1,321 research outputs found

    3D polarized modulation: system analysis and performance

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper we present a novel modulation technique for dual polarization communication systems, which reduces the error rate compared with the existent schemes. This modulation places the symbols in a 3D constellation, rather than the classic approach of 2D. Adjusting the phase of these symbols depending on the information bits, we are able to increase the bit rate. Hence, the proposed scheme conveys information by selecting both polarization state and the phase of radiated electromagnetic wave. We also analyse the performance of 3D Polarized Modulation (PMod) for different constellation sizes and we obtain a curve of rate adaptation. Finally, we compare the proposed 3D PMod with other existing schemes such as single polarization Phase Shift Keying (PSK) and double polarization Vertical Bell Laboratories Layer Space-Time (V-BLAST), both carrying the same number of information bits. The results show that 3D PMod always outperforms all other schemes, except for low order modulation. Therefore, we can conclude that 3D PMod is an excellent candidate for medium and high modulation order transmissions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (updated version

    Measurement campaign on transmit delay diversity for mobile DVB-T/H systems

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    This article is posted here with permission from IEEE - Copyright @ 2010 IEEEThis paper describes the work carried out by Brunel University and Broadreach Systems (UK) to quantify the advantages that can be achieved if Transmit Delay Diversity is applied to systems employing the DVB standard. The techniques investigated can be applied to standard receiver equipment without modification. An extensive and carefully planned field trial was performed during the winter of 2007/2008 in Uxbridge (UK) to validate predictions from theoretical modeling and laboratory simulations. The transmissions were performed in the 730 MHz frequency band with a DVB-T/H transmitter and a mean power of 18.4 dBW. The impact of the transmit antenna separation and the MPE-FEC was also investigated. It is shown that transmit delay diversity significantly improves the quality of reception in fast fading mobile broadcasting application

    Communications systems technology assessment study. Volume 2: Results

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    The cost and technology characteristics are examined for providing special satellite services at UHF, 2.5 GHz, and 14/12 GHz. Considered are primarily health, educational, informational and emergency disaster type services. The total cost of each configuration including space segment, earth station, installation operation and maintenance was optimized to reduce the user's total annual cost and establish preferred equipment performance parameters. Technology expected to be available between now and 1985 is identified and comparisons made between selected alternatives. A key element of the study is a survey of earth station equipment updating past work in the field, providing new insight into technology, and evaluating production and test methods that can reduce costs in large production runs. Various satellite configurations were examined. The cost impact of rain attenuation at Ku-band was evaluated. The factors affecting the ultimate capacity achievable with the available orbital arc and available bandwidth were analyzed

    Satellite-aided mobile communications limited operational test in the trucking industry

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    An experiment with NASA's ATS-6 satellite, that demonstrates the practicality of satellite-aided land mobile communications is described. Satellite communications equipment for the experiment was designed so that it would be no more expensive, when mass produced, than conventional two-way mobile radio equipment. It embodied the operational features and convenience of present day mobile radios. Vehicle antennas 75 cm tall and 2 cm in diameter provided good commercial quality signals to and from trucks and jeeps. Operational applicability and usage data were gathered by installing the radio equipment in five long-haul tractor-trailer trucks and two Air Force search and rescue jeeps. Channel occupancy rates are reported. Air Force personnel found the satellite radio system extremely valuable in their search and rescue mission during maneuvers and actual rescue operations. Propagation data is subjectively analyzed and over 4 hours of random data is categorized and graded as to signal quality on a second by second basis. Trends in different topographic regions are reported. An overall communications reliability of 93% was observed despite low satellite elevation angles ranging from 9 to 24 degrees

    Rooftop and indoor reception with transmit diversity applied to DVB-T networks: A long term measurement campaign

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    Although transmit Delay Diversity (DD) can provide a gain in indoor and other Non Line of Sight situations (NLOS), it can introduce degradation in rooftop reception. In fact, when the Ricean K factor of the channel is significantly high (e.g. Line of Sight reception), the channel performs similar to an AWGN channel where the performance degrades due to DD that artificially increase the fading. This paper investigates through practical evaluation the impacts of Transmit DD on LOS and NLOS stationary reception. Then, it studies 2 techniques to reduce the degradation performance in LOS while aiming to keep the same diversity gain in NLOS receptio

    CellTV - on the Benefit of TV Distribution over Cellular Networks A Case Study

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    As mobile IP-access is becoming the dominant technology for providing wireless services, the demand for more spectrum for this type of access is increasing rapidly. Since IP-access can be used for all types of services, instead of a plethora of dedicated, single-service systems, there is a significant potential to make spectrum use more efficient. In this paper, the feasibility and potential benefit of replacing the current terrestrial UHF TV broadcasting system with a mobile, cellular data (IP-) network is analyzed. In the cellular network, TV content would be provided as {one} of the services, here referred to as CellTV. In the investigation we consider typical Swedish rural and urban environments. We use different models for TV viewing patterns and cellular technologies as expected in the year 2020. Results of the quantitative analysis indicate that CellTV distribution can be beneficial if the TV consumption trend goes towards more specialized programming, more local contents, and more on-demand requests. Mobile cellular systems, with their flexible unicast capabilities, will be an ideal platform to provide these services. However, the results also demonstrate that CellTV is not a spectrum-efficient replacement for terrestrial TV broadcasting with current viewing patterns (i.e. a moderate number of channels with each a high numbers of viewers). In this case, it is doubtful whether the expected spectrum savings can motivate the necessary investments in upgrading cellular sites and developing advanced TV receiver required for the success of CellTV distribution.Comment: To appear on Trans. Broadcasting 201

    Feasibility and systems definition study for Microwave Multi-Application Payload (MMAP)

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    Work completed on three Shuttle/Spacelab experiments is examined: the Adaptive Multibeam Phased Array Antenna (AMPA) Experiment, Electromagnetic Environment Experiment (EEE) and Millimeter Wave Communications Experiment (MWCE). Results included the definition of operating modes, sequence of operation, radii of operation about several ground stations, signal format, foot prints of typical orbits and preliminary definition of ground and user terminals. Conceptual hardware designs, Spacelab interfaces, data handling methods, experiment testing and verification studies were included. The MWCE-MOD I was defined conceptually for a steerable high gain antenna
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