23 research outputs found

    Detail-Preserving Controllable Deformation from Sparse Examples

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    This thesis investigates a technique to effectively construct and simulate costumes from a stage production Medea, in a dynamic cloth simulation application like Maya\u27s nDynamics. This was done by using data collected from real-world fabric tests and costume construction in the theatre\u27s costume studio. Fabric tests were conducted and recorded, by testing costume fabrics for drape and behavior with two collision objects. These tests were recreated digitally in Maya to derive appropriate parameters for the digital fabric, by comparing with the original reference. Basic mannequin models were created using the actors\u27 measurements and skeleton-rigged to enable animation. The costumes were then modeled and constrained according to the construction process observed in the costume studio to achieve the same style and stitch as the real costumes. Scenes selected and recorded from Medea were used as reference to animate the actors\u27 models. The costumes were assigned the parameters derived from the fabric tests to produce the simulations. Finally, the scenes were lit and rendered out to obtain the final videos which were compared to the original recordings to ascertain the accuracy of simulation. By obtaining and refining simulation parameters from simple fabric collision tests, and modeling the digital costumes following the procedures derived from real-life costume construction, realistic costume simulation was achieved

    Capture and Modeling of Non-Linear Heterogeneous Soft Tissue

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    This paper introduces a data-driven representation and modeling technique for simulating non-linear heterogeneous soft tissue. It simplifies the construction of convincing deformable models by avoiding complex selection and tuning of physical material parameters, yet retaining the richness of non-linear heterogeneous behavior. We acquire a set of example deformations of a real object, and represent each of them as a spatially varying stress-strain relationship in a finite-element model. We then model the material by non-linear interpolation of these stress-strain relationships in strain-space. Our method relies on a simple-to-build capture system and an efficient run-time simulation algorithm based on incremental loading, making it suitable for interactive computer graphics applications. We present the results of our approach for several non-linear materials and biological soft tissue, with accurate agreement of our model to the measured data.Engineering and Applied Science

    Fast character modeling with sketch-based PDE surfaces

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Virtual characters are 3D geometric models of characters. They have a lot of applications in multimedia. In this paper, we propose a new physics-based deformation method and efficient character modelling framework for creation of detailed 3D virtual character models. Our proposed physics-based deformation method uses PDE surfaces. Here PDE is the abbreviation of Partial Differential Equation, and PDE surfaces are defined as sculpting force-driven shape representations of interpolation surfaces. Interpolation surfaces are obtained by interpolating key cross-section profile curves and the sculpting force-driven shape representation uses an analytical solution to a vector-valued partial differential equation involving sculpting forces to quickly obtain deformed shapes. Our proposed character modelling framework consists of global modeling and local modeling. The global modeling is also called model building, which is a process of creating a whole character model quickly with sketch-guided and template-based modeling techniques. The local modeling produces local details efficiently to improve the realism of the created character model with four shape manipulation techniques. The sketch-guided global modeling generates a character model from three different levels of sketched profile curves called primary, secondary and key cross-section curves in three orthographic views. The template-based global modeling obtains a new character model by deforming a template model to match the three different levels of profile curves. Four shape manipulation techniques for local modeling are investigated and integrated into the new modelling framework. They include: partial differential equation-based shape manipulation, generalized elliptic curve-driven shape manipulation, sketch assisted shape manipulation, and template-based shape manipulation. These new local modeling techniques have both global and local shape control functions and are efficient in local shape manipulation. The final character models are represented with a collection of surfaces, which are modeled with two types of geometric entities: generalized elliptic curves (GECs) and partial differential equation-based surfaces. Our experiments indicate that the proposed modeling approach can build detailed and realistic character models easily and quickly

    Real-time Deep Dynamic Characters

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    Example-based wrinkle synthesis for clothing animation

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    This paper describes a method for animating the appearance of clothing, such as pants or a shirt, that fits closely to a figure's body. Compared to flowing cloth, such as loose dresses or capes, these types of garments involve nearly continuous collision contact and small wrinkles, that can be troublesome for traditional cloth simulation methods. Based on the observation that the wrinkles in closefitting clothing behave in a predominantly kinematic fashion, we have developed an example-based wrinkle synthesis technique. Our method drives wrinkle generation from the pose of the figure's kinematic skeleton. This approach allows high quality clothing wrinkles to be combined with a coarse cloth simulation that computes the global and dynamic aspects of the clothing motion. While the combined results do not exactly match a high-resolution reference simulation, they do capture many of the characteristic fine-scale features and wrinkles. Further, the combined system runs at interactive rates, making it suitable for applications where high-resolution offline simulations would not be a viable option. The wrinkle synthesis method uses a precomputed database built by simulating the high-resolution clothing as the articulated figure is moved over a range of poses. In principle, the space of poses is exponential in the total number of degrees of freedom; however clothing wrinkles are primarily affected by the nearest joints, allowing each joint to be processed independently. During synthesis, mesh interpolation is used to consider the influence of multiple joints, and combined with a coarse simulation to produce the final results at interactive rates

    Data-driven shape analysis and processing

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    Data-driven methods serve an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between shapes. In contrast to traditional approaches that process shapes in isolation of each other, data-driven methods aggregate information from 3D model collections to improve the analysis, modeling and editing of shapes. Through reviewing the literature, we provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these methods, as well as discuss their application to classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing