37 research outputs found

    Downlink and Uplink Cell Association with Traditional Macrocells and Millimeter Wave Small Cells

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) links will offer high capacity but are poor at penetrating into or diffracting around solid objects. Thus, we consider a hybrid cellular network with traditional sub 6 GHz macrocells coexisting with denser mmWave small cells, where a mobile user can connect to either opportunistically. We develop a general analytical model to characterize and derive the uplink and downlink cell association in view of the SINR and rate coverage probabilities in such a mixed deployment. We offer extensive validation of these analytical results (which rely on several simplifying assumptions) with simulation results. Using the analytical results, different decoupled uplink and downlink cell association strategies are investigated and their superiority is shown compared to the traditional coupled approach. Finally, small cell biasing in mmWave is studied, and we show that unprecedented biasing values are desirable due to the wide bandwidth.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Backhaul For Low-Altitude UAVs in Urban Environments

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) acting as access points in cellular networks require wireless backhauls to the core network. In this paper we employ stochastic geometry to carry out an analysis of the UAV backhaul performance that can be achieved with a network of dedicated ground stations. We provide analytical expressions for the probability of successfully establishing a backhaul and the expected data rate over the backhaul link, given either an LTE or a millimeter-wave backhaul. We demonstrate that increasing the density of the ground station network gives diminishing returns on the performance of the UAV backhaul, and that for an LTE backhaul the ground stations can benefit from being colocated with an existing base station network

    Big data assisted CRAN enabled 5G SON architecture

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    The recent development of Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G network technology offers a plethora of opportunities to the IT industry and mobile network operators. 5G cellular technology promises to offer connectivity to massive numbers of IoT devices while meeting low-latency data transmission requirements. A deficiency of the current 4G networks is that the data from IoT devices and mobile nodes are merely passed on to the cloud and the communication infrastructure does not play a part in data analysis. Instead of only passing data on to the cloud, the system could also contribute to data analysis and decision-making. In this work, a Big Data driven self-optimized 5G network design is proposed using the knowledge of emerging technologies CRAN, NVF and SDN. Also, some technical impediments in 5G network optimization are discussed. A case study is presented to demonstrate the assistance of Big Data in solving the resource allocation problem

    Coverage Analysis of Relay Assisted Millimeter Wave Cellular Networks with Spatial Correlation

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    We propose a novel analytical framework for evaluating the coverage performance of a millimeter wave (mmWave) cellular network where idle user equipments (UEs) act as relays. In this network, the base station (BS) adopts either the direct mode to transmit to the destination UE, or the relay mode if the direct mode fails, where the BS transmits to the relay UE and then the relay UE transmits to the destination UE. To address the drastic rotational movements of destination UEs in practice, we propose to adopt selection combining at destination UEs. New expression is derived for the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) coverage probability of the network. Using numerical results, we first demonstrate the accuracy of our new expression. Then we show that ignoring spatial correlation, which has been commonly adopted in the literature, leads to severe overestimation of the SINR coverage probability. Furthermore, we show that introducing relays into a mmWave cellular network vastly improves the coverage performance. In addition, we show that the optimal BS density maximizing the SINR coverage probability can be determined by using our analysis

    Modeling and Analysis of HetNets with mm-Wave Multi-RAT Small Cells Deployed Along Roads

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    We characterize a multi tier network with classical macro cells, and multi radio access technology (RAT) small cells, which are able to operate in microwave and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) bands. The small cells are assumed to be deployed along roads modeled as a Poisson line process. This characterization is more realistic as compared to the classical Poisson point processes typically used in literature. In this context, we derive the association and RAT selection probabilities of the typical user under various system parameters such as the small cell deployment density and mm-wave antenna gain, and with varying street densities. Finally, we calculate the signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) coverage probability for the typical user considering a tractable dominant interference based model for mm-wave interference. Our analysis reveals the need of deploying more small cells per street in cities with more streets to maintain coverage, and highlights that mm-wave RAT in small cells can help to improve the SINR performance of the users.Comment: A 7-page version is submitted to IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Permutation based load balancing technique for long term evolution advanced heterogeneous networks

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    Traffic congestion has been one of the major performance limiting factors of heterogeneous networks (HetNets). There have been several load balancing schemes put up to solve this by balancing load among base stations (BSs), but they appear to be unfeasible due to the complexity required and other unsatisfactory performance aspects. Cell range extension (CRE) has been a promising technique to overcome this challenge. In this paper, a permutation based CRE technique is proposed to find the best possible formation of bias for BSs to achieve load balance among BSs. In comparison to the baseline scheme, results depict that the suggested method attains superior performance in terms of network load balancing and average throughput. The complexity of the suggested algorithm is considerably reduced in comparison to the proposed permutation based CRE method it is further modified from


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    [Id] Proses kelengkapan standarisasi teknologi 5G diharapkan akan selesai sebelum Oktober 2020. Resminya standarisasi ini akan menjadi hal penting untuk komersialisasi jaringan 5G. Teknologi 5G diprediksi akan membutuhkan transformasi akan kebutuhan frekuensi carrier yang sangat tinggi dengan bandwidth yang sangat lebar, densitas ekstrim untuk berbagai divais dan base station, serta sejumlah besar antena. 5G tidak akan menjadi antarmuka udara tunggal sebagaimana pada model generasi sebelumnya. 5G diprediksi akan sangat integratif: jalinan koneksi antarmuka udara dan spektrum 5G bersama-sama dengan teknologi nirkabel yang sudah ada (misalnya: LTE dan WiFi) akan memberikan layanan dengan pesat data tinggi dan cakupan luas, serta menjamin terwujudnya pengalaman pengguna tanpa hambatan. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut, di bagian core network harus berevolusi untuk mencapai tingkat belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dalam hal fleksibilitas dan kecerdasan, regulasi spektrum perlu dikaji kembali dan direvisi, masalah energi dan efisiensi biaya juga akan menjadi pertimbangan yang penting. Berdasarkan studi literatur yang telah dilakukan, artikel ini akan mengidentifikasi dan merumuskan empat kunci penting implementasi teknologi 5G. Kata kunci : implementasi 5G, massive MIMO, jaringan hybrid, mmWave, unified air interface [En] 5G standardization process is expected to be finished before October 2020. This standardization is essential for making 5G network commercial deployment. The 5G technology is forecasted to demand a transformation in the need for very high carrier frequencies with very extensive bandwidth, extreme density for devices and base stations, as well as large numbers of antennas. 5G will not be a distinct air interface based on Radio Access Technology as in former generation models. 5G is predicted to be immensely collaborative: the linkage of air interface and 5G spectrum together with existing wireless technologies (for example: LTE and WiFi) will provide services with universal high-rates coverage and ensure seamless user experience. To support this, the core network must also evolve to achieve an extraordinary level of adjustability and intelligence, spectral standardization needs to be reviewed and revised, energy issues and cost efficiency will also be an important attention. Based on studies that had been done, this article will discuss and identify the four significant keys to the implementation of 5G technology