate computing arises as a design alternative to improve the efficiency of our computing systems by trading accuracy for energy savings. However, the requirement for computational accuracy is not fixed. Controlling the applied level of approximation dynamically at runtime is a key to effectively optimize energy, while still containing and bounding the induced errors at runtime. In this paper, we propose and implement an automatic and circuit independent design framework that generates approximate circuits with dynamically reconfigurable accuracy at runtime. The generated circuits feature varying accuracy levels, supporting also accurate execution. Extensive experimental evaluation, using industry strength flow and circuits, demonstrates that our generated approximate circuits improve the energy by up to 41% for 2% error bound and by 17.5% on average under a pessimistic scenario that assumes full accuracy requirement in the 33% of the runtime. To demonstrate further the efficiency of our framework, we considered two state-of-the-art technology libraries which are a 7nm conventional FinFET and an emerging technology that boosts performance at a high cost of increased dynamic power

    Improving the Hardware Performance of Arithmetic Circuits using Approximate Computing

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    An application that can produce a useful result despite some level of computational error is said to be error resilient. Approximate computing can be applied to error resilient applications by intentionally introducing error to the computation in order to improve performance, and it has been shown that approximation is especially well-suited for application in arithmetic computing hardware. In this thesis, novel approximate arithmetic architectures are proposed for three different operations, namely multiplication, division, and the multiply accumulate (MAC) operation. For all designs, accuracy is evaluated in terms of mean relative error distance (MRED) and normalized mean error distance (NMED), while hardware performance is reported in terms of critical path delay, area, and power consumption. Three approximate Booth multipliers (ABM-M1, ABM-M2, ABM-M3) are designed in which two novel inexact partial product generators are used to reduce the dimensions of the partial product matrix. The proposed multipliers are compared to other state-of-the-art designs in terms of both accuracy and hardware performance, and are found to reduce power consumption by up to 56% when compared to the exact multiplier. The function of the multipliers is verified in several image processing applications. Two approximate restoring dividers (AXRD-M1, AXRD-M2) are proposed along with a novel inexact restoring divider cell. In the first divider, the conventional cells are replaced with the proposed inexact cells in several columns. The second divider computes only a subset of the trial subtractions, after which the divisor and partial remainder are rounded and encoded so that they may be used to estimate the remaining quotient bits. The proposed dividers are evaluated for accuracy and hardware performance alongside several benchmarking designs, and their function is verified using change detection and foreground extraction applications. An approximate MAC unit is presented in which the multiplication is implemented using a modified version of ABM-M3. The delay is reduced by using a fused architecture where the accumulator is summed as part of the multiplier compression. The accuracy and hardware savings of the MAC unit are measured against several works from the literature, and the design is utilized in a number of convolution operations

    Input-Conscious Approximate Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) Unit for Energy-Efficiency

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    The Multiply-Accumulate Unit (MAC) is an integral computational component of all digital signal processing (DSP) architectures and thus has a significant impact on their speed and power dissipation. Due to an extraordinary explosion in the number of battery-powered “Internet of Things” (IoT) devices, the need for reducing the power consumption of DSP architectures has tremendously increased. Approximate computing (AxC) has been proposed as a potential solution for this problem targeting error-resilient applications. In this paper, we present a novel FPGA implementation for input-aware energy-efficient 8-bit approximate MAC (AxMAC) unit that reduces its power consumption by: performing multiplication operation approximately, or approximating the input operands then replacing multiplication by a simple shift operation. We propose an input-aware conditional block to bypass operands multiplication by (1) zero forwarding for zero-value operands, (2) judiciously approximating 43.8% of inputs into power-of-2 values, and (3) replacing the multiplication of power-of-2 operands by a simple shift operation. Experimental results show that these simplification techniques reduce delay, power and energy consumption with an acceptable quality degradation. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed AxMAC units on two image processing applications, i.e., image blending and filtering, and a logistic regression classification application. These applications demonstrate a negligible quality loss, with 66.6% energy reduction and 5% area overhead

    A Survey on Design Methodologies for Accelerating Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Architectures

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    In recent years, the field of Deep Learning has seen many disruptive and impactful advancements. Given the increasing complexity of deep neural networks, the need for efficient hardware accelerators has become more and more pressing to design heterogeneous HPC platforms. The design of Deep Learning accelerators requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining expertise from several areas, spanning from computer architecture to approximate computing, computational models, and machine learning algorithms. Several methodologies and tools have been proposed to design accelerators for Deep Learning, including hardware-software co-design approaches, high-level synthesis methods, specific customized compilers, and methodologies for design space exploration, modeling, and simulation. These methodologies aim to maximize the exploitable parallelism and minimize data movement to achieve high performance and energy efficiency. This survey provides a holistic review of the most influential design methodologies and EDA tools proposed in recent years to implement Deep Learning accelerators, offering the reader a wide perspective in this rapidly evolving field. In particular, this work complements the previous survey proposed by the same authors in [203], which focuses on Deep Learning hardware accelerators for heterogeneous HPC platforms

    X-Rel: Energy-Efficient and Low-Overhead Approximate Reliability Framework for Error-Tolerant Applications Deployed in Critical Systems

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    Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) is one of the most common techniques in fault-tolerant systems, in which the output is determined by a majority voter. However, the design diversity of replicated modules and/or soft errors that are more likely to happen in the nanoscale era may affect the majority voting scheme. Besides, the significant overheads of the TMR scheme may limit its usage in energy consumption and area-constrained critical systems. However, for most inherently error-resilient applications such as image processing and vision deployed in critical systems (like autonomous vehicles and robotics), achieving a given level of reliability has more priority than precise results. Therefore, these applications can benefit from the approximate computing paradigm to achieve higher energy efficiency and a lower area. This paper proposes an energy-efficient approximate reliability (X-Rel) framework to overcome the aforementioned challenges of the TMR systems and get the full potential of approximate computing without sacrificing the desired reliability constraint and output quality. The X-Rel framework relies on relaxing the precision of the voter based on a systematical error bounding method that leverages user-defined quality and reliability constraints. Afterward, the size of the achieved voter is used to approximate the TMR modules such that the overall area and energy consumption are minimized. The effectiveness of employing the proposed X-Rel technique in a TMR structure, for different quality constraints as well as with various reliability bounds are evaluated in a 15-nm FinFET technology. The results of the X-Rel voter show delay, area, and energy consumption reductions of up to 86%, 87%, and 98%, respectively, when compared to those of the state-of-the-art approximate TMR voters.Comment: This paper has been published in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) System

    Approximate logic synthesis: a survey

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    Approximate computing is an emerging paradigm that, by relaxing the requirement for full accuracy, offers benefits in terms of design area and power consumption. This paradigm is particularly attractive in applications where the underlying computation has inherent resilience to small errors. Such applications are abundant in many domains, including machine learning, computer vision, and signal processing. In circuit design, a major challenge is the capability to synthesize the approximate circuits automatically without manually relying on the expertise of designers. In this work, we review methods devised to synthesize approximate circuits, given their exact functionality and an approximability threshold. We summarize strategies for evaluating the error that circuit simplification can induce on the output, which guides synthesis techniques in choosing the circuit transformations that lead to the largest benefit for a given amount of induced error. We then review circuit simplification methods that operate at the gate or Boolean level, including those that leverage classical Boolean synthesis techniques to realize the approximations. We also summarize strategies that take high-level descriptions, such as C or behavioral Verilog, and synthesize approximate circuits from these descriptions

    Design of Efficient DNN Accelerator Architectures

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are the fundamental processing unit behind modern Artificial Intelligence (AI). Accordingly, expecting a future with smart devices that are able to monitor, decide, and take action seems reasonable. However, DNNs are computation and power-hungry, which makes deployment of them into edge devices challenging. The focus of this dissertation is on designing architectures to perform the inference of DNNs efficiently. The contents of this dissertation can be divided into four specific areas: (1) early detection of the ineffectual computations inside the computation engine; (2) enhancing the utilization of Processing Elements (PEs) inside the computation engine; (3) skipping identical effectual computations through binary Multiply and Accumulation (MAC) operations; (4) the design of approximate DNN accelerators. In most DNNs, an activation function follows a convolutional or a fully connected layer. Several popular activation functions involve setting all negative inputs to zero. In this dissertation, firstly, the characteristics of activation layers that are considered for adding non-linearity to DNNs are studied. Then, a novel architecture in which the activation function is merged with the prior computational layer is proposed. To add more detail, the proposed architecture coordinates early sign detection of output features. When compared to the original design, our method achieves a speedup of ×2.19 and reduces energy consumption by ×1.94. The average reduction in the number of multiply-accumulate~(MAC) operations is 10.64% and the average reduction in the number of load operations is 3.86%. These improvements are achieved while maintaining classification accuracy in two popular benchmark networks. One of the main challenges that DNN accelerator developers face is keeping all the PEs busy with performing effectual computations while running DNNs. In this dissertation, a Twin-PE for spatial DNN accelerators is introduced that increases the utilization of the PEs and the performance of the whole computation engine. In more detail, the proposed architecture which comes with a negligible area overhead is implemented based on sharing the scratchpads between the PEs to use the available slack time caused by applying computation-pruning techniques. When compared to the reference design, our proposed method achieves a speedup of ×1.24 and an energy efficiency of ×1.18 per inference. Decomposing the MAC operations down to bit-level provides the chance of skipping bit-wise and word-wise sparsity. However, there is still room for pruning the effectual computations without reducing the accuracy of DNNs. In this dissertation, a novel real-time architecture by decomposing multiplications down to bit level and pruning identical computations while running benchmark networks. Our proposed design achieves an average per layer speedup of ×1.4 and energy efficiency of ×1.21 per inference while maintaining the accuracy of benchmark networks. Applying approximate computing techniques reduces the cost of the underlying circuits so that DNN inference would be performed more efficiently. However, applying approximation to DNNs is somehow different from other applications. In this dissertation, a step-wise approach for implementing a re-configurable Booth multiplier suitable for inference of DNNs is proposed. In addition, the tolerance of different layers of DNNs to approximation is evaluated and the effect of applying various degrees of approximation on inference accuracy is explored. The proposed design achieves an area efficiency of ×1.19 and energy efficiency of ×1.28 compared to the exact design while running benchmark DNNs

    Energy-efficient embedded machine learning algorithms for smart sensing systems

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    Embedded autonomous electronic systems are required in numerous application domains such as Internet of Things (IoT), wearable devices, and biomedical systems. Embedded electronic systems usually host sensors, and each sensor hosts multiple input channels (e.g., tactile, vision), tightly coupled to the electronic computing unit (ECU). The ECU extracts information by often employing sophisticated methods, e.g., Machine Learning. However, embedding Machine Learning algorithms poses essential challenges in terms of hardware resources and energy consumption because of: 1) the high amount of data to be processed; 2) computationally demanding methods. Leveraging on the trade-off between quality requirements versus computational complexity and time latency could reduce the system complexity without affecting the performance. The objectives of the thesis are to develop: 1) energy-efficient arithmetic circuits outperforming state of the art solutions for embedded machine learning algorithms, 2) an energy-efficient embedded electronic system for the \u201celectronic-skin\u201d (e-skin) application. As such, this thesis exploits two main approaches: Approximate Computing: In recent years, the approximate computing paradigm became a significant major field of research since it is able to enhance the energy efficiency and performance of digital systems. \u201cApproximate Computing\u201d(AC) turned out to be a practical approach to trade accuracy for better power, latency, and size . AC targets error-resilient applications and offers promising benefits by conserving some resources. Usually, approximate results are acceptable for many applications, e.g., tactile data processing,image processing , and data mining ; thus, it is highly recommended to take advantage of energy reduction with minimal variation in performance . In our work, we developed two approximate multipliers: 1) the first one is called \u201cMETA\u201d multiplier and is based on the Error Tolerant Adder (ETA), 2) the second one is called \u201cApproximate Baugh-Wooley(BW)\u201d multiplier where the approximations are implemented in the generation of the partial products. We showed that the proposed approximate arithmetic circuits could achieve a relevant reduction in power consumption and time delay around 80.4% and 24%, respectively, with respect to the exact BW multiplier. Next, to prove the feasibility of AC in real world applications, we explored the approximate multipliers on a case study as the e-skin application. The e-skin application is defined as multiple sensing components, including 1) structural materials, 2) signal processing, 3) data acquisition, and 4) data processing. Particularly, processing the originated data from the e-skin into low or high-level information is the main problem to be addressed by the embedded electronic system. Many studies have shown that Machine Learning is a promising approach in processing tactile data when classifying input touch modalities. In our work, we proposed a methodology for evaluating the behavior of the system when introducing approximate arithmetic circuits in the main stages (i.e., signal and data processing stages) of the system. Based on the proposed methodology, we first implemented the approximate multipliers on the low-pass Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter in the signal processing stage of the application. We noticed that the FIR filter based on (Approx-BW) outperforms state of the art solutions, while respecting the tradeoff between accuracy and power consumption, with an SNR degradation of 1.39dB. Second, we implemented approximate adders and multipliers respectively into the Coordinate Rotational Digital Computer (CORDIC) and the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) circuits; since CORDIC and SVD take a significant part of the computationally expensive Machine Learning algorithms employed in tactile data processing. We showed benefits of up to 21% and 19% in power reduction at the cost of less than 5% accuracy loss for CORDIC and SVD circuits when scaling the number of approximated bits. 2) Parallel Computing Platforms (PCP): Exploiting parallel architectures for near-threshold computing based on multi-core clusters is a promising approach to improve the performance of smart sensing systems. In our work, we exploited a novel computing platform embedding a Parallel Ultra Low Power processor (PULP), called \u201cMr. Wolf,\u201d for the implementation of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for touch modalities classification. First, we tested the ML algorithms at the software level; for RGB images as a case study and tactile dataset, we achieved accuracy respectively equal to 97% and 83.5%. After validating the effectiveness of the ML algorithm at the software level, we performed the on-board classification of two touch modalities, demonstrating the promising use of Mr. Wolf for smart sensing systems. Moreover, we proposed a memory management strategy for storing the needed amount of trained tensors (i.e., 50 trained tensors for each class) in the on-chip memory. We evaluated the execution cycles for Mr. Wolf using a single core, 2 cores, and 3 cores, taking advantage of the benefits of the parallelization. We presented a comparison with the popular low power ARM Cortex-M4F microcontroller employed, usually for battery-operated devices. We showed that the ML algorithm on the proposed platform runs 3.7 times faster than ARM Cortex M4F (STM32F40), consuming only 28 mW. The proposed platform achieves 15 7 better energy efficiency than the classification done on the STM32F40, consuming 81mJ per classification and 150 pJ per operation