6,990 research outputs found

    Optimization of force-limiting seismic devices connecting structural subsystems

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    This paper is focused on the optimum design of an original force-limiting floor anchorage system for the seismic protection of reinforced concrete (RC) dual wall-frame buildings. This protection strategy is based on the interposition of elasto-plastic links between two structural subsystems, namely the lateral force resisting system (LFRS) and the gravity load resisting system (GLRS). The most efficient configuration accounting for the optimal position and mechanical characteristics of the nonlinear devices is obtained numerically by means of a modified constrained differential evolution algorithm. A 12-storey prototype RC dual wall-frame building is considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the seismic protection strategy

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    A modified differential evolution based solution technique for economic dispatch problems

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    Economic dispatch (ED) plays one of the major roles in power generation systems. The objective of economic dispatch problem is to find the optimal combination of power dispatches from different power generating units in a given time period to minimize the total generation cost while satisfying the specified constraints. Due to valve-point loading effects the objective function becomes nondifferentiable and has many local minima in the solution space. Traditional methods may fail to reach the global solution of ED problems. Most of the existing stochastic methods try to make the solution feasible or penalize an infeasible solution with penalty function method. However, to find the appropriate penalty parameter is not an easy task. Differential evolution is a population-based heuristic approach that has been shown to be very efficient to solve global optimization problems with simple bounds. In this paper, we propose a modified differential evolution based solution technique along with a tournament selection that makes pair-wise comparison among feasible and infeasible solutions based on the degree of constraint violation for economic dispatch problems. We reformulate the nonsmooth objective function to a smooth one and add nonlinear inequality constraints to original ED problems. We consider five ED problems and compare the obtained results with existing standard deterministic NLP solvers as well as with other stochastic techniques available in literature.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Freeze-drying modeling and monitoring using a new neuro-evolutive technique

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    This paper is focused on the design of a black-box model for the process of freeze-drying of pharmaceuticals. A new methodology based on a self-adaptive differential evolution scheme is combined with a back-propagation algorithm, as local search method, for the simultaneous structural and parametric optimization of the model represented by a neural network. Using the model of the freeze-drying process, both the temperature and the residual ice content in the product vs. time can be determine off-line, given the values of the operating conditions (the temperature of the heating shelf and the pressure in the drying chamber). This makes possible to understand if the maximum temperature allowed by the product is trespassed and when the sublimation drying is complete, thus providing a valuable tool for recipe design and optimization. Besides, the black box model can be applied to monitor the freeze-drying process: in this case, the measurement of product temperature is used as input variable of the neural network in order to provide in-line estimation of the state of the product (temperature and residual amount of ice). Various examples are presented and discussed, thus pointing out the strength of the too

    Preliminary capture trajectory design for Europa tomography probe

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    The objective of this work is the preliminary design of a low-DV transfer from an initial elliptical orbit around Jupiter into a final circular orbit around the moon Europa. This type of trajectory represents an excellent opportunity for a low-cost mission to Europa, accomplished through a small orbiter, as in the proposed Europa Tomography Probe mission, a European contribution to NASA’s Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission (or Europa Clipper). The mission strategy is based on the v-infinity leveraging concept, and the use of resonant orbits to exploit multiple gravity-assist from the moon. Possible sequences of resonant orbits are selected with the help of the Tisserand graph. Suitable trajectories are provided by an optimization code based on the parallel running of several differential evolution algorithms. Different solutions are finally compared in terms of propellant consumption and flight time

    Fast micro-differential evolution for topological active net optimization

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    This paper studies the optimization problem of topological active net (TAN), which is often seen in image segmentation and shape modeling. A TAN is a topological structure containing many nodes, whose positions must be optimized while a predefined topology needs to be maintained. TAN optimization is often time-consuming and even constructing a single solution is hard to do. Such a problem is usually approached by a ``best improvement local search'' (BILS) algorithm based on deterministic search (DS), which is inefficient because it spends too much efforts in nonpromising probing. In this paper, we propose the use of micro-differential evolution (DE) to replace DS in BILS for improved directional guidance. The resultant algorithm is termed deBILS. Its micro-population efficiently utilizes historical information for potentially promising search directions and hence improves efficiency in probing. Results show that deBILS can probe promising neighborhoods for each node of a TAN. Experimental tests verify that deBILS offers substantially higher search speed and solution quality not only than ordinary BILS, but also the genetic algorithm and scatter search algorithm
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