107 research outputs found

    Real-Time Waveform Prototyping

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    Mobile Netzwerke der fünften Generation zeichen sich aus durch vielfältigen Anforderungen und Einsatzszenarien. Drei unterschiedliche Anwendungsfälle sind hierbei besonders relevant: 1) Industrie-Applikationen fordern Echtzeitfunkübertragungen mit besonders niedrigen Ausfallraten. 2) Internet-of-things-Anwendungen erfordern die Anbindung einer Vielzahl von verteilten Sensoren. 3) Die Datenraten für Anwendung wie z.B. der Übermittlung von Videoinhalten sind massiv gestiegen. Diese zum Teil gegensätzlichen Erwartungen veranlassen Forscher und Ingenieure dazu, neue Konzepte und Technologien für zukünftige drahtlose Kommunikationssysteme in Betracht zu ziehen. Ziel ist es, aus einer Vielzahl neuer Ideen vielversprechende Kandidatentechnologien zu identifizieren und zu entscheiden, welche für die Umsetzung in zukünftige Produkte geeignet sind. Die Herausforderungen, diese Anforderungen zu erreichen, liegen jedoch jenseits der Möglichkeiten, die eine einzelne Verarbeitungsschicht in einem drahtlosen Netzwerk bieten kann. Daher müssen mehrere Forschungsbereiche Forschungsideen gemeinsam nutzen. Diese Arbeit beschreibt daher eine Plattform als Basis für zukünftige experimentelle Erforschung von drahtlosen Netzwerken unter reellen Bedingungen. Es werden folgende drei Aspekte näher vorgestellt: Zunächst erfolgt ein Überblick über moderne Prototypen und Testbed-Lösungen, die auf großes Interesse, Nachfrage, aber auch Förderungsmöglichkeiten stoßen. Allerdings ist der Entwicklungsaufwand nicht unerheblich und richtet sich stark nach den gewählten Eigenschaften der Plattform. Der Auswahlprozess ist jedoch aufgrund der Menge der verfügbaren Optionen und ihrer jeweiligen (versteckten) Implikationen komplex. Daher wird ein Leitfaden anhand verschiedener Beispiele vorgestellt, mit dem Ziel Erwartungen im Vergleich zu den für den Prototyp erforderlichen Aufwänden zu bewerten. Zweitens wird ein flexibler, aber echtzeitfähiger Signalprozessor eingeführt, der auf einer software-programmierbaren Funkplattform läuft. Der Prozessor ermöglicht die Rekonfiguration wichtiger Parameter der physikalischen Schicht während der Laufzeit, um eine Vielzahl moderner Wellenformen zu erzeugen. Es werden vier Parametereinstellungen 'LLC', 'WiFi', 'eMBB' und 'IoT' vorgestellt, um die Anforderungen der verschiedenen drahtlosen Anwendungen widerzuspiegeln. Diese werden dann zur Evaluierung der die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Implementierung herangezogen. Drittens wird durch die Einführung einer generischen Testinfrastruktur die Einbeziehung externer Partner aus der Ferne ermöglicht. Das Testfeld kann hier für verschiedenste Experimente flexibel auf die Anforderungen drahtloser Technologien zugeschnitten werden. Mit Hilfe der Testinfrastruktur wird die Leistung des vorgestellten Transceivers hinsichtlich Latenz, erreichbarem Durchsatz und Paketfehlerraten bewertet. Die öffentliche Demonstration eines taktilen Internet-Prototypen, unter Verwendung von Roboterarmen in einer Mehrbenutzerumgebung, konnte erfolgreich durchgeführt und bei mehreren Gelegenheiten präsentiert werden.:List of figures List of tables Abbreviations Notations 1 Introduction 1.1 Wireless applications 1.2 Motivation 1.3 Software-Defined Radio 1.4 State of the art 1.5 Testbed 1.6 Summary 2 Background 2.1 System Model 2.2 PHY Layer Structure 2.3 Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing 2.4 Wireless Standards 2.4.1 IEEE 802.15.4 2.4.2 802.11 WLAN 2.4.3 LTE 2.4.4 Low Latency Industrial Wireless Communications 2.4.5 Summary 3 Wireless Prototyping 3.1 Testbed Examples 3.1.1 PHY - focused Testbeds 3.1.2 MAC - focused Testbeds 3.1.3 Network - focused testbeds 3.1.4 Generic testbeds 3.2 Considerations 3.3 Use cases and Scenarios 3.4 Requirements 3.5 Methodology 3.6 Hardware Platform 3.6.1 Host 3.6.2 FPGA 3.6.3 Hybrid 3.6.4 ASIC 3.7 Software Platform 3.7.1 Testbed Management Frameworks 3.7.2 Development Frameworks 3.7.3 Software Implementations 3.8 Deployment 3.9 Discussion 3.10 Conclusion 4 Flexible Transceiver 4.1 Signal Processing Modules 4.1.1 MAC interface 4.1.2 Encoding and Mapping 4.1.3 Modem 4.1.4 Post modem processing 4.1.5 Synchronization 4.1.6 Channel Estimation and Equalization 4.1.7 Demapping 4.1.8 Flexible Configuration 4.2 Analysis 4.2.1 Numerical Precision 4.2.2 Spectral analysis 4.2.3 Latency 4.2.4 Resource Consumption 4.3 Discussion 4.3.1 Extension to MIMO 4.4 Summary 5 Testbed 5.1 Infrastructure 5.2 Automation 5.3 Software Defined Radio Platform 5.4 Radio Frequency Front-end 5.4.1 Sub 6 GHz front-end 5.4.2 26 GHz mmWave front-end 5.5 Performance evaluation 5.6 Summary 6 Experiments 6.1 Single Link 6.1.1 Infrastructure 6.1.2 Single Link Experiments 6.1.3 End-to-End 6.2 Multi-User 6.3 26 GHz mmWave experimentation 6.4 Summary 7 Key lessons 7.1 Limitations Experienced During Development 7.2 Prototyping Future 7.3 Open points 7.4 Workflow 7.5 Summary 8 Conclusions 8.1 Future Work 8.1.1 Prototyping Workflow 8.1.2 Flexible Transceiver Core 8.1.3 Experimental Data-sets 8.1.4 Evolved Access Point Prototype For Industrial Networks 8.1.5 Testbed Standardization A Additional Resources A.1 Fourier Transform Blocks A.2 Resource Consumption A.3 Channel Sounding using Chirp sequences A.3.1 SNR Estimation A.3.2 Channel Estimation A.4 Hardware part listThe demand to achieve higher data rates for the Enhanced Mobile Broadband scenario and novel fifth generation use cases like Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency and Massive Machine-type Communications drive researchers and engineers to consider new concepts and technologies for future wireless communication systems. The goal is to identify promising candidate technologies among a vast number of new ideas and to decide, which are suitable for implementation in future products. However, the challenges to achieve those demands are beyond the capabilities a single processing layer in a wireless network can offer. Therefore, several research domains have to collaboratively exploit research ideas. This thesis presents a platform to provide a base for future applied research on wireless networks. Firstly, by giving an overview of state-of-the-art prototypes and testbed solutions. Secondly by introducing a flexible, yet real-time physical layer signal processor running on a software defined radio platform. The processor enables reconfiguring important parameters of the physical layer during run-time in order to create a multitude of modern waveforms. Thirdly, by introducing a generic test infrastructure, which can be tailored to prototype diverse wireless technology and which is remotely accessible in order to invite new ideas by third parties. Using the test infrastructure, the performance of the flexible transceiver is evaluated regarding latency, achievable throughput and packet error rates.:List of figures List of tables Abbreviations Notations 1 Introduction 1.1 Wireless applications 1.2 Motivation 1.3 Software-Defined Radio 1.4 State of the art 1.5 Testbed 1.6 Summary 2 Background 2.1 System Model 2.2 PHY Layer Structure 2.3 Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing 2.4 Wireless Standards 2.4.1 IEEE 802.15.4 2.4.2 802.11 WLAN 2.4.3 LTE 2.4.4 Low Latency Industrial Wireless Communications 2.4.5 Summary 3 Wireless Prototyping 3.1 Testbed Examples 3.1.1 PHY - focused Testbeds 3.1.2 MAC - focused Testbeds 3.1.3 Network - focused testbeds 3.1.4 Generic testbeds 3.2 Considerations 3.3 Use cases and Scenarios 3.4 Requirements 3.5 Methodology 3.6 Hardware Platform 3.6.1 Host 3.6.2 FPGA 3.6.3 Hybrid 3.6.4 ASIC 3.7 Software Platform 3.7.1 Testbed Management Frameworks 3.7.2 Development Frameworks 3.7.3 Software Implementations 3.8 Deployment 3.9 Discussion 3.10 Conclusion 4 Flexible Transceiver 4.1 Signal Processing Modules 4.1.1 MAC interface 4.1.2 Encoding and Mapping 4.1.3 Modem 4.1.4 Post modem processing 4.1.5 Synchronization 4.1.6 Channel Estimation and Equalization 4.1.7 Demapping 4.1.8 Flexible Configuration 4.2 Analysis 4.2.1 Numerical Precision 4.2.2 Spectral analysis 4.2.3 Latency 4.2.4 Resource Consumption 4.3 Discussion 4.3.1 Extension to MIMO 4.4 Summary 5 Testbed 5.1 Infrastructure 5.2 Automation 5.3 Software Defined Radio Platform 5.4 Radio Frequency Front-end 5.4.1 Sub 6 GHz front-end 5.4.2 26 GHz mmWave front-end 5.5 Performance evaluation 5.6 Summary 6 Experiments 6.1 Single Link 6.1.1 Infrastructure 6.1.2 Single Link Experiments 6.1.3 End-to-End 6.2 Multi-User 6.3 26 GHz mmWave experimentation 6.4 Summary 7 Key lessons 7.1 Limitations Experienced During Development 7.2 Prototyping Future 7.3 Open points 7.4 Workflow 7.5 Summary 8 Conclusions 8.1 Future Work 8.1.1 Prototyping Workflow 8.1.2 Flexible Transceiver Core 8.1.3 Experimental Data-sets 8.1.4 Evolved Access Point Prototype For Industrial Networks 8.1.5 Testbed Standardization A Additional Resources A.1 Fourier Transform Blocks A.2 Resource Consumption A.3 Channel Sounding using Chirp sequences A.3.1 SNR Estimation A.3.2 Channel Estimation A.4 Hardware part lis

    Building the Future Internet through FIRE

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    The Internet as we know it today is the result of a continuous activity for improving network communications, end user services, computational processes and also information technology infrastructures. The Internet has become a critical infrastructure for the human-being by offering complex networking services and end-user applications that all together have transformed all aspects, mainly economical, of our lives. Recently, with the advent of new paradigms and the progress in wireless technology, sensor networks and information systems and also the inexorable shift towards everything connected paradigm, first as known as the Internet of Things and lately envisioning into the Internet of Everything, a data-driven society has been created. In a data-driven society, productivity, knowledge, and experience are dependent on increasingly open, dynamic, interdependent and complex Internet services. The challenge for the Internet of the Future design is to build robust enabling technologies, implement and deploy adaptive systems, to create business opportunities considering increasing uncertainties and emergent systemic behaviors where humans and machines seamlessly cooperate

    Control Plane in Software Defined Networks and Stateful Data Planes

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    Classifying resilience approaches for protecting smart grids against cyber threats

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    Smart grids (SG) draw the attention of cyber attackers due to their vulnerabilities, which are caused by the usage of heterogeneous communication technologies and their distributed nature. While preventing or detecting cyber attacks is a well-studied field of research, making SG more resilient against such threats is a challenging task. This paper provides a classification of the proposed cyber resilience methods against cyber attacks for SG. This classification includes a set of studies that propose cyber-resilient approaches to protect SG and related cyber-physical systems against unforeseen anomalies or deliberate attacks. Each study is briefly analyzed and is associated with the proper cyber resilience technique which is given by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the Special Publication 800-160. These techniques are also linked to the different states of the typical resilience curve. Consequently, this paper highlights the most critical challenges for achieving cyber resilience, reveals significant cyber resilience aspects that have not been sufficiently considered yet and, finally, proposes scientific areas that should be further researched in order to enhance the cyber resilience of SG.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    Building the Future Internet through FIRE

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    The Internet as we know it today is the result of a continuous activity for improving network communications, end user services, computational processes and also information technology infrastructures. The Internet has become a critical infrastructure for the human-being by offering complex networking services and end-user applications that all together have transformed all aspects, mainly economical, of our lives. Recently, with the advent of new paradigms and the progress in wireless technology, sensor networks and information systems and also the inexorable shift towards everything connected paradigm, first as known as the Internet of Things and lately envisioning into the Internet of Everything, a data-driven society has been created. In a data-driven society, productivity, knowledge, and experience are dependent on increasingly open, dynamic, interdependent and complex Internet services. The challenge for the Internet of the Future design is to build robust enabling technologies, implement and deploy adaptive systems, to create business opportunities considering increasing uncertainties and emergent systemic behaviors where humans and machines seamlessly cooperate

    MakeSense: An IoT Testbed for Social Research of Indoor Activities

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    There has been increasing interest in deploying IoT devices to study human behaviour in locations such as homes and offices. Such devices can be deployed in a laboratory or `in the wild' in natural environments. The latter allows one to collect behavioural data that is not contaminated by the artificiality of a laboratory experiment. Using IoT devices in ordinary environments also brings the benefits of reduced cost, as compared with lab experiments, and less disturbance to the participants' daily routines which in turn helps with recruiting them into the research. However, in this case, it is essential to have an IoT infrastructure that can be easily and swiftly installed and from which real-time data can be securely and straightforwardly collected. In this paper, we present MakeSense, an IoT testbed that enables real-world experimentation for large scale social research on indoor activities through real-time monitoring and/or situation-aware applications. The testbed features quick setup, flexibility in deployment, the integration of a range of IoT devices, resilience, and scalability. We also present two case studies to demonstrate the use of the testbed, one in homes and one in offices.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    On Statistical QoS Provisioning for Smart Grid

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    Current power system is in the transition from traditional power grid to Smart Grid. A key advantage of Smart Grid is its integration of advanced communication technologies, which can provide real-time system-wide two-way information links. Since the communication system and power system are deeply coupled within the Smart Grid system, it makes Quality of Service (QoS) performance analysis much more complex than that in either system alone. In order to address this challenge, the effective rate theory is studied and extended in this thesis, where a new H transform based framework is proposed. Various scenarios are investigated using the new proposed effective rate framework, including both independent and correlated fading channels. With the effective rate as a connection between the communication system and the power system, an analysis of the power grid observability under communication constraints is performed. Case studies show that the effective rate provides a cross layer analytical framework within the communication system, while its statistical characterisation of the communication delay has the potential to be applied as a general coupling point between the communication system and the power system, especially when real-time applications are considered. Besides the theoretical QoS performance analysis within Smart Grid, a new Software Defined Smart Grid testbed is proposed in this thesis. This testbed provides a versatile evaluation and development environment for Smart Grid QoS performance studies. It exploits the Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) to emulate different power grid configurations and the Software Defined Radio (SDR) environment to implement the communication system. A data acquisition and actuator module is developed, which provides an emulation of various Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). The implemented prototype demonstrates that the proposed testbed has the potential to evaluate real time Smart Grid applications such as real time voltage stability control

    Opportunistic CPU Sharing in Mobile Edge Computing Deploying the Cloud-RAN

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    Leveraging virtualization technology, Cloud-RAN deploys multiple virtual Base Band Units (vBBUs) along with collocated applications on the same Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) server. However, the performance of real-time (RT) applications such as the vBBU could potentially be impacted by sharing computing resources with collocated workloads. To address this challenge, this paper presents a dynamic CPU sharing mechanism, specifically designed for containerized virtualization in MEC servers, that hosts both RT and non-RT general-purpose applications. Initially, the CPU sharing problem in MEC servers is formulated as a Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP). Then, we present an algorithmic solution that breaks down the MIP into simpler subproblems that are then solved using efficient, constant factor heuristics. We assessed the performance of this mechanism against instances of a commercial solver. Further, via a small-scale testbed, we assessed various CPU sharing mechanisms and their effectiveness in reducing the impact of CPU sharing indicate that our CPU sharing mechanism reduces the worstcase execution time by more than 150% compared to the default host RT-Kernel approach. This evidence is strengthened when evaluating this mechanism within Cloud-RAN, in which vBBUs share resources with collocated applications on a MEC server. Using our CPU sharing approach, the vBBU’s scheduling latency decreases by up to 21% in comparison with the host RT-Kernel

    Cross-layer latency-aware and -predictable data communication

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    Cyber-physical systems are making their way into more aspects of everyday life. These systems are increasingly distributed and hence require networked communication to coordinatively fulfil control tasks. Providing this in a robust and resilient manner demands for latency-awareness and -predictability at all layers of the communication and computation stack. This thesis addresses how these two latency-related properties can be implemented at the transport layer to serve control applications in ways that traditional approaches such as TCP or RTP cannot. Thereto, the Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport (PRRT) protocol is presented, including its unique features (e.g. partially reliable, ordered, in-time delivery, and latency-avoiding congestion control) and unconventional APIs. This protocol has been intensively evaluated using the X-Lap toolkit that has been specifically developed to support protocol designers in improving latency, timing, and energy characteristics of protocols in a cross-layer, intra-host fashion. PRRT effectively circumvents latency-inducing bufferbloat using X-Pace, an implementation of the cross-layer pacing approach presented in this thesis. This is shown using experimental evaluations on real Internet paths. Apart from PRRT, this thesis presents means to make TCP-based transport aware of individual link latencies and increases the predictability of the end-to-end delays using Transparent Transmission Segmentation.Cyber-physikalische Systeme werden immer relevanter für viele Aspekte des Alltages. Sie sind zunehmend verteilt und benötigen daher Netzwerktechnik zur koordinierten Erfüllung von Regelungsaufgaben. Um dies auf eine robuste und zuverlässige Art zu tun, ist Latenz-Bewusstsein und -Prädizierbarkeit auf allen Ebenen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik nötig. Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Implementierung dieser zwei Latenz-Eigenschaften auf der Transport-Schicht, sodass Regelungsanwendungen deutlich besser unterstützt werden als es traditionelle Ansätze, wie TCP oder RTP, können. Hierzu wird das PRRT-Protokoll vorgestellt, inklusive seiner besonderen Eigenschaften (z.B. partiell zuverlässige, geordnete, rechtzeitige Auslieferung sowie Latenz-vermeidende Staukontrolle) und unkonventioneller API. Das Protokoll wird mit Hilfe von X-Lap evaluiert, welches speziell dafür entwickelt wurde Protokoll-Designer dabei zu unterstützen die Latenz-, Timing- und Energie-Eigenschaften von Protokollen zu verbessern. PRRT vermeidet Latenz-verursachenden Bufferbloat mit Hilfe von X-Pace, einer Cross-Layer Pacing Implementierung, die in dieser Arbeit präsentiert und mit Experimenten auf realen Internet-Pfaden evaluiert wird. Neben PRRT behandelt diese Arbeit transparente Übertragungssegmentierung, welche dazu dient dem TCP-basierten Transport individuelle Link-Latenzen bewusst zu machen und so die Vorhersagbarkeit der Ende-zu-Ende Latenz zu erhöhen